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My Baby Saw Something?


This is my first personal experience about something weird. I am sharing to know what you feel about it. Positive or negative comments and suggestions all are welcome. Please share your views.

Background of the story: My grandmother ('Aaji' as we call in Marathi Hindus) passed away in 2004. I was very attached to her. All these years I have missed her and wished she was here, but never had any experience.

I have an 18 month old baby boy. He has started to use basic words for communication. I or anybody in the house never taught him to say 'aaji' as there is no one so old in the house.

On 11 Dec 2014, while I was sitting opposite him and saying something, he looked at the wall behind me and said 'aaji''. I was so astonished because he used that word for the first time and nobody really taught him. I ignored and kept playing with him. But he kept on repeating the same thing many times. Then I asked him to point out where aaji was and he pointed out to the wall. He even waved and gave flying kisses in the direction of the wall. Nothing moved, no voices heard, no touches. Nothing. Only my baby was behaving as if someone stood there playing with him.

Later in the evening another family member reminded me that it was my grandmother\'s birthday (on 11 Dec). In 10 years this is the first time that I forgot it. Could it be possible that she came to pay a visit? Can it be known if she does that a lot? Or is it just misinterpretation on my side.

Please comment as I really want to know what had happened.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, good-ghosts, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-08)
I am glad you liked them.
Thanks for the same. 😊
Aprajita (3 stories) (53 posts)
9 years ago (2015-06-02)
Wow. Both your stories" Eternal love"
And this one is very emotional.
Yes its true that babies and animals can sense spirits. You are very lucky that you had such a loving grandmother.
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-05-27)
Hi vaishtn
Thanks for the comment. Sorry for your loss too. But I am sure the spirits stay close to their loved ones, as does your aunt and they watch over you. When I am stressed out and feeling low I would always dream of my grandmother. And I wake up happy and fine. As if she says don't worry I am there.
Luna2000 (1 stories) (1 posts)
9 years ago (2015-04-02)
Awe, that's a cute story 😁 I think she came to see how her little great-grandson was doing. Babies are open to the paranormal as they are openminded, where as most adults are not. That probably explains why you wasn't able to communicate with her for all them years 😁
Vaishtn (1 posts)
10 years ago (2015-03-04)
Hi good-ghosts,

I have been a regular reader of YGS for a few years now and only do it out of curiosity but your story is the first one that made me sign up just so I could leave a comment here.

I was pretty close to my aunt too, she basically brought me up as my parents were both working so she was practically my first mum, about 12 years ago she passed away from an illness and there is nothing in this world that can take away that pain from my heart. About 2 years ago I had a dream where I was so upset that I was crying and out of no where my aunt is there in front of me and she is telling me that she came to see me just for the day, after we spent the day together she left back to heaven and I woke up crying. I started getting ready for work and get a text from my cousin (who lives in a different time zone) and the text says, "Do you remember what day it is? Its been 10 years since she left us."

They are still around us and will always live in our memories. Sorry about your loss, though.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
Actually if you really are interested in using any method of seeing your grandmother to find out if it really is her, don't use the way I described because, I'm not exactly sure it will work, look up ways to do it without bringing in any danger, anoying the sprit, or anything bad, or maybe the moderators would know, because they are very experienced in the paranormality. Valkricy and rookdygin's advice is good way to go too.
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)

I will try out what you have suggested. And will surely get back to you after 4 days.
Thanks for showing me the way.
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-18)
You are so right about the wall. The wall seperates living room and dining room, as mentioned earlier. There is a small wash basin attached on the wall and above that there is a mirror and above that there is a light that focuses on the mirror and the wash basin.
So that means that there is both water pipes and internal electric wiring. I now understand that why only that particular area is sonsitive.
I am really thankful to you.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
I just realized something... If you do not get a dream visit from your grandmother it does not mean your child did not see her... It may have been a one time visit.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)

By focusing your thoughts as Sam has described could help you see... But what you see could be ANY SPIRIT might pick up on that focused energy and use it manifest to the point you see or hear it. There are better and easier ways to invite your grandmother to manifest and let you know if it was her.

