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Unreal Death - Possession Or Self Inflicted?


So. I wanted to save this story for later. The reason being, I was contemplating whether I should write it or not. Not that I did not want answers for my questions, but out of mere respect for my deceased friend. Nevertheless, since I have mentioned this story in one of my comments in my previous story, I would like to give a detailed account of this incident to seek more answers.

This incident has been by far the most scariest experience I have had in my life. This is a case of a suicide (as per the records) in Wichita, Kansas in the year 1997. My friend Al died in her bed with a fracture to her skull and ankle after she struggled for 1 year with illness (multiple medical conditions). The case was closed by saying that the fractures were self inflicted wounds and she succumbed to it however, her family and the neighborhood believed that it was a case of possession/attachment.

As teens, we used have a mild attraction towards people we like. Maybe hormonal changes, maybe physical attraction or just mere fondness to be around the person. I think what I had with Al was all the three together. I loved her company, wanted to be for her and I did everything to grab her attention to be on the good books of Al. Yes, Al was my high school crush. I think the feeling was mutual. But we never expressed it to each other.

We were friends since the 2nd grade and spent most evenings together either playing in the garden as kids or watching movies together in her room as teens. My mom and her parents were good friends and that paved way for us to be even more close. Al's mom was a kindergarten teacher and dad was an investment banker. They were on the higher class of the society and was a respected family in the neighborhood. Al was their only child and they were a very close group. I have never seen them miss dinner time together or her parents argue in front of Al. You could say that they were a happy bunch of people. The little introduction about the family is very important.

When we were seniors in high school, as we always do, Al and myself were walking back home after our school. One such evening, out of nowhere, Al told me that she is scared about entering one of her rooms in their house. Yes, this was random. We have never talked about scary stuffs before. Al, as far as I know, is a strong girl. She sounded not alright. I just told her to tell her parents, and she said "I did, but they don't feel anything like that. It's just me". And I changed the mood to avoid her getting scared and we started talking about the sports day in our school. Al was part of the volleyball team and she was very enthusiastic when it comes to sports. She started talking about the upcoming games and we forgot about the scary conversation we had.

We meet everyday after school and walk back together. Her conversation about the scary room became too frequent to be ignored. And for some reason, I felt the intensity of her getting scared is increasing everyday. So, I asked her if she wanted to talk to my mum about it. She immediately said she would love to talk to my mum about it. So, we went home and I took my mom separately and gave her a gist of what's going on. My mum told me that she is not a trained person to find these things, but told me that she will have a discussion with Al and then with her parents.

As per Al: She heard someone knock on her door. When she went near the door, she heard someone speak and that did not sound like her mother or father. So, she refrained from opening the door. The knock slowly turned a bit violent. She got scared and called out for her mom (they sleep on the room just opposite to Al's). After a few seconds she heard her mom from outside and opened the door. Her mom and dad were there but behind them, she saw something. Something dark but just disappeared when Al asked her parents to turn back and see. She started seeing the dark figure outside the room next to hers. Every night, she said she could hear someone from the next room. She told her parents about it, but they were just trying to pacify Al and convincing her into saying that there is nothing at home. In fact, to prove Al wrong, her parents slept in the bedroom where Al saw the dark figure and they were totally alright the next morning. So this has got Al, really worked up and scared.

My mum, after listening to Al said that these are quite common for girls of her age to experience some unexplained things around them and not to worry. Though the answer was not convincing, Al felt a bit lighter and thanked us and left. My mum, on the other hand looked worried and told me later that, looks like Al needs help. I'll talk to her parents and see if they know about it. The following weekend, my mum met Al's mom and took her for a walk. My mum then slowly explained how Al felt very unsafe inside the apartment and how she needs help. Al's mom believed that she is getting scared unnecessarily and there is nothing wrong in the apartment. But however, Al's mom suggested that they will seek guidance soon.

Al on the contrary never was the same again. She was constantly getting scared, stopped going for the volleyball practice, her conversation about the apartment grew more in intensity. She used to stay back in the garden in front of the house and waited until her mom came back from school and would never stay in house alone. This went on for a couple of months and I was getting a bit worried for Al. One night, around 11 in the night, we heard Al scream in her apartment. The voice was so loud that people in the nearby buildings came out of their apartment with their guns thinking that there was an intruder. Al kept screaming and the noise just did not reduce. One of the neighbors called the cops and they came and checked on Al's house. Her parents seemed worried and Al did not stop screaming. An ambulance soon followed the cops and Al was sedated before she was taken to the county hospital.

