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So one stormy night, 2 of my friends wanted to go on another ghost hunt. I didn't really want to for simply 2 reasons: We went yesterday, and it was pouring rain outside. Eventually they managed to get me to go with the dumb idea because we had never gone during a storm before.

There is an old historical marker that's just outside my town that I used to visit with my history class on field trips when I was in elementary school. At that age I never thought that I'd be repeating the 30 minute drive in my early twenties ghost hunting there a couple of times a month.

When we arrived, I put the car in park and there was a moment of silence... I remember feeling the tension in the air as everyone was debating to get out of the car into the pitch black darkness. There were no street lights on this sketchy empty road and it was also a new moon so, you could imagine... We all had the proper-ish rain gear on as well as our waterproof flashlights, which were actually mine and I didn't buy them to use in this occasion but, anything works right?

We stepped out of the car and headed for the front gate, where we paused. I gave my friends a "so we're really doing this?" look before we headed into the historical "warzone". The only thing left of the buildings were the chimneys. The rest of the buildings faded with time, which I thought was really cool. I remember going up to one of the chimneys when I was younger and touching it, asking myself if someone else back in the 1800's touched the EXACT same spot lol.

Anyway, we ventured further and further into the field and headed towards the furthest corner. I have not the slightest idea why but, that's what I get for following my friends. It was a cool feeling however, walking in the rain with flashlights as your only light source and such.

Once we go to the food storage building, that I always thought of as a walmart for some reason, we took another pause to realize how far we were from the front gate. It was at this point where it started to get a bit odd... The storm was getting so bad that the lightning started to come in small mob waves it seemed like, one after the other. Loud crashing thunder. We decided to take cover in the foor storage building, which was the only building that still had its roof. We watched out the windows as the field slowly started turning into a puddle. I remember starting to think about the 1800's again at this point. Who stood in the same spot I stood? Who else has looked out of this same exact window back in that time?

Aaron, the most fearless out of us all (usually), suddenly said that we needed to leave. It caught my friend Liz and I by surprise. I just assumed it was because of the storm but, we both didn't hesitate on agreeing with him. I had so much rain stuffed in between all of the crevices in my large rain coat that I swore it made it a little bit more difficult to move.

We attempted to make our way towards the front gate slowly but surely and with our heads down. The rain was blowing in our direction at this point so it made it difficult to simply look straight ahead. However, we came to a stop just in the middle. Well, Liz and I did anyway, Aarond kept walking and just called out to us to keep walking but, we just stood there, trying to analyze our surroundings the best we could. The reason I stopped is because I was hearing something in the distance that sounded like a faint scratching noise. Like nails scratching a plank of wood repeatedly. It wasn't stopping either...

I asked Liz if she was hearing the same thing and she agreed quickly and we both took a glance at Aaron who was stopped as well, looking back at us in the distance. He noticed we had looked at him and he tried shouting at us this time, "Let's go!" but, we continued to look around. The sound was so...omnious, that you couldn't just walk away from it without knowing what it was first. Then all of a sudden a flash of lightning lit up the entire sky and our surroundings and it just so happens that I was looking at this tree in the distance at this time.

Now, let me give you the best visual in this very moment while this flash of lightning lit up my view. I'm getting goosebumps just typing this... This tree was similar to what a willow would look like. The leaves hang low and almost touch the ground. Perfect to stand under to take cover from the beams of the hot sun. Well, this particular tree's leaves didn't touch the ground but, had to have been at LEAST 12 or 13 feet up from doing so. The average HUMAN is about what like 9 foot right?

Now I don't know if it was my adrenaline but, it seemed like this flash of lightning lasted longer than a few seconds. Just long enough for me to see what was under the tree against the bark. A pair of dark long legs. Now it doesn't seem creepy but the problem is, it was JUST legs. The rest of the body was covered by the hanging leaves which remember, STARTED at about 13 feet and going up. So I had just caught a glimpse of a pair of legs that freaking stood about 12 feet tall!

I thought my mind was playing inhuman tricks on me in this moment but, the thought went away when I heard Liz shout, "oh my god!" And Aaron shout, "Run!". We all bolted for my car and I got the hell out of there, telling everyone not to look behind us in case they saw something more messed up. I even tilted my rearview mirror in case my curiosity got the best of me.

Later that night, we found out why Aaron really wanted to leave. He said that when we were all at inside the food storage building, he was watching a figure of what looked like woman in the distance. She was holding something long. Like a whip. I asked if she was inhumanly tall and he said no.

