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It Wasn't Me, It Was George


I've given a little background on my childhood home and the ongoing activity in my first story. This is an experience that scared and baffled me for years. It still does.

The house I grew up in was active since day one of my family moving in (and still is). Immediately after moving in, my father started renovating, so I'm sure that kicked up the activity. For some reason, my mother named our resident ghost "George". We feel there is more than one spirit, but anytime something strange happened, George was blamed. I say more than one spirit because we've heard several different voices over the years; An older male, a child-like voice and a woman. I know they could all be the same spirit, but it feels like several.

This particular experience happened when I was about 13. At the time we had a toy poodle named Curly. A bit off subject, but I remember Curly was a pain in the butt. The type of dog that no matter what, refused to potty train or learn basic commands Lol Anyway, when Curly was due for a bath, we would do it in the basement where there was a large laundry sink. Being the eldest (my brothers are 6 years and 3 years younger than me) it was usually my job to bathe Curly. I absolutely hated going in the basement alone. You always felt as if you were being watched and never truly alone. As usual, I tried to get out of it, making up excuses as to why I couldn't give Curly his bath. Finally, my mother threatened to ground me and take away privileges if I didn't "Get my butt down there". I finally grabbed the shampoo, towel and Curly, and headed downstairs to the basement.

As I rushed through his bath, I remember hearing my parents chatting and laughing in the living room upstairs. Just as I finished up, I heard my mother start the vacuum. Suddenly, the lights in the basement went out. I was plunged into complete darkness, the kind where you can't see your hand in front of your face. To say I was terrified is putting it mildly. I froze, hoping it was an accident and that they would come right back on. After a few minutes, I started yelling "Turn the lights back on!" over and over. Of course, my parents didn't hear me at first because of the vacuum. I couldn't move, I just kept yelling and crying. Finally, I heard the vacuum turn off and my mother yelling back "What?". I hollered at her to turn the lights back on. I heard her walk to the basement door which is off the kitchen. She flipped the lights on and said "Well why did you turn them off?". Umm what? I grabbed Curly and raced up the stairs, blubbering about how mean they were to do that.

My parents actually started to laugh and said something along the lines of "What? You turned the lights off!" They thought I had pulled some kind of prank (some prank!). After I carried on, crying and accusing, they finally realized I didn't do it. The strangest part of all this? They thought I had done it because there were 3 drip marks above the light switch. Drip marks that made it appear as if a wet hand had touched the wall right before sliding down to turn the switch off. I was giving the dog a bath, so they assumed it was me as my hands would be wet.

In case you're wondering if it could have been one of my brothers, they were not home at the time. They were at a family members house having a sleepover with cousins. I remember when my parents realized it wasn't me as their faces became quite serious and they became quiet. They apologized and my mother tried to make light of George pulling a prank. But George's "prank's" were never funny. They still aren't. To this day, my father still tells that story. Jeez, I have a lot of stories to tell!

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CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-02)
Pinka: Curly has been long gone as this story happened many years ago. I was about 12-13 years old at the time, I'm 39 now. Scary! I did go into the history of the house in a previous story (or comment?). Quick version: It was built in mid 1800's, burned down in 1920's, was rented for a short time then abandoned. My family spent many years renovating it. It has always been active while we were there and still is. My father and 2 brothers live there still.

Over the years, we always had dogs, most reacted to something unseen. A few didn't. I'm not sure why? Right now, there are 3 dogs living there, they all react (barking, growling, staring).

Thanks for reading!
Pinka (5 stories) (25 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-02)

Curly reminds me of mo my doggie Xena. She's a English Spaniel. A pain in the butt just like yours! Refused to potty train and commands. She does what she wants lol I find it cute though. I live in Colombo and my home town is Kandy (Sri Lanka). Xena stays with my parents back at home. Miss her a lot!

