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Real Ghost Stories

Devil's Nest


This story was told to me by my grandmother. It\'s about a house which belonged to her friend named Sumitri Chhatopadhya. It was thought that the house was under the asylum of some kind of an evil entity.

My grandmother lives in Lucknow the capital of Uttar Pradesh (Northern Province of India). The house in which her friend lives was of Zamindars. She actually brought that house from Zamindars in 1975).

Let me give you some information about Zamindars. They held enormous tracts of land and held control over peasants, from whom the zamindars reserved the right to collect tax (often for military purposes) and was governed by Maharajahs, Nawabs and later on governed by British. After getting independence, their rule was dissolved by the government slowly but simultaneously in all the provinces of India.

Coming back to the story, the person who sold that house to Chhatopadhya\'s family was suffering from ghostly activities and he was desperate to sell that house to them. Although Chhatopadhya\'s family has heard the house was haunted and paid little attention to the rumour, they were quite excited regarding the deal. My grandmother had warned them not to buy the house but they took her lightly too. They said that the stories related to this house are rumours. However some incident forced the Chhatopadhya family to believe in those stories which they had ignored earlier. On moving into the house permanently, they had some nasty experiences.

Their thriving family business was not doing so well. Mr. Vipin Chhatopadhya was involved in a car accident that almost took his life. Mrs Chhatopadhya\'s health disintegrated dramatically. They often found furniture dismantled and mattresses were ripped apart. But the worst was yet to come for them.

After a year or so, Ms Sumitri Chhatopadhya gave birth to twin babies but both of them were dead. Their nightmare continues as she gave birth to 8 dead babies in the forthcoming years. Mr. Vipin Chhatopadhya used to bury the dead bodies of infants in the backyard of that house.

Mr. Vipin Chhatopadhya would smoke cigars when he was under stress. One evening he was smoking a cigar on the balcony when he saw that street dogs chasing something and barking but there was nothing present for the dogs to be barking or chasing. They stopped barking and chasing near his gate and then turned away.

After all these unusual experiences, he thought he would cleanse his house and get it blessed so that he and his wife could get relief from whatever evil energy was present in that house. So, they arranged a holy ritual. The priest assigned to do the ritual knew about that house as his was called before by the person who had sold that house to Chhatopadhya family. Before starting the ritual the priest decided to tell them the truth regarding that house. He said that there house was occupied by a demon and he should not expect wonders from him as the demon is very strong. He also said Mr. Chhatopadhya that some creepy things would happen when they start the ritual so he should be focusing on the ritual than anything else.

The priest started the ritual and the atmosphere inside the house started changing dramatically. Creepy sounds started coming out and got louder and louder. Objects were being thrown by the demon. But the Chhatopadhya family along with the priest continued with their ritual until the demon stopped his evil activity completely. When the ritual finished both the Chhatopadhya family and the priest were satisfied that they had achieved full success in their goal. The priest then binded the whole premises with holy mantras so that the demon could not get any access in the house further. After a peaceful year Ms Sumitri Chhatopadhya gave birth to a healthy baby. Mr. Chhatopadhya business picked up trade again. They were enjoying their time and were thinking that they nightmare had over. But their nightmare returned.

One evening, Mr. Chhatopadhya and his wife were enjoying listening music on the radio sitting out on their lawn. Suddenly, Mr. Chhatopadhya saw that a pitch black creature on the first floor of their house watching them with anger. Mr. Chhatopadhya suffered a heart attack on seeing this dark apparition and died in the hospital. But before dying, he told his wife about what he had seen on the first floor. A Few days later, Ms Chhatopadhya was informed that the priest who had done the ritual had committed suicide. Ms Sumitri Chhatopadhya fell into a deep depression after her husband's death at which point she decided to move from the house so that she and her baby and she could be safe from that demon. She moved into her mother's house.

The house was eventually demolished and all furniture etc. In the house was put to burn. They sold the land to the local municipal authority and in its place they constructed a public park.

