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A Demon, A Poltergeist, Or Plain Nuttinesss?


Some stories I've been reading here lately remind me of an incident experienced by my sister Marie* back when we were kids. There were various factors present that made it difficult then (and now) to figure out exactly what happened, and I wonder if you YGS kids want to give it a shot.

Marie was about 15; I was 13. One evening, she burst into my bedroom, hysterical. She dragged me back to her room, crying the entire time that she had been visited by a demon, and that it had broken her friend's radio, and that she wanted me to see the damage so as to corroborate her story.

Which was: that she had been sitting up in bed, reading. Across the room from her bed, she detected a tapping noise on the wall. The tapping moved around the wall, turning two corners before beginning on the wall against which the head of her bed lie. It came progressively closer until it tapped Marie on the head twice. She immediately leapt from the bed to the center of the room and tracked the taps until they finished at their original starting point.

Immediately following this, she claims that her friend's radio was picked up and smashed against the floor by an invisible force. She then ran to my room and grabbed me to check out the mess.

Previously, the radio had been perched atop two upside-down milk crates that were stacked, one atop the other, and pushed against the wall beside Marie's bed. This make-shift table had a height of maybe 2 feet.

The radio was now smashed to bits on the floor before the milk crates. The crates themselves were disturbed: the bottom crate was pushed forward from the wall, and the top crate had partially fallen back to rest at an angle against the wall.

I thought 3 things at the time:

1. The radio was too badly smashed to have simply fallen from a height of 2 feet.

2. The way the disturbed crates lay suggested that a strong force pushed the bottom one out from the wall hard enough to cause the top one to fall back - physically impossible.

3. The way the crates were disturbed belied my sister's report that the radio rose up and was subsequently smashed - she had been facing the opposite wall, following the tapping when this happened, so that would explain her missing details.

Fun facts about Marie at that time in her life:

1. She had been flunking out of school, attending classes maybe once a week.

2. When not at school, she was with her boyfriend, Tom*, an older boy who was a self-professed Satanist.

3. Marie had told me that Tom had told her that he would direct a demon to watch over her, to make sure she didn't cheat on him, etc.

4. At this time, Marie had been bulimic for about a year.

5. Marie was a habitual marijuana user.

Marie thought that the tapping was from Tom's demon; I thought it might have been a poltergeist or that she was nuts, based on her history. Her friend Judy*, to whom the radio belonged, didn't care either way - she just wanted her radio replaced.

As of today, when all the stories here bring this incident to mind again, I still can't figure it all out. Marie did and still does have too much weird around her for me to be objective - but she's my sister, you know?

So, I'd love to hear your opinions. Do feel free to ask about any more information I can provide re: the incident or the people involved.

*Names changed

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, galleygal, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-14)
[at] jesus_soldier - I'm glad you enjoyed the discussion. And thanks to all who participated; this has been enlightening.
galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
12 years ago (2012-08-14)
[at] rookdygin - it turns out what you said is exactly what it sounded like haha! Somehow, 'personal' haunting, in quotes as you put it, seemed more ominous to me.

No, as far as I recall, nobody else experienced anything spooky. As I mentioned in an earlier post, I experienced one or two oddities, but nothing like my sister, and not at that time.

Thanks for clarifying!
Jesus_soldier (guest)
12 years ago (2012-08-14)
Wow, I missed a lot. I don't really know where to begin. My views of demons come from the bible, and I understand that some people don't agree with the teaching. I would go deeper into this subject, but i'm tired of talking about demons at this moment, so i'm going to wash my hands on this one. Thank you again for sharing galleygal.

JS aka Brandon 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-14)

Sorry I'm just getting back to this...

What I meant was that it was something 'specific' your sister experienced... She was the only one who heard the taps and/or was touched... Or have I missed other things that were happening in the home during this time period?

Hope that explains what I meant.


newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
Based on a religious view and not to push it here this could explain a demon "ranking" system with an explanation as to how some could be stronger. The Existence and Nature of Demons

A. Their Creation - God created demons as part of the angelic realm originally (Col.1:16).

B. Their Fall -

1. The evidence - It is clear that Satan has a following of like beings ("Prince of the demons" - Matt.12:24; the Devil and his angels - Matt.25:41). Demons are described throughout the Scriptures (Dan.10:10-20; Matt.10:1; Eph.6:12).