About your story; You said you heard three different voices. Apart from George and his pranks have you experienced the other presences? Normally animals, specially dogs detect spirits. Has curly ever barked for no reason or refused to be in certain places in the house? When was that house built? If you can find the history of the house it will be easy to figure things out. I enjoyed reading the story. Thank you for sharing:) stay blessed and be safe!
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-01)
Rex-T: That was the only time the lights in the basement went out so I also doubt it's faulty wiring. Besides that, the house was completely re-done when we moved in (which took forever). The incidents with my brother appear to be attention grabbing. Except for the scratch. At the time, he was sitting on the couch watching TV with my father, nothing out of the ordinary. He felt a burning sensation and lifted his sleeve to find 3 scratch marks on his bicep. He asked my father to look and to confirm what he saw. My father took a picture and sent it to me, although this was about 4 years ago. I'll have to look through my PC files to see if I still have it. I've talked to my father about a blessing and cleansing, however he is quite private and doesn't want "a bunch of people in his house". The only thing we've tried is burning white sage and one time I went alone and prayed that the spirits would move to the light. I asked for God's help and asked that whatever was there to leave my family alone. It was quiet for about 6 months, then went right back to being "active".
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-01)

I always try to eliminate the logical things in this world (skeptical Vulcan) before looking elsewhere but, like lady-glow, the event in your basement would have me looking over my shoulder (once the lights came back on).

It could have been a fault in the electrical wiring but by now, it would have continued to happen and an electrician would have been called out.

I've had an experience with a spirit that played pranks but nobody was ever hurt, so I'm concerned that your brother was scratched and water bottles flying across the room.

Did you ever consider cleansing or blessing of the house?

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-01)
Dangslow: Nothing that I could think of. The activity has always been steady. I think it's because people live there. The house was abandoned for quiet some time before my parents bought it. I'm sure our presence and renovations triggered whatever is there. I'm sure there's more than George, but that's who/what we blame when things happen.

Thanks for reading guys, I'll try to post more soon
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-01)
Hi CuriousDee,

This sent chills down my spine! A power shortage, that's what I thought while reading the part where you mention the lights went out, but then I got to the part where the vacuum was still on... No wonder you panicked, I, definitely, would have too! 😨

Thank you for sharing this experience, I think I had my part of creepy for the day. 😊

God bless.
Dangslow (4 stories) (24 posts)
7 years ago (2018-03-01)
Do you remember if you might've said or done something that might have bothered George?
Maybe he did it just to prank you for something you said before or something...
Thanks for sharing!
Alvara_Jane (1 stories) (13 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-28)
Wow, that's intense, George sounds like a terrible person to live with... Or like a cranky housecat with murder on his mind lol
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-28)
Hi Alvara! Not like that incident. The only thing I can think of that is similar to a prank would be missing items that reappeared. You know, looking for your keys in the spot you left them and they're not there, only to appear a bit later in the exact spot you left them?

"George" is more... Grumpy. That's putting it nicely. He has "thrown" water bottles across the room, scratched my brother, appeared as a black mist to both my brothers (that's another story) and made it sound as if someone was smashing the walls with a sledgehammer (another story).
Alvara_Jane (1 stories) (13 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-28)
Omg that is terrifying! I am terrified of the dark so I would have had a heart attack right then and there! You say he pulled other pranks, did he ever do something like that again?
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-28)
Curly (he) didn't react that I can remember, but then again I was freaking out, so who knows? I doubt I would have noticed. We've had numerous dogs over the years; some have reacted to something unseen (barking, growling at nothing seen) and some who did not react. Right now, my Dad has 3 dogs (he's a big animal lover) and they frequently bark and growl from the bottom of the stairs, looking up. They will do the same facing an empty corner. I believe most animals are sensitive to energy though.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-28)
That's creepy! At first, I thought that the vacuum cleaner could have tripped light switch, but this wouldn't explain the water on the wall.

Out of curiosity, did Curly react in any way that day or any other time you were giving it a bath? Was s/he afraid to go to the basement?

Thanks for sharing.

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