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Night Time Visitor At Christmas


To all of you on here who I have come to call friends I'm sorry I have been holding back on this one but I'm sure I will be forgiven!

This all started before I joined ygs, it actually was the reason I found the site and joined up in the first place.

I work nights in security for a large ditrubution center for a well known UK chain of stores (that will not be named) and a part of the job is watching the cctv, it's dull but has to be done. One night in the final few days of November 2009 the canteen staff were just finishing there shift and had stopped by the control room where I was working. Now let me try to explain the lay out here, the control room is where the cctv is and the intercom for "call outs" so the security are based in this room. Next to it is the main reception area which we also have control over so a door from the controlroom to the reception area is always kept open. There is a large desk in reception with a built up front for protection to stop anyone leaning over the desk.

This night the canteen staff asked me if I could check the cctv to see who had been going into the canteen kitchen at night, for the past 2 days the morning shift had been complaining that the night shift had been leaving things like pan lids out, flour on work tops and even the taps running but the night shift who leave at 2 am knew they had not.

So I sat through 4 hours of cctv watching a door. Nothing was seen, no one entered and no one left. Catching the night staff the next day one laughed when I told them and said "ohh we must have a ghost cook then" and tried to laugh it off.

This got me thinking! Could it be another work place that's haunted!?!

I had to go and check it out! (the canteen is on the second floor)

So I went up to the canteen after the staff had left just after 2am taking the keys with me I entered the kitchen. Now considering the large dishwasher was running and there had been food cooked in there up to about 30 minutes before, the place was real cold to enter.

I walked around looking for anything strange but saw nothing I would not expect to see, everywhere was spotless. I said "hello anyone here?" but sadly got nothing in reply, so I locked up the kitchen and returned to the control room. The next night when I got to work the supervisor asked me if I knew who had been in the kitchen? I told him I had and asked why. "the place was a right mess this morning" he told me " oil on the floor, flour everywhere and jam jars (jelly to you in USA) broken in the sink" I was shocked! I had sat and watched the canteen all night and saw nothing. I was questioned but the cctv showed when I left there was no sign of flour on me and they said that the amount in the kitchen the person who did it would have been covered so I was asked to "look into it". So again, 4 hours cctv watching!

This time however I did see something. A shadow of a person who stood just out of camera shot (or so I thought). It just stood as though reading the menu for about half an hour then moved away. I wrote my report and left it at that as things were picking up as christmas was fast approching and we were getting very busy.

That year I lucked out and worked Christmas eve night (7pm to 7am) and had to do internal patrols. The place was deserted by 9.30pm that left me and one other security guard on site. I got the control room duty and cctv watching (oh what joy).

Around 1am I was flicking through the cameras like a guy looking for something interesting to watch on tv. Flick~empty wearhouse flick~carpark flick~canteen with shadow flick~gatehouse flick~hallways flick~another carpark camera HANG ON! Re~flick canteen! And there is the same shadow I had seen a few weeks before!

I ran to the canteen not thinking to call the other guy on site as I knew he was asleep in the gatehouse. When I walked in breathless and panting I heard a chair scrape along the floor, the one nearest me had been moved slightly away from the table. "thank you" I said and sat down then my brain kicked in, 1/im alone 2/the chair moved on its own 3/im talking to my self on camera. Turning my back to the camera so I did not look totally crazy on film, I spoke out loud to what ever it was making the shadow.

"you're scaring the staff up here, you know. And causing problems too". I looked around, nothing. "can you stop making the mess please?" I asked and again said my thanks and left the canteen, returned to the control room and got the fright of my life!

As I opened the door leading to reception the shadow was stood on the other side of the desk. It had come down with me from the canteen and the shock of seeing it stood there made me scream like a frightened 5 year old! I turned and looked at the cctv but it was not showing up on the camera, turning back it was gone! I saw that shadow 3 more times that Christmas time, up until New Year's Eve (worked that too). Every time I saw it, it was always on the corner of the desk on the opposite side from me and always just as I walked into the controlroom.

December 2010 and Christmas is again on its way at work and all is busy busy rush rush!

Im working permanant nights in reception and the shadow has not been seen all year.

