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What Ran Through My Kitchen?


Over the years, my home has been fairly normal, nothing too in-your-face scary. But I mean, I've always had that weird sixth sense thing going on. When I was little (ages 4-6), I was terribly conscious of my surroundings, I was scared to death of going to bed. I was rewarded if I slept through the night (normally I'd have nightmares and wake up crying if I did fall sleep). So I'd lie awake staring down my dark hallway or the doorway to my bedroom; I was convinced something was there watching me, for whatever reason. I refused to sleep without my back against the wall, because I knew I couldn't see was behind me. I vividly remember hearing "voices" in my head (though I'd rather not talk about what they said). My mom thought I was crazy or possessed.

My little brother's toys also used to go off in the dead of night (imagine hearing sponge bob's laugh at 3 am), cabinets slammed shut every now and then, and maybe other minor occurrences that made my mother uneasy, but other than that nobody experienced anything profound.

Recently I've noticed a major shift in the energy of the house. However, there has been a lot of negativity surrounding my mom and step dad. They recently split up after 12 years due to their bumping heads 24/7. My step dad is very unhappy and has major OCD, and my mom is hard headed and very entitled. She has this vision in her head of "peace", though nothing and no one fits her expectations and she is always unhappy for this reason. Nothing is ever good enough for either one of them.

It's been a rather stressful and intense environment for everyone and I don't find it comfortable to be in the home, alone or not...

One morning, my boyfriend (Jordan) was in my bedroom while I was in the back room on my laptop. I didn't particularly WANT to feel watched, as I often do in that room, but I always keep my crystals with me and that makes things feel better (maybe it's psychological, who knows). He had also been sleeping and I'm an early bird.

After a while he came out of the room with a weird look on his face asking, "Where's your mom? Why did she just call my name?" Upon me explaining that she had left over an hour ago, he kind of went pale in the face. The sliding glass door was shut so I said I didn't hear anything. The first thing I asked was if he had been half asleep, but he said that he had woken up a while ago and was just sitting there on his phone. I then suggested maybe he heard someone from outside, but he said it was so clear and sounded so much like her voice that he actually thought she was right outside the cracked door to the bedroom.

Side note: My boyfriend has been staying with us recently, and works a night job so he's home during the day.

In the week following, he randomly told me that he's been hearing doors opening and closing. He said he could even hear the "beep beep" the alarm system makes when the door to the garage opens. He would then proceed to scope it out, expecting to see my mother (even though she is working), only to find nobody home.

A few days later, my mom came home in a very, very bad mood. She immediately took her anger out on me. I'm not usually one to argue, but she was being so darn irrational that one thing led to another and we ended up getting into an intense argument, and then she left. Only a few minutes later, things got a little interesting.

My boyfriend went out back with our puppy (8 month old Pitbull/German shepherd mix), and my brother was in his room with the door shut. I went out to my car, came back inside, and while I was still at the front door I heard what sounded like something RUNNING straight through my kitchen. I actually thought the puppy was back inside, because I heard nails sliding on the tile floor. He's a decent size, and I swear it sounded exactly like his heavy gallop. You can imagine my confusion when, in fact, the puppy was still out back. I scurried outside to avoid whatever that was, and had to tell my boyfriend about it because it really made me feel uneasy for the moment.

Side note: Could this be the same kind of mimicking as hearing my mom's voice?

We came back inside, and Jordan went in the room while I quickly grabbed a drink and a snack. After I came into the room he said that the bedroom door had just flew open on its own a couple seconds ago while I was still in the kitchen. I knew he was somewhat frightened and confused because even though he didn't see anybody, he still asked "Did you just push the door wide open like that and walk away!? Why did it just do that!?" I told him not to worry and it was nothing (he rolled his eyes because I had just told him about what happened in the kitchen 2 minutes ago). I really think the energy of the fight we got into must've stirred up some activity. The rest of the night definitely put us on edge, but nothing else occurred.

