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Targets Of A Poltergeist's Growing Interest


My boyfriend of three years and I have recently moved back in with his parents. We're planning on moving out of state and we were wanting to save up money. We've been with them for a little over a year now, and looking back on it, the activity has been going on since day one... There was just a lot less of it then.

When we first settled in with them, we noticed what sounded like someone knocking on the walls of our bedroom. Just two quick, brief knocks. Almost a heavy tapping, not quite as loud as a knock. It immediately caught our attention, but we never thought anything of it. His Dad told us there was a squirrel that was getting in the attic through our side of the house, so we chalked up the weird knocking to the pesky squirrel. We did, however, find it odd that the knocking didn't occur from just one particular location. It would happen on the wall right in front of where we were sitting watching t.v, it would happen on the wall above our heads while we were laying in bed, the wall on the opposite side of our restroom. Again, we never gave it much thought. If it wasn't the squirrel, it was probably the plumbing.

Well we soon took care of the squirrel infestation, with shotguns and BB guns. We'd post up outside, near their entrance into the attic, and any squirrels we saw coming in or out, or even in the general vicinity of the roof at all, got a rude awakening. Sorry if this offends anyone, but we live out in the country of northern Texas. Rodents are plentiful out here and there isn't much compassion for them. Needless to say the squirrels learned and quit coming around. We patched their entrance into the house. Problem solved, right? Not exactly. The knocking continued! It was an everyday thing! After awhile we'd joke, you know, "What if it is a ghost, oooohh, scaryyy." It got to the point that when we heard a knock, my boyfriend would knock right back. That was it though, it was never anything more than that... Until about five months ago, I'd say, maybe more. Things just started getting odd.

I was doing the laundry once. I had just put a load of clothes in the dryer, closed the door, and turned it on. I began walking away when I heard the dryer door pop back open. That was weird, I thought. I've never had that happen to me before. I told my boyfriend about it and he agreed it was odd. We're rational people though, so I concluded that the dryer was simply too full, and once it started tumbling the clothes must have just knocked the door back open. It made sense, so we accepted it.

Other little things started happening. I was in the kitchen gathering food from the refridgerator for some meal I was about to cook, my arms were full so I was going to use my elbow to swing the door shut. I made my attempt, but I know that refridgerator- I open and shut the thing a million times, and I didn't get to push hard enough as I was walking away. I even thought for a second, "great I didn't get the door closed." But then it slammed shut. With a lot of force. I told myself, "I guess I pushed it harder than I thought..."

Then our dog started occasionally acting out. She's now barely a year, so when this started happening she was probably 6 months. (I'm guesstimating a timeline here people) Her absolute favorite thing was to go outside. As soon as you said the word 'outside' she lit up and booked it to the back door, and as soon as the back door was open she'd book it on outside. Literally as fast as her legs would carry her, she LOVED it.

Well one day we were on our normal routine out, but as soon as I got the back door open, she didn't want to go out anymore. All excitement left her tail and she just looked out the back door and then back up to me. I tried to nudge her out but she did not want to go. She took off running around the house, barking bloody murder. She ran into my boyfriend's Father's home office and started jumping on him and biting his wrists. I now see she was trying to tell us something. I started to close the back door to go calm down my dog and I got it about 3/5ths of the way closed when down to my left the curtains on the closed door (we have double doors leading to the back porch) started billowing violently. I held the door in place and watched the curtains, figuring that the wind was blowing just powerfully enough, and I had the door propped just right, to be causing this. I thought it was neat!

With my attention still fixated on the curtains I pushed my arm to follow through with closing the door, but it didn't close. It was like there was something blocking it. I looked up from the curtains at the slightly open door and leaned into my push ever so slightly when I heard what sounded like almost a growl... But not a growl from any animal. My dog was still freaking out in the office. It sounded like I was closing the door on something, and they were not happy about it. I was so stunned by what I had just heard that I simply stepped back, opened the door, and looked outside at the empty porch. When I attempted to close the door a second time it closed with absolutely no effort. I did not tell my boyfriend this time.

I started taking pictures in our bedroom with my old digital camera, as an experiment. Just to see if anything would show up. I captured so many orbs. Some big, some small. Sometimes just one, sometimes four in one shot.