So, after this, I am unsure what happened at the hospital. Her parents barely came home and they spent most time at the hospital. We were not allowed to meet Al. After one month, Al came back from the hospital. Al never came out of her apartment and her mom quit her job to stay with Al and take care of her. Al was never the same again. She was often heard screaming followed by silence. My mum invited everyone in the neighborhood for a Pre-Christmas get-together. Al's family was invited and her mom and dad brought Al to the party. Nobody asked what happened to Al and all of us were having a good time. Before the meal, we told our prayers and was about to start eating when Al screamed and ripped the Christmas tree. Her parents took her back home and her dad came back to apologize for the mess she created. He said Al is ill and they are trying to get all the help they can to cure her.

After a couple of weeks, it was Al's birthday. We went to her house with some gifts to meet Al and her parents. The moment we entered Al's house, my mum said you go talk to Al, I want to talk to her parents. My mum looked a bit restless. She sounded very worried. So, I went to Al's room and gave the gifts to her and started talking to her. Al sounded very very dull and told that she constantly keeps hearing someone speak in her ears. She said she is able to see things and unable to differentiate between the living and the dead. I did not know what to say, but I comforted Al and left the room. The moment I left the room, I felt Al needed more help. My mum was waiting for me near the main door. On our way back to our apartment, she said I should not be going to the apartment without her knowledge. I asked her why, She said, Al is very ill and it wouldn't be nice from our end to disturb her.

After a month of screaming and silence, she died in her bed. Al's mom was the most shaken of all and she cried out loud on the day of her cremation that Al is in safe hands now. Cops did their rounds of interrogation at the neighborhood and to Al's parents. The doctors confirmed that the wounds were self inflicted. We were told that Al was kept in the hospital for a month because she showed signs of inflicting wounds to herself. She was sent back home only when the doctors felt she was safe to go back. The case was closed saying that there was not enough evidence of 'possession' and this is more of self inflicted wounds and points towards suicide.

Very recently did my mum tell me that, she was possessed. Al was trying to fight the possession herself initially and was put under immense stress and trauma because of that. When my mum and myself entered the house on her birthday, My mum said she felt a strong negative force in the apartment. She went and spoke to Al's mother and she said that "Al says that she has been seeing things that nobody in the house can see". I think the family never took spiritual help as well, but maybe the opinion would have changed if they had taken spiritual help.

To answer a few questions that Rook had asked earlier in the comment.

Al's parents were very open and as far as I know, they offered the best possible medical help that Al could get during the late 1990s. They took Al to the hospital the very first day, they felt it was severe. I think until the first occurrence of Al screaming, they never had an idea on the severity of the issue. I assume that they felt, Al was getting scared unnecessarily. In fact, after the first few times Al complained of being scared, and after my mum spoke to Al's mom, her parents slept in the same room as Al's just to make her feel comfortable.

In my opinion, Possession/negative attachment can sometimes be fatal. IF the above case was about possession, may be Al was pushed to an extent where she just did not have an option than to inflict those wounds on her.

I totally understand and agree that there is a high possibility for this to be a medical condition as well. Given the fact that Al was hospitalized and had an history of inflicting wounds to herself before her death, the probability is much higher. But nevertheless, it is my intuition that Al could have seriously been troubled by something that we did not notice/see.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, nalchen, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Dennis191 (1 stories) (36 posts)
5 years ago (2019-06-11)
This is... Sad and shocking to say the least.
It does look controversial, just like Analise Michelle's case, the German girl who was believed to be possessed by the church and believed to be mentally ill by doctors and such... Unfortunately, they never proved it to be this or that, and even more unfortunate that she died too. So now we have the question... Did anyone ever even considered that even if the poor girl was really ill (probably not that bad though) some nasty spirit simply added to her suffering? Or that the spiritual oppression led to the later mental conditions? And it might have just left after it broke her spirit onto another victim... I think this to be possible, as many mentally ill describe seeing similar things that others cannot see, yes it could be explained that they have a similar imagination about what these things would look like, or maybe there really are nasty beings out there targeting people who have mental issues that probably wouldn't get so bad that they'd kill themselves. Either way... I'm sorry for your loss. It's a tragic end whatever the cause was
Pasindu (9 stories) (25 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-12)
Hi Nalchen,

Al would have been alive today if people around her didn't let her illness run from days to months.

Im sorry but I am really upset of how Al been treated.
Bee_Beans (6 stories) (41 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-09)
Hi Nalchen

I'm so sorry for the loss of your dear friend. It is a very painful thing to go through.

Some points in your story really threw up a red flag for me. I am by no means a medical professional (I only have a Psychology Degree and am VERY far from being a registered Psychologist) but I do have a history of mental illness in my family and it is a topic I find VERY interesting.