A day or so later, I was really baffled by the sliding glass door that leads outside.

It was nighttime, and I was heading off to bed. I remembered that I had to go to the back door and lock it, (my mom was going to be out late and wanted things secure before then). The lock is one that you have to push up.

I went to the bedroom only to realize shortly after that I forgot my phone in the kitchen, but when I went back to grab it, I noticed the sliding glass door open about 4 inches wide (yes, the one I had JUST locked). I literally laughed.

I approached it obviously confused, considering we were the only ones home at the time, not to mention it had only been about 1 or 2 minutes since I saw the door shut and locked.

When I went to shut it, I saw the lock was in fact pushed up, though the door was open. I was BEYOND confused. The door was shut before when I approached it, and it remained that way (it's implausible that I would've left it open somehow, I was securing the house). I know for a fact it was shut. Makes no sense, right? For the incident to have occurred, it had to have been unlocked, opened, and then the lock be pushed up again while the door was still open. I felt a little mocked to be honest.

Now 2 or 3 days later, last night, my boyfriend described to me a rather interesting incident that had happened seconds before I came to join him outside. In my backyard, I have a tiki bar, and in another area there is a small yard and swing set. The tiki has big and little signs and other decorative things inside it.

While watching the pup, he felt something out of the corner of his eye, which urged him to look over at the tiki bar. When he did, he saw one of the big wooden signs swaying back and forth, without any other signs moving along with it, and no wind. He walked towards the tiki bar to get a closer look (I'm guessing he felt this was odd and wanted to see if there was a cause). When he did this, something he couldn't see suddenly brushed past him, causing him to be rather unsettled and frightened when explaining to me what had just happened.

Okay, well I'm truly sorry if this sounds like a bunch of nonsense (I know this is super long) but nevertheless I posted it to get some feedback. I'm currently doing everything I can to move out, as it really is a toxic environment. I'm not sure how to feel about it. Thanks!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Aliviashae, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Integrist (83 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-06)
HI Aliviashae,

Thank you for still answering.

What you say reminded me of a friend from uni who was a professional singer, who used to say that music is the language of the universe: that vibration permeates eveything. She was also fond of crystals and we had a common acquaintance who would sometimes use a crystal on a string to find out which menu she should go for in the cafeteria.

That's a different usage that when one sees it more as something that makes one happy - just as music or a nice view

>>The house is still very uninviting and I do still sense this presence, but nothing else has really occurred since this post. I really don't know what the source of everything is, I do have a theory, though it is somewhat far fetched.<<

Perhaps something in the house really is the cause as opposed to being a symptom. If the latter, then one would expect the same negativity elsewhere, too, no?

shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-06)
You defiantly can leave out burning sage during a cleaning process. It's more the intent that gets rid of things, rather than the actual ritual. Just running through the motions usually just stirs stuff up and can make things worse, and if it would set off you mom, then it's definitely a no go.

Sage and incense give me a terrible headache, but I seem to be able to get rid of unwanted stuff fairly easy without using either.

I personally find it easy to clean like crazy with the intent of getting rid of the problem. Dusting walls, ceilings, under furniture, etc. The whole nine yards. I tend to do it barefoot with every window open to get the energy flowing again.

Once things feel cleaner, I lay down and meditate a bit, doing reiki (I think it's called/just chakra alignment), then once I can visualize each color clearly, I visualize my center as white, then move the visualization out from myself and through the whole house, I think Rook says to visualize out to the street.

Anyway, you may have to do this a few times before things start feeling better in the house. It should work, but if it doesn't, the worst that could happen would be the house is clean and you just had a nice nap!
Aliviashae (7 stories) (27 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-06)
It is in fact a very uncomfortable place to be. I have actually read your stories, and the experiences from your childhood definitely stood out to me, I can identify with the feelings you described. Scary indeed.
While reading all these comments, I got the users mixed up and addressed the idea of cleansing the house in my reply to Shelbyloree's comments.
My mom is close minded when it comes to these things, and I don't think she'd even go as far as to hear what I have to say about it.
Aliviashae (7 stories) (27 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-06)
Whatever this presence is definitely loves the environment. My mom and stepdad are very intense people, and there's plenty of negative energy to go around.

