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Apology And Farewell


Although there is not a ghost in this story the only way it can be explained is through the ability of the spirit to transcend the barriers of time and distance to amend an old mistake.

After graduating from university in the year 1988 I began working in the clinical laboratory of a hospital in Mexico City.

The head of the lab staff was Dr RV; he was a very nice gentleman with many professional achievements and a passion for photography. It was a pleasure to listen to his conversation except for the times when he was upset, then he would turn into a raging bull that wouldn't listen to reason.

His assistant was Dr DL, a quiet man with a taste for intrigue and conflict.

Shortly after I began working there, the laboratory acquired a computerized blood analyzer and trained a group of the biochemists in its use; at the end of the training course they choose the two persons with the better understanding of the machine to be in charge of it.

To the chagrin of many of the personnel with more seniority the "chosen ones" were two of the youngest members of the staff, I was one of them.

Being one of 'the experts' in the use of the analyzer came with a price and this was not having the freedom of as many days off as the rest of the personnel because no one else had the ability to cover our absence in case of sick days or emergencies.

Nevertheless I enjoyed my job and became good friends with my coworker, Miss AA.

But it came the day when I had to look for greener pastures and I found another job.

Knowing that I wouldn't be able to enjoy some holidays in the new job for at least one year and wanting to help in the training of the person that would take my place in the lab, I decided to take a week off and then come back and work for one more month.

So, since Dr RV wasn't there that day, I presented Dr DL with my resignation letter considering that a six weeks period notice would give them plenty of time to find the right person to take over the position I was leaving.

Two or three days later Dr RV call me to his office, I was expecting him to ask some questions about my new job but what he did was to shoutat me insulting me for my lack of professionalism and my poor job ethics.

His face was red and angry, and he didn't even let me say a word before asking me to remove my annoying self away from his presence.

I was shaken and couldn't understand his outburst; and really enjoyed my holidays even thinking not to go back to work at the lab after the way he treated me.

But it was not in me to back to my word and went back to work a week later ready to finish my contract in a month.

After coming back from my holidays, Miss AA went to Dr RV's office and asked for some days off.

In his gentle manner he asked her who would be in charge of the analyzer if she left, and she answered that I would do it.

Justice is such a sweet feeling! - until that moment the good doctor realized that I would be still working for a month!

He called me to his office, this time I was ready to be nasty and yell at him if necessary, but I found him in a very embarrassed and apologetic mood, he explained to me that the last time we talked he was stressed out because he thought that was my last day working and it would be a big problem for him to find some one to replace me.

Although he didn't say it, I suspect that Dr DL intentionally omitted the information about my holidays.

In 1991 I left my job at the hospital in good terms with Dr RV.

Fast-forward the time eleven to twelve years later during which I got married, immigrated to Canada and had two beautiful children that were already attending elementary school. One day I was busy working in the kitchen taking advantage of some "free time" before my kids were back from school and all of a sudden I began feeling very sad and remorseful, but it was not a feeling coming from within myself but more like if an invisible but heavy cloud were surrounding me, and at the same time I couldn't stop thinking about that terrible day when Dr RV insulted me.

For an unexplained reason I felt compelled to softly say "Do not worry, Dr RV, I forgive you, be at peace".

Two days later I phoned Miss AA, she told me that Dr RV had been in a coma for several days and there was no hope for him to recover.

Ever since I have thought that, if it is true that our life flashes before our eyes when we die, perhaps Dr RV 'saw' his mistake again and wanted to apologize for it.

RIP, Dr RV, thanks for your help in my early days like a graduated biochemist.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, lady-glow, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Cherubim (14 stories) (245 posts)
5 years ago (2019-09-05)
Oh what a wonderful story! ❤ You must have felt his spirit when you said you forgave him and he heard you. I'm glad you are both at peace with each other.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-24)
It sounds like Dr RV struggled with dealing with stress. I don't think he liked yelling at anyone from the sounds of it but he kept it bottled up until he popped. It was probably something he had been working to control for a long time, but occasionally would resurface.