2. The time - At the fall of Satan, many angels followed him in that rebellion (demons are fallen angels). A third of the angelic host seem to have fallen with Satan (Rev.12:4

Now this is if you take it from a religious stand point, if you are not religious you have a right to disagree.
Buzz_man123 (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
It's an interesting thought with the whole rank and file, presumably it would be ruled by fear of the more powerful demons? However, I always related demons to chaos and disorder (I know this could be outdated) but I can't imagine one demon being ruled by another and then by lucifer himself! I heard another theory that maybe the demons turned there back on satan to pursue there own needs or maybe using us to live again for a few minutes whence summoned, its all very interesting but there is so many unknows that its all speculation.

galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
[at] buzz - lol, at this point, anything is possible!

Buzz_man123 (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
Thanks for the reply Galley and I was just though't I'd put out the thought that maybe this was just another incident but the recent spooky satanic talk made everything seem a lot more spooky and mysterious than it might under normal circumstance, then again getting tapped in the head by the unknown isn't really a normal thing!

I suppose its possible that the taps were piping or something in the walls and that your sister maybe fell asleep and snapped awake (bear with me!) possibly hitting her head off the book and presuming it was whatever caused the wall noise's, then in her panic she knocked the cable (you've already heard the cable theory so al let you figure the rest)

Just giving you more food for thought!

galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
Maybe there's a demon hierarchy, like an angel hierachy. Isn't that supposedly the case? Angels, archangles, cherbus, etc. Maybe demons have a similar rank and file system.
galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
[at] buzz - apologies, I forgot to answer. I don't recall my sister saying anything else weird happened to her there, but that doesn't mean it didn't happen. She complained frequently of being watched, or spooked, literally everywhere she went.

I saw strange things on 2 occasions, but nothing like what happened to "Marie"
Buzz_man123 (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
It makes sense that some will be more powerful I suppose but what makes me doubt it is HOW they get to be more powerful? Any idea's? Also what defines the power of a demon? How easily they are summoned? Or what the can do once here? For instance galley said that there was a story about the reanimation of a corpse (albeit for a short time) which is pretty powerful stuff (i'd hate to hear what a sceptic has to say about that story!)

I think that the thought of them being more powerful opens up a lot more doors. Some men are stronger than other due to natural selection or illness affecting someone but what does the demon have? It could be how long they've been around but then you would have to believe that demons "spawn" all the time which then makes us wonder where they all are.

newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
[at] Buzz-I would assume that some demons would be more powerful as I believe that some angels are more powerful so why would the same not hold true with demons. Just a thought
Buzz_man123 (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
It would be good to get a satanist to comment and discuss! I don't see how he could control said demon anyway and I wonder how one demon can have more power than any other? Interesting! I doubt that the guy who fell down the stairs would have beaten himself to scare the rest of the guys but I suppose the mentality of some of these people is questionable at best!

And I'm not sure if you saw my original comment galleygal and was just wondering if anything unusual had happened at the house or your sisters room before? Sorry for asking again!

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
That's alright. I'm cranky, not mad. Don't let me get under your skin. You have your opinion, I have mine. We have stated as such.
And on that note, I think I'll be moving on for now. I need a nap.

newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
[at] Jav- I am not saying this is def. A demon or as you said "One that makes deals with humans to climb in someone's window to bust up a radio." You are very much entitled to your opinion as are the rest of us. The comment I made was in response to a general comment on demons. I never stated that they HAD to cozy up or make deals but that IF it benefits them there is a possibility that they could.
I never stated your position could not have happened as it is a real posibility. I have yet to find a book on the behavior patterns and society structure of demons, that said I don't think anyone to include myself could say how they would react. I was simply putting something out there to think about.
galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
[at] javelina - "[their pet demon] Fights battles for them and dresses fashionably." That is outrageous; I don't blame you for losing your patience if you hear claims like that regularly.

