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Flying Flowers Broken Vase 2


I think this may be connected with the event I posted back in May called Flying Flowers Broken Vase, which is why I decided to title this a continuation of that happening.

On May 17th, a vase that had belonged to my dad, filled with flowers flew off the top of my curio cabinet breaking. I found all the pieces, except for a tiny part of the lip, and glued it back together as best I could. Now that piece was nowhere to be found, and I really looked for it.

The first week of August my roommate decided to host a BBQ, here at the house. Even though it was an outdoor event, you know that someone will need to use the restroom or something, so of course the apartment was cleaned with extra care. (I'm one of those people who gets a bit paranoid about appearances when company is coming - especially folks that I do not know.) Since he had invited 22 people from his church, all strangers to me (different faith, then my own) I was a bit more anxious than normal, so a bit more zealous in the cleaning. His church is already not too keen on him living with a non-related female, and not of 'the faith', even though I am old enough to be his mom and we have separate rooms, so I felt there would be some judging going on. Evidently, it was decided that I'm not some lecherous old heathen and the afternoon passed pleasantly enough.

Fast forward - I am walking sock-footed through the kitchen and I feel something beneath my heel, I was shocked to find it was the missing lip piece of the vase! The floors had been swept and vacuumed, I don't know how many times since that day back in May, yet here it was! I was perplexed, but happy about the find. I placed it with the vase and got ready for bed.

I'm what is called a 'still sleeper'. Once, I'm comfy, I move very little, if at all, until I wake up. The result of this is my bed seldom needs to be remade, just straightened a bit. Seriously, no rumpled sheets or blankets - it usually looks more turned-down then slept in. Because it has been so hot and we don't have air conditioning, I've been sleeping on top of the comforter, so in the morning I really only need to re-align the pillows; I have two. So there I am, lying on my tummy, all comfy and congratulating myself on everyone having a good time, and apparently passing mustard, when for no apparent reason my dad pops into my head. In like two seconds an entire conversation fires itself off. This was not my usual 'audio', but within my head very weird for me. But then my dad was a very weird person, so I guess that makes some kind of sense. He said, "You got the piece." To which I replied, I had, and thanks for finding it. And then he said, "I know it was rough on you growing up, and I didn't make it any easier. I'm sorry." "I know, Dad. But now I want to sleep. Ok?" Nothing. Just silence. I laid there a bit longer, thinking that was really weird, and wondering the why as I slid off to sleep.

In the morning I woke thinking it was an odd dream. Like I said very different from my usual 'conversations', when I noticed my bed felt very odd. I opened my eyes, and turned onto my side to find all my bedclothes had been stripped from my bed! I'm saying, the comforter, blanket, sheets (even the fitted one) had been removed! Not just knotted up in a tangle at the foot, but completely off and folded up, laying on top of a box perhaps four feet away. But both my pillows were on the bed with me, in their usual positions. Talk about a WTH moment. I can think of no possible explanation for this. Since I'm also a light sleeper, how the heck were they taken without waking me? My bed is a day bed, if you're familiar with them, they're difficult to make and just as hard to strip. Extracting the comforter, blanket, and linens would have woken me. They're all 'pinched' between the back board and mattress so tugging them free isn't exactly easy either. I can barely fold a fitted sheet when awake, so I'm very doubtful I could in my sleep. Yet there everything was all neatly folded in a pile... Now, I figure my Dad was either ticked I'd rather sleep then commune with him, OR he wanted to leave a sign it wasn't just a dream or imagination. With him either is possible.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, valkricry, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
I'm never really sure what to say about my dad. There's still a lot of hurt from back then. Even though in his latter years we formed a type of relationship, I could never bring myself to trust him, not fully.
I do know that if while he was alive I had dared breathe a word of how he really was and he got wind of it - well, there'd be hell to pay comes to mind, and he did have his ways of exacting 'payment'. So there might be something to your theory.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
Val, as I've been reading your stories, I'm deeply disturbed every time your father comes up. I'm so sorry he treated you so cruelly, it's utterly disgusting. I wondered with what happened to the vase if he was angered you'd voiced what he'd done on the internet no less. I realise you had a relationship with him later in life. Even so, bet he didn't appreciate being held accountable to an audience of goodness knows how many, if he knew you'd written about him. But that would be his problem, and you've every right to share your experience.

I agree with other posters, sounds like he's trying to make amends, in his own way. Which can only be a good thing.❀
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-30)
Rachness, thank you for reading so many of my stories. 😳 To be honest, sometimes, I still cry for the child I once was. But a long time ago, I came to the realization of a major philosophy I try to live by: Your past is just that your PAST. It helped form who you are today, but it does not need to control your today or your tomorrow. And you most certainly do not need to live there. 😊
Rachness (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-30)
Wow. These stories of yours are fantastic. Thank you for sharing! I believe that the first story of yours that I read was "Possession by Nightmare?" and I must say, I'm sorry to hear about your experiences when you were a child. That kind of thing is truly horrible. I feel enlightened knowing your Dad is trying to tell you that he's sorry though. I especially liked "Music On The Shower Curtain". Thank you again.

