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Visitors In My Bedroom


So I don't know if this is paranormal but it definitely wasn't normal, that's for sure.

I have been sleeptalking practically since birth. My mother says I even used to giggle and babble when I was a baby before I could speak. I have also been caught on several occasions sitting up in bed talking, talking to the wall as if I am in a discussion with someone and I've also jumped out of bed, on all fours, like a cat once. Yep being my boyfriend must be fun lol.

These are common except for these 2 experiences I had a couple of years ago that I am not even sure what to call. It happened twice, where I would wake and sit up in bed and talk to something in my room. The difference is, I remember all of it and I remember what/who I was talking to.

The first time it happened I woke with an annoyed, agitated feeling, knowing someone was in my room and it was annoying me because I was trying to sleep. So I sat up, kind of strangely. I would rise like a vampire. I then scanned the room feeling a bit cranky. In the opposite corner of the room I either saw or felt (can't quite remember) that there was a dark shadow there. The room was dark and I remember squinting a lot trying to see it clearly. I was a little scared but honestly way more annoyed. I just wanted to sleep. So I started yelling at it.

"What are you doing?!"


"Leave me alone I'm trying to sleep!"

I then scoffed angrily and grabbed a pillow and threw it at it and then went back to sleep.

The next day my boyfriend asked me why I snatched the pillow he was sleeping on and threw it across the room in the middle of the night. I was surprised about the whole thing as I could remember it all. It was like I woke up in a half awake, half asleep state and hallucinated?

Then maybe 2 weeks later it happened again, only this time it reacted to me. I woke again in very much the same way. Rose like a vampire and felt really annoyed this time. I could sense someone jumping around my room. Imagine a younger sibling sneaking into your room and playing with your things while you sleep. Like that.

To my left laid my boyfriend and on the wall next to him is a window. The room is completely dark except for some light coming from the streetlight outside. The light silhouetted our curtains, and all its folds. In front of the curtains was the silhouette of a young boy, between 7-10 years old, I guess. He was jumping around, waving his arms about. It reminded me of Peter Pan's shadow. I yelled at it.

"What are you doing?!"

"Stop it?!"

It then stopped what it was doing, like I scared it. It then raised its hands to its face and shook them. A bit like a cartoon character would do when scared. I continued to yell.

"What are you doing? Stop. Go away!"

It then STEPPED BACKWARDS, against the wall and slid to its right, towards the curtains, with its back against the wall, arms flat on the wall. It tried hiding itself in the folds of the curtain, making its body as straight as possible, arms down its sides to make itself as small and slim as possible to fit in the shadow of the fold of the curtain.

I watched it shuffle in place. I felt like I couldn't see clearly. My eyes were the same as when you just wake up so I was squinting a lot but I could still get a sense of its outline. So I said sternly, "I can still see you!"

I sat there for a moment watching. After a moment, I couldn't see it anymore, but I still felt like it was there. Feeling too tired and annoyed, I just sighed and rolled over, and fell right back to sleep. I know this was just like last time when I actually woke up and spoke. I didn't dream it.

I will add that I was under A LOT of stress at the time and my living environment wasn't great. Not long after this, I woke in the night to see my doona raised up, like someone was standing at the end of my bed, holding it above their face and I knew it was going to come down and strangle me. I woke up screaming and this was the first of many night terrors.

I have heard of someone who regularly wakes to see things in their room and they say it's a disorder. I haven't had an experience like this since, except for my night terrors.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Lydia_Deetz, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Darkangel73 (4 stories) (127 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-19)
Lydia_Deetz- I can testify to stress related sleep paralysis. I notice when I am stressed and just dog tired, I have episodes of sleep paralysis, and what's crazy I know I am tired but my mind refuses to shut down. So I am literally fighting myself to sleep. When I do fall asleep I usually go into some crazy dream and fight my way out of it. I don't like it.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-04-17)
Lydia - thanks for clarifying 😊 Darn, forgot all about the character requirement lol
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-17)

Yes, I can testify that babies do laugh only a few days after birth 😁 I am a proud mother of two, a boy and girl, and they smiled in their sleep after 2/3 days of being born and about a month later or so my son started giggling (which is unsual but very much possible).

Sorry Lydia for intruding with this comment... Trully hope you and the other members forgive this intrusion of mine. ❤
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-17)
Hi Lydia_Deetz,

Thank you for sharing your experience.

I have to admitt that I completely support CuriousDee's theory, it is the most plausible one to me. But I must understand that it's hard to classify it, or even accept it, as simple hallucination when it feels so real and so vivid.

