This happened back in June 2016 on the bank holiday weekend. (I keep a journal of all my paranormal experiences so I know what happened just encase you were wondering.)
I woke up like normal and went to get a drink of water from the kitchen. I decided I'd go back to bed for another while as I still felt tired. I went back into my bedroom, closed out the door and hopped into bed ready to go back to sleep. I closed my eyes but the atmosphere in the room had changed, it felt different. It felt heavy. I slowly opened my eyes and quickly glanced around the room, and there at my bedroom door was a little Asian girl. She had long black wavy hair and she was wearing a long white dress. I couldn't see her eyes but I felt afraid of her. She was a solid figure just like a normal child. I closed my eyes hoping that she would leave.
Then I felt long hair all over my face. I opened one of eyes to see that she was standing over me. She put one of her hands on my arm and it hurt real bad. I started swatting her away with my hands and the pain in my arm stopped. Then I felt her run across the bed to the other side of the room. I could feel her behind me staring at me. She went away shortly after that but I was so scared to go back to sleep encase she would come back.
For weeks I was freaked out and was even scared to go to sleep. Luckily she never came back and I never seen her again nor do I want to see her again.
A few days after that I went on Google trying to see if there was any information on what I saw. I remember I found a picture similar to what I saw. If I can find it again I'll post it on here.