Then about four months ago the tapping on my pillow started. We were laying down going to bed, I had just settled into my pillow and everything when I heard it. It sounded like someone was strumming their fingers on my pillow. I listened for a minute, trying to figure out whether it was the feathers in the pillow settling, or the mattress, or what. It was incessant. So I propped myself up on my elbow, and strummed my fingers along my pillow as a kind of comparison. If it was really something tapping my pillow, then this is what it should sound like. The two sounds didn't match up. Satisfied with that, I laid my head back down on my pillow. It was silent for a second when the tapping started again, this time faster. Much faster. And it sounded exactly like the tapping I had just done to disprove my previous theory. It sounded like someone was using two hands and strumming all of their fingers on my pillow like they were playing a piano. Almost mocking my naivety. This freaked me the HELL out so I threw my pillow off the bed and just curled up against my boyfriend. It wasn't even a week after that I started feeling things.

I'd be laying in bed, under the covers. I'd move my leg and my foot would run into what felt like a fist. Where did a fist come from? Or I'd move my leg and my foot would run into what I THOUGHT was my boyfriends foot, so I'd rest mine against it until I noticed both of my boyfriends feet at the end on his side of the bed. What was I just touching? It was like this for awhile. Whatever this thing was would have parts of it appear under the covers and it would just wait for me to run into it. I've even felt an entire shin before.

I remember one time during the middle of the day I was sitting on the edge of the bed, my boyfriend in a chair caddy corner to me, and we were watching Netflix on our ipad. The blanket was halfway on the bed and halfway under my feet on the floor. I moved my right foot ever so slightly and boom, I was touching something through the blanket. It was getting to the point where I was wondering if I was going crazy. So I looked over at my boyfriend, looked at his hands, looked at his feet. There was no way whatever my foot was touching was anything on him. I was feeling brave, so I moved my hand down to feel whatever it was. Mainly to see if it would let me touch it. My hand lined up to another of equal size or greater. And I'm a tall female with pretty big mittens. I was stunned. It was like Tarzan and Jane, our hands open and resting against each others. Only there was a blanket in between and it wasn't a love connection. I did this for about 15 seconds before I got way wigged out and moved my hand. The longest 15 seconds of my life. It got to the point that I just quit readjusting in bed, cause I didn't want to run into this thing.

So it quit waiting for me to move. It started grabbing my ankle. I'd kick it off and sometimes it would stop at that, and other times it would just grab it again. Then I would feel the blankets tighten at the end of the bed, like someone was pulling on it from underneath the bed. This became an every night kind of thing.

Then, just last week, I got into bed and under the covers. I wasn't wearing any bottoms and just had on a bra. My boyfriend had his back turned towards me and was fiddling with something on his side of the bed when the blanket in between us lifted up. I was looking at his entire back which was previously covered by a blanket, and my bare legs. Like someone was trying to look underneath. I immediately pulled the blanket back down and there were knuckles protruding from my boyfriend's back. So I lifted the blanket up again because I've learned this thing won't let me see it, and if I want it to go away that is how. Then the blanket tightened at the end of the bed. Then it felt like someone slapped both of their hands on the foot board. Then another set next to that, and another set next to that. Next thing I know I can FEEL the weight shift on the corner of the bed. I knew whatever this thing was, it was standing on the bed. I just curled my feet up and hoped it wouldn't get worse. I don't know how I got to sleep that night.

A few nights ago I was in the bathroom, and I heard sounds coming from my boyfriend's brother's old bedroom. (The two rooms are separated by a bathroom). The way it's set up in his room, his desk is on the bathroom wall. It sounded almost like someone was moving stuff around on his desk against the wall.

Also just recently, my boyfriend shared with me an experience that happened to him a couple of weeks ago. Until then I believed this thing was only interested in me. He said he too feels the blanket tighten as if someone was pulling it from underneath, and that a couple of weeks ago he was asleep in bed when he woke up because it felt like someone was holding the blanket down on either side of his legs, pinning him down. He said he kicked it off and invited it to so it again, but nothing happened.

And lastly, twice I have seen flashes of light. One next to my head while I was sitting on our bed in front of our window. It was like lightning had struck outside and lit up only the space next to my head, and the second happened near the lamp on my desk. I know my boyfriend saw the first one out of the corner of his eye, because after it happened he looked over in my direction. We just looked at each other and neither of us said a word.

We don't fear whatever this is... But seeing as how it started as tapping on walls and has now escalated to it sneaking peeks of me under the blanket, I'm concerned. I just don't want it to get worse. It's not the history of the house, no one died in here, they built it themselves. I used to dabble in divination, just palm readings and tarot cards, so that could be why. But I had those cards long before this started happening, but just in case I threw them out a couple of nights ago.