It seems to me that she may have been suffering from Schizophrenia (perhaps comorbid BPD). Her age was about right (usually symptoms start occurring between 16 and 30). She also began with anxiety and paranoia. She started to withdraw from the people closest to her and from activities she enjoyed (you mentioned she stopped going for volleyball practice). The self-harm is also a symptom as are hallucinations (visual and auditory). She sounds like she may have experienced long periods of psychosis too.

You mentioned in one of your comments how you cannot understand why the hospital would release her if she was still capable of self-harm etc. Unfortunately the nature of many mental illnesses is sporadic. The patient may respond very well to medication and seem to have the illness under control only to rapidly spiral and even get worse later on. The symptoms come and go.

Unfortunately in the 90's, mental health treatment and medication regimes were not exactly up to scratch. We were only starting to accept and understand mental disorders at the time and a lot of the medication was given on a trial and error basis (sad, but true).

The stigma surrounding mental illness (especially 'serious' ones like Schizophrenia and BPD) was quite severe in the 90's. That could be why her parents were so secretive and may even have given Dementia as a diagnosis to avoid the judgement that Schizophrenia as a diagnosis would bring.

Again, this is just my opinion and in no way constitutes a medical (or spiritual) diagnosis.

Whatever happened, I hope you can heal soon.
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-13)
Hi nalchen,
Sorry, after reading my comment again, I realized I didn't put it well! I wasn't doubting the dementia diagnosis -after all, apart from not being there, I don't have any medical training- I was simply saying that in my experience it is always heard of with those of a certain age
Thanks for your kind words. I don't know if you ever get over the loss of a loved one but perhaps you learn to live with it.
Thanks for taking the time to answer us all 😊, L
nalchen (9 stories) (58 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-13)
Hi L,

Thanks for your comments again...:)

Yes. I am sure it is Dementia. Because, the day when Al ripped the christmas tree, her dad came back to our apartment to apologize and told that she was ill and suffering from Dementia and BPD.

Am really sorry about your partner and hope your are over it now.

Yes, only after I know Al, I came to know these conditions. Of course, with all the illness and her haphazard behavior, one could say, it was the illness that killed her.
L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-12)
Hi nalchen,
I was reading one of your comments about what you remember Al being diagnosed with.
I thought dementia was a strange one as it is usually associated with the elderly. Borderline personality disorder (BPD) is something I am familiar with though as my late partner suffered from it and one of the problems sufferers have is self harm - not really attempting to finish things (sorry for putting things badly) but harming themselves.
It is an awful and confronting part of the illness - maybe this may be a pointer to what happened. It is a difficult thing for others to wrap their head around
Again thanks for your answers, I know it can't be easy 😊,
nalchen (9 stories) (58 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-12)
Hello Z,

Thanks for your comments. I am so sorry about friend as well and totally understand how it will feel when you cannot pacify them in these situations. Maybe spiritual help would have helped Al, and I hope your friend finds the correct help at the right time and gets well soon.

My prayers and wishes for her.

nalchen (9 stories) (58 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-12)
Hi Rook,

Was waiting for your arrival:) Thanks for your comments.

1) Did Al's family purchase (or received as a gift) anything for the house and place it in the room Al became afraid of? (Most likely and antique, a lamp, a picture or perhaps some sort of furniture or other room décor?)

Ans: As far as I know, Al's parents got some old furniture along with them from their previous apartment when they first moved in. Which was approximately 13 years before Al died. I don't know of anything else that they got as a gift/bought some antiques.

Did Al 'get into' the occult or meet someone that was into the occult at the time this started... Someone they may have decided they did not want to 'hang out' with?

Ans: A definite NO for this one. We were a group of 4 and Al was with us during the school and after school hours. There is no way she could have hung out with someone that we dint know off.

Around the time this started, did a new Family or individual (s) move into a near by apartment? If so do you remember what they were like?

Ans: Yes. I vaguely remember. A family of 3 moved in. There is nothing unusual about them. Mother, Father and a Son (probably 8 years old then). They seemed friendly but I have not interacted a lot apart from an occasional 'hi' and a 'bye'.

You mention her Family getting the best of Medical/Mental Care... To your knowledge was a Religious avenue even considered much less pursued?

Ans: Yes of course. She was treated in a general care unit before she was moved to a behavioral health center. So the medical help was Ok. But, I don't think they even considered taking spiritual help. The reason being, even after my mum talking to them, they told that they would seek advice, but to my knowledge, Al passed away before any other help could be offered.

Do you remember what the Medical/Mental conditions health professionals were saying Al suffered from?