So I'm not sure what the hell we all saw underneath that tree but I'm glad the leaves covered the rest of it. Please tell me what you think and what you think that thing was! I need to know!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Gh0stHunter, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-06)

Thank you so much! I mean that. I'm going to delete all of my accounts on other sites and just stick to this one๐Ÿ˜‚
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-05)
Ditto - what Val said. Glad we could help put your mind at ease. Looking forward to more of your experiences. ๐Ÿ˜Š
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-05)

Oh yes this is most definately appriciated with the history background ๐Ÿ˜Š
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-11-05)
GH,we all do what we can here.๐Ÿ˜Š I'm glad I could give you a plausible explanation for what you saw.
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-05)

Oh most definately! Happy chills indeed right now lol she probably hit the nail on the head so I wouldn't doubt that's what happened!

I also like your idea of a fallen warrior for the person with a whip. I'm so glad to finally be able to share my experiences with people who are willing to listen.

I'll most definatly be posting more if you two would help me decipher more of these strange experiences. Put my mind at peace for once lol I don't want to keep wondering.
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-05)

Oh my god yes! That's exactly it! Fort Phantom Hill! You hit the nail right on the head! Sorry I'm just excited that I can talk to people about this finally lol people who understand me and not blow me off.

I looked into both of those articles and the second one about the guy being wrongfully hanged struck a cord in me. It scared me a bit because I did research too awhile back on the fort but never found that someone was hanged so this just may be the most logical answer! I really appreciate this!โ˜บโ˜บโ˜บ
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-05)
Ooo, I like that theory: long shadows = long legs. Thanks Val, for the links too - they were fascinating reading.

Yep, we're curious. Is Val correct, Gh0stHunter?

My husband suggested that the fort could have originally been built by the Mexicans before the Texas-Native American Indian conflicts during the 19th century. That would explain why the Comanches were quite prepared to burn it down when it was in turn taken from them.

That woman/man that Aaron saw still intrigues me. Could it be also be a fallen Comanche warrior? Or a grieving settler widow? That figure aroused a great level of fear in someone who was usually the most fearless member of your group. Significant.

I love mysteries and solving puzzles! <Happy chills> ๐Ÿ˜˜
valkricry (49 stories) (3291 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-11-05)
GH, as I was reading the comments a name popped into my head, "Phantom Hill." I Googled and found there is/was indeed, a fort by that name, that was burnt down (found conflicting accounts on whether it was by Indians or the commander's command.) Being the nosy sort, I've got to ask - is this the Fort you refer to?

Since, I never stop looking at just one site, I'm including this excerpt from The Ghosts of Phantom Hill;

"Several legends exist that the place is haunted by restless Indians of frontier times, who continue to stalk their ancient grounds during the night. Another says the fort is haunted by an innocent man who was wrongly hanged near the fort. After his life ended at the end of a rope, his accusers are all said to have died in mysterious ways." That would fit your 'long legs'. Most hung by trial, were executed around dawn, when shadows cast tall. The tree would have been quite a bit shorter back then. Perhaps what you saw was the hanging man's legs shadows, elongated?
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-05)

You had ME giggling with your comment!๐Ÿ˜‚ I'm glad my upside down typo could make ya laugh. Makes my heart happy (:

I will most definately be posting more stories and I appriciate you wanting more. I'm so happy I finally found a site that people actually listen.

I just gotta watc my typos. I now see what one small mistake can ruin an entire story lol๐Ÿ˜‚
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-05)

Wow why thank you! Much appreciated! I most definitely have found the right site to post my experiences! I'll most definately be posting more (:

I'd be more than happy to answer any questions to the best of my abilities:

The place was not a plantation for slaves from what I've read in the brochures. It's a fort that was taken from the comanche indians that was eventually burned down BY the indians to exact their revenge. There have been indian slaves but not many for most of them have died from sickness. So, I like the theory of the exaggerated dimensions. It makes sense!

And Aaron had said that he had gotten the feeling that we were being watched by her/him so the guard theory is quite possible as well. Just them wondering what we were doing. I'm getting goosebumps just trying to image it right now lol but, I'd rather have seen what Aaron saw than what I SWORE was a long pair of realistic looking legs!๐Ÿ˜‚

You totally also gave me massive chills when you mentioned a woman still holding her tether! I love these ideas!

Honestly, when I was ghost hunting, I didn't understand the logistics either but, the crazy thing is that it started getting easier and easier to feel a presence the more I did it. It's a weird thing to describe. My friend's mom is a sort of... Wiccan I think she said that's what she was. She said that spirits are fond of my energy and that I was "special". It freaked me out but, I continued to bother spirits and it eventually got to the point where I was attracting evil spirits as well.

I do have actual EVP's from supposed spirits on my YouTube. I say "supposed" spirits because I try and stay skeptic because that's how I am. Even though I've listened to the recordings multiple times to try and dicipher them but, I couldn't. It's hard listening to them now though because they take me too far back to some of those freaky nights when I was young and dumb. I wish I had pictures but my talent is talking to them apparently lol.

