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Real Ghost Stories

Hospital Ghost


This could not have happen at a better time, last year (2009), about a week before Halloween.

My sisters and I got a call that our grandmother's health had taken a turn for the worst and that the doctors were calling the family in. My grandmother was in the La-Grange Hospital and we were in Newnan, it would take us 30 to 45 minutes to get there. Each of us 4 girls took off from work and we all met at my house where we would ride together to the hospital. Being in such a hurry, neither of us took the time to use the bathroom, so by the time we got to the hospital, me and my baby sister were about to burst. We got parked and Kelly (my baby sister) and I ran into the hospital looking for a bathroom. The entrance that we took - we had to walk through double doors and turn slightly to our right then slightly to our left before heading down a long corridor. The corridor led us to a gift shop that sat on the right. Just before the gift shop there were two small bathrooms (1 for men and 1 for women) to the left of the hall.

My sister and I were racing to the bathrooms when we saw an elderly woman in front of us. She was about 25 feet away from us. She was stooped over a tad and wore an old outdated black coat and an old black hat with a flower attached to the side of the hat. (It was not cold enough outside to wear a coat.) The old woman entered the bathroom and my sister and I raced in after her.

The bathroom was so small that it only had two stalls and one sink and three people would be considered a crowd. My sister beat me to the second stall (after she saw the old woman enter the first stall and heard her lock the stall). My sister and I were laughing at each other and we are talking to each other while my sister was in the stall, I was (play) fussing at her for beating me to the only available stall. So here I was standing outside the first stall waiting for the old woman to come out. All of the sudden the door to the first stall slowly creeped open and I stepped to the side so that the old woman could get out (told you the bathroom was very small). After a few seconds no one came out and I peeked around and pushed the door open a little bit more. I was scared that I may find the poor old lady sitting on the toilet and she had let the door come open on her or something and we would both have an awkward moment. I looked into the stall AND NO ONE IS THERE! My sister was still in the second stall and I said "Kelly, wasn't that old woman in this other stall?" my sister replied with a yes and why. I said "Kelly, she's' not here."

Kelly: "What do you mean she's' not in there, I saw her go in."

Me: Well, she has either gone down the toilet or she has disappeared."

Kelly: "Did you see her go out?"

Me: "Err, Kelly, she would have had to bump into me to get out and NO, she did not go past me."

The conversation went on like this for a few more seconds ending with my sister coming out of the second stall fast as lightning with her pants half buttoned. Flying toward the door she turned to me and asked if I was coming and I responded that I have business to take care of. Of course my sister left me there alone while I took care of business in the FIRST STALL. (I was either feeling brave or stupid that day - LOL.)

After I came out of the bathroom my sister was waiting by the gift shop - we knew we had just had a ghostly encounter. Retelling the story to the rest of our family members had them thinking we were off our rocker. I retold the story again to the nurse who was assigned to my grandmother and she confirmed that there had been several ghost sightings in the hospital.

I'll end this ghost story on a happier note -- my grandmother pulled through and is still kicking up her heels to this day.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, applerose, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2011-07-04)
Thank you Leehome - I'm glad that you enjoyed the story. However, I'm sad to report that my grandmother has recently passed away.
Leehome (1 stories) (15 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-02)
This is a great story. Such undeniable evidence that this world is not what it seems. I love it. This one is going in my favorites and I'm new so it will be one of the first!
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-12)
Thank you my friends - I hope to have the story out in the next few weeks - real busy right now- two weeks before summerbreak. Love you all❀
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-05-12)
applerose - I was so thrilled to see your name up here again, until I saw the reason why.

I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your grandmother 😒. There are no words I can offer to help you through this, so just know I am thinking of you and looking forward to reading your next story ❀
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-12)
I'm so sorry to hear about your grandmother. My deepest sympathy goes out to you and your family. We will keep an eye out for your story, and will be here if you need us. ❀
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-12)
My condolences. Your friends here wish you and your family the best through this troubling time.

applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-12)
FYI - to all my friends:

I wanted you all to know that sadly, my grandmother passed away April 10 2011. She lived for 91 years - and we will all miss her. However, she has already made contact - with my mother and my baby sister - and I will be submitting that story very soon.
Hope everyone has a blessed day. ~applerose~
Ms-Foresight (11 posts)
14 years ago (2011-04-24)
Hahahaha, I got scared for a moment that it was your Grandma. Thank god its not!