I did tell my mom about how my boyfriend heard her voice in the house when she's not home, and that's when she brought up how the toys used to go off in the middle of the night, and she also said that over the years things have gone missing out of nowhere and never turned up, and it has driven her nuts. Unfortunately that was when she cut off the conversation, I think she started thinking too much about everything and it scared her. She definitely doesn't like the thought of the paranormal, and me trying to sage the house would make it all to real for her. As far as her tantrums go, if I were to suggest a ghost being the problem, she'd probably bite my head off.
Aliviashae (7 stories) (27 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-06)
I don't intentionally choose crystals over other things, I have my beliefs as well and I do also use my religion as a source of protection.

Crystals are a product of the earth, and even though they aren't "living", they still house an abundant amount of energy and it radiates from them. When I say they "guide me", I mean that I clear my mind and whichever crystal stands out to me (or draws me to it the most), that is the one I use next, and I place it on my grid wherever I feel it should go. I have no proof that they really do possess healing properties (though they are very popular and there's plenty of information on the topic), however I choose to use them anyways and in my opinion they do work in this way. If it is just a placebo, than so be it, they still make me feel better!

The house is still very uninviting and I do still sense this presence, but nothing else has really occurred since this post. I really don't know what the source of everything is, I do have a theory, though it is somewhat far fetched.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-06)
Alviashae - I fully understand that you are in a difficult place right now, literally and figuratively!

I had very bad experiences when I was growing up, in fact I have posted stories here to that effect, which is why I understand your uneasy feeling - in fact more than uneasy - it becomes downright scary!

Rookdygin has a cleansing ritual on his profile page. I have never used this but other members have found it very effective. Would your mom be prepared to assist you with that or something similar?

It really is better to send the entity on its way before it becomes aggressive. I'm not suggesting that it will become aggressive but you have no way of knowing at this stage.

I think it is fair to say that all the members of this site have had paranormal experiences, some scary, others heart-warming, others just plain confusing. I hope you receive more assistance from other members as well.

Regards, Melda
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
"A sober evaluation of the situation will show that the standards here are not being applied justly."

I beg to differ. We Mods try to be as fair as possible. Unless you're being targeted by one of us (Mods), which I don't see happening, you would be wise to keep that opinion to yourself. Our members are very protective and thankfully help us out when we're not present since, geez, we have lives and all that 😆 but their intentions are in the right place and we appreciate their efforts.

When your comments start to disappear, then we'll discuss equal standards.

Okay. Let's get back to the original story, and I would like to know more about the crystals as well! 😊
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
I don't think the crystal questions were unwelcome exactly, to me they seemed just a bit out in left field, since I read the post as she had been dealing with this thing long before she started collecting crystals. It seemed like something that kind of helped, but the problem still remained.

I usually attempt to try and explain on this forum why I am asking a question to clarify to readers, especially if it may be a while before there is an answer. You know, instead of 'at a later date,' your reason could be in parenthesis or something along those lines.

But I agree, the smacking a face with a bible comment seemed random, like I was missing something... But hey guys! Does anyone have any ideas what the flip ran through this poor girl's kitchen?!
Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
Integrist--I can completely understand the maddening feeling you must be experiencing having comments from multiple accounts being combined. I think the best advice here is to slow down for a bit. A lot of people have been on this site for years and when a new guy or gal hops on board and boldly starts espousing strong opinions (even if they're polite about it) right off the bat, it can ruffle the odd proverbial and literal feather.

