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Did An Evil Spirit Take Me Over?


Back in the late 70's, we lived in a converted garage behind another house, my mother, my two brothers, and myself. I had an upstairs room, in the rear, with a crawlspace in the ceiling, reached by a trapdoor.

At the time, I was heavily into recreational drugs, and the occult; my bookshelves were crammed with books on ghosts, witchcraft, and communicating with spirits. My friends and I had a number of encounters with the supernatural, which we thought was "a trip".

One night, I was sitting in my room by myself, having just smoked a joint. It was about two in the morning, everyone else was in bed, and I'd been sitting up re-reading THE MAGIC ISLAND by W. B. Seabrook. The night was quiet, the house still.

I stood up from my chair, looking around the room for...something. Over in the corner was a length of rope, left over from the tire swing I'd hung for my nephew (and myself). I picked it up, along with a pry-bar which was standing in the corner.

I dragged my chair to the center of the room, so that it sat directly beneath the trapdoor. I flung back the cover of the trap, checking the width of the opening-perfect.

Taking the rope, I tied one end to the pry-bar, then lifted it into the opening, and laid it crosswise, spanning it. After testing the strength of the rope and the knot, I tied a running loop in the other end, leaving about three feet of rope from the trapdoor down.

All this seemed normal, not out of the ordinary at all.

Just as I was about to place the loop over my head, it was as if my eyes were opened, and I REALIZED WHAT I WAS DOING!

For a second, a chill enveloped my body, then seemed to slither off me, like the sinuous embrace of a spectral octopus.

I sank into a sitting position in the chair, and sat there, trembling.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, alandhopewell, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-09)
Presently, Sami, the occurrences around me are of a minor nature, 4-X Last night, my tv turned the volume way up all by itself; the remotes were in front of me on a table, untouched, and I was the only one up. The volume got louder, and the volume indicator was visible on the screen, climbing.

Standard procedure for such things is to tell them, in no uncertain terms, "In the name of Lord Jesus, BEGONE!"
curious_sami (1 stories) (14 posts)
11 years ago (2013-10-01)
quite a disturbing occurance, the drugs in your system could be a factor in the event but even so as you said it seemed normal or ok at the time you were doing it. There is a possibility of another entitys doing and also as the others have said the author of the book commited suicide which could have gotten to you because of your curiosity in the paranormal and the slightly less concious effect of being drugged. I hope your paranormal occurances are better ones... Peace and love *sami*
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-16)
So am I. It's always good to meet another member of the faith, wherever that may occur.
meow3 (23 posts)
12 years ago (2013-03-12)
It was, in my opinion, a paranormal story. Demons are certainly paranormal. Alan, you sure were lucky you snapped out of it when you did. As a fellow Christian, I'm glad that you eventually came to Christ. 😁
othershadows101 (14 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-14)
omg that's creapy the spirit tried to make you kill you self by hanging that's scary I would be scared I only have one fear that's ghost cause they can be scary and aggressive
aoife (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-27)
That story offends me but I know it was not yourbchoice to do it and it happened to me but I was possessed so wow 😳
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-03)
GREYFEATHER- I am a Christian, and understand exactly what you mean. The practices I indulged in at the time were extremely dangerous, even for a Christian who backslides.

I came to Christ about a year after the events described here, but due to a number of factors, I wandered away from my faith. I spent twenty years in such a state, getting back into drugs and the paranormal; most of the stories I've posted here (1978-1991) came from that period.

A saved individual cannot be possessed-however, they CAN be obsessed, as you describe, where the demonic messages are mistaken for one's own thoughts.
Someone who is not discipled properly after recieving Christ is in danger of tnis.

I wound up nearly killing someone while in such an obsessive state, and spent nearly nine years in prison for Attempted Murder. Drugs were involved, recreational, plus two prescribed antidepressants (which I'm actually allergic to).