Grace πŸ˜†
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-15)
Thank you Cindy for reading my story - we still talk and laugh about that day. I wonder if "she" really went down the toliet. πŸ˜†
Cinx102 (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-12-07)
This story was really entertaining. You and your sister sound really fun to hang out with. I cant' believe you still used the bathroom AND in the stall you saw her in; that's amazing! Thanks for sharing!

applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-01)
Spoke to my mother the other day - she laughed when I reminded her of that day in the hospital - I think she is finally coming to the conclusion that her daughters are Not off their rockers and that we DID see a ghost. I also was asking about the UFO that she and I seen - and before I could finish asking her about that day - she responded with "I know what you are going to ask me and yes honey - I do remember" - we talked a long time about that night. If you have not read my UFO story - I'm inviting you to please read.
girlheldtightdown201 (1 stories) (17 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-19)
wow, that was amazing, I'd be scared to where I wouldn't go in the, just hearing about other people experiences makes me not feel so left out, it's amazing how so many things happen we can't explain, then again in your story the lady could've been like an angel since It was in a person form, atleast that's what I have heard some folks say. Cant wait to read more. 😁
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-18)
Applerose, I would be interested in reading about your UFO experiences. I believe there are a few on this site already. Hope to see those stories soon. 😊 ❀
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-17)
applerose - I look forward to reading more of you stories. I truly enjoyed this one.
blue_raven80 (13 stories) (338 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-17)
That was freaky! Since it is a hospital, we cannot change the fact that souls are still stuck there. It's glad to hear that your grandma is ok now.

applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-17)
...Trix and Miracles - thank you for your comments πŸ˜‰
I have been reading your stories -- SCARY STUFF - like ya'll I to have experience quite a few things over the years and a few had the hairs on my neck rise and goosebumps here and there - I hope that I can soon write about these experiences - and see what ya'll think about them. 😁
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-17)
To danyal80 - Well no she did not do anything to us - and to tell you the truth - of all the experiences that I have had over the years - have not been scary - just WEIRD - they all happen when I least expect them - I do not go looking for them (I'm not that brave - LOL) and to tell you the truth I really really really don't want anything scary to happen to me. Maybe you watch too many movies and think that all ghost are to be scary.
As far as you "SORT of being glad that my grandmother pulled through" -well...she is 91 - and her "time" is approaching fast and she does not take too kindly to someone being cynical to her grandaughter - I can only hope that she does not haunt you - joking πŸ˜†
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-17)
Danyal80, I agree with Miracles, Some experiences are scary and some are not. Do you have any stories to share with us? It would be interesting to know how you experience ghosts.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-10-17)
danyal80 - even though this isn't my story and your remark wasn't directed to me, I'm going to comment.

Not all "ghost" stories are scary. The majority of my experiences, and I've had many in over 30 years, aren't scary. I can honestly say that I've only had about 6 or 7 that have scared me really bad. A couple have even brought me to tears.

Most, although not all, experiences with ghosts are like this story. Completely harmless, yet "wow, I just saw a ghost." This is the kind of ghost I prefer to have.

Personally, I think this is great ghost story!

This comment from danyal80 is hidden due to low rating. Show comment

Potterwatcher1997 (13 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-16)
Interesting! Normally, I read ghost stories to try and come up with a logical explanation for them, just to challenge myself, but you seemed to have stumped me! πŸ˜†
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-16)
This is to LIZGO - the name of the hospital is LaGrange Medical
lizgo47 (11 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-15)
WOW! I really get scared easily. You are really brave. What is the name of the hospital?
applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-15)
Thank you all again for your comments on my story - I was going to submit another story - but the window is closed - so you will have to wait until next week for my other stories - I know this is a ghost story site - but I have also had two experiences with UFO's. I will be glad to print them - if requested. If you have had a UFO sighting - I would love to hear about them. 😲
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-15)
I was thinking the same exact thing DCinAZ. When you got to go you got to go... Ghost or No Ghost. LOL! 😁

Applerose, to have you and your sister see this apparition at the same time in my opinion is better than experiencing it by yourself. It's good that you had each other to validate what you saw. I'm happy that your grandmother pulled through and hope you and your family are in good health. Thanks and take care. 😊 ❀
DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2010-10-15)
You could use this as one those "and the moral of the story is..." cautionary tales with an ending of "spirit or no spirit, when you've got to go then you've got to go!" or maybe "when the spirit moves you...". Sorry, I enjoyed your story and got to giggling thinking of how I would have reacted. Not much differently than you I suspect because like I said, when you've got to go... πŸ˜† πŸ˜†
Trix (14 stories) (407 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-15)
Hi applerose, wow... What an amazing story. It's unbelievable how real some ghosts can look. I must say you were very brave to stay in there. Thanks for sharing such an interesting story. Trix ❀
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-14)
I liked this story, as Miracles mentioned the fact that you both witnessed the woman verifies that you did encounter a ghost. Your brave for staying in there by yourself I give you credit for that.

Thanks for sharing.

applerose (13 stories) (139 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-14)
Thanks Guys for the comments - it was quite a shock and it did have me and my sister second-guessing ourselves - but then we came to the conclusion that we saw what we saw - END OF STORY. LOL.
This was the latest of things that have happen to me - I have had many more experiences with creepy spirits. None real scary - just caught off guard when it happens - each time something happen I would stand there and think "did that REALLY just happen".
When I have the time - I will be submitting more stories - going back to when I was just a child.
Spirit_I_Private_Detective (18 posts)
14 years ago (2010-10-14)
I'm not sure what it is about ghosts, bathrooms, and convenient timing. Perhaps this ghost had a sense of humor and decided it would be funny to make you wait longer to use the restroom. πŸ˜†

That's fantastic that you were able to see an apparition consistently as she walked, and that she also locked the door. I'd be tempted to say it was a time-lapse of some sort 😁

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