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Increasing Paranormal Activity


As of typing, the paranormal activity in my home has been increasing ever since my last post. During my last post, I told you that I have been experiencing poking in the back, feelings of being watched and sleepless nights, well it has gotten a little bit worse than it was.

When I am alone in my house, I always seem to look, without any hesitation, at the stairs, and I feel that something is watching me from there and not long ago, I tried asking questions to this entity. I asked it, "Are you here to harm me in any way?" I got two taps right next to me, as a sign of yes. I was quite shocked by this response so I tried to shrug it off and forget about it.

Later that night, I heard really loud, menacing footsteps coming up the stairs and it stopped the minute I heard it reach my room, and I instantly started feeling hotter, I just know that there is a negative energy wanting to communicate with me.

My friends recommend using a Ouija board but I'm not too sure because I don't want to provoke it or antagonise it in anyway. I would like to hear your feedback because I don't know what to do any more and I am just really freaked out. Please don't make religious comments of any kind but I would like to hear your solutions to this problem because I don't feel safe anymore.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, paranomal_believer94, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

DCinAZ (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-07)
OK, here's my problem with your situation. I'm not doubting you've experienced any of this, but I do have a couple of questions.
First things first. When ever I come across a story where the author refers to the last story/stories they posted I go back and read those first so I've got more of a feel for what's to come. Now after your last post, "Unexplained Audible Phenomenon", you were given some very good and sound advice by BadJuuJuu. Her advice had nothing religious in nature attached to it. Which is why I was surprised that you never came back to give an update on that post, or to ask any further advice. You seemed quite upset at the time and grasping for aide. Well, aide was offered. Did you even TRY what she had suggested? There is no mention on these pages whatsoever, and for someone in as much distress as you seem to be, I find that strange.
Secondly, as whitebuffalo pointed out, you asked a question and when it was answered you shrugged it off. Shrugged it off? Seriously? After all the worry and concern, that's you're response? I find that very strange for someone out of their mind with worry and fear.
Third, and this one just puts the bow right on the box for me, the Quija board threat. I noticed there weren't a whole lot of comments after your last story, only 2 or 3 if I recall. But everybody knows what gets a lot of noise on this site, Ouija Boards! We hate them, we advocate loudly against their use, we chastise those who confess to having used them, and yes, we jump the fence to keep you from making that mistake in this lifetime.
Now that I've got those nasty little ifs, ands, and buts out of the way I have to say I'm not falling for this one, sorry. 😐
paranomal_believer94 (3 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-06)
Thanks so much whitebuffalo. It's great knowing that there are people out there who have had experiences and that people can talk, and relate to about it. Thanks again! 😁
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-06)
Any time, Granny.
It is a Tried and True method used by MANY in MY "heritage". The great thing, I think, about it is that while you ARE ridding your home of unwanted pesks, you are ALSO empowering your SELF (thus, Holistic Healing).

Kick them bad boys to the curb. That is YOUR HOME, PB, and no longer ANY ONE else's HOUSE. THEIR home is over there in the White Light.
Thank you.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-02-06)
Whitebuffalo: Thanks for explaining that out in more detail...I'm going to book mark this page so the next time I can give all the info 😊...Somehow, I knew you'd be here to further elaborate... Thanks Boss! 😆 ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-02-06)
NO HazMan, That is NOT Wiccan, and it is NOT a "spell". It falls under "Holistic Healing" (Not "holy healing").

What I find interesting, PB, is that you asked "Are you here to hurt me", and received what you assumed to be a positive in response. Meaning you believe the answer to have been "yes".
When, during that time, did you lay down the "rules of communication" by saying "Two for yes, and three for no?" (it is NEVER a good idea to use ONE knock for any kind of communication. If the house shifts, or pipes bang, ONCE, close to that time, it would be an ASSUMED answer, and not necessarily a TRUE answer). If you DID NOT lay down the rules, that answer really could have meant anything.
The heat you felt, as you heard the heavy footfalls stop at your door, REALLY could have been intense fear, as you BELIEVED the answer meant "Yes. I AM here to hurt you", when perhaps it could have been a "You talking to ME?"

According to Lynn Tucker (spirit medium with decades of experience, pastor of the Spiritualist Church of Canada, consultant of the Anglican church as a consultant):
"Get one full-sized natural fibre sweeping broom (the kind you use to sweep the house with). You need to be strong in your intentions. Your mind must not have any uncertainty in it.
Go to the farthest part of the home. The farthest part away from the door to go outside. The whole house must be swept, even over carpet.
While you sweep you speak loudly and clearly with authority to the ghost. Sweep in a pace, like you are moving to the beat of music.
With each sweep say this:
'We don't want you here. You must leave. You cannot return. Out! Out! We don't want you here. You must leave. You cannot return. Out! Out!'
Repeat this like a mantra (it is ok if you translate it to any language)
Don't miss any part of the house. Sweep it out until you reach the door. Then sweep out the door. Once you are done, I want you to go to each room. When you go to each room you should light a single white tea-lite candle in each room.
When you do this you must say:
'I light this flame of protection to cleanse my home.'
Then with strong conviction you must say:
'This is MY HOME! I am the living and I LIVE HERE!'
You must do that in every room of your home, office etc. Once that has happened you should have some friends over while the candles burn. Invite them over for tea or drinks so living people's energy can fill the space.
The brooms are the next issue. Once you sweep out with them they must be dunked in a bucket of water to cleanse them, and allowed to dry outside before they are brought back into the home. Some people burn them or throw them away. It is your choice.
I find that water is the universal cleanser, so water works just fine.
If you want to smell nice tranquillity you can burn incense in the home after, but it is only a cosmetic preference for people to choose."
Ghosts or spirits can be scary, but they do not have the strength of a living human. They can only mess with our minds to make our confidence low. They can freak us out because they shock us. Always remember that we have control over the ghosts, they do not have control over us. Think of an active ghost who is constantly scaring folks, like it is a bully. Stand up to the bully and he runs. He is only a bully because someone bullied him in the past. Be tough with the ghost and they will back down.
Yes, sometimes it DOES take a "second go", but that is because GHOSTS carry on their human characteristics (as opposed to a Spirit) and can simply be stubborn.
Laugh, sing, dance through the sweeping, whatever will make YOU feel "lighter", but do not make light of the situation. MEAN what you say, and follow up on it.
DO NOT BACK DOWN. Replace your fear with it's sibling anger and rid your home.
Thank you.
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-05)
Oh, yes... Baddies can stick around after being banished, but that's when one decides to perform an exorcism. When the power of your will is not enough, you call upon a higher power to help you remove evil from your life, home, etc. That's what an exorcism is. I suppose that in that sense what WhiteBuffalo did wasn't an exorcism by definition...

