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Am I Ever Home Alone


Hey guys this is a very impromptu story. I have recently written about my house, which is a new build and I believe it is on the site where devil worship used to take place! Long story, it is on here, strange bumps and bangs, things moving etc., nothing I can't deal with. It usually gets worse when my girlfriends out of the house.

Well tonight my girlfriend is out with her mate for a drink and I've just returned home from football to find all five of my cats and my dog hiding in my bedroom! I didn't think too much because it is near firework night and that could have scared them up here, so I have a shower, put on some TV, start up my iMac grab a beer and then from down stairs two loud bangs "BANG" "BANG" one after the other, I rush down and find two dining chairs lying on the floor next to each other not just as if they'd fallen but as if they'd actually been placed like that! I just laughed, this is my house and nothing is going to scare me or intimidate me! I put the chairs back went back upstairs and opened my much anticipated beer, sat at the comp; I had my usual browse on Facebook, check the football scores, read any new stories on here. As I'm reading through someone's story I get a tap on the shoulder, a real tap, like a palm of the hand on my shoulder, at first it didn't scare me until I realised I was home alone!

As said before, nothing will scare me in my own home, but I am writing this with the light on now!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, otisian8, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
Points well taken and clarification much appreciated... You best karate student inside, Daniel-son.

ammoo (2 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-17)
hahahaha funny! Your not scared but your writing your story with the lights on. I think before your house was been build. There a story behind that.
otisian8 (5 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-16)
i don't know if youve had someone break into your home before but that is genuinely scary, but what I seem to be experiencing doesn't feel like that, I came home to an empty house nothing felt strange I was quite contempt, I don't ever expect anything out of the ordinary to occur... Yeah I was put out when my chairs fell over (its happened again since and they are very expensive) but I knew there was no one else there, it could have been paranormal or just a random freak unexplainable thing!
What would you have done?! (I opened a beer, think I handled it very well!)
As for the touch on the shoulder I don't think I slept for two nights! So yeah I was scared and I'm well prepared incase someone breaks in to my home... Again (golf clubs and cricket bat)
What I was trying to get at sensei was that I'm not going to let something have a negative effect on me in my own home. I go to work to get that effect!
Maybe its the way I tell 'em?
I shall return to the writing dojo and sharpen up my story telling, I just don't want to make out that something out of paranormal activity happened to me when its really not like that!
Well that's my rant for the day, this is a great way of reliving stress! Peace out much love
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-16)
Look eye, Daniel-son, always look eye.

I guess that is where my confusion lies. Anyone who thought they were alone would be frightened by an intruder, living or supernatural... And what you now describe as your "tale of terror" was no big deal when it happened.

Sensei Lou
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-15)
That is a great attitude to have. It is your house and you should not have to be run out of your own home. Like whitebuffalo said, telling it to leave might just be the trick. A blessing wouldn't hurt either. Good luck with everything. 😊
otisian8 (5 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-15)
hold on Mr. Miyagi, I knew I was alone the whole time, I was explaining the tale of my terror! There wasn't like a massive late reaction, and there certainly wasn't anyone to play kung-fu with either! Next time I think I'm in danger I'll give you a call, you or chuck norris?!
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-15)
OK. Maybe it is just me, my own personal quirk, a writing style you share with others that I don't understand...whatever. But didn't you "realize" you were home alone when you got there?...didn't you "realize" you were home alone when you saw the pets?...didn't you "realize" you were home alone when you investigated the chairs? If I feel a hand on my shoulder when I believe I am home alone, the instance is usually followed by the thud of a skull on floorboards, the surprised squeal of the owner of the hand as the back of their fingers touch the top of their wrist, and the realization of my boot on their neck. Maybe I'm a little quicker to react, but it would not take me long to realize whether I was alone or not.

otisian8 (5 stories) (6 posts)
14 years ago (2010-11-13)
i go into why I think the site was used for worship on another story I have posted
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-13)
Great. Harness that energy and ban it from your presence then. In a situation like this, it might be "worse case scenario" avoidance if you just tell it to leave. It should be rather easy, with your out look.
I should say that it is rather interesting that you should add the bit about worship site. I should think... That is a touchy subject. That site may be a magnet as for it's involvement, but it is not guaranteed that it even recognises the past.
Thank you for sharing this.
Rashidah (guest)
14 years ago (2010-11-13)
That is good that you do not show any fear.

But have you contacted anyone to come and cleanse your home since you stated that the area was once used for devil worship?

How did you happen upon that information?

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