I do apologize for my small outburst. I've just been so sick and tired of being criticized by my actual friends who don't believe me. Most do and I really shouldn't care who believes me or not. I was just hoping to inspire... SOMEONE with my stories. So, I tried the internet and luckily found this site.

I can understand from the reviewers point of view because I've read a few stories that I even wanted to comment and question on lol

And thanks for the welcome love! I'm glad I found this siteโ˜บ
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-05)
GhOsthunter - I'm giggling now and when I start giggling I have to drink some water to control myself. I liked the thought of the 9 foot guy and I was actually thinking, wow he can change light bulbs without standing on a ladder ๐Ÿ˜†

I'm rather disappointed that he was only 6 foot - shorter than my husband and sons!

Please share your stories with us. Any comments which you thought were negative, were mainly about the 9 foot issue.

Regards, Melda
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)
Well, GhOstHunter, typo or not, you certainly "stood out" from the crowd! Thanks for your replies. I'm glad to hear from you because I actually found your story interesting and I've got a few more questions (if you don't mind ๐Ÿ˜ณ).

Do you know anything about the history of the place? Was it a cotton or sugar-cane plantation of some type? If so, the place could have used slave or convict labour in the 1800s, and some pour soul could indeed have met a sad end at the hands of a lynch mob (as notjustme suggested). Hence, the legs dangling from the tree. The exaggerated dimensions could be reflecting the pain, shock and trauma at the time of death etc.

And the woman with a whip whom Aaron saw from a distance - could it be a man or a youth with longish hair? Maybe it wasn't a whip but a long lead attached to a guard dog. I'm thinking slave master or work foreman, or maybe a human security guard coming over to see what you all were doing there?

I just had another thought: what if a woman had been hung there? It was a residual haunting and she was still holding the end of her tether? Perhaps a murderous family dispute...๐Ÿ˜จ

I don't know much about the logistics of ghost hunting. I was rather intrigued when you spoke about the differences between you and your friend's abilities. Do post more of your experiences, especially those with creepy recordings and include as much detail as you can remember.

Please don't take it as we're being critical. Rather that we're "testing the spirits". We're curious. We'd like to learn more about your time ghost hunting.

Welcome to YGS from me too.
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)

I understand and I appreciate it. I was searching online about places to post my experiences and this site seemed the best to tell actual stories instead of fiction. I can understand the cautionโ˜บ

I really appreciate the warnings and warm welcome! Is there like a friend button somewhere because I think I just found my first one on here lol
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)
GH: thanks for replying.
Unfortunately, many people use the forum to submit works of fiction and most of the members have learnt to take the stories with a pinch of salt.
A careful editing can help to prevent gross errors that might suggest an eager poster going through a happy key-board moment typing their story at high speed before, God forbids, the plot escapes their imagination.

Don't think it is criticism... We are just being cautious.

Welcome to YGS, I'm waiting to read more of your experiences.
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)

Also I'm sorry about not answering your first question love. No one did think about taking pictures. I have in the past and have gotten absolute crap BUT, I have gotten creepy recordings.

I encountered a ghost hunter in the past who had so many pictures of such creepy things and I was so jealous right? Well when I told her about my recordings, SHE got jealous lol.

She explained how some people have their talent when it comes to spirits. Mines definately not pictures. I wish it was lol but, turns out things like to talk to me instead๐Ÿ˜‚
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)
Im planning on posting more weird ghost stories. I'd like to participate in comments. I do. But I'm asking for feedback, not negative criticisms please. Believe or not. That's up to the readers.

No. I don't INTEND to make my stories not believable. Taking the long about of time to type away to tell some lie. No. I'm simply just telling my stories from my point of view and I would kindly ask that people respect that instead of trying to criticize. Not hard I don't think. For me it's not lol
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)

Yes the 9 foot was a bad typo rather than "ignorance" or "lying" to start off.

Yes. I knew fully that ghost hunting is dangerous ESPECIALLY during a thunderstorm lol we ALL learn that very young I hope. I thrived on adrenaline and I loved doing this. Ever since my first contact with a spirit I got attached yet, still tried to remain skeptic when I went.

I also would never go alone. Heh pretty dumb if I did that right?๐Ÿ‘Œ lol why of course it would be. I'm glad I didn't thrive on being scared THAT badly.

I was pressured to go and yeah I kind of wished I hadn't. Believe it or not, in your case yah probably wouldn't lol, the very thought of ghost hunting during a creepy thunderstorm freaked me out bur, I conquered a fear and I'm okay with that. Will I do it again?

The answer to that in case you tried answering the opposite, is no dear reviewer. Whether I saw a creepy long pair of the most realistic pair of legs I've ever seen or, some branches, I will not do that again as long as I live dear reviewerโ˜บ lol

You also be careful and respectful as well. Or work on one of those things at least.
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)

My bad I meant 6. That was probably the worst typo lol.

