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Chased Out By Evil


I will start with a little background before I tell you about my experience two nights ago at a friends new house.

I have had a few paranormal experiences in my lifetime, however nothing really of a bad nature except one kind of when I was a teenager living in my dads old terrace house in inner western sydney. But I may talk about that another' time.

I am by no means a new age person, I am an average family man with children that lives in a small country town a bit north of Newcastle NSW, Australia. I am probably more of a sceptic than a believer in the paranormal, however I have had a few experiences that I cannot debunk, so even though I am a sceptic I think that something's cannot be explained and am resigned to that belief.

Now to set the background of the experience I had on Monday night, which was the second in this house in two weeks, it is a two story house that my best friend I have known since childhood just bought a month or so ago. It is literally next door to his parents house (they are a very close family, his father and grandparents immigrated to australia in the early 1970's from Yugoslavia) and he has lived in his parents house all his life or since very young.

He is in the process of renovations as the house was owned by an older man who hadn't painted etc since the mid 1980's.

Anyway when I visit Sydney for work, which is about 3-4 hours from home, we normally catch up for a coffee and a chat, and if too late I will sometimes stay over as my wife gets a little cranky if I drive tired due to accident danger etc.

My mate (I will call him John) hasn't slept in the new house yet, he and his girlfriend share a flat and he still has a room at his parents and as the house is being renovated and has almost no furniture in it except a few chairs, a couch and a mattress for me, I can understand him not sleeping there yet. Anyway around a week ago, I was staying over after a very long day of work and driving, and it was probably the third time I had stayed there, up

To this point nothing out of the ordinary had happened, it had a bit of an odd feeling to the place at night but I put this down to a new environment and the house being almost void of furniture and half way through renovations etc.

Anyway, I had gone to bed in the main room upstairs as in a large living/ family room area, nothing out of the ordinary had happened prior to me going to sleep, at around 3-4am I am not sure exactly of the time, I had a woman visit me in my dreams and she told me without words but in a clear communication to wake up as she was coming to visit me, I woke up and as my eyes adjusted saw coming out of the ceiling an arm up to about midway between the wrist an elbow, thinking I was still half asleep but getting a little scared, I got up groggily and walked across the room and switched the light on, looking back up at the ceiling the arm was still there, I blinked several times and realised that I was now awake and it was still there, I said "go away and leave me alone" and it did, it didn't go back up as if being pulled up, nor did it just vanish it is hard to explain but it kind of gently vanished?

I then left the stairwell light on, went and laid down and proceeded to go back to sleep, this thing that visited me and had the arm didn't feel bad it was a little off putting however I didn't feel like it wanted to harm me at al.

I woke up a few hours later thinking about it, it was all so clear and at first was thinking did it really happen and seeing the stairwell light on etc realised for sure that it did, however I still was under the impression that it may have been a dream so let it go as that.

Now two nights ago on Monday, I again was there and too tired to go home, we sat up watching some new movies John had and chatted etc about his new job he was starting and about how his current boss took his resignation etc, just regular chat between best mates, we finished up around 2.45am and I went next door to his new house, he walked me through showing me the new paint and a few other things upstairs etc then he went back to his parents next door, and I set up the couch downstairs as my bed for the night, around 3.00am give of take 5mins as I was laying down and had just opened a window as it was a bit muggy, I heard definitive loud footsteps coming from upstairs, the stairway between the top and bottom floor is a metal spiral staircase, I have a photo that I will try to post if I can figure out how later on, anyway the footsteps sounded like a large man in solid heeled boots, I am a big guy and wear rm William boots so I know what they sound like, it sounded like a guy my size wearing my boots was upstairs in the living area, as the house is in a bad neighbourhood kind of, I ran upstairs thinking someone had broken in to confront them, however as I got upstairs there was no ones there, I walked into the upstairs bedroom and bathroom and still empty, thinking I was imagining it, I went back downstairs to lay down on the couch and go to sleep.