YGS thrives on intelligent digression. There is much you can contribute to this site. Just ease in to it and take off the proverbial (although it would be extra excellent if you actually have one) cape. One day it would be fun if YGS members could all meet each other. Then the "bugbears" of the internet could be revealed in all their REAL glory.
Integrist (83 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
Hi Manafon!,

No offense taken whatsoever. Yours is a fair assessment. And I am aware that this is quite a diverse place.
However, it seems that some users are now conflating my posts from one thread to those of another.
This here for instance was about how the topic started relates to and views crystals - which later would have connected to her anxiety and that in turn (due to the negativity) to her preternatural problems.

You'll understand then my surprise when someone complains about some type of "Bible bashing".

This is why I said that some seem to be being *too sensitive*.

I do post more about my own perspective: but where? In topics mostly where the storytellers are Christians. The other instance is that of a discussion with the librarian and rook - which we all knew were about some details from original comments made by the librarian (and that evolved).

A sober evaluation of the situation will show that the standards here are not being applied justly.

Now, if asking a topic starter about details of her story relevant to her story is "proselytism", then there's no point in having a comments section.

I hope that made sense, Manafon1.

[at] storyteller:

I herewith withdraw my questions about how *you* understand the crystals. It's apparently unwelcome.
And my apologies that your story got derailed due to this.

Manafon1 (7 stories) (718 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
Integrist--You have added some interesting discussion to YGS but as lady-glow has inferred, you do come across as heavy handed at times. There are many on this site who are quite interested in crystals, nature spirits and the various types of paranormal experiences they encounter. While your religious beliefs are clearly very important to you (and that is great), once a YGS contributor continually uses this site to expound on how it all comes back to their religion and the very specific precepts of that religion, well, it starts to fall outside the remit of the site.

I don't mean to suggest your religion can't inform your opinions and comments here, merely that there are MANY other beliefs and philosophies that should be considered in the equation. What is great about YGS are the different viewpoints, theories and ideas that come from different perspectives and cultures. It isn't about always bringing it back to one's personal religious beliefs. Those beliefs should inform but not take center stage on a site dedicated to multiple theories on the paranormal and all it encompasses. I hope you don't take offense at my comments. I do not want to offend you. I hope you remain an active and engaged YGS dude.
Integrist (83 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
It seems the time when people just want to find something to complain about.

Contrary to your presumption, that is derailing the post from the relevance to the OP, my question about the crystals do have a point with regard to her experiences.
Depending on how she answered, one could have discussed with her a way of increasing the positivity she currently associates with the crystals in a different manner. But all that depended on how *she* (not you or anyone else here) views them: as inherently effective, as an activated channel or as a placebo (in case of the latter, she can then know that *she* is the source of the positivity she requires, and not the crystal).

Once again folks, kindly desist from defensively presuming so much. It'd be better to ask of something is unclear - which I did.

Creating drama when unnecessary is pointless.

shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
Maybe (to the poster asking questions regarding the crystals), the issue here is not the crystals or why she has them.

The issues are the odd things happening to her, her boyfriend and her mom in their house. Your random questions regarding something completely off topic is not appropriate, because it has little to nothing to do with her problems in the house. Note the issues have been since she was a small child, and are apparently linked with something in or around the house.

If you have other questions not related to the strange going-ons in the house, you can always do research off-site.
shelbyloree (5 stories) (285 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
Hey, crystals are cool. In high school and college, my friends and I used to hang out in a store called Crystal Magic, I loved that store! Kind of a bummer when they started carrying glass fairies and stuff though. I'm a 'bull in a china shop' so had to go across the street to a store that sold wood and brass things, ha!

Sounds like maybe something's always been there, and it likes to stir up stuff and gets a kick out of the fights. If it does enough to unnerve people, they might get ticked off enough to blow their tops or react with strong emotions, which in turn kicks up more negativity.

It does sound toxic, the unhappy thoughts (I'm sure it wasn't just you experiencing that), the annoying pranks, the constant noise of something moving around, etc. It doesn't sound like you or your boyfriend take the bait often though.

