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Real Ghost Stories

Through The Toughest Times She Was There


This is some-what of a recent story since it happened at least six months or so ago.

It's been a difficult year for my mom and me. My mother, myself, and my grandfather had to take care of my grandmother who had a stroke in March of 2009, and died later that year the week before Thanksgiving Day. Along with that, all three of us were sick, a chronological sickness though, no viruses or what have you.

Some people say that spirits linger a little longer on Earth, just to look after their family and friends before they pass on to the other side. Not so long after my grandmother died, my mom and I moved in with my grandfather to keep him company after we sold our old house that seemed unpleasant and not so inviting. We moved out before school started and got an apartment. We still visit my grandfather, but there is a presence that lingered there one day. I walked into the house and smelled my grandmother's most worn perfume when she was alive. My mother never wears any of her mom's perfume or seldom buys the same scents as hers. I felt a full, heavy feeling in my stomach but I wasn't startled. The scent left, but her form and aura could be easily seen and felt.

I don't feel that presence any longer and I never had the courage to tell my mom or my grandfather, knowing how they would say I was "pretending".

This was a shorter story than my other two I've written, but I hope you took consideration to it.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, freddysgirl1984, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Brier (2 stories) (54 posts)
13 years ago (2011-02-05)
this story reminds me of what happened after my grandpa died. I'm sorry for your loss.
freddysgirl1984 (6 stories) (25 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-22)
Thank you for your comment d_e_v! I really appreciate your sincerity. ❤
d_e_v (3 posts)
14 years ago (2011-01-20)
I'm very sorry for your loss and the hard times you and your family have been through. I agree that your grandmother's spirit lingered to comfort you and to watch over you all one last time. She must love you all very much.:)

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