About five minutes of me laying down I heard footsteps starting to come down the spiral staircase, as a light was on in the kitchen adjoining the room I was in and at this stage no curtains are hanging the room was very well illuminated. I looked at the staircase and could still hear footsteps coming down them but no one was there, I sat up looking directly at the staircase and the footsteps stopped about four steps from the bottom, now this is hard to explain and even though I couldn't see anything on the stairs I knew with absolute certainty that something was standing on the stairwell and was staring at me with absolute hatred, don't ask me how but it was as if someone completely visible and tangible was there stating at me, but I could only see a empty staircase.

It didn't feel right at all, and my hair was starting to stand on end and goosebumps on my arms were popping up, I started to put my socks and shoes on and being raised as a catholic, and not feeling safe, I started to gather all of my things like wallet, car keys, phone etc while slipping my shoes on and reciting the Lord's Prayer, as I started saying the prayer the feeling in the room intensified and the hatred I could feel being directed at me started to become more, as I was slipping my last boot on over my heel, something I cannot explain

Except maybe as basic survival instinct told me get up now and get out, at that very second even before I had a chance to stand up, the thing on the staircase heavily started moving fast down the stairs I bolted up and raced out the kitchen door and through to the laundry where the only door not double locked was, as I was running out the thing started right behind me as if chasing me, it was only about 50 cm's behind me it's foot steps were loud and clear I looked over my shoulder as I ran and nothing was there but the foot steps were as loud and clear as if a solid person was there chasing me, I opened the unlocked screen door and bolted outside, the absolute second I crossed the threshold of the door outside I knew it wasn't chasing me anymore somehow? I left the door open and ran to my car on the street out the front, started my car and now absolutely wide awake with adrenaline started driving home, I text messaged John telling him I had to leave and that I had left the door open and I would explain in the morning,

The next morning (yesterday) he called me and asked me what had happened, when I told him everything and he got his priest straight over to bless the house as we have known each other a very long time and him knowing that me fleeing and leaving his house open is not at all in my character.

Chased Out By Evil 1
Chased Out By Evil 2
Chased Out By Evil 3
Chased Out By Evil 4

I am still running the events over in my head and still can't believe it. As I said earlier I took some photos while putting my boots on and looking at them later couldn't see anything when I got home last night and talked to my wife, she asked to see the photos on my phone, she spotted some interesting things I didn't see like a misty shape on the stairs exactly where I could sense the thing standing and in one picture a full bodied form standing in the corner or the room in a kind of cloak, after seeing this I sent it to John and asked him what was in that corner and he told me there is physically nothing in that corner as it is being prepped for painting.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Matty-matt, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Matty-matt (2 stories) (11 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-03)
Hi Dee sorry for taking so long to respond I only just looked at this again and saw your post, its funny you mention the old owner the house was purchased at a bank auction because the previous owner was dying from cancer and couldn't pay his mortgage so that could be a theory, in the past couple of years the house renovations got completed and John and his fiance have been living in it, he is of the orthodox religion and has had the house blessed by a priest every 6 months or so, he does have a fair amount of activity in the house every few months it is not all the time just every so often he has footsteps and doors opening etc and his dog stares at one particular corner that is empty for hours at a time sometimes hence when things happen more frequently he gets the house blessed and it calms down for a while. He has told me that he and his fiance have both had strange things happen normally when they are alone in the house, I have stayed in the house several times when I visit and to be honest the house has a much better feel to me these days than it used to. I just know that on the night I left in a hurry was one of the scariest things I have experienced
Dee-J (13 stories) (75 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-12)
My apologies for bumping the comments on a two year old story. I just wanted to say that your encounter was VERY distrubing. Wow! The whole time I was reading it I was looking over my own shoulders. Lol.

First and foremost, I noticed that you said the house was once owned by an older man. I wonder if it is possible that the older man had since passed away and being as your mate was soon moving in, the spirit didn't want anyone there. Just a thought. It makes me wonder if your mate eventually experienced anything too? At the time maybe your mate didn't experience anything because he didn't spent the night there like you did?

