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My Nephews Night Terror And More


This is a true story of what I have been through with my nephew. Here's a little bit of a history to know since my brother came and left his two kids with me and my parents.

In the year 2008 my nephew turned 6 years old. About 15 days after his birthday party it was the 1st of August 2008. That night I had the door to my room left open so that my daughter (niece) could come and go to where she can sleep with either me or my mom (grandma). We always leave the kitchen light on every night. Outside my bedroom door is the living room and to the right side was the kitchen.

I was laying in my bed with my eyes closed trying to fall asleep. Then I heard little footsteps walking around in circles in the living room. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 4:09 am in the morning. Then I saw a shadow walking across my doorway.

I just lay there and looked into the kitchen and in a few seconds I see my nephew (son) walking towards the dining room area. I got up and tiptoed to the doorway as I can see him walking towards the front door. He opened the door but didn't go outside at all. He stood there for thirty-eight minutes then he turned his head towards my doorway to my room. Then all of a sudden he fell to the floor crying at the top of his lungs as I ran to him and picked him up and calmed him down as he fell back to sleep in my arms. My mom and dad came running out of there rooms in less than five seconds. I told them that he was sleepwalking.

The next night he slept with me. I turned to put my arms around him and looked that he wasn't in bed with me. I came into the living room and saw the front door open it was 3:38 am in the the morning. I went to close the door as I hear footsteps from behind me as I locked the door. Instead of waking him up I took him by the hand and led him back to my room. As he got up into my bed with me he just sat up for an hour as I watched him then he laid back down on the pillow and went to sleep.

The next couple of nights I found him standing outside in our front yard, the last night I found him standing next to me on my side of the bed. I looked at my alarm clock to see what time it was and it was 4:28 am. I reached for him to pull him onto the bed. His skin was icy cold and he turned his head to me and I saw nothing but black where his eyes were supposed to be I backed away to the other side of the bed as he looked at me with an evil smile on his face, then he grinned at me with a smirk.

His eyes still looking at me as I got off the bed he jumped up one foot high and landed on my bed. Not knowing what to make of this I backed away from my bed as he squatted down on the bed like a frog and sitting up right like a dog. Walking sideways to my right to get to the door he smiled again, only this time I saw his teeth (nothing but fangs) I was scared. He kept his eyes on my every movement.

I started to move again only this time he was in a pouncing position getting ready for the kill yet it was my little boy, my son. I started to slide down and cry for him as this entity of some kind got in front me on the floor and watched me crying I balling like crazy with my tears streaming down my face and cheeks.

I looked up still crying as this entity leaned in towards me. I touched my son and pulled him towards me and gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged him yet this entity pushed me back as my back hit the drawer set.

He hissed at me like a cat, then smacked my face. Sitting there crying the entity sat on my lap and leaned towards me as he licked my tears away. The next thing I knew while looking to the floor still crying my baby boy said to me: mommy aunty, why are you crying? I looked up to see that he was himself he was back. I hugged him so tight as he whispered in my ear why are we on the floor? I laughed and giggled a little bit and said to my son let's back into bed we both did. I almost dosed off when he whispered into my ears I love you mommy.

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otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-14)
Darn, I should add that even though he is in Jr High, if he is still sleep walking and is doing it in a extreme manner, again, should get checked out. Lack of Rem Sleep (deep sleep) can hard on a young teens just entering puberty and they need all the rest they can get.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-14)

I took the running together as writing in anger, possibly feeling attacked. After all some of the people did not read the story thoroughly or had difficulty understanding the writing and made some presumptions. I agree medical should be the 1st line of defense as the goal is to relieve the suffering of the child and put him out of harms way.

I wasn't well rested when I was roaming around as a child but did grow out of it. My son, his frustrations manifested in an inability to sleep soundly or to sleep at all. He has had two full in house sleep studies as a result. He passed with flying colors, so he had counseling to try and get to the bottom of his frustrations and to learn how to communicate them. (has a learning disability and social communication issues) He is now 21, still has some sleep issues and anxiety but has the tools to cope with them.

Something as big as being abandoned by parents can do a lot of harm in a little one's mind. That's why I too recommend sleep study and if clear, counseling. The op may love him like he was her very own but not even a mommy who loves her child to pieces can always explain why things are so hard for them.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-12)

Ummm, yeah...ah...pardon me here... And mind you I am the father of 5 (3 living) so I understand doing WHATEVER it takes to protect them I get that.

Here is what I do not understand... Your latest comment tells us that sleepwalking runs on your father's side of the family... What if your 'son' was acting out a nightmare while sleepwalking? DOCTORS FIRST... Demons and all things paranormal second...

Besides methinks ye have taken a very backward step in your writing skills... Your 'experience' is well written and thought out and the few comments you made were at least punctuated... But this latest comment... You hardly 'read' as the same individual...