Ans: Yes and No. Al's parents did not want to disclose everything to the neighborhood, so they just told us that she was suffering from dementia.
But when my mum was talking to her parents a few days before Al's death, mum was told that, Al is suffering from borderline personality disorder and dementia which has effects of hallucinations and anxiety issues. This was one of the reasons, Al had a caretaker doctor at home from 8 am to 8 pm to take care of her.

OF course. I had a lot of questions that were left unanswered. For instance
1) If Al was not completely cured, she could have still stayed at the bahavioral center until she was fine. Why was she rushed back home then?

2) Did Al not depict any behavior similar to this in the hospital that made them believe she as fine?

Now, I have come to terms with these questions and pacify myself by saying that I possibly will not get answers.:)

Of course, it is a very thin line between both illness and possession and I am stuck somewhere in between.

Thanks again and you never did pry with these questions. I am happy to answer them here, as we post our incidents to get better clarity by discussing with other people.

nalchen (9 stories) (58 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-12)
Hi babygoatpuller,

Thanks so much for your comments.

Your questions are very logical but I don't think the caretaker doctor was careless.

And [at] Melda, No Problem. You definitely did not push me. You could ask me all the questions that you have. Maybe, While I try to answer those, I might get more answers for myself too.:)

My possible assumption:

1) I was not at the scene where this happened - So, with what I heard and think - Al kept hitting herself in the head, maybe it was an internal fracture that lead to internal bleeding and she fainted.
2) For any doctor, when a patient depicts violent behavior, the first thing to do is to sedate the person and calm her down. So, when Al was trying to hurt herself, the first thing the doctor would have wanted to do is to calm her down. Probably not the wisest of things to have done here, but not sure if the doctor was left with any other choice.
3) The bed was hardly a meter from the door, so, wouldn't have been a problem for them to carry Al to the bed and treat her in case Al fainted near the door.

Yes, I accept. Thats the reason I constantly say that I do not have enough proof to validate an attachment/ possession when the medical records say that she was having a disorder.

And yes, it is still a mystery and I hope I get answers some day.:)

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-12)
Babgoatpuller - I must admit exactly the same thing occurred to me but I didn't want to push it any further. Not something I would have thought could be put down to suicide but leaning more towards negligence on the part of said caretakers.

Who knows? That's speculation.

Regards, Melda
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)
Hello Nalchan. I know writing and sharing this experience is so hard for you cause you have to remember the details of your friend. I know the feeling of losing someone so dear to you. In fact, while I was reading your story, I keep remembering her (my friend) because some of the things that you have stated in your story were the same as what she had experienced. I also believe that getting spiritual help would totally change things. But in a Roman Catholic church, getting a priest to perform exorcism takes a lot of time that's why my friend stays in a mental hospital now, saying that she has schizophrenia, even tho there are evidence of having a demonic presence.

Sorry for the long comment. I hope your friend is now in a better place.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)
Thank you for this submission.

So many questions...

Did Al's family purchase (or received as a gift) anything for the house and place it in the room Al became afraid of? (Most likely and antique, a lamp, a picture or perhaps some sort of furniture or other room décor?)

Did Al 'get into' the occult or meet someone that was into the occult at the time this started... Someone they may have decided they did not want to 'hang out' with?

Around the time this started, did a new Family or individual (s) move into a near by apartment? If so do you remember what they were like?

You mention her Family getting the best of Medical/Mental Care... To your knowledge was a Religious avenue even considered much less pursued?

Do you remember what the Medical/Mental conditions health professionals were saying Al suffered from?

From what you describe this is on the cutting edge of either 'mental illness' or 'avoiding attachment/possession'. The 'self-hurt' may have been Al's way of staying 'focused' whenever she felt the presence of whatever was bothering her OR (BIG OR...) OR she suffered from a mental condition and just could not help herself...

Again, thanks for sharing and I do not mean to 'pry' with all my questions.


babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)

I'm sorry for the loss of your friend but your explanation to Melda doesn't sit well with me.

You said, "Al hit herself repeatedly on the door her room before her parents and the caretaker doctor could calm her down and lie her down on the bed."

For someone to have hit their head repeatedly like that and crack their skull, there would have been quite a bit of blood. So the "caretaker doctor" that was there just lied her down on the bed and left her there to die? What kind of "doctor" does that?

I think it was probably her mental disorder also but I don't suppose we'll ever know without all the facts.

