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The Man Who Wasn't There


I work in a modern office building in Midtown, for a busy staffing agency where there are people coming in and out all day.

But one day, there was a man who came in that did not have an appointment on the books. In fact, it seems no one saw him at all.

This afternoon, a young Hispanic lady came in for an appointment along with another visitor, a young white male with a black coat who I presumed was her boyfriend or spouse.

Maybe he looked a little pale but nothing seemed amiss or out of place about him, fully normal looking person. It should be noted that most of the applicants who come in are black or Hispanic and maybe he looked a little out of place.

We work 6 or 7 of us in a cramped space, around the size of a studio apartment. Since this is Manhattan space is at a premium. You can't really do anything or make any kind of sound/movement without all of us seeing it.

I was busy at the time, but I do not recall seeing this man leave or hearing the door to our suite open. I assumed he had slipped off to the bathroom maybe when I had my back turned, but hours went by and he never returned to our office. Thought this was odd.

I forgot about it for awhile until the young lady he came in with was done with her appointment. I asked her out of curiosity where her boyfriend or accomplice went. She looked at me with a confused face. She said she didn't come with anybody.

I asked my colleagues if anyone saw the other guy leave. No one said anything, they all looked at me with a blank stare and continued on with their busy days.

Nothing unusual has ever happened before or since in our office. A couple of our employees have died over the years but he did not resemble either of them.

Although our building is modern and has been heavily renovated, we work in the garment district where a lot of companies have come and gone over the years. Maybe it was someone from another time, or just someone in the wrong place. Any thoughts or suggestions?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sherm784, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-08-22)
Hi Sherm,
I only just saw your post and I was wondering if you or anyone else spoke to this man - could he have simply entered the wrong office and quickly left?
I imagine you would have already put anything like this in your original post but had to ask, thanks!
sherm784 (19 stories) (27 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-28)
Kikigirl, and the rest of you, I think you nailed it. Definitely has to be someone from her past. It's kind of like these spirits follow their loved ones around in their daily lives I guess. Thanks for your help guys!
KikiGirl (8 stories) (207 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-08)
sherm784, wow! What a mind-boggling and baffling experience! At first, I also thought that he was attached to the woman; a past relative, friend, someone she had helped or a guardian spirit or spirit to guide and assist her throughout her life. But, through your impressions, deduction and intuition, you came to the opinion that he was an apparition from past events, located in the buildings area. Often, our intuition presents innate or divine knowledge, whether metaphysical or physical, and we can get our best idea of what happened through these senses.

At the time that it happened, you said that you thought they were together, the lady and the man? If so, when did your viewpoint change? Did you look through some history about the buildings which seemed to be significantly related to your experience? Were you just mulling over it and so, you came to that conclusion? Sometimes, the crux is in the details and working through them.
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-08)
I agree with luckdragon, my best guess would be that he was attached to the woman - unless you have had experiences in the office before or after their visit. Heaven knows, NYC has a very long and tumultuous history - anything is possible.
luckdragon (3 stories) (8 posts)
8 years ago (2017-03-08)
I enjoyed reading about your experience. My first impression was that the man you saw was not related to the building at all, but was following the lady he came in with, and probably related or attached to her.
Thank you,

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