I hope you're well.

Rach ❀
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-21)
Fergie, no worries my friend. It's very easy to miss either stories or comments on this site. Sometimes they seem to move very fast! Thanks for reading:)
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-21)
Val, sorry for the delayed comment. 😒

I think this, and your "Coffee Time" were the two submissions that amazed me the most. Both drew OMG reactions from me.

I only hope it is your father trying to make amends. But gosh! What a dramatic way he chose to catch your attention.

Be well my friend, and please keep submitting such interesting posts. ❀
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-19)
Hi Pebbles!
No offense taken. You could well be on to something. Growing up - well let's just say our relationship was less than idealistic. My story on here, Posession By Nightmare? Touches on it.
As Miracles' said, when I first found the missing piece, I didn't make the connection with my dad (or anyone else, for that matter.) I was just "wth?", so he might have decided to take things a step further. Perhaps, because on many levels I grew up without him there for me, he's just saying, 'but I'm here now,' and trying to be the Dad he should/couldn't have been.
Be nice if there is truth to that theory, I know there are somethings I'd like a 'do over' for! 😊
Pebbles_Keeper (1 stories) (35 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-19)
Hi Val.
Maybe your dad is trying to make amends with you in some way. By helping to fix the damaged vase he once owned, perhaps in some way he is symbolically trying to fix the damage he caused to your relationship whilst alive.
I don't mean to be presumptious about something so personal, so please don't take offence.
As for the stripped and folded bed linen. Just wow!
Best wishes
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
lady-glow, and BJJ, I quite agree. Folding fitted sheets is a test of manual dexterity and patience. I think the fact that the bed linen as well bedding had been neatly folded and staked tossed me more for the loop more than the bed being stripped while I slept in it! Lol
BJJ, there is an old belief that at the moment of death, our lives flash before our eyes, and in that moment we see our actions as perceived by others. Maybe in that moment we are also given the choice to try and correct/make amends. I don't know for certain, but I like to think so.
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
I like the idea of validation. That seems reasonable.
Some people don't realize what they had until it's too late. And some folks just don't realize it's too late until after they've departed the physical realm. In general, I think a person's basic character doesn't change. It's a choice to change, a hard choice, that not everyone is willing to make. Only you know your dad well enough to say whether or not he would be willing to make amends.
That being said, it's a heck of a weird experience. And I've always thought it would take a supernatural act to fold a fitted sheet... πŸ˜‰
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
That is very odd! It would be strange for a still sleeping to suddenly sleep walk and manage to fold all the sheets, so sleep walking is not an explanation at all. I'm baffled.

This is an awesome account; thank you so much for sharing.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
val - I have to believe, and maybe want as well, that your dad is trying to make amends. Most people say that when people cross over they are exactly the way they were on earth. Because I didn't know better, I also believed this. But within the past year, give or take a few months, I have had reason to change how I feel about that.

So, I do think it's possible your dad is trying to make up to you for the way he treated you when he was alive❀ The hardest part, for me at least, was forgiveness. I had to learn that I couldn't heal, or grow spiritually, without forgiving and trying to put the fear part behind me. Once I did that, I was able to see the change...
TheCrone (4 stories) (24 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
I can't fold a fitted sheet to save my life. I want your dad to visit me on laundry day.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
Morning Mandy,
Thank you for reading and commenting. If you're interested my entry, " Can You Hear Me Now? Disembodied Voices", describes how I typically hear voices. Sometimes, I can have an actual conversation of sorts, but I generally talk out loud to them. This was weird fr me as it was solely in my head.
valkricry (49 stories) (3286 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
Hi Miracles,
Yeah, I like to think it was validation too, for the same reason! LOL That and when angry, my Dad tended to be violent. I shudder to think what he could do as an angry spirit 😨. Perhaps he is still trying to make amends?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
Well, at least he folded the bedding and put it away neatly! πŸ˜†

As interesting as all of your stories. Thanks for sharing.
MandyyNicole (7 stories) (183 posts)
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
I love this story, I've never read anything like it, with the strange conversation...
I can't imagine waking up to find my bed entirely stripped like that either; I certainly wasn't expecting to read it, that's for sure! Very neat.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-08-13)
val - I cannot imagine waking to find all your bedding not on your bed πŸ˜† I'm with you, did your dad to it because he was ticked at you or as validation? I'd go with validation just because it would make me feel better LOL

Maybe the piece of broken vase was his first sign that he was there with you the day of the BBQ and since you didn't acknowledge him (I can't imagine at that time you thought your dad found the piece for you), he decided to take a more obvious approach.

Great story and thanks for sharing this with us.

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