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Real Ghost Stories

The Black Crow


The experience I am about to share is something that happened my mother and grandma. Now I can't say for sure if what happened was paranormal, but it was definitely a very creepy experience.

The story is based in Australia and happened about 25 years ago. My mother and grandmother are not really believers in the paranormal but when they tell this story they always seem a bit freaked out.

Anyway, before I was born my Aunty's ex-husband (I will call him Dan) fell terminally ill and was put into a hospice. Where I come from terminally ill people are sometimes sent to a hospice to spend their last days/weeks as the hospice is usually nicer than a hospital bed.

Every single time my grandma and mum would visit Dan they would notice a black crow sitting on the window sill of his room. They said the crow was there every single time they would visit.

When Dan passed away, his funeral ceremony was held in a church. This church had the main stage and coffin at the very front, and two large doors at the back along with a small table (this will be important in a minute). My grandma and mum decided to sit at the back of the church near the large doors and table. Only moments after the funeral ceremony began my mum and grandma were startled by a strange rustling sound behind them. When they turned around they saw a black crow hopping into the church through the back doors. They watched as the crow hopped onto the small table in the church. They said the crow faced the front of the church as though it was a guest at the funeral and watched the ceremony. The crow remained on the table until the end of the ceremony when it hopped back out of the church and flew off. They both swear it was the exact same crow that was always seen on Dan's windowsill.

So what do you guys think? Just a creepy coincidence or something else?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Jaiicee, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Kota (1 stories) (2 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-30)
Hey, When I read this I really think that it could be like some sort of guardian bringing Dan back to heaven? Maybe. I don't know. But that truly is a creepy story but I enjoyed it. 😨
Dip1904 (115 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-13)
[at] ladyglow - thank you for the info. Truly I didn't have any idea.
TinAA (1 stories) (84 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
Hello Jaiicee,
Firstly let me tell you that your story was very interesting and mysterious at the same time. When I researched on internet about black crow symbolism I found out that the traditional meanings associate the crow with bad omen, death, and dark witchcraft. The crow also carries the power of prophetic insight. This is just a guess... That witchcraft might be possible in your Uncle's case. May be someone had cast a spell with bad intention upon him making him terminally ill lasting to death and this crow was always there as a watcher. Well,that's just my point of view.
Anyway...thanks for sharing... 😁
Jaiicee (3 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-11)
Thanks again for all your responses They have been very interesting to read! I did make an earlier comment but it seemed to have dissapeard: (I think there is a possibility that the crow could sense the death and that is why it was always around. What really interests me is the fact that the crow went to the funeral and acted in such an inteligant manner.
jess001 (1 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-10)
Sushanktar hi, in my country (England) it states that if you see a large black dog it indicates death. I do know that some animals are very loyam an may have been sent to comfort the near to death.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-10)
Hi jess001! I am not sure whether black dog brings death or not but in my culture (I am an Indian and a hindu) seeing a black dog brings wealth and happiness.

jess001 (1 stories) (22 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-10)
Hi:) It has been known that such animals that keep appearing are seen show that there will be a death, crows, black dogs etc...
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-09)
An animal guide will make itself known to it's human through uncanny and often repeated significant interaction. It's a soul contract between the person and that totem animal. This can be... Sightings, attacks, befriending... Anything to make itself known. They say, when a persons blood is shed by their totem animal, it can be the spirit animal testing their strength and their worthiness. Just an idea x
Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-09)
The below account of crows blinding their prey before killing it is correct. They've developed this very intelligent (if very cruel) means of rendering their prey defenseless... If it escapes their attempt to hunt it, it will die anyway without sight. Because crows are carrion eaters, it's an insurance policy against their own starvation. Yeah... That's why there is such deep stigma about this bird... Because it has such a complex nature. Hummingbird in ain't. Yeah... My beloved quail were killed that way... Not just eggs, they'll kill chicken hatchlings also. I don't think crows have anything to do with Satan... I was more curious if the deceased man may have had the animal talisman of the Crow. Crow medicine.
Vonboeckmann (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
Hi thanks for your facinating account.
I am not going to get into any great debate about Australian crows as it might offend. NOT FOR THE FAINT HEARTED
From experience of living on acerage with over 1000 sheep several hundred head of cattle we have 2 forms of scavenger mr. Fox and mr.crow. The crows out here are usually thought of as satanic. They are large glossy black and yes do sense death. When the animal is down dying or vunerable the crows pick out their eyes before they are dead. Farmers shoot crows to keep them off baby lambs. Hanging their crow bodies along the barbwire fence scares others away. Crows are intelligent. They steal chook eggs from the nest
I am NOT saying the crow was representing Satan or evil in the church that day. It may have been a guardian. Guess we will never know.
Thanks for sharing. Take care J
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
I really love the many different cultural ideas about crows that have found their way here. It's quite fascinating!
WiniPu4 (207 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
I am going to copy a comment I left for a story called "Mynah Healing" which you may wish to read since it is relative:


Here's the comment I left:

"I live in FL & have a mourning dove that meets me outside quite often. It appears (to me as well as my father) right before stressful events like family surgeries or other events having to do with the paternal side of my family. Sometimes it comes close; even upon the balcony upstairs outside of my bedroom and other times it perches nearby and stares for a long while. My paternal grandfather has been deceased for a couple of decades and he was an award-winning pigeon trainer. He especially loved mourning doves; calling them "lovey-doveys". I like to think he is still around, and still guiding the birds."