Yes it could be that with my adrenaline pumping and rapid heartbeat, I freaked myself out... Bad lol. Most of me wants to believe that (because I try and stay skeptic).

Yes. Going ghost hunting during the worst thunderstorm ever is probably the most wreckless thing but, I was young and dumb. Also a nonbeliever.

I used to thrive on the adrenaline because I'm not easily scared. I WANTED to scare myself... And I did lol whether I saw a pair of long eerie super scary legs or super long realistic leg-looking branches๐Ÿ˜‚
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)

Thanks for the feedback! To be quite honest. When something creepy used to happened while I was irresponsibly ghost busting with friends, the first thing my mind would do is tell itself to remain skeptic. I never believed in ghosts until they gave my absolute valid proof.

About the tree vines, you might be right. Maybe my mind was playing tricks on me that night. It was lightning and stormy I could have seen even more things. When I think about it, something in the pit of my stomach tells me I saw what I saw but, the rest of me still stays skeptic and says "Nah boy. You saw branches that LOOKED like a scary eerie super realistic long pair of legs." I honestly don't know๐Ÿ˜‚
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)

It's okay not to accept what was (possibly) seen because stil to this day I even have second thoughts about it haha. I don't ghost hunt anymore. There were too many weird horrifying experiences that drove me to just quit all of it lol. Nope.
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)

Thank you for the feedback! I hadn't thought of that but its possible haha
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)

Lol it would be relieving if it was. Yes some things are bigger but I made a slight one number typo๐Ÿ˜‚
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)

Sorry that was most definately a typo. I meant 9. Everything is bigger in Texas but, not THAT big๐Ÿ˜‚
Gh0stHunter (10 stories) (71 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)
Yes my bad I meant to put 6 not 9 lol sorry everyone for that horrible typo. I type pretty fast I must have not even noticed it but, yes 6 feet. Not 9
MaggieMay_Not (15 stories) (106 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)
I actually think that 9 foot is a typo. The 9 is right above the six on a numeric keypad. Probably poor editing rather than ignorance or lying. I am confused about why anyone would go out ghost hunting in a storm, much less an electrical storm, but it sounds like the writer was pressured into it. Young people are prone to that influence. So a young writer with poor editing? I don't doubt in the slightest the author saw something, but without photos I couldn't say what. I'd like to pass on a lesson I learned fairly young. Don't disturb the dead or their places of rest. They get tetchy about such things. Keep exploring dear writer, just keep it respectful and safe.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)
Gh0sthunter - I would really like to hear your response to the comments.

Babygoatpuller - 9 foot or 9 inches would be equally confusing to me. Then again... I certainly don't know everything ๐Ÿค” Maybe it's better that I don't. I have enough to confuse me with real life issues!

Regards, Melda
babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)
You had me until the, "The average HUMAN is about what like 9 foot right?" The average professional basketball player isn't even that tall and those dudes are TALL!

You said the wind was blowing the rain right into your faces and you couldn't even look straight ahead. Given that it was raining so hard, the adrenaline you were all experiencing and the intermittent lightning flashes, I think you saw something that was probably a natural part of the landscape that resembled what you think you saw.

I don't know why anyone would choose to go ghost hunting out in a storm with so much or ANY lightning. Seems a bit reckless if not downright dangerous if you ask me.
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)
With all due respect, I have to ask this question: did anyone remember to take a photo? I mean you were intrepid ghost hunters, right? Your phones would've cameras and that was the very experience you all went to capture. Pity about the missed opportunity. ๐Ÿค”

Is it possible you saw a banyan tree or some type of strangler fig? All those long, dangling adventitious roots can look like "legs" on a dark and stormy night.

As for the woman with the whip - well, Madame Lash may be on vacation too...๐Ÿ˜œ You write well though - a most entertaining story.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-04)
Gh0stHunter - You did well. Setting, perfect. Weather, who could ask for more?

I would expect a 9 foot person to be appearing in a circus and even then I would suspect that stilts were used.

I have to be honest. I don't want to accuse you of lying but I absolutely cannot accept that you saw what you think you saw.

Also, don't go trespassing looking for ghosts. The chances are that you will find what you go looking for but don't actually want to see ๐Ÿ˜

Regards, Melda
notjustme (20 stories) (854 posts)
7 years ago (2017-11-03)
It sounds to me like you foudnd a lynch victim and possibly his abuser? Sometimes when thi gs happen so traumatically, it can leave an evil imprint of what took place. My guess is that is what you guys saw. As for the size of the legs, I believe evil entities can appear in many forms. Maybe it just knows that this form would be very frightening so it chose to take that form. Or maybe they were tortured on the tree and had their legs pulled? There's many sick ways to torture someone... Just my wild guesses ๐Ÿ˜†

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