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Real Ghost Stories

Premonition And Ghost Steps


Story 1.

I was a Travel Agent at the time the first premonition incident occurred. I suspect because I was immersed in air travel and love airplanes I was tuned into aircraft. Who knows?

I woke up from a nasty dream one morning sweating, heart pounding. I ran into the kitchen and told my room-mate (also a travel agent at the same place I worked) what I dreamt as we got ready for work. I dreamt that I saw, as a bystander, a DC10 aircraft take off from the runway, then slowly do a half roll then head down and crash. I didn't see the actual explosion or burning, the dream ended immediately and I kept getting, Anchorage, Alaska. Anchorage, Alaska. My room-mate told me to write it down, we were both upset by this dream and left for work troubled. Later that morning, AA flight 191 crashed upon take off from Chicago O'Hare airport, killing everyone on board. The engine dropped off upon take off. It took off, rolled and crashed off airport property. AA American Airlines, AA Anchorage Alaska. My roommate and I were mentally sick for the rest of week we were so sad and shocked.

Story 2.

My sister was due to give birth any day, my then ex husband and I were traveling down the freeway one morning, close to our home. It was a beautiful sunny day with high cumulus clouds. One formation caught my eye, it was shaped like a pregnant woman, legs bent, giving birth! I excitedly told my ex my sister was having her baby, we went home and were contacted within the hour to be told she had given birth to a healthy baby boy. They had checked in early morning the previous night and not wanting to wake anyone up, decided not to call the family, after all, the previous baby took 46 hours to come. Surprise, this one came fast!

Story 3.

I was taking a wonderful bath midday, my son was asleep and all was quiet. I heard the front door open, (it makes a cracking sound when it open and closes) a few footfalls on the tile surrounding the door, and something drop on the floor, like a backpack or briefcase. Thinking my husband had come home for lunch, I called out to him. No answer. I called again. Nothing. My heart in my mouth, all I could think of was "intruder, protect my baby!" I immediately flew out of the tub, grabbed my bathrobe and launched out into the hallway that opens into the living room and front door- ready to attack... There was nothing there! In a panic, I threw open the front door, looked down the stairs leading to the driveway, nothing. Such a short time had passed whoever it was could not have escaped me, my house was just too small and being on a hillside, there was no where to hide! I was stumped, and scared.

Story 4. I was home sick, my son was home sick, we were both in bed. My bedroom connects to the hallway leading into the living room, a quick glance out the door and I can see the front door. I was awake when I heard the front door open. "crack!" I heard the footsteps on the tile. I heard the footsteps crossing the living room, enter the wood floor hallway, walk to my door and pause. I thought it was my sister but then I thought, no she always says "Helllllooooo" and only pops her head in the door. I was terrified! I was facing the other wall, I was looking at the lamp, ready to grab swing and hit. Nothing. I grabbed the lamp, flipped over to take on my intruder, nothing. I was out of bed in a flash, broken lamp in hand, nothing in my sons room, the kitchen or living room. The door was closed and locked. This happened 3 month ago. I have no explanation for these two incidents, I could feel no emotions from whom ever visited me nor sense anything. I checked with my ex by phone immediately after, he was on a job site.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, otteer, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
Very good stories, otteer! The tragic story of the airplane crash and the one concerning the birth truly makes one wonder what's really going on behind the curtains of life.

As for your "visitor" who keeps coming in through the front door, I'm not sure what to say except that I'd be scared to death to have to deal with that. Does the house have a history? Does it happen at a certain time?

Thanks very much for sharing these events with us. It's sure to be a long night for me indeed.
Bonnie_13 (2 stories) (10 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-15)
I posted a comment on your broken down version about the aircraft and the baby, give it a read when you get the chance. Very interesting experiences, thanks for sharing 😊
luce (2 stories) (44 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-03)
Your gift is such a double edged sword.
Thank you for the response:)
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-03)
Once again, thanks for all your comments!

(at) luce... I have had 3 dreams only in my lifetime that have come true THAT IM AWARE OF. I highlight that because the ones that I'm aware of distrubed me horribly because they involved a loved one or something I cared about. They were in bright color, had sounds and I could feel heat, cold and wind. If they were disturbing, I told someone and that would lead to affirmation. There maybe many more out there that were true but because they were not life and death, or involving people I cared about, I just passed them off as intense dreams. I do admit that if they have the 3 qualifications, bright color, sound, atmosphere... I find myself checking the newspaper extra careful for a few days...

(at) minimom Oh how tragic! Omg, the poor man, I can see how that would drive someone to drink, each area, they are so tight with each other, he must have had contact with the pilots as they did their walk through that afternoon, all I can say is omg.
I worked for an airline for 15 years, had the misfortune to be the lone supervisor duty in a call center when one of our planes went down early one morning. Was the most horrific, saddest week of my life. May Lou's soul rest in peace.