I think this thing is a man, and I think it's been following my boyfriend for awhile. He told me a story, a couple, actually (the same day he shared with me his experience. It was the first time we really talked about this thing and were trying to figure out how to take care of it, also the same night I threw out my tarot cards) The first when he was much younger, him and his best friend were with their older brothers. Their older brothers happened to be playing with a Ouija board. He said him and his buddy weren't messing with it, they were just watching tv. Then in the next second it was like the room exploded. Drawers flew open, clothes went everywhere, like someone had set a bomb off. He said he learned then not to mess around with that stuff.

The second story was years back, when he shared a house with three roommates, long before I knew him. He was with two of his friends and they were watching Pineapple Express, when he said one of them stood up, said "f*** this dude, f*** this," got up and left. When my boyfriend asked his remaining friend what the guys problem was, his friend responded, "dude, there was someone standing behind you everywhere you went." They said he looked like a man, but transparent and almost skeleton like, and he didn't have a face. I'm thinking maybe it's that same guy? I haven't tried anything because I don't want to make things worse and am scared if I try to fight this thing I'll just attract it more. I'm kind of just hoping it quits on its own, hopefully when we move. I am REALLY hoping I don't see a full on apparition, but I fear it's heading there.

I apologize for my lengthy post, it's a recap of my entire past YEAR. The past two nights have been pretty calm, but I'm not holding my breath. I've got a journal ready to document, I got that idea from this website. Will post again if more events happen.

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Comments about this paranormal experience

The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Carmabis, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

JennZ (72 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-14)
Hey Carmabis, I just read your story and I wanted to see how you've been? Hope All is going Well...
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2013-02-01)
How ary thou carmabix? Please do let me kno,thanx.XX
Carmabis (1 stories) (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-31)
McBeth, I completely agree with you. No, I have not had any experiences prior to this. It only took him so long to share because it wasn't anything he ever thought to mention. Beyond the two obvious incidents from his childhood, he's shared with me stories that could be just a child's paranoid mind. (He has severe anxiety and said when he was a kid he always felt like someone was chasing him. But what kid doesn't feel like that at some point? I used to feel like that every time I took out the trash after dark)

I haven't spent a full night apart from him and had encounters, but here recently I've had things happen to me while I'm at work alone. But the same goes for him when he's home alone. He could probably count his experiences on one hand. His are brief and very infrequent. Where as I could write a short story about how intense and frequent mine are. I think you're right about that. (It taking a notice to me because I've taken a notice of it) Whenever anything happens to my boyfriend he just brushes it off and ignores it and won't even think to tell me about it until I share with him something that recently happened to me. THEN he'll pipe up about something that happened to him weeks ago.

He won't seek help. It's never even been to the point that he had to... Until my encounters started occurring. I am doing something about it because if not he'd let it go on his whole life probably.
McBeth (1 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-30)

Are you sure you never had any experiences before you guys moved? Maybe it was just not very noticeable before and you notice them now because, as you indicated, the experiences have been increasing in intensity and frequency? I ask because it sounds to me like this visitor may be attached to your boyfriend and not you or the home. It could just be coincidence that you noticed it when you moved in to his parent's home. Maybe he knows more than he is willing to share because he doesn't want to freak you out? It wouldn't hurt to ask him to get a little deeper into the topic with you. Consider how long it took for him to reveal the experiences he had before he met you.

Have you ever spent a night apart from him? If so, did you have an experience then? Maybe it has taken more notice of you because you have taken notice of it. It could be that you are just more spiritually in tune.

I have a feeling that it is your boyfriend who needs to seek help.
Carmabis (1 stories) (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-30)
Contents from my paranormal journal beginning on the date if 12/19/12 will be posted soon.
Carmabis (1 stories) (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-30)
Aussiedaz, that was supposed to be a +1. I should have zoomed more on my phone:' (
Hotrod13 (141 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-30)
Carmabis you want to talk to a medium? Someone who can go 5000 years back in time?! 😐 😊
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-30)
I just wanted to add one more bit of information in regards to our pineal gland IMO, I do not believe the gland itself is actually our third eye, I believe it works more like a light switch... When it's on most of us are usually asleep and with in the boundaries of our sub conscious spiritual mind, thus the reason we can see and interact through our dreams just about with anything including the spiritual realm, consider it like our own built in Matrix... And when it is off, we usually have no access to our spiritual mind unless your a full on medium? I believe the pineal gland is always on for a true blue medium, who can see into the next realm and interact with this one, but mediums are probably I in a million, but for the rest of us folk we can interact with the spiritual realm when this light switch pineal gland flickers in between usually just before or in between our sleep and personal area such as the bedroom, this ghost in your bedroom IMO may be trying to get something across to you, yes you are with in your rights to demand it to leave but I hope you consider the possibility that this presence is hanging around for a reason?... The point you made about people seeing it at a different location with your boyfriend does strongly suggest to's your boyfriend who may be related to the cause and reason of this visitation?... Good luck and let us know how it works out for you either way... I once had a vision of a women running a knife through my chest and I actually felt the pain of the knife pierce my skin and go through, I wasn't frighten by it and later on found out it was a women who was previously murdered seeking help from me... So not always these close up personal accounts are something paranormal out to harm us, but rather miss understood somewhere in their desperation of coming through?