This was very well written and you've supplied us with a lot of detail but unfortunately, you don't have all the pertinent ones so it will remain a mystery. Thanks for sharing.
nalchen (9 stories) (58 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)
Hi Melda,

Thanks. Of course. I just mentioned an additional sentence about her parents so that the others don't get that doubt.:) #

My heart says yes, its a possession. But my mind begs to differ. So, don't really know. But of course, its a world where unexplained things happen for reasons that we don't know.: (

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)
Nalchen - Thanks for your response and your explanation.

As I mentioned before, I didn't think that her family had anything to do with her death.

Some form of demon entity? I don't know what to think of that but there are so many unexplained things that happen in our world...

Regards, Melda
nalchen (9 stories) (58 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)
[at] Spiritwaiting,

Thanks for your comment.

Al lived in the apartment for 14 years. She moved in when she was 3. I do know that Al was scared for sometime before things started getting worse. The entire neighborhood is a nice place and I don't think Al's apartment actually had a bad history. Her parents continued to live there until we left Kansas and I am thinking they are still living there.

nalchen (9 stories) (58 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)
Hi Melda,

Thanks for your message. Self inflicting wounds is something very very dangerous. With what I heard (My mum never let me see Al after she died thinking it will affect me emotionally), Al hit herself repeatedly on the door her room before her parents and the caretaker doctor could calm her down and lie her down on the bed.
Again, I wasn't given all the information on her death, but knowing her family, the chances someone in her family did that, is next to a negative.

For someone to be able to inflict wounds on themselves, I assume Al was under severe stress and depression.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)

This was intriguing. I have a question if you don't mind.

How did this possible attachement start?

Well maybe a few more questions...

How long had they lived in the apartment before your friend started to hear the knocks?

Was it just all of a sudden these knocks started to occur?

Like I said this is interesting, and I'm sorry for your loss of a loved one 😊.
She was a loved one of yours, because well you loved her ❤.

Thanks for sharing
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)
nalchen - I am totally horrified by what happened to Al.

Sorry but I am a little suspicious regarding this young lady's death. Please don't think that I'm suggesting that her parents murdered her.

If she was in the state of mind where she was inflicting injuries on herself and she no longer wanted to live, she could simply have slit her wrists or overdosed on medication. I assume she was on some form of medication, having spent a month in hospital for depression or whatever she was diagnosed with.

I have no medical qualifications whatsoever but committing suicide by fracturing her skull? If she had intentionally run into a wall and bashed her head as hard as she could, she would more than likely have been found on the floor and not in her bed.

I am open to corrections here but those are just my thoughts.

Regards, Melda
nalchen (9 stories) (58 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)
Hi L,

Thanks for your comments.
I can totally understand your opinion and appreciate it. Since Al has depicted a different behavior (personality disorder) maybe, I think illness seems to be the most thought over cause for her death.
Though it is my intuition that constantly says this is not illness, I do not have proof to say that this is a true case of possession.
I have always looked up to my mum for solutions regarding these incidents and what makes me wonder is my mum recently said that she felt a strong negative presence in the apartment. I trust her.
But again, without valid proof, and a mere intuition, I can totally understand, why everything points towards illness and not possession.

Hope I find a more scientific and spiritual answer regarding her death at some point in my life.

L_Melb (220 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)
Hi nalchen,
I'm really sorry you lost such a dear friend.
I appreciate the way you tried to explain this without going over the top and being sensational
I tend to lean towards an awful illness but not being there I can also imagine how the supernatural could be thought of, especially by those going through such tremendous grief.
All the best, L
nalchen (9 stories) (58 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-11)

Thanks for your comments and explanation.
Yes of course. She had gone through enough before her end. I believe it is an attachment, but with no real proof to say that, I am unable to come in terms with it.

On the contrary, I have not heard of true possessions of demons but I am sure there are well versed pastors/priests who could assist us in case of an emergency. Maybe, if Al's parents had taken spiritual help, she would have been saved, but just a mere possibility.

You had mentioned in your comment about animistic practices. Am unsure about that part (as I do no know:)) but I agree with the rest of all your comments.

Thanks once again.

Anno_Domini (3 stories) (167 posts)
7 years ago (2017-07-10)
Hi nalchen, I was miserable reading through your account, I can't imagine what it was like to lose a friend in that manner. I do believe demonic possession is real, and it's ignored by science & the medical profession. IMHO you're right the best course of action would have been to approach a pastor or priest who has had experience in such cases. Where I come from (Singapore) we have many evangelical missionaries who travel to neighbouring countries in Asia. Demonic possession is often encountered, especially in cultures where there are animistic practices. It also happens in our "modern" world too, but pastors generally prefer not to talk about it.

I have heard first hand accounts of such experiences from missionaries themselves. I believe God works out his plan however strange it may be, so take heart and don't lose faith.

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