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Dark Energy


Huge fan of this site! To give some context for my story I will try and summarise related facts.

Since my dad passed away, at the age of 12 I was gifted with the sight. Have had many spiritual encounters (mostly my dad and family members) but have had other encounters to (will publish one particular memory). I am 29 and got married last year March.

We were renovating the family home my husband inherited, which dates back to the 1940s when his grandfather built it. Knowing how I am, I asked about the history of the house and it turns out his grandad had passed away peacefully in the house and since then there have been many tenants with no incidence. To be safe, before we were even married, I went round the house with a candle and sage to bless the house because at that point the interior wasn't accessible. As I have gotten older, I feel what spirits feel and sense energy more than really "seeing" them anymore. This particular fact is very relevant to the following account.

I am at present getting divorced after just 1 year of marriage. My husband left me on our anniversary and that night there was a large blackout in our area and for the first time our house didn't get the power back. A technician in the early hours had to do a house call to restore our power. During the week I was an emotional wreck and stayed in the annex with my mom which is attached to the house by a corridor which is where we do laundry by the machines. Even when our marriage was good, the house always felt ominous to me. Even in the daytime its very dark inside and at night its pitch black and a VERY cold house- literally your lips turn blue in winter. Many times in the large kitchen I felt uneasy to turn my back on the rest of the kitchen, always felt like something or someone would sneak up on me, one day it was so powerful that I did turn round and nothing was there and the feeling dissipated.

During the week of abandonment going to that side of the house made my heart race, I would shake and couldn't get out there fast enough. It must be known that on my moms side (the annex), I had saged and salted the whole house and invoked a circle of the elements to bless the house and dispel anything that crossed the thresholds. Why I mention this is that the minute I crossed over the corridor and opened up the door to my mom's side, warmth and safety returned. It has to be mentioned that my husband has an extremely volatile temper which I think either contributed to the energy or was made worse by existing energy. My mom, who is also slightly gifted never ever felt comfortable in the house, from the day we moved in. I kept putting it down to the stress of moving, finances and being newlyweds.

Even now, after months have passed, it's still very unwelcome and I HATE having to make the occasional trip that side to put the exterior house lights on. I also got a puppy during that time (I am truly convinced she as sent to me, she is THAT close to me and protective), she has such a positive effect on my energy that I hold her in my arms if I go that side, it's like she's a furry guardian angel. She is a very bouncy happy puppy, very lively and energetic, rarely sits still. However, when going that side, she lies completely still in my arms and stares resolutely ahead, only becoming lively again when we back in my mom's kitchen (the corridor door opens onto her kitchen).

What's also interesting is that even when doing washing in the corridor, she bounds ahead and sniffs at the corridor door to the house (kept locked until I unlock it) and looks up at it like she expects it to be opened. She doesn't do this at any other door if it's closed. Sometimes on my mom's side she will randomly stare into the emptiness until I approach the dark then she feels safe. I have in the past had a powerful enough energy to overcome and disband spirits around me.

I do apologise for the length of the story I am just spilling my heart out here. I do wonder if there is a suppressed energy in the house? Could it have contributed to the negativity overall? I was always nervous to try cleanse the house-it freaked me out that much! Now there isn't a point since I'm moving. But I have always wondered if it could have caused so many things to go wrong? If it's still at work while my husband lives in the house?

With the divorce he has been particularly cruel and spiteful to the point it's shocked me, the lawyers and his father. It must be said that he is the type of guy that is narcissistic, stews inside and builds things up bigger than they are and is a huge sulker (I may sound like a typical ex now, but his best friends have all confirmed traits he displays), so could all that literally have made the house fester with negative energy that actually makes me physically ill and anxious after leaving it? Thanks for reading and letting me share:)

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jaxxxanator, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

nolasara (3 stories) (18 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-25)
I'm sorry you are going through this. Abuse comes in many ways. Please go to my page and read my story, "someone looking out for me."
I think the negative feeling could be from him. After I ended my abusive relationship, everything in my house felt different and warm. I hope all goes well for you.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-25)

Thanks for answering my question regarding your ex's grandfather. It does sound like your ex was causing the activity. I'm glad things are getting better for you. Kudos on getting out of a negative situation. 😊

❤ Dee
Jaxxxanator (3 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-25)
Thank you so much for all the support and comments, its really appreciated. An update on him, he is now foring me to leave by the 28th-effectivley moving everything out, not just what was agreed on. Its odd, but the more I pack up and the longer he's stayed away (he's now been gone 3 weeks of his own accord) the house feels slightly less foreboding... Which leads me to think he amplifies existing energy, like it gets its strength from his anger and negativity
Jaxxxanator (3 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-25)
[at] Dee, the family as a whole are not close, but his grandfather, from what little he could tell me and remember, was hard working and lived a quiet life, dying peacefully in his sleep. Nothing negative was conveyed about him.
Jaxxxanator (3 stories) (11 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-25)
[at] Tweed, I can definitely relate! Even from being engaged to getting married the operessive feelings only progressed until the verbal abuse could be heard by tenants living on the property. He always swore he would never hit me, but towards the end I started doubting his control to not lash out- so severe was his temper. To further reiterate his personality, he himself has had a dog his whole life, but when I wanted one, he promised me I could nad then retracted the promise, classifying them as "financial liabilities" and "massive expenditures".
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-21)
I am sorry you found yourself in such a nasty situation and I am glad you only had to endure it for a year. He sounds very much like my father - though because she had two kids, my mother had to do her best in a marriage to him for fourteen years and then the all out warfare he pursued during a seven year divorce. He is strongly bipolar and his many personality flaws sound very much like those of your soon to be ex-husband. I know going through this now hurts but it would only be worse further down the line. *hug*

It seems logical to me that the negativity in that house was connected to his nastiness. Perhaps they fed on each other. Either way, I wouldn't expect him to improve much if he were to move away from the house.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Hi Jaxx,

So sorry you're going through this, I'm sure everything will get better and better each day, now that you are away from such a negative person. I had the same thought as Tweed... Perhaps your ex husband caused the negative energy/feeling in the house. It wouldn't surprise me anyway.

Besides that, do you know anything about your ex's grandfather, as far as personality or demeanor? Was he anything like your ex? If so, he might have caused the negative energy and your ex could have amplified it. Just some thoughts.

All the best ❤
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Hi Jaxx,

I don't mean this to sound weird, but have you considered, or do you feel you were abused while married to this (horrible sounding) person? The dark energy I've no doubt is partly him, or maybe even all down to him and his ways. But your fear of cleansing reminds me of the way many victims of abuse feel, without really knowing why they feel that way. It's part of the abuse.
When I say abuse I don't only mean fists or verbal, it can be the way you feel around them, oppressed for example. Maybe this clicks with you, maybe not.

Glad you're out of that situation and on with better things with a great new furry pal. 😊

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