Regards Daz.
Siri (18 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-29)
I'm not entirely sure how much of the previous poster, Debris', "advice" should be adhered to. This is because all of his/her advice comes from FAERIE folklore, and as far as I've seen and researched (and I've been interested in the paranormal a VERY long time) it has nothing to do with ghosts. Throwing rice around your bed to deter spirits? Really? Because that's how you're supposed to distract fae in Irish folklore in order to escape. Grains of salt also works. Iron is a good deterent for things "faerie," as well as water, etc.
I am not trying to be rude here, I merely want to highlight that Debris pointed out that they HAVE NO EXPERIENCE with ghosts, AT ALL, and yet there they are spewing "expert" advice like they deal with ghosties daily. Seems to me they got their information crossed.
And if anyone's interested, I got most of my Irish faerie folklore from the book "Faeries" by Alan Lee and Brian Froud, which was published sometime in the seventies or eighties. It's basically a collection of fae mythology. This is in response to another poster asking Debris where they got their information, and the question being completely IGNORED.
Where's that blankie that is always thrown over stories? I feel like it should be used to gag Debris before someone gets hurt from their non-advice. >.<
Carmabis (1 stories) (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-29)
And Wiz, LOL, thank you so much. I will definitely look into that.
Carmabis (1 stories) (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-29)
Aussie, that was so informative and helpful! Thank you! I had a grandfather pass away, but that was almost 2 years ago. I don't think, or feel like, it's him.

Oh and debris, you didn't have to stop commenting! I do enjoy your insight.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-29)
A certain individual has departed us and they left as they came, a clueless wonder... They did leave with these parting words... And I wish to address some points that 'They' completely missed... This is what they stated...

"Iwill be taking certain gems of wisdom to quote when amongst intellectuals_you don't need a physical brain to think, not to mention a language is needed to think in.
And the universe has come out of nothingness. The theory of e=mc square can go to hell."

E=MC2 applies to the physical realm in which we live in, I'm not sure what 'physics', if any, existed before the BIG BANG.

A language is NOT needed in order to 'think in' mental pictures without words can convey a meaning just as well, sometimes better, that words.

As far as needing a brain? A brain is a 'physical' object if you've been keeping up it's my personal belief that there are 'Intelligent Energies' and as such they do not 'need' a physical 'anything' in order to think.

So let's just Celebrate the fact a clueless individual has let us.


Please pardon us for the interruption of your comments thread.


Wiz (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-29)
It would help if I posted the link eh lol!


Wiz (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-29)
Hi again Carmabis

I see its gone well off topic here. Still, I found this website for paranormal investigators in Texas. It may or may not help but either way they may be able to give you some of the help and advice you need. Good luck!