Another thought I have is that I think the lady in your dream could have possibly been trying to warn you of the man's spirit that was in the house. Or maybe the lady could have possibly been the angry spirit that you were experiencing the whole time? Just some interesting things to consider.

When you first heard the footsteps upstairs then went to go investigate only to find nothing, that was creepy in itself, but after you laid down and the footsteps started coming down the stairwell, that is the part that got me freaked.

I bet it seemed like an eternity getting all your things together as you felt the bad energy from this thing. I've had some very scary experiences in my lifetime, but I don't know how I would handle it if I heard angry footsteps chasing me through a house. The fact that they were right behind you so close just gives me goosebumps thinking about it. Ugh!

This is definitely one of the most eerie stories I've read on here yet, so I definitely had to favorite it.
spiritsrreal88 (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-06)
I was meant to of wrote man leaning on a 'fence' instead of face lol
spiritsrreal88 (4 posts)
11 years ago (2013-11-06)
Hi guys I'm new on here:) I know this was posted 9 months ago but I found your story very interesting I noticed in the second pic I can clearly see what looks like a man standing outside leaning on a face staring in. I don't know if anyone else has noticed it:) thanks for sharing
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-17)
You were able to put in words better than I was able to explain- but I agree.
I'm not one to pat myself on the back, but I surprised myself for nailing the ironing board pic 😜
Thanks for your honesty Matty.
Matty-matt (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-13)
Hi ginny on their way in order of how they were taken, and Lou and Rook I think I know what your talking about with black thing in right hand bottom if I am looking at same thing is couch arm couch is modern square style dark brown suede
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-13)
Matt: Good job! 😊 I'm wondering if you would mind e-mailing me the pics as well? I'd like to take a look at them on my own computer. I do see some weird looking something on the stair. Thanks! 😊
Matty-matt (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-13)
Hi guys just leaving the house now, and I have debunked the apparition, it was an ironing board with a sheet on it, we found it in the garage tonight johns dad had been using an old ironing board as a kind of saw horse, john could have answered this easily if he had shown his dad the pics. But he didn't show his dad as his dad works in the house renovating a lot alone and he didn't want to scare him, so I apologise if anyone freaked out but it has definitely been debunked:) Rook with the two different versions of pics that I emailed you they were just different sized files the first one was not actual size I realised it and this sent second email these ones are the actual size of pic. Iphone give size options for attaching pics or files to an email and I clicked smaller mb size option accidentally sorry for confusion mate. As for dark spot on ground I don't know guys can't explain that one and rook please send them to whoever you want mate the pics are directly off phone so no tampering at all I can also email them direct to anyone else my main concern is that I can see a human shaped mist on the stairs could be a trick of the light or something else but it is in all pics and around the same spot about three steps up this is what I would like you guys to really look closely at. And Lou no offence mate just wanted to assure you I am not some nut case attention freak:) just wanted advice house still felt a bit off tonight but could just be fear from last week?
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-13)

Any Idea if that could happen 'during transmission'. Matt sent them to me...twice, via e-mail and they rotated different directions and one set arrived darker than the other... If something is happening to the pics because of how the 'phone' transfers them to the computer it could be effecting how they look and what's being seen.

I am going to keep looking at the ones I got sent. Matt could you 'host' those pics somewhere like 'photobucket' or another picture hosting sight? It may help, it may not.


LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-13)
No offense intended with regards to the name; ygs history lesson would explain my comment.

I notice the second photo is extremely distorted. The dark area on the floor seems to be an elongated depiction of the rectangular rug in other photos. Don't know how or why that would happen.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-13)

I want to thank you again for sending me the pics via e-mail and I've been over them and I've ended up 'back on the fence' concerning what you may have captured with your camera. Let me explain...