The first time it appeared was last year, before my father's heart surgery. We are both convinced that the same bird came to visit us both on the same day. My father called the next day to tell me how a mourning dove was pacing his walkway in front of his door and staring at him for nearly an hour. He thought something was wrong with it until it flew away. A mourning dove did the same to me that same day and I had the same reaction. We live several miles apart, and were both unaware of the others' experience until he called.
We believe that his father is still training the birds on this plane from the other side to let us know he cares.

Kind Regards,
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
Hi Jaiicee, Very interesting story... I am sorry I am not an expert but given below is thought of mine:

There are many superstitious spread across the world one of them is Animals or you can say here is birds. As we all know animals or birds has power to smell or know things before its occurrence so their behaviour changes accordingly.

As In India... If any black crow sit on our house so we considers it as any guest is about to come.

To study behaviour of animals is really a wide concept.

I've never heard anything like a crow mention in this story. I can't accept it as paranormal or can't deny its possibilities.

Did your mother and grandma see that crow again?

Nectarvore (1 stories) (226 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
Jeez, yeah it wouldn't be half as spooky if it was a lorikeet haha... Yeah, I have mixed feelings about crow medicine... They're funny little shapeshifters in my opinion... The legend of the Crow was that she once had colours and a beautiful voice but she ate her own shadow to know the secrets of the underworld... This us why she is black. She is the keeper of wisdom through sacrifice...It's an animal talisman version of Odin and the Yggdrasil tree... Or Christ on the cross. In my person experience, a crow is intelligent enough to develop an attachment to a person... I was given one to nurse, a long time ago, her wing was broken, and wildlife carers prioritise possums and wallabies etc... So she was given to me. In the months I had her, she developed her own language... She had a sound requesting food, a sound for thank you, when she was satiated. She had a greeting sound. When I set her free, she flew away... But returned every day to sit close by the verandah when I was there. After a few months she never came back. Yeah, they have a raptor brain, it means through evolution they are far superior in intelligence, coherence and perception than nectar and seed eaters. I think it's possible. They're uncanny.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
Dip1904: It seems like not all crows are black:

Jaiicee: thanks for sharing this interesting story with us.
Dip1904 (115 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-08)
ummm...aren't crows are always black? On a different note... I agree with the postulate sushantkar has provided.
Jaiicee (3 stories) (8 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-07)
Thanks for all your comments! I agree a very interesting story, I love it when my mum and grandma tell me!
HappySpirit - as far as Iknow he didn't have military ties, but thanks for the idea!
valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-12-07)
You could be right. I do know that most carrion eaters have a rather developed sense of smell, but North American crows are omnivorous. What I meant by 'sense death', is smell the chemical changes the body goes through. My bad - sorry I wasn't clearer.

But since we seem to be on the subject of crows, I thought I'd include this little read, that although presented with some humor is accurate:
(I double checked the given facts with the Audubon Society and Nation Geographic sites.)
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-07)
Sorry to interrupt, but I don't think that a bird who eats dead flesh would sense death. The false belief that crows bring death has resulted in a variety of myths and superstitions being passed down from one generation to the next. One of the most prevalent of these myths is about crows in graveyards. People say they hang out in them because of their connection to death.
The death omens related to crows are When they drops a piece of burnt wood, bone or meat on the bed of a person it indicates approaching danger or death in the near future.
Although, the above written points are only my perception.

valkricry (49 stories) (3287 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-12-06)
HappySpirit points out that many societies view crows as warrior birds, I know that many also see the crow as a communicator between this world and the next, and help the newly deceased to cross over.
I would think crows can sense death, because they do eat carrion.
That is something that either that crow or another would be at the funeral. I mean inside the church like that. That's very interesting.
HappySpirit (187 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-05)
Among many societies, esp. Native Americans, crows are seen as warrior birds and are honored for that. And yes - they are highly intelligent, more than we give them credit for. I love crows and find this to be a fascinating story, especially the part about the bird attending the funeral! Here's a question, Jalicee - was your uncle a former soldier? If he had strong military vibes, that may have been why the crow visited him on his deathbed and "paid his respects" at the funeral.
elnoraemily (guest)
10 years ago (2014-12-05)
Crows are extremely intelligent creatures, as Baby pointed out. Many societies point to them as an omen of death or bad tidings. The amount of societies that have a crow myth is actually fascinating (they are also notoriously mischievous creatures who like to steal shiny things).

Animals, in general, seem to have this theme. There are several noted (and backed up) accounts of animals in nursing homes going to the beds of those who are about to die and will spend their last nights with them. Something about the chemical changes in our bodies alerts them to what is about to happen and animals like cats and dogs will give them dying comfort in their final hours. Whether or not a crow can sense this, I have no idea.

Very interesting.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-05)
I like your account of this Jaiicee. Could be coincidence but I've read some fascinating crow accounts here and wouldn't label this as a coincidence.

Crows are highly intelligent and seem to have a connection with death. Don't know the how's, why's or wth's of it but I'm sure you'll get a more intelligent answer from some of our more "seasoned" posters.

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