debris (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-29)
this is guna be my last post. This place has been eating into my time too much. Iwill be taking certain gems of wisdom to quote when amongst intellectuals_you don't need a physical brain to think, not to mention a language is needed to think in.
And the universe has come out of nothingness. The theory of e=mc square can go to hell.
Needles to say spooks are very wise people.
I enjoyed meeting rook, a real gentle man. Iam almost moved to request him to cure big Carmabis by astral projection like he cured his wife in the story _working in my sleep. This story can by no means termed fiction.
Bye big Carmabis. I leave you in safe hands (sic)
debris (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-29)
daz kudos for your analysis of the situation. You write good.
You did well in advising a medium. I don't think a person in a similar situation has many options except mediums and protections. Can one open a spiritual portal too like some people have opened a bad psychic portal in many a story inadvertently?
The other options available to big Carmabis may be chemicals like serotonin re uptake inhibitors as you suggest the pineal gland maybe involved?
Another thing your analysis bought to light are the flashes of light. She also has snapped orbs. Orbs are also found over graveyards in big numbers, amongst other places. Could it be the house is built on a psychicly active site? Carmabis also wrote that the activities grew AFTER shifting to the present abode. Just some random observations. Btw if one googles kundlani meditation side effects one can't help noticing the congruency with this account.
debris (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-29)
the pineal is a gland the size of a rice grain. It produces melatonin and regulates the waking and sleeping process. Its location is near the epithalamus, between the two hemispheres and center of brain.
Also known as the eye of god and the third eye in egyptian mythology.
In a clinical study of effects of the dmt drug
on this gland it was observed that
The subjects 'saw' aliens and monsters. Some even reported being touched probed and even 'raped' by these entities.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1566 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
Carmabis, I have no doubt that someone from the next realm is interacting with you and your boyfriend and there may be a reason why the physical contact in your bedroom is the most profound as opposed to the other strange disturbances going on around with the knocks on your walls etc? You have stated that these knocks have been going on for some time and yes, some of these noises can be attributed to rodents and expanding timber diverse to changes usually in the temperature outside and with in your home... These banging and knocking noises are often due to such logical reasons and that's what our doctors and scientist would all have us believe however... When people die or haunt a home for what ever reason they may have, they look into our world and often think of ways of communicating with us as and by average design of our physical mind we don't usually look into their world as so profoundly or clearly unless your a medium?... They soon learn, as they walk through our home that our walls and the expanding rafters and joints do make noises with their effort of interaction and observe our responses to them and then endeavour to knock and bang to catch our attention for what ever reason? That's my explanation for the beginning of your account, you have stated that your not frighten and what this usually does with some ghost is invite them into close quarters as a means of contacting you with in your own personal space... And here's the second understanding that those in the spiritual realm learn about our ability to communicate with them... We have a gland in the back of our brain called the pineal gland and its whole reason for functioning is to switch us from conscious mind to our sleeping sub conscious mind which IMO is our spiritual mind and it is somewhere between these two states they can often interact with us... You don't have to be asleep but just relaxed enough for spiritual mind to activate into play and that's the explanation as to why you have found this ghost in your bed, the flashes of light could also mean that there trying to cross that bridge and meet you in the middle... Has any of your family or friends died in the last 12 months? You could invite a medium to find out the reason why, but if this ghost is following your boyfriend around outside the home I wouldn't be surprised if they knew him?
Carmabis (1 stories) (23 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
I will have no more of this nonsense. If you are going to comment and drag out this thing, save your time. I want help with my experiences, not petty drama. DROP IT.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
Pssst! Debris!

Don't let your emotions get the best of you... Your breaks from broken English are a dead giveaway. If you are going to be a character actor, at least remember to play the part...

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
debris: Where in the rules does it state that?...Can you paste it here for all to see?...

Lou: You've gone and done it again 😆...Now I'll be singing that all day! 😆 😆
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
Debris - sorry, but I don't find what Shlain said to be any more offensive than the comments you have been making. Oh, no I'm not sorry.
debris (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
beautiful shlain, you wrote "we speak from experience "then you write, "when we die no physical laws apply to us".now what does one make of such a statement?
Miracle _you are a mod and you should behave. Ask shlain not to make obscene pen pictures. Its against the rules of this site.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
I could while away the hours
Conferrin' with the flowers
Consultin' with the rain
And my head, I'd be scratchin'
As my thoughts were busy hatchin'
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
Shlain 😆 😆 I'm sitting here laughing my...ummm...yeah, laughing at your comment and giving a supporting high five to you and your ghosts!
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
Oh please debris! How did I set the ball rolling? When I started reading stories on YGS this morning I saw you already caused a stir with your comments.

Stop bad mouthing the advice people are giving. What constructive and positive advice have you given?!
Shlain (13 stories) (246 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
Debris, why are you even on this site? We believe what we believe out of experience. You speak of science and of God. Just because science hasn't found a way to prove the existence of something doesn't mean that something doesn't exist. Then you speak of God, and yes, I do believe if God decides to have the sun NOT rise one morning he is fully capable of doing so. Speaking of science and jumping to God is contradicting each other.

When we die we're not constrained to any physical laws.

As with the spirits in Miracles house, the ones in mine are giving your comments on entities being dumb the preverbial up yours finger!
debris (guest)
12 years ago (2012-12-28)
its TRUE that one doesn't need a brain. One needs a language to think in too. Storing information is different from the function of thinking. That again doesn't need a brain I think. Our brains use electric impluses. Its fine if you can do without a brain
I would love to take advice from you. Great day to you. Will read your piece when I'm free. Thank you 😊
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
12 years ago (2012-12-28)

You need a brain to think? How do you think the brain records information? How do you think the brain relays that information to/from our senses... Its all electrical impulses. You really do need to read my answer to your question concerning what I think a ghost is.


Its going to be on the fifth comment 'down'. So instead of telling us what you know to be true maybe you should take some time to see other peoples point of views. Please take a moment... Stop 'telling' people how wrong they are or even 'who said what' and really see what's being said to you.



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