He probably felt terrible because he knew how stressful your job had been (all hours/no breaks) and he knew the yelling was uncalled for. His stress at finding a replacement was peanuts compared to the work and he knew it. I think he was mostly frustrated with himself here.

Sometimes we can pick the wrong battle with the wrong person at the wrong time and yeah, it can haunt us. I remember yelling at a boy friend's friend once and felt guilty about it for years. I still remember my dad walking up my grandma's basement stairs and thinking I should say I love you, but I didn't. That still bothers me too.

Oh and while all of my deceased relatives have visited each of us at some time or other, my dad still hasn't noticed. He thinks he is being ignored or passed over, but he isn't. Hello! Grandma's perfume is basically walking down the hall... You don't smell it? I guess for him they are GONE.

Eh, don't worry about the creepers. Talk about weird! Stalking someone on a ghost forum under different names just because? That's sad. If you're online that much maybe play a video game or something, lol! Or start a Japanese Soap Opera, that'll distract you! Ha!
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-24)

In England, we sometimes show our appreciation and admiration for someone with a single word, spoken aloud, usually with a slow nod of the head:


Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-24)
Lady Glow, I've been concerned about MackNorton for a while because of some serious earthquakes they had a few months back. He was very active on YGS right before the quake, but nothing since after the news broke. I left him a note on one of his early submissions but never heard back. I've been meaning to email him because of this, I'll do it now.

Jeesh, sorry to bring the mood down everyone. 😳

I'll be checking out the origins of the mighty bus later! 😊
valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-24)
Here's a link to the story Miracle's is talking about:

Sure seems like it's where it all started.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-24)
Lady-glow - check out my story "And They Came". You'll have to wade through the comments but I think this is where it originates.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-24)
Lady-glow - it seems like the Miss Demeanor has been around forever lol. Actually it has only been probably within the last 4 or 5 years. If I can't find the original story it started up on, maybe rook (Puff Byram) remembers.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-23)
Guys, all your comments are so sweet! Thank you very much! ❤
It is encouraging to know that only a minority consider me a grumpy, nitpicking, troublemaker looking to discredit every story I read.

RANDYM: your explanation about the "life review" is scarier that only being shown the wrights and wrongs we did during our life...well, I guess the wrights would be OK... But to feel the pain caused to other by our mistakes is more than enough a reason to think twice about my future actions.
Thanks for reading my story.

Tweed: say hi to MackNorton for me. I really miss his comments.

Miracles: yes, YGS has changed.
Do you know who and when organized the first pic-nick and the origins of the BS blanket and "the bus"? The first time I came across them I had no idea what was going on but I joined the ride because it look like lots of fun. 😊
Hexotericka (6 stories) (45 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
You are very welcome, lady-glow. I honestly believe that we need more people like you on this site to expose some of the more questionable stories on here.
The reactions of these people just lend credence to the fact that they have been caught out and they are trying to defend their fictional stories.
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
Count me in with the rest of your supporters lady-glow. You seem to have a keen insight into the "troll activity". It's most assuring to me and I can't tell you how much it's appreciated!❤
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
lady-glow - you are welcome. Sometimes the drama on this site is more than I can handle, as Tweed can verify. 😳

We try very hard to keep comments from becoming a nuisance or distraction. And believe me, I fully understand wanting/needing to strike back. I went through a situation on here before becoming a mod and, in hindsight, wonder why the comments weren't deleted or stopped. No offense intended toward any mod during that time. Attention by our members on the drama defeats the purpose of this site: help.

Okay, enough rambling from me.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
Ladyglow - sorry the nasties have focused on you! There's no reason for it but if nasties were reasonable, then they likely wouldn't be so nasty. Clearly, you have far more friends here than silly detractors ❤ I too look forward to your comments and stories.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
Lady Glow, no problems! 😊

For what it's worth the comment which was removed felt/sounded more exasperated, in my opinion, not really a personal attack on you. It seemed like this member had or still has the wrong end of the stick and has taken you out of context.