It has happened to me once or twice too... I didn't mind though because I know it could not be possible to have a giant spider in my bedroom curtain. But it definetly looked like it was happening in real time.
Now I know it's called hypnagogic hallucinations but I din't know until CuriousDee "classified" it, so thank you for teaching me this lesson today CuriousDee. 😉

God bless. ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-17)

I think it would explain some experiences, and hopefully give peace of mind. As for diagnosed; I discussed the incidents with my doctor and he told me about Hypnagogia and Hypnagogic hallucinations. For me, it made sense. I understand for others it may be more complicated. Maybe someone dealing with this will find a 'ring of truth' with this information. It's actually an interesting phenomenon if you read up on it.

I can tell you from personal experience; it's downright terrifying when its happening. The image or hallucination appears very real. I woke up my boyfriend more times than I can count yelling about spiders, people, hordes of insects in my bedroom, etc. He learned to jump up and turn the light on, as this makes the hallucination disappear. It's then that I realize that it's just a figment of a dream. Scientific explanation or not, it's pretty crazy. 😕


I know you mentioned knowing about a sleep disorder in your story, so I wanted to comment with the information. If you want to research the above, maybe you'll feel a connection? I do know that anytime I've experienced it, it happens just prior to sleep or as I was waking up. I hope it can help you. If not, I would assume paranormal. Keep us updated. 😊
Lydia_Deetz (6 stories) (15 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-17)
I just guessed they were, but to be honest. I am not to sure. I have had something like night terrors since, but I actually remember what I dream and what I saw in my room. In the moment it feels very real but when I wake I know it was a dream.
However these two experiences stand out on their own. Especially the second. It was just so real and clear and I haven't had anything like that happen since. I am still on a search to get some answers. I honestly don't know how to tell if it was paranormal or not 🤔 I may need to see a sleep specialist.
Lydia_Deetz (6 stories) (15 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-17)
Babies giggle all the time I know, but I am just pointing out that it seemed I was communicating to someone in my sleep since before I could talk. Or just having very vivid dreams.
Lydia_Deetz (6 stories) (15 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-17)
Thank You CuriousDee ❤ super helpful.
I will be looking into that. It is fascinating and a little scary all the things our minds can do. I still think its strange Sleep Paralyse is so common.

I was most defiantly not dreaming. I would sit up in a kind of trance like state and then open my eyes. As RSAChick said. Just like an old Hollywood movie. Also as I said, the first time I know I was up because I threw my boyfriend's pillow across the room which he then had to go fetch. I have history of doing all sorts of things in my sleep. One time I jumped up on all fours and jumped out of bed like a cat. This is according to my boyfriend. All I remember is waking up on the floor with sore knees.

RSAChick (115 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-16)
Lydia should answer for herself, but Miracles, I think she means she was giggling and babbling in her sleep when she was a baby, which is not so common, but not impossible, I guess.

And lady-glow, I don't think she means she was floating or levitating. Probably just sitting up straight from a lying position. I'm thinking like a gothic-type-horror-movie-vampire lol!

Lydia, please clarify.
RSAChick (115 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-16)
CuriousDee, I think you have given an explanation for many experiences on this site. So many stories take place just before falling asleep or just after waking up.

How did you realise that these were hallucinations and not paranormal? Was it diagnosed?

I think this could potentially help a lot of scared people.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-15)
I think Curious have ingrided on the most real and the nearest possibility. People may experience with weired dreams/ hallucinations when body is not at it's full potential.
However, sometimes these hallucinations/dreams are true, sometimes our hidden consciousness tells us something, it tries to show us something.

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-15)

Hypnagogic or hypnopompic hallucinations are what you were talking about. They occur right before or after sleep. I suffered for years, seeing people, spiders, insects, etc. What you see appears very real, but is a sort of sleep hallucination; dream images that appear in your surroundings. My teenage daughter has had it happen too. Usually, it occurs when you are stressed or lacking sleep.

It can be scary; when it happens to myself (less frequently) or my daughter, turning the lights on make the hallucinations "disappear".

Hope this helps 😊
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-15)
What do you mean by "I would rise like a vampire"? 🤔
And, did you really rise or were you dreaming about doing so?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
7 years ago (2018-04-15)
Lydia_Deetz - I have had some really strange things happen in my life so I definitely cannot say that I think what you experienced was a dream. But I do want to point out that most babies do giggle and babble before they talk. Some babies even appear to be laughing as soon as a day or two old.

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