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Don't Hold Your Breath


On the 15th December 1988, our first grand-child, a son, was born in Carletonville. He was born premature, and so small that I had to buy dolls clothes to fit him. After a week or two, he was allowed to go home.

I was on Christmas break, from the factory that I worked at. My daughter asked me to help with her new baby, and I willingly agreed. They were living in a mining village named Blyvooruitsig (which means; happy future).

That first night at home, the new mom, Raylene and her youngest sister, Angel (whom was thrilled to be an aunt) were changing the baby. I was in the lounge, when I suddenly heard the girls' panicked voices. Raylene was in tears, saying that the baby had stopped breathing. I grabbed the baby, and blew hard in his face; (it was my first instinct which made me do that), the baby took a deep breath, and started to breath normally again. We thought, at the time, that he might have swallowed a wind or something that babies do sometimes.

The next night, baby Kyle stopped breathing again. His mom tried the trick of blowing in his face, but this time, it didn't work. By the time Raylene had run shrieking, down the passage to her dad and I, the little one, was blue in the face. My husband and I administered CPR, and managed to get him back to normal again, while Raylene stood by, wringing her hands in despair and pleading with her baby son "Don't hold your breath my baby, please, just breath". At that time, we realised that we had a serious problem on our hands!

Raylene and her husband got the baby to a doctor as soon as possible, only to be told that nothing could be found wrong with him. My poor daughter was too scared to sleep, in case something happened to her son while she was asleep. Many a night, I "slept" with baby Kyle on my chest, but unfortunately, at the end of the holidays, I had to return home and to work.

Over the next few months, baby Kyle was rushed to the hospital more times than I care to remember. Many doctors examined him, including five paediatricians. Nobody could tell why he would stop breathing. Except for this problem, he was a healthy little boy. This information did little to soothe the family's frazzled nerves.

I know this is not a dream site, but I am not asking for an explanation or interpretation. I am only going to state the facts!

When baby Kyle was eighteen months old, I had a dream that I will never forget as long as I live. I dreamed that Kyle was sleeping on the foot end of a single bed. Right there, by him, was my late dad. My dad was dressed in a white shirt, grey flannel pants and grey sleeveless pullover. (This is how I will always remember him.) He was sitting on a chair, leaning over Kyle, elbow on knee and hand cupping his chin. Behind my dad's right shoulder stood a misty, ghost-like, woman dressed all in white. She looked like a hospital matron, from years gone by, with the large white veil that they used to wear.

Not a word was exchanged in my dream, but the implication was great. My Father had now taken on the job of looking after his great-grand-son! Almost twenty years after his passing, I had seen dad (for the first time, since his passing) in a dream, and it was so vivid that I could not deny it.

I awoke with a deep sense of peace.

Not once, since that night, has Kyle stopped breathing involuntarily. Today, he is a healthy, charming, young man.

Thank you for reading my story, if you have any questions, I will gladly answer them.



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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Fergie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-03)
Hi Melanie15, jy's net hier, oor die bult! Thank you for the compliment, I am so glad to hear that another person from my country enjoys my narratives,

Well met Melanie; thank you for your comment. 😊
Melanie15 (1 posts)
11 years ago (2013-07-03)
Ek kom van Carletonville af! Bly te kenne! Geniet so baie jou stories!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-12)
Thanks Spider, you did indeed lighten the load for a bit. You even made me smile, giving your gran's secrets away like that! Aren't grandmothers precious? They are often a source of great comfort... I know mine was too.
I am sure she would never be too busy to keep an eye on you. 😉
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-12)
Glad I could lighten the load for a second Fergie.

Miracles, its actually probably one of those "In the back of your mind" things, the cord I mean.
My gran would always call me from her landline phone just to chat or to Skinner (Gossip) about something she had just heard about some or other family member... Geez I miss her so bad!
Also, when I was younger and my mom and stepdad would leave me to look after my brother, I would call my gran on the phone and tell her I was scared and she would phone me back from said landline and keep me company until I relaxed...
I would like to think of her as my guardian, but I figure she is way too busy with my grandpa (Who passed when I was 2) and her not so secret love...Elvis!
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-06-12)
Spider - a lot of my premonitions come to me in dreams, so I fully believe in the power of dreams. After awhile, you get to where you know what is a normal, typical dream and one that is "pay attention, this means something."

I wouldn't dream of laughing at the telephone cord in your dream. I actually think it's pretty cool. My thought? During the majority of your grandmother's life, telephones had cords 😊
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-12)
Spider, thank you for helping me take my mind off of things in hand.
No, I will NOT laugh at you! If that is what you Needed to dream, I am glad you got your wish.
I am lucky, I have no remorse. I spent the last +/- 18 hours of Angel's life with her; along with my eldest daughter. We were in it, for the 'long haul', we had told Angel that she would not be alone at the end! We kept our promise. ❤
SpiderZA (2 stories) (81 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-12)
Hello Fergie
I also believe in dreams. When my gran passed away suddenly from a heart attack I felt so guilty as I had "been meaning" to visit for a while but hadnt got there. Anyway, I was so racked with pain and guilt but I asked my gran not to show up personally as I would be too freaked to listen to her. Sure as can be, that night I had a dream that my gran called me from heaven (Please don't laugh) there was literally a telephone cord and everything. She told me its ok that I was away for a while and she understood and that she just wanted me to promise that I would be good. (she was always saying that) She loved me and she just wanted to say goodbye. I feel like crying as I write this because I still miss my gran like it was yesterday...
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-07)
Hi Anneke, my young friend. I hope you are better!
Sad times have struck our family; I am praying for another dream/vision soon. 😭
Thank you for your comment. ❤
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-06-06)
Hi Fergi my friend, hope you are well!
You can be sure that dream was a sign, like a vision.
I had many of those in my lifetime and it never fails to stun me every time. But it's true!
Nice story.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-10)
Once again, Krys, thank you for a lovely comment.
Dad's timeing was impecable, his 'message' lifted a great weight off of my shoulders; I had a great sense of calm, when I awoke.