Again, try what WhiteBuffalo did if you can. An exorcism is more laborious than a simple banishing spell. There are a number of things you can try, so if one thing doesn't work, don't be discouraged; the solution to your problems is out there.

If you have any other questions, please ask. After all, we're here to help.

Best of luck to you.
paranomal_believer94 (3 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-05)
Thanks guys for all your suggestions and support, I will try and do what whitebuffalo did and hopefully it will leave. I hope it does because I've heard that some bad entities tend to stick around even though they've been told to leave? ❤
HazMan_III (4 stories) (91 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-05)
Ooh. That sounds like a Wiccan exorcism. I don't know if it has the same effect without the candles and incantation... But salt and sage are used to protect. I think you sweep toward the door at New Year's, then toward the center of you home the rest of the year. The latter brings positive energy in all year while the former gets rid of old negativity.

I'm sure that if the process worked for WhiteBuffalo, it should work for you. Don't be afraid to explore, either. Do what ever feels best.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-02-05)
PB: One of our moderators, Whitebuffalo, sometimes suggests that you get a broom (straw would be best) and sweep your entire house, from the rear to the front door... As you sweep everything out of the door, tell the entity it must go also and can not return... Then lay your barriers (like sea salt) at all points of entry... You can burn sage while you're sweeping, to boost your positivity... Just one note: the salt needs to be recharged occasionally...

Hope this helps... 😊
gothik-king (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-05)
This paranormal activity is nightmarish. Its the feeling that is captured in mind and the vision set out through the eye.
SmokeyKnight (3 stories) (193 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
If you're religious, I'd suggest turning to your faith. If not, look to alternative means. Different herbs and incesnse offer different abilities in different cultures.

Ouija boards are a TERRIBLE idea for ANYONE. You're opening a doorway to anything and everything to come through. And I doubt you or very many people for that matter have the experience to A) control whatever comes through or B) close the doorway opened. I don't mess with Ouija boards because for as much experience as I have in religions and the occult, I won't take the chance on something being bigger and badder than me.

I can only suggest the common answers of rock salt on window sills and doorways. Burn sage if you want, if nothing else it smells good. I can't give much more than those ideas without going into religious ideas.
Trinity1993 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
It's a better solution than what you have given. Besides, you can even argue using incense is religious since many religions use incense.
amethist (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
[at] trinity: Are you trying to say that your comment was not religious in nature? I sort of doubt a lot of people would agree with that statement.
Trinity1993 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
[at] amethist... The writer asked for possible solutions, and perhaps using God could work. God and religion aren't the same thing.
amethist (10 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
[at] trinity: ummm... Did the writer not say they did not want ANY religious comments? Way to be respectful of people requests and beliefs for that matter.

[at] believer: Good choice not using the ouiji board. 9 times out of 10 they are more trouble then good.
Trinity1993 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
If I were you, I wouldn't take refuge in incense or burning sage. These things only calm things down because the evil presence wants you to think you have control again. Incense isn't supposed to be used as a weapon. Evil entities want us to think we have no natural defenses and rely entirely on objects or fragrances. A human being does NOT have the power to cast out evil spirits. That power is reserved for God alone. Yet, through prayer in the Holy Spirit, God can work through us and by this we can cast away evil spirits. Even the Devil himself can burn incense, but he can't burn them as an offering to God. Whatever you do in your home against this entity, be sure that God is at the center. Only He can protect you. I hope you take this to heart and everything works out for you.
paranomal_believer94 (3 stories) (8 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
Thank you for my comments. Earlier today, my friend let me have some of her incense to burn because apparently she said that it fills the air with positive energy and it wards of negative spirits or energies. My home feels a little bit more safer than it did originally. Good job I didn't use a Ouija board after all. 😁
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
a bit of advice to give here if you don't mind that is DONT USE A OUIJA BOARD! I have used them in the past and nothing good can ever come from them
I hope you find another way to deal with this activity safely
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
PB: Well, an Ouija board isn't a good idea for a couple of reasons...1. The entity you contact may not be the same one messing with you...2. You don't need any more spookies than you have!...

I think sometimes entities give off a negative vibe, that doesn't mean they're "evil" per se... I agree with Melime... Tell it to go away... Just do it respectfully...
ash4 (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
dont use a ouija bored. You never know what could happen if you do. Maybe try a professional. Xx
Melime (10 stories) (64 posts)
14 years ago (2011-02-04)
You could try to tell it off. Say to it loud and clear that you don't want it there because it frighten you, and that it has to leave now.
I had an annoying entity in my house too once, but when me and my family told it to go it went away. They usually do, unless it's pure evil, but I doubt that yours is!

I hope this help you!
Take care

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