I was unaware there was a familiar 'new' member giving you a hard time. If you ever feel boxed in or singled out by anyone, that's never, ever a good sign. You should always speak up either publicly on YGS or privately by email. At best these things are a simple misunderstanding but at worst they're designed to hurt. You should never feel harassed or put up with any abuse. There's safety in numbers and pretty much everyone here has your back.😊
I often can't upvote you (like now) because I do it so often lol. Also MackNorton, who visits YGS every now and then, said in an email to me once how much he loves your posts. He said you always make him laugh when you're dealing with trolls. I feel the same, there's sooo many times I've sat shaking my head at something, read one of your comments and cracked up for a few minutes! Pretty sure, actually make that 100% certain any troll would be extremely jealous of your humour and sharp insight. But that's their problem. 😉
Argette (guest)
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
I just want to add another note of support for Lady Glow. She has from the beginning shown herself to be insightful and direct. No games, no manipulation.

I try not to get involved in spats here, so I'm not even sure if this is the right thread for this post. But here goes!
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
Greetings Lady-Glow

Thank you for sharing your experience.

I have done extensive readings on Near Death Experiences
And got some information from other sources

It seems that we all go through a "life review"
The thing is nobody really judges us. We judge our self.
It seems during these life reviews that we don't just sit and watch how we hurt others, we actually feel the pain and hurt we caused another person as though we were the one hurt by our actions.
Thus we are our harshest critic. You know what I mean. When we learn and truly understand something by experience as opposed to having it explained to us. We really and I mean really understand
It then.
I often don't think that we comprehend how our actions, even small ones can really have a huge impact on those we direct our actions to. I know I am very guilty. Perhaps during this altered state
The good doctor got a chance to really feel how his barking made you feel. Then if he learned and you forgave then you both came away a little better person.

Also, as long as I'm typing to you let me send a big huge THANK YOU
For keeping a watchful eye on fake stories. I love this site and come here several times a day but one thing I hates is people coming to a site that is meant to relate TRUE encounters only to read something that was written because someone fancies themselves
A writer and want to test out their writing skills and get their name up in lights. I want to read about true encounters, however mundane they may be and not campfire stories told to see if the reader will wet them self. I can only read so many stories about
"red eyes" and "I'm sure it was a demon"
Anywho, I'm rattling Just want to thank you for catching things I never notice because it can be easy to pull the wool over my eyes and your services are much needed and much appreciated by me.

Now you go have yourself a wonderful day and a better tomorrow

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-03-22)
Tweed and Hexotericka: thank you guys, your words of support mean a lot to me.

(Un) fortunately, I wasn't able to read LawitInam's comment before it got removed though, given the history of their open dislike for me, it is easy to imagine both its form and content.

On the last few days I have been the target for the animosity of a certain "new" member whose comments have a very well known signature written all over them.
The anger and the resentment, the short temper and the explosive reactions for no apparent reason are all too familiar as to make me think that Donut is still around trying to cause trouble.

Mods: I'll try my best to avoid following his game and thank you before hand for the hard work you put into running the site. ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
8 years ago (2016-05-16)
Youdrag: it would be a good idea for you to read the "Comments Guidelines", it might help you to understand the reaction that your postings are getting.

Pay special attention to the following part:
"As a general rule, posts should be on topic and related to an author's story. If you have something entirely unrelated to say, please use your own story to do so. Comments may gradually get off track a bit, it happens, but don't jump in a story with a completely different subject, or worse, just to promote commenting on your own story. Also, make sure to read the previous posts before publishing yours."
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
hmmm, I get what you mean. 😐 Sucks if that be so. Seems to be a lot of this going on lately. 😕
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
Tweed and RedWolf: the writing style in one of the latest experiences reminds me of the following stories by multipliyingchills3:



RedWolf: happy belated birthday.
I guess we could have celebrated our BDs together, mine's April 14.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
I don't remember multiplyingchills either. Would they happen to show signs of being our reoccurring trouble maker 'Userwellknown', by chance? 😉
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
Why do you say that? I don't remember multiplyingchills3 but I turned 55 the other day so maybe my memory is slipping.😆