Is your mom aware of the problems? Like does she notice when she gets home she turns into Grumpy? I'm sure she doesn't like it either. Maybe convince her to move with you, instead of leaving her behind in such an unhappy house.
Integrist (83 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
I forgot to address this bit:

"A non Christian person may question the difference between a simple piece of metal and a medal with the image of St. Benedict, in the same way that you question the OP's belief in the power of crystals.
Faith is the power."

1) I would welcome any similar question directed to me about sacramentals (one I answered before actually - without getting sensitive in the slightest).

2) "Faith is the power": is *your* answer. Aliviashe may ascribe an intrinsic power to said items that operate independently of one's personal faith: hence the question.
It is thus unclear whether she thinks crystals have said effects per se or whether said efficacy is "activated" by virtue of any ritual or simply by one's faith (thus making the crystal a channel or a placebo - that too would be worth asking).

And all these aspects, only she can answer for herself, because - as you point out - people come from various cultures and backgrounds.

I've seen a number of posts here that could easily be understood as belittling Christian orthodoxy, but I am not that sensitive. I suggest we not decide to try to find specks in another's eyes. 😉

Integrist (83 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
Hello lady-glow,

"Sorry, but not everyone appreciates getting smacked with the Bible."

I'm sure the Bible would not appreciate being abused as a tool for smacking either.

That said, I asked legitimate questions related directly to her experiences.
If you think that I should not be asking questions from my own perspective, then that is one thing. However, claiming that asking questions is "smacking someone with a Bible" is quite another.

So, thank you for your concern, but it doesn't apply in this case.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
Integristas: With the due respect and no offense intended but, it would be a good idea for you to read the "Comments Guidelines" section of the site:


Specially the following part:

"This site offers discussions on the topic of ghost experiences, with people coming from various cultures, so please avoid proselytizing or preaching, unless the author of a story specifically asks to receive feedback from that religious perspective. This site is not about religious beliefs, it is about actual personal paranormal experiences..."

I applaud the strength of your faith but that's no reason to belittle the beliefs of other members.
A non Christian person may question the difference between a simple piece of metal and a medal with the image of St. Benedict, in the same way that you question the OP's belief in the power of crystals.
Faith is the power.

Sorry, but not everyone appreciates getting smacked with the Bible. 😐
Integrist (83 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
Hi Aliviashae,

Many thanks for answering. 😊

I hope you do not mind some follow-up questions.

When you say you let crystals (inanimate objects without life) guide you, what precisely do you mean?

And why do you think that crystals would be more special with regard to the preternatural as opposed to e.g. Gems, simple stones, metals, etc.?

Do you not think that some of this may be some sort of placebo?

Also, have the disturbances stopped completely or do they persist?

And do you think that your parents' situation may made the problem worse or that their relationship turned for the worse due to this problem?

Aliviashae (7 stories) (27 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-05)
Hello Integrist,
I started collecting crystals about a year ago when I learned about how they can be helpful in absorbing negative energy and returning it as positive, which was groundbreaking for my anxiety. They also just emit a strong and natural vibration/frequency that makes the area around you feel a lot more positively uplifting and energetic (I charge them in the sun/moonlight/or leave them out long enough for both). I also clear my mind and let them guide me, I set some of them out however I feel necessary in a geometric grid/pattern. I have about 50-60 crystals.

As far as the paranormal stuff goes, I do get uneasy and such depending on what's going on. I just don't allow myself to get unbelievably scared and frightened because unfortunately, fear means power for negative entities because they feed off that energy. You as an individual emit your own frequency and it plays a huge part in how things turn out.

Thanks for commenting!
Integrist (83 posts)
7 years ago (2017-04-04)
Hi Aliviashae,

Thank you for sharing your story.

Can you give some more background on the crystals? When you got them and what for?
Also, you do not seem too much scared about the things happening in your house. Have you always had this interest in the preternatural?


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