I came back to my faith while in County Jail. Ever since, one of my ministries has been to warn people about the danger the occult presents.
GreyFeather (44 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-29)
Id say that was a demonic/evil entity. It was taking advantage of your weakened state of mind (drugged). It wanted you to die, but didn't have a "GO" to do it, so it gave you the suggestion. I suspect you had suicidal "thoughts" just prior to that. Demons can suggest by sending "thoughts" to you, and you think it's your own ideas. Demons/evil entities have to get permission to do anything, usually determined by our following God's rules. Long story short-the entity could not kill you, but gave you the "choice". Your guardian angel/spirit would not allow you to be killed in such a outright underhanded way. So you actually didn't want to die.

Drugs, alcohol, anything that's alters your conscious mind, leaves you open to spiritual attack (yes, sleep too). But, we have better protection and strength when we have complete use of our mind.

You were looking into paranormal things, and most likely attracted some hungry devils-hungry for souls.

Glad you got out alive and sane. Just remember-if they didn't get you, they'll try for your kids. Pick up a Bible and pray over them.

Good news is-God is all powerful and can send those demons out like fleas from dog shampoo. You call on Jesus the Christ and those things will disappear faster than they slithered in.

Glad you shared your story. I hope you take my advice because it is absolutely correct and proven through the ages.

Look up drug use by shamans and witch "doctors". You'll see the correlation of what I said.
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-29)
LOU- Please contact me at alandhopewell [at] yahoo.com.Will explain then.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-22)
squareface - then maybe this isn't the site for you. I'm not trying to run you off, but if this story scared you, perhaps you'd be better off on another site where there are different types of stories.
Kryodrache (3 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-22)
To be fair, Squareface101, this IS a site for ghost stories. Those haven't been known to be the most reassuring and comforting stories out there.

Also, marijuana does not cause hallucinations. Not to an EXTREME effect anyway. Mostly smudged lights, minor blurs, all that has been reported. It dopes the brain rather than creating grand displays of colors and shapes like some other much more stronger drugs. This is what I understand through research, anyway.
squareface101 (1 stories) (14 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-22)
To be honest you shouldnt have written a story like that cause there are people who are sensitive readers like me and reading that kind of scared me 😨
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-19)

Your initial statement in your original comment to me was that whether or not Alan's story qualified as paranormal was not a point for debate... Because apparently the criterion for allowing a story to be posted has no bearing on the actual reason for this site.
Then, you proceed to tell me you've never wondered what it was like for someone who has killed themselves to take that final step. In my opinion, those thoughts are the very reason we are having this discussion. The reason we are both alive and breathing is because when faced with a dilemma, we chose life... And the decision to do so, was the opposite choice of someone who did not. So to say "you've never, not once" considered the thoughts and actions of a victim, meant to me that you either had not been around it, or you just choose "not to go there". Nobody is asking to hear about your personal life or experiences... All I had to go on was what you said. But every night we reach the pillow with breath left in our lungs, we faced those questions and we carried on.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-19)
Lou - I'm not even going to pretend I know how my comment lead you to yours. And I refuse to drag my personal life into this by telling how completely and utterly wrong you are in your assessment of how "fortunate" I am not to have to deal with the aftermath of suicide 😐
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-19)
I love Mondays. For those of us who aren't able to access their accounts over the weekend, it is such a joy.
I don't doubt the authenticity of your account, nor do I discount your dedication to your interpretation of the event. You did not mention any presence in the room, in the story... Just that you and your friends thought your previous experiences were a trip. Nothing in your story lends one to believe it was a paranormal experience from my perspective. Your experience is your alone, and if you need to consider it to be demonic possession to get past it, that is your coping mechanism, and you are welcome to it.
I have heard of more suicides than I can remember. My grandfather killed himself, a friend killed himself, my daughter's classmate killed himself... If you are able to detach yourself from the common emotions involved with such a tragedy, and are unable or unwilling to wonder how a person could take that step and what emotion could put them at that precipice... You are more fortunate than those of us who have had deal with the aftermath.