I'm thinking its moved on to some better place, the tree is put up and I'm writing cards out like a maniac when out of the corner of my eye I see movement, its back! Standing the other side of the desk. I guess it's the same one but this time I'm seeing it every night I'm on shift. Only a quick glance now and then but guaranteed every night until the tree was taken down, that night it did not show itself.

We are now in 2011 and Christmas is here, the tree has been up 2 weeks and I now do only 4 hours in controlroom but its back again! Standing watching me watching the cctv/leaving comments on ygs.

I "feel him" standing there now and I get the feeling of interest and something like friendship like when you bump into an old friend you have not seen for ages.

I can say I look forward to seeing him now its almost pleasing to know he is still around the place (I say he due to the height and build). I have tried to set the timer on my camera phone to get a photo to share with you all but its like he knows he's there for the timer to count down but is gone when the picture takes, then is back when I finaly give up trying.

I have to say I'm going to miss him standing there when the tree goes this year.

The big difference this year is he has taken to moving about, the odd time he has been in the control room when I come in from having a smoke outside I can't help but think he has been reading the posts on here! (it helps to be a loony)

So that's it, my final post for ygs I hope you all have enjoyed my stories and I hope to have more some time soon, I will update this as and when if anything else happens.

Thanks for reading,



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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, taz890, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-16)
GrsnnyTaz! Oh how I've missed you! It's been awhile since I have been able to get a chance to visit, but the first thing I did was look for your stories...GOOSEBUMPS! No to look for one from the other Granny

Fanny ❤ 😁
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-23)
Ahhh I see Granny, I know I missed a whole heap I had to go scurraging, lol sometimes I just rely on the recent comments to identify what I have missed lol. Actually I tend to do that all the time! 😆 😁
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-02-23)
DARKNESS: I think it got past you because you were on vacation at the time 😊...See what you miss? 😆 😆
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-23)
Taz geez how did this get past me mate I apologise for my late reply! 😢

Funny I get the feeling that it new you where thinking of it and gave off the feeling of nostalgia when it revisited you, that is truly awesome mate I had a few other things to say aswell but they have been gobbled up already by our good friends here lol. Always great to read your accounts my friend Hope all is well! 😁

Thanks for sharing Carl

taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-23)
[at] luce sorry took a week to reply, comp problems!
Sadly with this being at work we don't have web cams so can't try that but still a good idea will have to see if can get on loaded to comp.
luce (2 stories) (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-14)
Wow, carl. You have the most unusual nightly companion O_O. Have you thought of using a webcam to take a video? Wonder if your friend would notice that... Hmm... 😜
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-02)
[at] ZZSGRANNY, got the recipe for the rock cakes 😁
Plus one for bread and butter pudding (a fav of mine) will add them on the chat group later today (tuesday) too long to add on here
wolfeyes72206 (32 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
happy new year to one and all hope I can be part of your world, I am new here but have had some un able to tell scary stuff happen to me, this is where I became what I am (spiritfighter) may god be with us all 😁
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
Argette LOL!...I've been'a'googling Billy Christmas, Billy Christian, Billy Christopher etc!... 😆 😆
teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
Yes, Happy New Year all! Also, thank you for being the welcoming friendly people that you are!
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-31)
teneki good idea will try that
Argette go for it and good luck will keep eye out for it 😊
And to all on here
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Billy Christmas? I like it.

OK, I'm starting to write something. It will be little vignettes, possibly unrelated. Thank you all for the encouragement.

Happy New Year!
teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Given that Billy seems to be a little more active tonight, maybe you could try asking him for a picture again?
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
that would be great granny OBVIOUSLY just for testing them to make sure they come out right! Would hate to think that they might not be perfect so I do believe an expert oppinion will be needed on this.
And will call mum asap 😆
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Taz: Sadly I didn't get to try the sugar mice...They're a little time consuming and I didn't start my baking and candy making until way too late this year 😆...But they're on my agenda during the year so hopefully I'll have them perfected by next Christmas... Shall I send you some of the prototypes?...