(at) dragonwalker, thanks for the info re residual. Lol had a "poopy day". Sounds like it was a residual from me!

luce (2 stories) (44 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-02)
Hi, otteer.
Thanks for sharing again:)
How do you discern a regular dream from premonitions? That must be tough. I admire your courage.
minimom (50 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-02)
My late and former father-in-law was part of the ground crew for that flight. He always felt guilty about that crash and as a result, drank himself to death. A few years after his death my former husband and I moved into his old house. I always felt a presence but couldn't figure out who. One night, while I was downstairs doing laundry I turned to walk into the family room and there sat Lou. Solid as when he was alive and wearing his uniform. Scared the crap outta me at first! In the 7 years I lived there Lou was a frequent visitor. Made me feel kind of safe to know he was watching over us.
dragonwalker (5 stories) (77 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
DA: My former coworker ("T", from the highway story) does the cloud thing as well, and he's Native American. This stuff is pretty intense. Otteer, residuals are usually a pain in the a$$. The way that I view them working is like someone coming in from a particularly good or bad day and leaving an "imprint" from excess emotion. So if kiddo had come in from a poopy day and dropped his backpack on the floor, it could have started off the residual effect. Sometimes it's our minds, giving us the "noises" we're "supposed" to be hearing. Other times, we're catching a little show. LOL.
May your household be blessed and safe!
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
Thanks everyone for posting.

(at) Badjuju thanks for the heads up on residuals and that they can be of ourselves...

(at), yes, name 4 big events that make people feel depressed and I have had them in the past year lol! Could attract anyone or anything and it could be my own doing, dunno! I asked whatever is causing the problems to stop, so far everything is working...

(at) devious a...kind of like cloud devining? Thanks for sharing that info! Yup, I love big fluffy clouds, have always been facinated with cumulonimbus (vertical fluffys that bring in thunderstorms) the shapes and forms they take on are breath taking.

(at) windxiong yes, it was interesting to get this premonition but very disturbing to see the death toll and the faces of the victims in the news. I feel very sorry for people who have these dreams regularly and get enough information to want to do something with it, but feel helpless because they don't know how to go about it.

(at) stickman, thanks for posting.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
Thanks for the comment, BadJuuJuu. I learnt something new today. Do have a twin or something? Probably, that's who was in your bedroom! LOL 😜. I guess there is so much to learn about the paranormal world.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
Thank you for sharing your story! What a terrible thing, to have such a premonition. Your friend was smart in having you write it down though, because it gave you proof that what you experienced was real. I do like the premonition of your nephew, though. I admit that I chuckled a little at the idea of the cloud you saw. Some cultures (I know of at least one tribe of Native Americans, though I can't remember which tribe it was) used to look to the shapes of the clouds to predict things about their families and fellow villagers.

BadJuuJuu (guest)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
Geetha, residuals are tricky buggers. Some replay at set, specific times, while others are completely random. We have several residuals in our current house, all random. Several annoying. The house has started recording new residuals, and the new ones are all of our day to day routines. I just heard myself yell "hey!" From the bedroom. Thought I was losing it for a minute lol.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
Hey stickman1122,
Binoculars and popcorn? Really? What did you think this was, a movie? To have been send a message though a dream that a plane was going to crash and you still couldn't do anything must have send really bad feelings though otteer; I would definitely have gone though those feelings. That bad feeling made worse by knowing everyone on that plane died.

What I said on my first post was echoing Otteer's feelings from Otteer's story. It was not meant to put Otteer or anyone down. I was just expressing my sadness. I see on your profile that you are only thirteen. I hope you are mature enough to understand that.
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
Hey your nephew is the same age as me, Cool! I don't think it's your father because he would have no reason to hide his feelings of love to you. I'm this one out there, but it could have been your guardian angel. The reason, I came to this conclusion is because first of all, anyone who loves you like your father would not come back to you and not show you their feelings of love. Secondly, any bad entity is there to scare or hurt someone. So there many purpose is to scare you and they don't care for you and don't care if you are ready for them. As a guardian angel, they would know you would get scared and don't want you get scare and have to take a look at you to make sure you are okay. S/he was just probably letting you know that they were there.

