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The Key Warning


This story is about the third warning I had received from my warning entity. If you have read my other stories you will know I believe I am somewhat psychic, I have had encounters with entities since I was 21 years old, always in the form of sounds, manipulation of electronics, things going missing and then reappearing in different places and dreams that come true. They happen anywhere, not just my home. My first two warnings took place over 20 years ago, this next one, last year.

I live with my teen son in an A frame home built into a hillside above a woodsy road. I have a wonderful view of the water from every room except the bathroom and back bedroom. The home was built in the 60's, the layout begins with the high ceiling "A" part of the home, which is the living room, the front door opens directly into it. To get to the front door you have to go up a series of steps that climb up the hillside, from our driveway. On the other side of the living room is the galley kitchen with a Dutch door opening directly onto the deck, the bedroom, the bathroom and another bedroom. The only other exit from the home is off the deck, on the far end of the home. There are small stairs leading off the deck which leads to a small side yard, my neighbor's property fence and a stairway leading down to under the house length deck. You would exit this yard and find yourself back on the driveway.

I was in the living room during the day, reading a book. My son was in school. I heard a plink sound in the kitchen, like metal on tile. It was loud. I went into the kitchen and in the middle of the tile floor was a key. I immediately looked at the light switch next to the door because that is where this key came from. I was forever losing keys and decided not to lose the key to the back door AGAIN so I taped it with duck tape to the light switch next to the door. How the heck did this key get out of the duck tape? The top of the tape was open; there was a small pouch where the key had been. I put the key back in the duck tape, sealed it shut and smoothed the tape down so you could see the outline of the key perfectly. When my son got home I told him all about it.

A week later, my son and I were in the living room reading. We both heard a plink, plink in the kitchen, metal on tile again! We both got up and looked on the floor and there it was again, the same key and the top of the tape was open! Since I'm open with my son about things that go on around me he wasn't scared but agreed with me that someone was trying to tell me something and I had to figure it out. I decided I was being told to lock my back door, something I never do because of the way the house is situated. I also locked my bedroom sliding door and then put the key under the counter on a nail.

One week later the cable guy came out to fix my cable. He had to get to where the cable entered the house, so I directed him to the end of the deck next to the stairs. He worked for about 10 minutes then came in and said, "What happened to your stairs"? Since it was winter and I never used the back steps until spring, I didn't know what he was talking about so I went and looked. Four of the five steps were broken! After the cable guy left I went back to the steps and looked at them carefully. Due to insect damage, they had broken away from the side support; someone must have gotten really hurt when they broke! But who broke them?

A couple of days later, after asking everyone I know if they had been to my house and up the stairs I was still stumped. The breakage bent nails so the weight must have been significant, it was not my cats, not the raccoons that came up the stairs at night. The fall would have been extremely painful as the body fell through the upper stairs. All of a sudden I remembered a night where a loud bang noise outside woke me up out of a sound sleep. My bed was against the wall where the stairs where attached! This noise happened only a few days after I locked the doors and re hung the key. I knew instantly the key incident was a warning of what was to come, someone was going to try and enter my home at night and I had to lock my doors!

I was thankful for the warning and for the first time ever, was thankful for the carpenter ants that plague us hillsiders. I now lock my doors at all times, always trust my instincts and am aware of signs around me. I must say, my entity is no longer an entity, it's a guardian. The key has not moved again.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, otteer, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
Another freaky story, otteer! Seems you do have a guardian watching out for you. Thanks so much for all your stories!
Alyssa11 (3 stories) (12 posts)
13 years ago (2011-09-14)
I love this story, how incredibly secure a you must feel to know that you always have a certain divine interventionist looking out for you! Your so blessed.
I got goose bumps, this is going in my favorites ❤
luce (2 stories) (44 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-02)
Hi, Otteer. Your guardian reminds me of my friend and my great aunt. The difference is - they could see theirs. I hope your guardian continues to protect you without asking anything in return:)
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
Oh my goodness, what a freaky story! I'm glad you did lock the doors as who knows what would've happened if you didn't! I'm glad that you guys are alright!
Thanks for sharing a particularly more positive story, otteer.
Love & Light, Rachel ❤
GypsysHeart (9 stories) (39 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
Awesome story! I have kind of have a guardian too. I just love when things like this happen and I always make sure to thank her for those little reminders. I'm so glad your friend told you to lock the door and that you and your son are alright.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
Thanks all for your kind comments. Yup, the nails were bent. Someone got really hurt!