MizMiMi02 (8 stories) (56 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-18)
"I think this is one of those stories that is up to individual interpretation." You're exactly correct, that's what this site is for. If everyone agreed to believed everything that was put out there, what would be the point in this website? These stories are posted to give the op an opportunity to get input or have an outlet for what "happened" to them. I do however believe that there are some things that can be easily explained, and this is one of those things. Per MY individual interpretation of course, not anyone else's. So even though I can't give Lou a thumbs up and have it counted, for me that interpretation of this story was right on the money.
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-17)
MIRACLES- thank you.
I am candid about my experiences because I believe one cannot do a story justice if one is not; this site takes pains to insist on candor.

In this instance, the drug use has a direct bearing on the occurrence, IMHO. My studies of spiritual communication around the world show a causal link between chemical usage and interaction, oftimes involuntary, often dangerous.

Despite what any might believe about my beliefs, I feel a responsibility as one who knows to warn others about such danger. That is the main reason I include this account... As they used to say, t'were a near thing.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-17)
Lou - I don't wish to get into a debate on whether or not Alan's story is or is not paranormal or the reasons why.

I consider myself a member of humanity and I have never, not once, thought any of these things: "...thoughts of suicide without being suicidal. Everyone has either heard of someone taking their own life or for some other reason; had that curiousity of: what it would be like in the moment of pulling that trigger, taking that flying leap, or one pill too many... Not because we were interested in dying, but simply to explore the limit of their own mortality."

I'm not putting this out here to start any poll, but only for the sake of pointing out this may not necessarily be a reason why Alan would have done what he did.

And before I leave, I would like to clarify my previous comment. When I said Alan and I differ in our beliefs, I was referring to our opinions on the supernatural. That is all. I was not condoning anything he has done in his past which, by the way, he has been upfront about. Alan could have easily not included the drug usage in his stories, but instead he was honest about it. And while I do agree that being under the influence of anything does alter our perception of reality, I think this is one of those stories that is up to individual interpretation.
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)
LOU- As I mentioned, there was always a presence in that room...I'd think that by now, you'd believe that I wouldn't waste anyone's time with a "non-paranormal" experience...ah, well.
MizMiMi02 (8 stories) (56 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)
I'm sorry, but I'm going to have to agree with Rook on this one. It seems that you obviously (by your own admission of course) were into drug use, and this caused you to do things that would normally be out of character had you not been into "recreational drugs."
In addition, I would just like to say that no one should EVER involve the use of drugs (recreational or otherwise) to invoke or attract the paranormal, it's just a bad idea. And anyone considering doing so (or admitting that they did), would lead me to believe that every bit of said ebcounter was nothing but fiction. Just my 2 cents
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-16)

Thank you for yet another non-paranormal experience. I think everyone who considers themselves a member of humanity has had thoughts of suicide without being suicidal. Everyone has either heard of someone taking their own life or for some other reason; had that curiousity of: what it would be like in the moment of pulling that trigger, taking that flying leap, or one pill too many... Not because we were interested in dying, but simply to explore the limit of their own mortality.
You went into great detail, as always, to describe every action that led up to you "coming to your senses" in this story... Which on its own, rules out possession or an out of body experience. You don't remark of voices, a presence, or a force that took you against your will or even into an alternate reality, other than smoking a joint...which, if on its own allowed you to "reach the other side", I would have been so far gone twenty-five years ago, I could have never come back.
If you had woke up on a chair with a noose around your neck, with no recollection of how you got there, it MAY have been an interesting "story"...as it stands, I don't know how it was printed, other than the simple fact that you have submitted so many other stories you now have carte blanche, at this point... Or maybe you are the limping gazelle this week.

alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-15)
MIRACLES- Although my stories are true, I try to write them as I would a work of fiction, for maximum effect; thus, ending the story with trembling.

I like your point about things "just happening"-sometimes, we try to make sense of things that are truly beyond our ken. Even within my own belief structure, I wrestled with this, until I remembered that the Word says that Satan was not trying to change minds, but to confuse them.