I could be wrong and fellow posters correct me if I'm wrong, but if it is a residual haunting, wouldn't it be repeating itself at the same time and day or year over and over again. Otteer, did you say that this incident only happened a few times and the latest one being three months ago?
stickman1122 (5 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
(Your first story could make anyone mentally sick)
Whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa... Speak for yourself geetha50! 😠 I would have binoculars and popcorn at the time!
Gizzy (3 stories) (71 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
Hi Otteer,

1. My goodness that sounds horrific I would have felt sick at the thought I had had that premonition.
2. That is so sweet how nice to get a message from the angels.
3. I am sorry this one made me laugh out loud at your description of a drowned rat mum naked and ready to take on a crazed maniac. Motherly protectiveness aint it grand and I would rather face a lion myself lol.
4. How strange with such a big gap again it could have been just a replay of life.

How strange that your electrics are acting up! Is anything big happening in your life at the moment? Or anyone passed recently that may be trying to make contact?
Really enjoyed these collection of stories so spooky and definately one for my favs 😆
windxiong (1 posts)
14 years ago (2011-06-01)
In story on, it was great that you had a sign of what was going to be happening. Sometime spirits give you a read about the future, but its always like that though, like a sudden notice and omg.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
(at) geetha50 Yes, my roommate told the whole office about my dream. We even told the Braniff rep who was in the office at the time. After air accidents happen it was always somberin the office but this time there was an OMG x 5 factor to it.
I asked everyone after the 2nd incident (story 4) if they stopped by, no had. My ex just said, "again?" Story 3 and 4 were 16 years apart, story 4 happened 3 month ago, nothing since. Since, it dosnt frighten me by appearing, I'm not worried about what it may be. I pick up on emotions but there was nothing so it was cloaking if that is possible, didn't want to scare me? I can usually feel the love of my father when he visits could be him, cloaked?. Strange.

(at) Taz... I do still look at the clouds but nothing rings a bell lol! Re feelings, nothing, nada. No emotions. Odd thing, in residuals they should be repeating sounds from how the house was before me. No wood floors, no tile by the door. All carpet then. However, it could have been a residual of me!

(at) Isandhu - lol wasted a good ciggie because of a ghost! It is a stumper isn't it? Seems like the universe picks and chooses how its going to communicate with me, like some here who experience things regularly and with the same senses, mine seems to be random. I have had no premonitions about disasters or accidents since, I suppose I was so horrified I tuned that ability out? Thanks for your comments!

(at) Cosmogal... Your experiences sound just like mine! It must be phantom or residual... I just don't understand how I hear them so well as my home used to be completely carpeted... Oh well, who knows lol?

To all, my nephew is fine thank you, he is 28 years old! I neglected to date these. The only recent one was number 4, 3 months ago. The only paranormal things happening to me currently is someone is playing with my lights, big time. Not just one, but the whole circut will stop functioning then come back on randomly. No trips and I'm wired for a trip to occur if one switch, plug fails. Had an electrition in, all is good. 2 nights ago the lights went out again only this time my computer shut off at the same time, it was plugged into a different circut and has at least enough juice for 10 minutes if the power is shut off. I dunno. I was relieved because that confirms something is messing with me and its not my wiring which worries me more.

Thanks for all your comments and Ill try and be better about dating the incidents.
lsandhu (2 stories) (360 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
Stories 3 and 4 sound like phantom noise, which I have experienced many times. It's harmless and just like an echo of activities that have taken place many times in a given place. When I was a teen, I'd be downstairs in my room and hear the upstairs door, footsteps down the stairs and the dryer door open and close. The first time I heard it I was smoking and quickly stubbed out my smoke for fear of getting caught, but of course no one was there. The other stories sound like genuine premonitions. You must be in tune with the universe somehow.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
Hi otteer, Wow the first story is incredible. I'm sure you almost fell to the floor when you heard the news about the crash. I am happy to hear that the experience in you second story brought good news to you and your family. Stories 3 and 4, I know those experiences all too well. I can't tell you how many times I have heard someone walk in to the home I grew up in thinking it was one of my parents, only to find no one there. I get the chills just thinking about it. Thanks for sharing these with us. 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
otteer wow!
1) that's a freeky thing to dream about, and on the very same day too how awful.

2) loved this one, a message in the clouds. Do you still check the sky for messages?

3/4) O.M.G firstly not nice having bath interupted,
You must have be so worried when you realised no one was ther after hearing that!
Does it still happen? Or have you now left that house?

Great read anyway
geetha50 (15 stories) (986 posts)
14 years ago (2011-05-31)
Your first story could make anyone mentally sick. Did you tell anyone besides your room mate?

It must be happy for you to experience something like the birth of your nephew after an incident like in the first story. I hope your sister and the child are doing well.

I'm not sure what to tell you for your third and fourth stories. Besides the fear that some is breaking in, do get any feelings at all? Have you told these incidents to you ex and if so, what has he said?

Why don't try bring in a medium in to try and see what this thing is? Has it happened since?

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