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Alcatraz Ghost Was A Leg Man


My husband and I were in Northern California visiting his brother. While there, we did manage to fit in some touristy things like visiting Chinatown, and walking among the Redwoods. I was also able to find time to be felt up by a ghost at Alcatraz. What follow is that story.

The tour started benignly enough, my husband and I and dozens of other tourists, walking around the jail itself while hearing some history from the guides. We moved inside, and on display were photos of past inmates and historic items left from both attempted and successful jailbreaks.

At some point we were offered audio cassettes and headphones so we could tour at our own pace. I took advantage of this and was following along with the narrator. The recording suggested I walk into an open cell (there were many) and experience the size firsthand. So I did. I walked in a roughly 5' x 9' cell and took in the small bunk, the sink and lavatory. As I turned to go, a blast of cold air shot up my leg, beginning at my ankle and ending at my hip. I had on a skirt at the time so this was felt on bare skin. I was startled as I didn't remember seeing any air vents. I looked around to find there were none though, just a cement floor. This was no draft either; imagine a hair dryer set on cold that someone set by your feet, aiming at your hip. In retrospect, it almost felt like a cold hand moving up my leg, but quickly. It was more than a bit creepy. I hurried away from the cell, eager to put the pervy ghost behind me.

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Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)
Monkeynavigated, 😆 I don't blame you I would be getting out of there too. Of course after saying a few choice words. Crrreeeppyyy! 😨
monkeynavigated (4 stories) (10 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-28)
Wow, Lilwolf, thanks for that. I had wondered if that was the case. I wish I could remember which cell it was so I could check, but I was too keen on getting the hell out of it at the time.
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-27)
Wow, that would definitely be creepy not sure if it will make You feel any better or not but Your not the only female that has happened to. I have watched a few documentaries on Alcatraz and one of them was a paranormal team, the tour guide showing them around before they did the lock in that night was female and she told them that multiple times while giving tours she would feel someone get a bit handsy so to speak. Especially in a certain cell though I can not remember the cell number now its been awhile since I watched it.

Thanks for sharing.
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-23)
We're hoping to save enough (health permitting) to travel overseas again in the next few years. My husband certainly wants to book ahead next time to ensure we get into Alcatraz. I'll have to 'prepare' myself emotionally and mentally first though. These places carry such strong, residual energies. Also, I'm quite chicken by nature <cluck>. 😆
monkeynavigated (4 stories) (10 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-23)
Thanks, Jubeele, but I still think you should check out Alcatraz if you get another chance to. Just don't wear a skirt!
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-23)
Eek, eek, double eek! We couldn't get in to visit Alcatraz when we went to San Fran 5 years ago. After reading about your experience, I glad we missed out. A creep by any other name, form or incarnation is still a creep. Sheesh.
I loved Muir Woods though. Those Redwoods were awesome. If you ever get to Tasmania in Australia, you must be sure to go see the Huon pines in Huon Valley too.
monkeynavigated (4 stories) (10 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-22)
Melda, I feel the same way. I can't help but wonder what that particular inmate was incarcerated for. Whatever it was, It seems he felt entitled to touching me in a very familiar way, and I doubt I was the only woman he accosted (whether alive or dead).

The other stories I've posted bother me less and less as time goes on, if they ever did at all. But this one gets creepier as it ages along with me.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-22)
monkeynavigated - That ghostie must have been an absolute terror with the ladies during his lifetime. More evidence that these restless souls continue their behaviour even after death.

Must have been a very uncomfortable experience for you, to say the least!

Regards, Melda
monkeynavigated (4 stories) (10 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-22)
Thanks so much.
And definitely go see the redwoods - they are amazing!
Wish-Not (16 stories) (534 posts)
7 years ago (2017-09-22)
monkeynavigated- Well when one has Redwoods, jailbreaks and pervs in a story you know it's going to be good. And it was great.

Thanks for sharing. Oh, and the Redwoods are on my bucket list.

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