When I invert the colors in the one pic with the 'manifestation' it almost completely vanishes. Another thing I do not understand is how dark the floor area is just beneath the 'manifestation', inverted its solid white, in its original form it is solid black... None of the 'fuzziness' (graininess) that is present in the rest of the photos is evident in that area. I am not a photo expert, but I would like your permission to have someone I know check them out and get their opinion.


Matty-matt (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
Hi Lou
To answer your question regarding the pic and nick, yeah the name is crap but matty was taken and I am honestly not that into names etc to try to come up with something else this is a name my mates call me so I will remember it. As for quick thinking and taking pics on my way out, neither is the case I took them while slowly putting my shoes and socks on as I was laying down trying to get to sleep on a couch and as I was gathering my things my iPhone opened up the camera so it then occurred to me to take pics they weren't a deliberate thinking action I saw the camera open (which happens if you slide the screen when iPhone is locked) and only then did it occur to take some pics one hand was pulling socks on the other taking the pics I basically just pointed hand and did four quick clicks of phone cam button. Hope this clears that up. And with the poltergeist comments nothing was thrown or anything crazy like that only footsteps and an ominous feel I don't think the temp changed or anything like that but I wasn't really taking notice of that, and there are no teenagers in the family that own the house?
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
Lou: Ah! I see where you're coming from now 😊. I believe that one's energy can create a manifestation, be it an apparition, shadow person, etc. In this case, I don't really know if that could be considered a "poltergeist" per se, to those who hold the "kinetic energy" theory.

But I think (and I hate to answer for someone else, but this is what I glean) what Pjod cited in the second example is that there are spirits/entities attracted to certain energy fields or negative situations. Some still hold the theory that these are "poltergeists". When the negativity dissipates or wanes they move on. Therefore, IF you ascribe to this theory, there isn't much difference.

I think we all agree that most poltergeist activity is relatively short lived and extremely intense. Personally, I think ascribing to one theory or the other is futile. In my opinion, the term "poltergeist" can be applied to wide spectrum of scenarios.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
Very possible... Seems like moving into a new home and going through renovations can be a pretty stressful time for some.

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
Agree and disagree. The word manifestation should not have been in my first description, poor choice of words only because that term is usually connected to an entity.
But the Second Theory as we are referencing it, is a manifestation of the energy to a physical form, created entirely by the energy. This manifestation although in the form of some being (human, animal, turnip); was never alive, and in my humble opinion cannot be a ghost (even a noisy one)...which a spirit (to me); is.

zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
Lou: I think Pjod's first example of "poltergeist" theory: "one simply being energy from the living (teenager) causing objects to move.", is considered kinetic energy, not a manifestation of anything. With this type of activity there is no spirit or entity present.

The second example is one that was held for centuries, probably, decades at least 😆. If this is the theory one ascribes to, and many still do, then there isn't any difference except intensity and duration.
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
LouSlips,thank you for your quick response. We hear so much about activity that begins when homes are being remodeled. I wonder if the headaches some familes experience during the process create a poltergeist instead of the remodeling "waking" the spirits.
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
Absolutely, Narella. I've heard of several cases brought on by stress, menopause, physical trauma, etc. In adults as well as children, teens, etc.

Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
Can poltergeist activity only be created by teens? Couldn't an adult's negative energy create the same thing?
LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
From my understanding there is a wide difference. A spirit attracted by the energy given off by a teen experiencing puberty is still a spirit. Whereas a poltergeist is a manifestation created by the same energy but has no base or source in the spiritual realm. Am I wrong here?
Poltergeists are energy. That energy has the effect on things in the environment and is known for the ruckus it produces. Especially when tensions are at their peak. It is how they are defined and separated from what we think of as ghosts, correct? So saying their activity is no different than spirits/ghosts is contrary to my understanding of this phenomenon.