I agree... Love transcends all...!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-10)
Hi Nordic, when you mentioned 'circus' & 'Budget' in the same breath, I put 2 and 2 together. You have my sympathies!
I think I will 'try on' one of my Uncle Norm's accounts, maybe next week. I don't want to 'flood the market' with ALL my past experiences, at once. They seem to be drying up as I grow older.
Once upon a time, you hinted at experiences of your own. Where are they? Come on...give!
As for the cricket, AB's team won, though he didn't get a chance to bat.
KRYSTALLIA (64 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)
What a sweet story, yet again Fergie! I too was a bit spooked to carry on reading and am glad I did!It's great that your father chose just the right moment to make contact and make you feel safe... Love knows no boundries, physical or other wise...

❤ Krys
Nordic (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)
Fergie, I really hope you find the words soon. I am stuck at work whilst the circus rubberstamps the Budgets, so I can certainly do with some good reading material. On the point of cricket, I am definitely up for comparing notes too. I live and breathe the game. 😆
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)
Thanks Nordic, for the double compliment.
Umm...I have a few accounts, still up my sleeve ~ sorry, I mean rolling around in my head! I just have to be in the mood... To find the correct words... To commit them to print! I don't want to sound like a brash teen-ager! 😉
Adsouza and I regularly compare notes on cricket!
We Love Cricket... Oh Yeah... ❤
Nordic (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-09)
A wonderful account as always, Fergie. I absolutely love your stories -- and I am glad to hear that there is more to come. 😁

[at] adsouza: Glad to see another cricket fanatic on the site. Absolutely love the IPL -- well, any format of the game, really. It even made a fan of my cricket-detesting dad!
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-05-06)
AB scored 23 runs in 5 balls off Steyn! All of us in India who watched the game can't get over it!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-06)
Wow Amit, that is awsome! Thanks a million for the up-date. I wish I could see that, but they don't even show high-lights on the news! It is so sad. 😢
adsouza (guest)
12 years ago (2012-05-06)
Cindy - Your cricketers are just the best in the business. Today was AB DeVillier's day and he took apart the formidable Dale Steyn!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-03)
Thanks Granny, for your comment and your opinion.
I had a 'Why didn't I think of that?' moment when you mentioned them not picking up Kyle's condition in hospital... He surely was monitored long enough. Strange,,,isn't it? 😕
It sure was good to know that Dad was 'in on the deal'. He would have been thrilled to know he was a great-grandfather! Dad loved children, my girls all have fond memories of him.
Thank you, Kyle is doing fine, health-wise & job-wise. He has even got a company vehicle, & recently, a girlfriend. 😉
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-05-02)
Fergie: It's always been my opinion that our loved ones do indeed visit us in our dreams, probably because I've experienced it so many times... I think your grandson's problems stemmed from being born prematurely...I'm very surprised he didn't show signs of that condition while being monitored in the hospital...

You must have felt very comforted knowing your Dad was there... Thank you for sharing this very heart-warming account... Nice to know your Grandson is doing well! ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-02)
Thank you Morticia, I am glad you read until the end. I don't think I have any more experiences left with anything tragic in them, only the 'weird'! (Nothing like "Billy, one of a kind".)
I am delighted that you had a happy sigh, at the end.
Thank you for your lovely comment!
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-02)
Fergie like others I was afraid to keep reading because of what I feared to be the outcome. I'm so glad I did keep reading!

Like others I'm so glad your dad was there to look out for Kyle and let you know he was too *sighs oh so happily*
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-02)
Darkness, Thank you for the compliment, I only wrote the truth. Yes, what a sense of peace, after that dream! It was like a great weight had been lifted from my shoulders.
I just know that Dad has been looking after Kyle ever since! He killed a man, (by accident) & nothing happened about the matter, (no court case or anything)
So yes, Dad must have seen that it was not Kyle's fault, & set things straight!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-02)
Tempestmoong, Thank you for your comment. We too, were very happy at the good outcome.
I shall most certainly look out for your post; I look forward to reading your experiences & will definitely give you feed-back.
I wish you all of the best. 😊
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-02)
A beautiful account Fergie, I am so glad things worked out for Kyle. The sense of peace and security after having the dream would no doubt have been trememndously overwhelming, I love that feeling!😁 So glad your dad still looks over Kyle and no doubt yourself and your family, it must be very reassuring.

Thank you for sharing with us.

tempestmoong (3 stories) (33 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-01)
I'm so glad that everything worked out for the best and I have had so many experiences in my life that I hope that you and your friends will read them and give me your take. To make it easier for you to find me I'm from the U.S. State of michigan. I just downloaded my first experience don't know when they'll post it.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-01)
Oops, sorry slip of the finger (or concentration) the previous comment is meant for Javelina! Sorry to call you Jay, my friend. 😆
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-01)
Jay, I look forward to your comments, EVERY TIME! Why? Because 'you shoot straight from the hip'! 😐 Weather it be to call for the BS blankie; to defend a friend, or to leave a heart-felt comment!
Thank you for being you. ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-01)
Aaw Fergie,
I love your accounts. They are always well written, and have a good sense of wonder about them.
Thank you again Fergie. ❤

Jav 😊
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
12 years ago (2012-05-01)
Taz, thank you for the compliment. Dad always did look out for his own (and others; even strangers) so it was no great surprise, when he stepped in. That Dad appeared in a dream, was actually a surprise, since I had not dreamed of him since his passing, so many years ago. 😲

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