I enjoyed sharing this with you all, thanks! ❤
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
Great story Otteer, going right in my fav's. I enjoy reading stories about helpful spirits, and I'm so glad you realized the warning and locked your doors. 😊
dragonwalker (5 stories) (77 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
LOL. This story is AWESOME! Right now I'm trying to imagine someone being totally thwarted and in great karmically (and possibly Guardian-ly) induced pain because they tried to sneak in your house at night.
You said those nails were bent, correct? So either a very large person, who really wouldn't have been able to sneak anywhere bent the nails and broke the steps away from the stairs, or it was an average sized person who had "help" being removed. Take a peek around town and see who's limping. If you were a lesser person, you might make insinuations and mock them completely. But I bet you're not a lesser person. LOL. Anyway, LOVE the story!
Dandyxoxo (guest)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
I loved this story! It was so cool lol. It's strange how spirits interact with us in these kind of ways. This was so interesting. Adding it to my favorites alright:)
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
gizzy, thanks for your kind comments!
To save to favorites, look at the top of the story, directly to the right of the By: Date: Country: you will see heart,mail,print icons. Click the heart icon.

Funny, as I was reading my story it occured to me I may have been just warned to stay off the stairs but some poor bozo just happened to try them first. By the way, they were broken in half, only the bottom one completely pulled away from the support intact, the other 3 looked like they got karate chopped in the middle,
Gizzy (3 stories) (71 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
Hi so sorry to keep hijacking your posts on this story. I figured it out so please ignore me.
Gizzy (3 stories) (71 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
Ok I would but I cannot figure out how to do it. Could someone please help and give me numpty instructions 😕
Gizzy (3 stories) (71 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
Hi Otteer,
I loved this story, I always enjoy ones where spirits help. This is going into my favorites 😊
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
Thanks for sharing your story! It's definitely a good practice to lock your doors at night, because's a very, very mad world.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
Randcan, thanks for your kind comments. Let me see if I can answer your questions.

Firstly, no one in our family actively seeks out contact with the spirit world. Stuff just happens. When I was a youngster one of my sisters and I did a ouji board once but got bored and never used it again. This sister has no paranormal experiences. My other sister, the sensitive, has shut herself off completely as she has had some terrifying experiences and wants to have nothing to do with the paranormal. So its just me and my niece now. She is on the "6th sense" level, see's em everywhere. She does NOT seek them out lol!

I am deathly afraid to see a spirit at night. Silly huh? Big ole chicken! I do talk to my father, I acknowledge him when he let's me know he is around, he does this through electronic manipuation. I can feel his love for me when this happens, that's how I know its him. I say hello, I love you and that's about it.

I like to go directly to the higher power for help with my life problems lol, don't think I need to go through an intermediate. So no, I wouldn't seek them out for advice or help. They seem to help as they see fit.

Thanks for your interest! ❤ ❤
Randcan (62 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-24)
Dear Otteer, I've enjoyed your 3 stories. I've noticed some individuals benefit from spirit contact; some with frequent and infrequent regularity. But most people don't have paranormal experiences. I've had some extremely significant/powerful ones, but they've been few and far in-between. I research a lot, but tend not to attempt contact, because the result is occurrences coming at night (and like you...) I like my sleep. Do you ever speak to, or attempt to encourage a relationship with spirit? Do any of your other 'sensitive' relatives make an effort to have contact, or do occurrences simply befall all of you? Some people say that I should seek contact to receive assistance with life's problems... But there's dangers in that you don't know who is acting nice at first to assist, and then later going to turn on you. I'm glad you have a 'friend.' Please reply to those 2 questions if you care to. THANKS for sharing!

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