I can say this...thirty-five years later, just writing about this gives me the chills.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
alan - I've read every story you have submitted that has been published and even though you and I differ in our beliefs, I enjoy reading them. I believe that you believe what you have experienced. Sometimes that is all that matters.

A little over 30 years ago I had a terrifying experience that to this day I can't explain. All I know is it scared me to death, and even now each time I think about it, it freaks me out. I know there are people who wouldn't believe my story if I told them but I know it happened and I can't explain it either.

So, my thoughts in your experience... Maybe it had nothing to do with the drugs or your interests at the time. Sometimes these things happen with nothing else to influence them. They just do. I think they are a lesson that we have to learn. Maybe we just don't know it at the time 😕
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
I got the feeling that they did feel something, although no one talked about it.

I've been drug free for many years, now.
samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-14)
I agree with Rook too, a history of drug abuse has long term effects and makes people paranoid. Stay away from the drugs! Waste of time, money.
cosmogal926 (9 stories) (1223 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Considering all the previous posts and your answers to their questions; I guess it is possible that there was some kind of supernatural influence that occurred. I'm just glad you snapped out of it before putting the rope around your neck. Did anyone else in your family experience the smothering hag, or feel an evil presence?
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Ghosts in the machine, again... That first "a" is supposed to be lowercase, exactly like my username.
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Just a reminder... I eagerly recieve and answer e-mail.

Alandhopewell [at] yahoo.com
alandhopewell (28 stories) (145 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
Hi, everyone...I'll do my best to answer your questions.

DRUG USE- at the time, I smoked pot on a daily basis, and occasionally took hash, acid, PCP, mescaline, and such-I didn't use anything that you had to snort or shoot up. Also, I only bought from people who didn't make a habit of lacing pot or hash with other ingredients; some of you who were around BITD might remember when it was like that.

OCCULT STUDIES- As stated, I and my peers saw the unseen as something to play with, and trip off of, unless it was overtly evil, i.e. We would have never gone to a Black Mass.

My interests included ghosts, lycanthropy, vampirism, voodoo/ obeah, curses, witchcraft, and other strange phenomena such as UFOs, spontaneous human combustion, and disappearances.

Still, as someone said, mixing the occult and drugs is NOT a good idea, as you are left wide open for spiritual attack. I'd been witness to this, but felt in my youthful (22 years old) bravado that it couldn't happen to me.

FEELING NORMAL- I was aware of what I was doing, but I was not suicidal, nor was I internally struggling against it- perhaps the phrase, "did not seem abnormal" is clearer, as suggested.

OTHER OCCURRENCES- I (and some of my friends) had had experiences where an intense sense of evil, or malevolence, was present-I recall coming home one night, while everyone else was gone, the house dark, and just as I was about to unlock the front door, feeling as if a mass of evil was lurking just inside the house, waiting for me. I walked away, and when I returned an hour later, the feeling was gone. I experienced the smothering hag twice while living there, and often heard raps and noises in my room when alone.

A part of me wanted to experience these things, while another part was justifiably frightened. Even when nothing else was happening, there was a sense of presence in that room almost continually. Even then, I believed it to be something I'd drawn there, as neither the landlord (who lived in the front house) or the previous tenant had ever experienced anything there.

CALLTHEWIND- I didn't know the circumstances behind Seabrook's death-thank you.

I hope I answered at least some of your questions; thank you for your input, as always.
zetafornow (4 stories) (447 posts)
12 years ago (2012-11-13)
In my opinion it is very difficult to determine what was the cause of this "attempted hanging". Anytime drugs are involved, there is really no factual evidence to prove or disprove. Albeit, smoking a joint usually doesn't cause such actions but could be the pot was laced with acid, pcp, or anything else. Maybe you wouldn't even know. I am very glad to hear that you "snapped out of it" and came to. Interesting and very frightening. Just curious, did all the recreational drug use end after that? You do not have to answer if you wish not, quite frankly, that is none of my business. I was just curious.

Thanks, zeta.

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