I have popcorn in the blechers... Anyone care for some?


otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-12)
Should have added, if they are not better, try getting a sleep study done. So many things, issues may be manifesting itself in his sleep. I have to tell you... My ex, when he would rage, his face took on the look of a demon, I kid you not. One of the reasons I divorced him, I was afraid of him when he drank. (he was not a demon, his face would just contort, and get red.) Thanks for coming back.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-12)
I admire your love for your children. I would protect them and try to comfort them as well, regardless of what they were going through. I have done it with my own son when he went through a phase of uncharacteristic rages for a few weeks at a young age of 7. I hope things are much better for your son now.
niaavea17 (2 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-11-12)
It is understanding that to some of you my story seems off. To some of you my kids seems like as if they call me auntie but they stop calling me that long time it's a never ending story because my son is in junior high and my daughter is now in high school and to answer some of your questions this happened a couple of nights not just one or two nights but I was explaining in details of what was going through what I was going through with my son and to be honest does sleepwalking part because it happens to all of the men in my family. For those of you that asked about what happened afterwards will come to find out my father had put up a camera that the last night which lasted for at least two whole weeks but the last night he wasn't the boy I knew it all impression a lot of love instead of fear to some of those other questions that some of and of course yes I did not run or fear that possessed my son I was angry I was mad I was confused I felt love I felt compassion I wanted to show my son that I love him and I love him with all my heart including my daughter believe me when I say this but what if something happens happens to anyone you love will you fear it and run away I don't think I could run away from it I'd rather fight it even if it meant taking my own life for someone that I love I would do it all over again over and over until it stops I will not stop ever until they do that's what scares me the most is the love that you have for that
niaavea17 (2 stories) (6 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-31)
Thank you for for reading my story carefully an understanding what I went through.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-16)
Rdam122 - my interpretation may not even be correct. It's just the only thing that made sense to me. We won't know unless the o/p returns to answer questions.
rdam122 (5 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-16)
Miracles51031 - I've read it once, not too closely. She did said, her brother left the two kids with her and her parents. I did not think as the brother have kids and then left them for good. I only thought of it as left them there for the birthday's party. If the brother really sleep around with women and making souls, then pushing the responsibility on someone else. That, I did not think about.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-16)
rdam122 - did you read the story closely? She stated her brother left his kids with her and her parents, implying they were raising them.

As I stated before, if she filled the role of their mother, the children very possibly would call her mommy. And to try and make the story less confusing, she referred to her niece and nephew by their blood relationship to her as well as her love relationship.
rdam122 (5 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-16)
The story seem very weird and doesn't make sense in some area. Maybe English isn't your first language or something. Other people comments and review of the story does have a very valid argument. But the first thing I noticed is "my daughter (niece) ". So is it your daughter or niece? I know you went to your nephew's birthday.
chria29 (3 stories) (25 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-12)
As I'm reading the story seems very conflicting and confusing. All I can suggest is to get your nephew/son/whoever (because you kept changing who it was) some help.
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-12)
Ps my comment about not reading posts thoroughly was directed at Spockie.
C2C (3 stories) (62 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-11)
I'm afraid I have to agree with Rook. This story is Happy Halloween and doesn't go into any disclosures, follow-up or questions anyone having these experiences would naturally be elucidating. In my normal vernacular, "This dog don't hunt...LOL." Pretty scary story though; shiver.
Cman710 (9 stories) (94 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-11)
That is absolutely FREAKY! *Shudders* I'm not sure I could look at my kid the same way for a few days after that.
Von (1 stories) (4 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-10)
Hi there, this is just my personal opinion here hehehe. I know 1st hand that evil spirits, dark demons, etc, have a main goal, which is to make you fear them. During a possession thou they are able to physically harm you. I think its alittle obvious that your son/ nephew was possessed. And instead of showing it fear or terror you showed it Love! You looked at your son and saw your son! Not the entity that was possessing him. Instead of running off or retreating when it pushed you, you set there in tears. You showed that entity that you weren't afraid of it but in you were in pain because something terrible was happening to your boy. I think that's why it just left.

Hats off to you mate. Good job holding your own for your boy:)
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-10)
Sigh, yes, I wish people would read the entire story before commenting. If you have skipped over stuff in a post to get to the scary part you are disqualified from posting!

I had a family member who had night terrors. He did go to a sleep study because he would literally climb the walls (curtains) and chest of drawers to get away from what he was dreaming of. He had super strength during his episodes and would scream bloody murder. Poor kid. He did grow out of it after a few years but it drove his mom to drink.

I was a sleepwalker. My mom believed the old wives tale never wake up a sleep walker. She would follow me around and gently turn me around as I approached the back door of the house. I would often wake up mid adventure because I became physically cold in the house at night, no heat on makes for cold floors. She would lead me back to bed and tuck me in. She was a Saint lol. This only lasted a few years, aged 8 on.