By all means, call Mum and get the recipe for rock cakes!...Can't wait... 😊
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
ok this is too weird!
I keep thinking call mum for rock cakes!
Something I have not ever tried to make but will get the recipe to add for you guys.
Granny did you do the sugar mice?
Mr christmas is loving the comments I keep feeling little touches and chills.
From me thanks you guys for getting him more acctive here I'm actually enjoying it and shaking at the same time lol
Also thinking billy too? We might have a name here!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Oh for goodness sakes! There I go with the typos again!
Sorry Carl...

Jav 😉 ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Thank you Mr Christmas~
That was a perfect response. And our Cadl will always remember it. ❤

Jav 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
HI MR. CHRISTMAS! 😆...Don't go scaring our Tazzy too bad, now!...We need him around to keep us posted on your visits!

Happy New Year, and give Taz a good recipe for all of us to share! ❤
teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Don't be worried Argette, from what I've seen, we're a friendly bunch around here.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
[at] jav SWEETIE ❤
If I get the name (or a new recipe) will add it here straight away and I agree it does feel like sometimes he is right behind me reading the comments over my shoulder (like right now!)
From him happy new year to you jav
And from me~
OK! Freak out time! I swear on all I hold dear to me I just felt a slight touch on my shoulder like someone leaning in and placeing a hand there!
Bugger my heart is racing
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Sorry for the typo, my keyboard farted 😆.
It seems I can't make it through a day anymore without messing up someone's name.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
I'm with taz and granny on this. Heck, you have a couple more in the comment thread of my story too.
You realize you are just giving it away like that. What you write may help someone else too.

Jav 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
I keep coming back to read the new comments, and it seems we all agree that this ghostie is your friendly Christmas shadow. Following along reading our comments as well I'll bet.
~Waving at Mr Christmas~Happy New Year to you!
If you can get a name, and find out he's a chef... Get a recipe too!

Happy New Year my beautiful, wonderful friend!

Jav ❤ 😊 ❤
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
argette know what you mean I was worried the first time I added a post on here but am glad to say the feed back is a real boost and knocks out the worrying flat lol. Plus have made some great friends through it too.
And it does not have to be like some that are so long you need a break in the middle, as long as its what happened and nothing added to "fill it out" it is fine with just as long as its long enough to be added (1500 letters per post is the minimum count) so not that long at all.
And being curious is a great way of thinking, don't need to be scared by these things so when your ready to add a post go for it 😊
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Argette: That's a great attitude to have though!...For one thing, it helps you search for the obvious and attempt to debunk instead of running down the street in a bath towel screaming because the ghosties are after you 😆...I agree with Taz, I'm sure you could do a compilation of the little stuff and come up with a pretty great story!...Looking forward to it ❤
Argette (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Thank you, Taz, but I don't really have a whole lot of details. I will try, though. I have to admit, I'm kind of afraid to post a real story here. Not sure what I am afraid of. It's interesting how when I have experiences that are odd, they don't really spoke me, just make me curious.
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
[at] argtte got to say you were wrong the other day! You do have stuff to put in a full post of your own even if its just small experiences like the 2 you added here then I surgest you writ them out, add any other details you can recall and add it I'm sure it will go down well 😊
[at] ruubyraay thanks for the comment glad you liked it, yes all he does is stand there so I can see him for a few seconds then goes but will do it everytime I pop out of the room, will ask for a name and see what if anything I get back.
[at] cosmogal hope you did not freak out too much leaving work! And I can imagine the swearing gordon would come out with so glad hes not here too lol,
And I hope you have a great new years too xx
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
Hey taz, Great story, and very interesting. I wonder who the messy ghost chef is. I'm sure Gordon Ramsay wouldn't approve. LOL! 😆 I did get a little chill reading about your shadow friend and now I realize that I'm the only one in my office. The hall outside my office is dark by the elevators and I think I need to leave now. So thanks for another great story taz, and please do update us if anything else happens. Happy New Year my dear. ❤
ruubyraay (1 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-30)
This story is my favorite so far! Its crazy, having a ghost as your friend? Pretty cool (: I have a question? Does all he do is stare at you while he is there? Does he just stand there? Or like what does he do? You should ak for his name... Well that's all I have to say

Ruby 😁

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