Here's another thing that I witnessed, sort of: At "Tom"'s boarding house, a lot of the guys there were supposed satanists. One of them kept a room in the attic, it was all decorated (?) with spells painted on the walls; he told me they were spells of protection for when he conjured.

One day, we were in "Tom"'s room, when we heard a ruckus in the hallway. Everyone that was on the second floor ran out of their rooms to see "Attic Guy" tumbling down the stairs from the attic. He looked messed up, like he'd been in a fight.

He claimed that he had conjured a demon that he couldn't control, and that it kicked his butt. Nobody believed him, of course, but you'd think his other satanist buddies would, right? Even they knew the whole idea was ridiculous.
Buzz_man123 (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
I understand and accept the apology, I also understand your thought's but I think its possible that "demons" would look to manipulate to get there own way, some say they feed off fear, and then of course we have to take into account that there is most definitely stuff that we will probably never understand that effect their interaction with us and our world

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
Forgive my rude behavior. I am of the mind that it takes a bit more than just having a human to get friendly with in order to be allowed into any place they want to go. I don't see it as a rule following type of society that demons hail from either. These ideas that they must be invited in or need to cozy up to a human in order to get what they want are just not realistic. I see them as takers only. No deals, no pals, no rules. The idea that they need any sort of permission to go where they want just makes no sense to me. I'm sorry. That's just how I see it.
My tone is unfortunate, but I have dealt with many of the people that come here insisting they have their own Demon that does things for them and follows them everywhere. Fights battles for them and dresses fashionably. There are some days that I just get cranky about it. Especially when it is spoken about so casually.

Buzz_man123 (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
Galleygal I think that would be a pretty accurate thought, like you say if they could interact with the world and us at will then extremely strange and disturbing things would no doubt occur regularly!
galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
[at] javelina - everything you say is possible, I just guess I don't want to believe that "Marie" would lie about causing the damage herself, or alternatively, that she could cause that sort of damage and not be aware of it! She took full responsibility for the replacement of the broken radio, so I'm sure if she knew she'd done it she wouldn't have a problem admitting it... If it happened like you say, I think she must have done it unawares.

[at] buzz_man - "Tom" told her about the demon, but I wish I could remember what, if anything, he said when she confronted him about her visitor. I'll have to call her again.

[at] newhunter - your question reminds me of a story "Tom" told us once.

A dude conjured a demon up from a spell book. He then left for lunch, leaving his acolyte to clean up. The acolyte found the open spell book and conjured the same demon. The demon sensed the acolyte was weak and killed him.

The dude returned and found the dead acolyte. He conjured the demon again and forced it to bring the acolyte back to life, at least until the acolyte was out of the dude's house. The acolyte revived, left, and dropped dead on the street a few blocks from the dude's house.

I think I get the discussion, that a demon would allow itself to be managed in order to be in a position to manipulate others. I can tell you this: I've never had problems with demons; I think lots of people haven't. They clearly can't mess with anybody whenever they want, or they would. So maybe demons act friendly at first to those who conjure them, to gain trust and be allowed "in" to our plane of existence? Then, once they're in, they wreak havoc on whatever they can get their hands on.
Buzz_man123 (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
I am not really pro demon, I have just read a few stories that have these thoughts and was wondering if it could be applied to this encounter, that is all.

I hope you understand that I am just exploring different avenues of thought to give a different perspective and simply want a discussion (forgive me for taking your tone as slightly confrontational and a bit condescending!)

Alas I mean no offence to anyone and I am hopefully going to put up my mothers as well as my own story on this website, but thought I would comment and discuss on other story's first to give myself some credibility as my mothers story in particular is quite interesting.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
Goodness me, but we have aroused the pro demon crowd I see. Well guys. That all sounds very romantic and dark. But you sound as if you are referring to a sentient, free will enabled type of guy. One that makes deals with humans to climb in someone's window to bust up a radio. You know, just to get on his good side. Sounds like a fairy tale to me.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
[at] MizMiMi,
I just found your post about commenting on old threads. If you notice, the barking doesn't occur when the comment is non confrontational. Or if it happens to be on the thread of someone still actively involved in the site. It is annoying when the comment is merely to dredge up an old flamewar that the troll has chosen simply because they want to start another fight. When this happens look up the profile on the one leaving the comment. 99% of the time they have less than 5 posts and no stories. So it's a good guess the troll was either busted/debunked on a story they had posted up or is a past or current member that simply has an ax to grind but lacks the testicular fortitude to stand on their own two feet an defend their position. So they come back with a new alias, no profile info on their page, and one or two comments to their name. TROLL ALERT!
Don't think twice about it, if you want to say something say it. I do.