My grandmother told me that still Ms Sumitri Chhatopadhya still sees the demon laughing in her dreams.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sushantkar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-14)
Hello lakshiat-rattan! I am happy to know that you liked the story. Could I ask you one question, why you think it is mysterious?

lakshit-rattan (guest)
9 years ago (2015-06-12)
a very interesting story 😁, but a mysterious one too 😐, that is so sad, about the death. Anyways, thanks for sharing this story with us. 😊
Aprajita (3 stories) (53 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-30)
Yes you are a great writer sushantkar so its definite that you get the appreciation...
I feel pity for the couple... BTW thanks for reply...
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-30)
Hello Aprajita! Thanks for the appreciation. I am happy to hear that you liked the story.

Aprajita (3 stories) (53 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-23)
Very scary story! A nice movie can be made on this incident! Well I must say that sushantkar your stories are damn scary and interesting. So please keep on writing.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-25)
Hi, Sushant... Thanks for your reply and concern. He is trying to overcome from the bad phase of his life.

Regards, 😁
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-22)
Hi sheetal! It was sad that your father had loss in the business and he is in depression 😢
Hope he is doing well now and the ghostly stuff is no more effecting his business.

Thanks for your appreciation

Be safe & best wishes to you and your family ❤
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-22)
Hi sushant... I truly believe in your story... And
I know how much this invisible entity can harm you. Even my dad has to shut his business. Because someone has did ghost stuff on his business. He is still into the depression.

Mr. And Mrs. Chattopadhaya has to suffer so long with this house but I am happy that she left the house and which saves the life of her son.

One more thing I like the TITLE of your story.

Regards, 😁
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-02)
Hi Gargoyle! I totally agree with you. I think that since their business was not doing that well so they might have some financial problem.
As far as the park is concern, I too as like you, don't have any information. 😢
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-02)
Hi elnoraemily! What is the name of that park and whether the public park is haunted or not I do not had any information.
My grandmother had passed away 3 years ago. I had never queried her regarding this as that would be harsh since Sumitri Chhatopadhya was her best friend. 😐
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-01)
mimerkki - I understand it upsetting you, because it also upset me. The loss of babies always does. I won't pretend to know what the healthcare system was like for them back then, because I have no idea. Maybe they had none 😕

Not everyone believes in curses so they're not going to pay any attention to the tales that are told, even when things start going wrong. There is always a logical, even if it is heartbreaking, explanation for everything. Perhaps there was a medical condition that resulted in the babies being stillborn. There are several things than can contribute to this. And then there are people who want a baby so badly they will endure loss after loss, praying each time the woman is pregnant for a healthy baby.

I could go on, but I'll quit since this isn't my story anyway LOL But thanks for answering my question 😊
mimerkki (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-01)
To Miracles: The story affected me so much, I didn't even explain myself. Sorry. If I was thinking at all, I was thinking along the lines of: Wish they had done something sooner, noticed sooner that something needed to be done differently, and spared themselves, if possible, from much suffering.

Since english is not my first language, I always struggle to express myself, and sometimes I get lazy and wish, that people would simply read my mind. 😊
Gargoyle (51 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-01)
What a very sad and horrifying story. I don't know if I believe in demons but there was certainly something evil in that house. I too wonder why they didn't leave sooner, unless it was lack of money and they couldn't afford to move?
I think I may have left much sooner.
I wish the lady, her son and you well for the future and hope that the public park has no evil entity in it.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-07-31)
mimerkki - I'm sorry but what message, exactly, do you think they should have gotten sooner?
mimerkki (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-31)
I wonder, why they stayed in a house so long. It must be horrendous to lose so many children and one would expect people to "get the message" sooner.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-31)
Hello to ERizzy, pearlangel & elnoraemily! Ms Chhatopadhya has grown old now but both she and his son is okay. Though, we have very little communication with Chhatopadhya family as she was friend of my grandmother and currently she is in Bilaspur. 😁
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-07-30)
That is awful. That poor woman lost so many children and her husband. I can't imagine her pain.

Do you know anything of how the child is now that it is grown?

Thank you for the history that you explained! That was very helpful.

Do you happen to know where the park is or what it is named?
I think Erizzy and I would be interested in researching if any activity has been reported there.
pearlangel (1 stories) (16 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-30)
So sad...
The demon was really strong.
Hope mrs. Chhatopadhya is safe with her baby
ERizzy (1 stories) (51 posts)
10 years ago (2014-07-30)
Man that story is so sad. I'm sorry that happened. The demon is very strong indeed. I wonder what kind of activity goes on in the public park now.


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