I suggest this... Say a prayer (or focus on a protective bubble surrounding you) ask that your grandmother visit you in your dreams and answer your questions... Write them down before you go to sleep... If after 3 days she does not enter your dreams and answer your questions then the odds our it was not your grandmother that your child saw. Record any odd events in a Journal... Start to compare them and you may be able to figure out what is going on.


valkricry (49 stories) (3283 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
I don't see why this could not be your aaji visiting the baby. The reason it might be only that part of the wall could be because that is where she picks up enough energy to be 'seen' by your child. I'm thinking that perhaps in that wall there are conduits of wiring or maybe even a water pipe. I could be totally wrong, but it is a thought.
I don't think speaking out loud to that area would anger a spirit. Just mind your manners, and be polite. You could, quite simply just say, "Aaji, is that you? If it is, could you give me a sign?" Don't expect much, like to actually hear her voice or anything, but be watchful. It could be something small, but it will say 'aaji' to YOU. Maybe a whiff of her perfume, or a tiny feather, where none should be. Or her favorite flower. Or just a gut feeling. Something you connect with her. It might take awhile. You will just KNOW it is her.
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Thanks. And sorry to know about your mother. I am sure she will come to bless your child.
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Thanks for your concern. I would like to try out any method to know if it is really my grandmother, as you have mentioned. But are you sure if the method your are about to suggest won't annoy the spirit? I have a baby and so I don't want to bring any kind of danger on him.Rest, I am ready. Waiting for your reply.
good-ghosts (6 stories) (42 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Thanks for all your comments. I am glad to know that you all have taken time to read and comment. That really mean a lot to me.
Just one thing is bothering me. Since the first experience on 11th dec, everytime my baby is in that particular area, he keeps repeating his activities like waving, blowing kisses or calling out aaji.

Nothing strange has ever happened in the house. I am not afraid as I loved her too much to be afraid of. And I will be glad if it is really her. But why only that area and not anywhere else in the house. She was my maternal grandmother and she died before the house was built.
Also, the exact area that my kid refers is a wall that seperates living room and the dinning area.
Sam222 (8 stories) (461 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
I'm not quite sure how he learned to say the name (maybe another person on here can answer that one). But it is said that younger kids see things adults don't see, and there are many people who claim that there children do see things that don't appear there own eyes. So, yeah I'm think (I'm sure) your son did see her. I mean why not? It all fits together, it was her birthday, and he was saying her name, and what else would he be pointing at, laughing at, and blowing kisses to? It must be her.
Also I have an idea, I'm not sure if it will work, but if you try to really believe she's there and believe what happen at the table with your son was what most likely is, and if you think about really wanting to see her you may be able to see what your son is seeing! Your grandmother. Unless you don't want to, but that's fine if you don't I understand, and also, like I said I. Not sure if this will work, I just thought of. I wish I could see some of my passed relatives

P.S. Hey sorry to ask, but did your grandmother die in that house.
ChumaChuma (1 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Thank you for nice story and it's must be your grandmother visit your baby and you to see how you guys doing and she loved you guys...:)
#Take care
brenttan (64 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Yes, I believe your Aaji came to visit her grand-daughter. Babies and very young kids can see spirits and from the way she is smiling and being so affectionate (your child), Aaji must have made herself known to your child in a very loving manner. Thanks for nice story. Be blessed!
TinAA (1 stories) (84 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Hey good-ghosts,very well narrated story... Sweet and touching as well. I think surely that might be your grandmother with whom your baby was talking and waving. You know our grandparents are much attached to us than our parents, she might have come to pay visit to you and your baby. And its also believed that kids can see spirits.
Thanks for sharing such a beautiful experience.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-17)
Hi, good-ghosts... Its a very sweeeet story... We all know our grandparents love us more than anyone... ❤
notjustme (19 stories) (852 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-16)
awwe so sweet! Thanks for the cute story. I too hope when I have a baby my mom will pay me a visit ❤
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-16)
Hello good-ghosts! It was really a nice story. As said by ifihadyoux that she' watching over him. My condolence for the loss of you aaji.
I would like to welcome you for having an account in YGS and sharing this lovely story amongst us.

ifihadyoux (6 stories) (607 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-16)
I think she just came to say she's watching over him. How cute!

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