LouSlips (10 stories) (979 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
Gotta be my least favorite screen name so far., you felt threatened... So you wanted out... But even in your haste you took the time to take some quick pictures. That was quick thinking and actions... What I don't understand is why every reaction of hairs standing on end and goosebumps were included in the tale, but your actual actions taken were not? You did not say in your narrative that you took pictures when running out the door... The evil was right behind you!...but here they are.
I personally think drycleaners are a tormented bunch... I caught an apparition of a laundry basket once.

Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
I suppose to answer, you would have to agree on the definition of poltergeists. I believe there are a couple of theorys- one simply being energy from the living (teenager) causing objects to move. Another being a spirit, attracted to energy given off by the teen, creating a classic haunting situation, but more intense. If you agree to the 2nd theory, there really is no difference between spirit and poltergeist activity.
Isolde (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
[at] Pjod and Rook: you refer to poltergeists in particular. This means that other kinds of spirits (or whatevers) can do both, no? What makes you so sure that this haunting was a poltergeist? Just curious.
(and with all the respect of the world 😊)
Matty-matt (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)
Hi Argette, absolutely which is kind of what is a little freaky about the picture as in he doesn't have an ironing board in the house yet? It doesn't mean that it is a paranormal being nor does it mean it isn't the main reason I posted the pics was for everyone to look at it and either tell me it is an apparition or debunk it. Strange thing is this house is only around 20 years old and my mate has known all occupants since it was built there have only been two families and no one has died in the house and it was plain land prior to this house being built? There are a lot of questions we are asking I personally live in a house that the original house which consists of only one room in our place now is over 150 years old and we have nothing in our place that I know of anyway.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-12)

Thanks for that, my answer would have rambled on a bit before making the same point that you did. 😁


Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-11)
Matt, frankly, I cannot imagine why an ironing board would be there since the place is uninhabited, but if you look at the lines within the cloak-like object, they do look like the sliding leg apparatus on an ironing board. They also look like a cloak. Very intriguing.

Please keep us updated!
Matty-matt (2 stories) (11 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-11)
Hi guys in regards to the apparition being an ironing board I actually said the same thing myself as I don't know if it is or not and I can't remember anything being in the corner as you can hopefully see my focus was really on the spiral staircase as that was where I could feel the thing was and had heard it walk down them, however when I asked my mate about it, he said the house doesn't have an ironing board in it as I said it is pretty bare as he hasn't moved in yet as they are renovating he only has a couch, mattress and a table and some chairs there isn't a tv even so I don't know why he would have an ironing board, however I am not discounting that it isn't something that maybe his dad is using to renovate maybe a small ladder or something as I haven't been back it definitely isn't something that is built into the corner I am only going off what he has told me as I haven't been back and I don't know why he would steer me up an alley as he doesn't want me to not like his house. Thanks for the advice regarding the attacking guys doesn't make me feel better though:) instead of scaring me the thing can attack me is the way I am looking at it, I will be there again tomorrow night and will have a look myself to see if anything could match the pic. If I can debunk it I will defiantly let you all know. It was more the experience than the pics that concerned me:)
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
11 years ago (2013-02-11)
I'm sorry Matt but the only thing I can see in the first picture is what appears to be a coat that had been hung on a peg. Is that the apparition you are talking about?
Years ago a friend bought a plot of land and had a house moved to it. The house was gutted when he bought it. Whenever he worked on the house he always made sure his tools were all together in one spot before he left. When he came back some of his tools would be moved to another part of the house and it freaked him out. He knew I had ghosts in my house so he asked me to come over to see if he did.
When I went over I felt strong energy. So I told him to leave for a few minutes. I spoke to the spirit through meditation. As silly as it seems the ghost kept moving the tools because my friend intended to put the kitchen at the front of the house where the door was. The ghost wanted it in the back of the house, it was how he remembered "HIS" house. After I told my friend this he said he would change his plans. After that tools stopped being moved and my friend was much happier with the design.
Argette (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-11)
I think that IS an ironing board, not an apparition. Look closely and you see the legs.
Narella (guest)
11 years ago (2013-02-11)
I hadn't thought about that. I learned something today. Thanks!

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