I agree there are a lot of oddities in this story that don't quite add up, but if it is true, I hope the episodes have stopped and all is well. And I admire the op and family for taking on the challenge of taking in the brothers children and making them their own. Lovely.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3180 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-10)
Rookdygin: I read this story and got confused, but since I'm coming down with a cold I thought my head wasn't working that well... But after reading the dissection you made to this story the only thing I have to say is:
Happy Halloween!...see you in November.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-10)
I understand why this child would call her 'mommy'...I get that... But sleepwalking is not 'night terrors' so my questions concerning this begin... (I will say here and now, anything involving kids and I am 'right there' to help...)

First: (Let me quote so there is no misunderstanding (s))...

"I was laying in my bed with my eyes closed trying to fall asleep. Then I heard little footsteps walking around in circles in the living room. I looked at my alarm clock and it was 4:09 am in the morning. Then I saw a shadow walking across my doorway.

I just lay there and looked into the kitchen and in a few seconds I see my nephew (son) walking towards the dining room area. I got up and tiptoed to the doorway as I can see him walking towards the front door. He opened the door but didn't go outside at all. He stood there for thirty-eight minutes then he turned his head towards my doorway to my room. Then all of a sudden he fell to the floor crying at the top of his lungs..."

You let your nephew, who is 6 years old, stand in the OPEN front door for 38 minutes? You did NOTHING but watch him all that time? You did NOTHING until he fell to the floor crying at the top of his lungs?

But wait there's more...

"The next night he slept with me. I turned to put my arms around him and looked that he wasn't in bed with me. I came into the living room and saw the front door open it was 3:38 am in the the morning. I went to close the door as I hear footsteps from behind me as I locked the door. Instead of waking him up I took him by the hand and led him back to my room. As he got up into my bed with me he just sat up for an hour as I watched him then he laid back down on the pillow and went to sleep."

You were closeing and locking the front door BEFORE you checked to see if your nephew was outside? This time, instead of watching him you lead him back to your room?

It gets better...

"The next couple of nights I found him standing outside in our front yard,..."

Did it EVER occure to you to have him seen by a doctor? Sleepwalking can be very dangerous, especially for a child this young...

The next night we have a 'Paranormal Wittness' moment...

"...the last night I found him standing next to me on my side of the bed. I looked at my alarm clock to see what time it was and it was 4:28 am. I reached for him to pull him onto the bed. His skin was icy cold and he turned his head to me and I saw nothing but black where his eyes were supposed to be I backed away to the other side of the bed as he looked at me with an evil smile on his face, then he grinned at me with a smirk.

His eyes still looking at me as I got off the bed he jumped up one foot high and landed on my bed. Not knowing what to make of this I backed away from my bed as he squatted down on the bed like a frog and sitting up right like a dog. Walking sideways to my right to get to the door he smiled again, only this time I saw his teeth (nothing but fangs) I was scared. He kept his eyes on my every movement.

I started to move again only this time he was in a pouncing position getting ready for the kill yet it was my little boy, my son. I started to slide down and cry for him as this entity of some kind got in front me on the floor and watched me crying I balling like crazy with my tears streaming down my face and cheeks.

I looked up still crying as this entity leaned in towards me. I touched my son and pulled him towards me and gave him a kiss on the cheek and hugged him yet this entity pushed me back as my back hit the drawer set.

He hissed at me like a cat, then smacked my face. Sitting there crying the entity sat on my lap and leaned towards me as he licked my tears away. The next thing I knew while looking to the floor still crying my baby boy said to me: mommy aunty, why are you crying? I looked up to see that he was himself he was back..."

The LAST NIGHT? So what its just all OVER, just like that? Nothing Else has happened?

So here is MY OPINION:



Goggzy (guest)
9 years ago (2015-10-09)
Like Miracles my daughter does suffer from night terrors (she is 6) she used to wake up from them not knowing where she is so she would unlock either the front or back door to get out after this happened at least 10 times I put extra deadbolts on and she started to settle into our area better and she still gets night terrors but not trying to get out of our home anymore. This might be why your son (nephew) did this as he was moved to a new home and as he was woken from his night terror he didn't recognise and tried to simply leave. The episode where he became almost possessed like (I'm not saying he was possessed as 90 percent of possession claims are most likely fakes) is hard to explain are you sure you were not having your own night terror I'm only asking as this could explain this, also has anything else happened with him.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-09)
niaavea17 - when my daughter was 5 she experienced what her pediatrician classified as night terrors. It was terrifying for both her dad and me; our daughter was inconsolable and appeared as if she had no idea who we were until she came out of it. We never experienced her acting like your son, so I'm not sure what to make of this experience. Unfortunately I have no advice 😕
Whodat (42 posts)
9 years ago (2015-10-09)
What a terrifying account! I just prayed that this entity will never bother your nephew or you again. I just can't imagine how frightened you must have been.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
9 years ago (2015-10-09)
Spockie - not only was that comment rude, but it was uncalled for. She explained the beginning that her brother left his children with her and her parents. If she filled the role of their mother, it isn't unbelievable to think the children would call her mommy. And at age 6, her nephew would probably remember she is his aunt but that he knows her as mommy.

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