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
8 years ago (2016-04-24)
TROLL PATROL UNIT: am I hallucinating or our friend multiplyingchills3 is back under a new user name?😐
lexi-loo (1 stories) (175 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-30)
i didn't even comment on this story but anyway yes when it seems like someone is following your posts just to pick at everything yeh it will annoy me but that was me being polite not huffy puffy and hmm 7 of mine have gone but hey ho no worries

But glad that's sorted now hopefully I can get back to it
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-08-29)
lexi-loo: Wow, there is no need to go all huffy puffy!
Guess I missed reading the comment about the 9 YO kid being your sister's friend... Not everybody have the time to check several times a day what is going on in YGS, you know?

As for the karma points, do not worry, it seems like the karma thief has been very active and it took away 4 of my points too... Childish brat, if that makes him happy, he can keep them.
Bibliothecarius (9 stories) (1091 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-16)

Dr. RV must have taken to heart the seriousness of his passionate over-reaction. I believe he carried that regret around with him for the rest of his life, so that every time he became angry he'd pause to ask for clarification before unleashing his temper on the wrong person. Persistent guilt like that is a good motivator to be a better person, but it would be intensely unhealthy to carry it around for years. I suspect that Dr. RV was still thinking about how well you coped when he had behaved badly and he NEEDED the reassurance that having become a better person hadn't been at the expense of your suffering. He wanted to determine that you really had forgiven him and you hadn't just been saying it to make your last few weeks of work less tense.

(Odd side note: ever have that moment when you're reacting to a situation and the voice in the back of your head is telling you, "you're over-reacting just like your mother/father/whoever," and it stops you cold? I suspect Dr. RV had been emotionally sideswiped by the revelation he'd turned into the authority figure he'd hated for exactly the reasons he'd hated him/her.)

I believe, in each of your descriptions of the courses of action you took (6 weeks' notice, not screaming back at an angry boss, being forgiving because you knew where the fault lay, and reassuring the disembodied Dr. RV that he really was forgiven when you had said so), you have done the right thing. I do hope that you have long-since learned to defend yourself diplomatically against mistaken accusations, as letting others run roughshod over your emotional well-being is not always the route to peace.

Thanks for sharing this with us.

Hecate0 (4 stories) (418 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Lady-glow, I have studied all of those biochemical reactions in the brain because I wanted to better understand how we do this, all of this, including the psychic stuff. Sadly for your scientist friend, he doesn't realize that science is about asking questions, not ruling out things we don't understand as nonexistant. And someone here suggested that some of our 'random' thoughts might be things like this. I wholeheartedly agree. Now I keep a better journal and I jot down some of my weird thoughts. I often later get a context. But had I not written them down, I would have dismissed them. Many people are more psychic than they realize...

I really love it that you immediately thought to tell him you forgive him, though. That took great presence of mind during a somewhat unnerving experience. It says a lot about you. Again, thanks for sharing.

samtillie (5 stories) (242 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-13)
Lady Glow
While I was reading this, I had no idea at all where it was going to go. It is a lovely story, I enjoyed reading it. He must have been fond of you for this event to have happened to you. 😊
Zander (7 stories) (146 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
Wow--very interesting insight into what really 'matters' about our life on this earth, eh?
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-11)
If he was in a coma I believe he had an O.B.E. And wanted you to know how truly sorry he was for blowing up at you that long ago day. This was such a sweet story. I hope he can rest in peace now.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
9 years ago (2015-07-10)
Tank you very much to all of you for reading my story and for your nice comments.

Hecate0: I have a friend from university, we lost contact with each other but re-encounter again in social media. He is a scientist and a skeptic. His mother passed away few years ago and one day he posted in FB something about some days feeling her presence but knowing that it's only biochemical reactions in his brain trying to fulfill his longing (or something on that line).
I felt, and still feel sorry, not only for him but for the spirit of the poor lady been ignored by her son. 😢

Val, Griff and Tweed: I only wonder if Dr RV's soul really "came" to see me or if it was me having something like an antenna that, somehow, registered the energy of his thoughts.

Thanks for reading.

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