Buzz_man123 (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
Good point newhunter, the thing is nobody really knows how the mind of a demon works, maybe some contact has been made with mediums etc but nobody can honestly say what they would try to do, I think it likely they have different personalities and aren't all the same (which backs up the angel demon or "good" demon thing I've read about)

Who knows, maybe the demons like to "check in" on satan worshippers and try to gain support by doing small things such as this, because imagine "toms" amazement when his girlfriend says he may have actually done something! Like you say maybe the demon wanted die hard support from him? Or if he wasn't serious for this to be a warning not to dabble!

newhunter30 (2 stories) (137 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
Ok I may have overlooked this comment if someone made it and if I did I apologize. I see a lot of people saying that a demon would not take orders from a human which I will say I do agree with but has anyone considered the possibility of a demon doing something that a human wants done for the demons own personal gain or to make that person feel like they are in control when in all reality the demon is, just a thought.
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
Just one more note about the cord.
If it were hanging off to the side or front the crates, even woven through the handle to keep it from hanging out, she still may have hit the crate, the radio, any of it to start a chain reaction of things to occur. Having a cord attached only gives it the jerk it would need to pull it hard onto the floor. Hard and quick. Just enough to cause the damage it had.

Buzz_man123 (1 stories) (22 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
Hey, I've been reading through the comments and mulling over what has been said. Its a shame you will never truly know what happened as we can merely speculate at the cause, too bad we can't talk to "tom" and ask him what exactly he meant by having a demon watch over your sister! If he actually performed some sort of ritual, regardless of his "skill" with such things could have caused the incident and he may have a connection with the other incidents that have happened since.

Just some questions:)

Had anything significant happened before this to anybody in the house?

Do you really think the "tom" satan worshipping could have had an impact?

Also I read somewhere that its possible to get a demon follower or guardian and I can't help but make a connection with him "directing" (which I presume are his words) a demon onto your sister, though as said Its highly suspect that a demon would take orders, especially if it was to make sure she didn't cheat which is pretty trivial (I imagine) for a demon!

Sorry for the long post,

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
The cord doesn't have to be on the bed really. When you consider she jumped in fright. A state of panic can make some people just flail their arms and legs about in an effort to get to 1) a standing position 2) away from the source 3) and at the same time, looking fore the source. This puts her focusing on the source of those taps only. Not what is around her as far as the little things are concerned.
Arms and legs everywhere trying to get off of and away from the place she was when it tapped her.

galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
[at] kryodache - I don't recall her being particularly "high-acting"; she just seemed scared and nervous. I spoke to her on the phone yesterday and asked if she remembered being on anything and she said she didn't think so, but she couldn't recall for certain.

Someone else on here suggested that she may have smoked a laced joint, in which case she might have been on something and she didn't realize it.

If I had to guess if she were on anything and what it was, I'd guess coke, because she was very nervous and excited, besides scared. But I never heard of coke causing hallucinations either. For what it's worth, her reaction seemed appropriate to me.
galleygal (3 stories) (150 posts)
13 years ago (2012-08-13)
[at] javelina and mizmimi - I think that she probably wasn't high either. It was late at night and she wouldn't have dared smoke dope in the house, so if she were buzzed, it would have probably been a leftover from earlier in the night.

I do recall an outlet beside her bed. When she moved out my parents converted the room to a second office and had the desk and computer against that wall. Plus I know that if electricity were available, she would use that over battery power.

But the cord would have to have been near her somehow, too, like on the bed, to trip her up, wouldn't it?

And the tapping - a whole other story. Rookdygin called it a 'personal' haunting; I wonder what he meant?

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