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Ghost Made Bacon Sandwich


I was home alone one day. I was not feeling well so I took the day off work. My boyfriend had already gone so that left me alone. I was watching TV when a loud humming started. Originally I thought this was the TV so I turned it off, but the humming continued. It was really starting to annoy me because it was making my headache worse. I put my ear defenders on and settled down to sleep on the sofa to make my headache better.

A few hours later I woke up and took my ear defenders off to hear someone rustling about in the kitchen. It sounded like someone was making dinner. Naturally I assumed it was my boyfriend and turned the TV on to let him know I was awake. When he didn't respond, I went out there to see if he was okay. There was no one there, but the frying pan was on the hob with some cut up bacon in it. I got really scared because I thought there was a robber in the house or someone else who had gotten in whilst I was asleep.

I checked all locks and doors to make sure no one had got in, then I searched everywhere for my boyfriend because he could have been pranking me. The house was empty. At that point I was so scared because no one could have gotten in so I was probably going crazy. I went back into the kitchen and found a bacon sandwich sitting on the side. A chill ran through my body.

I rushed to the lounge to get my phone and called my boyfriend, really begging in my head that he was in the house playing with me. He picked up so I knew he was at work. I told him about everything and he came home because I was that scared that I was crying on the phone to him.

Before he got home, I just stared at the sandwich to make sure it didn't go away leading my boyfriend to believe I was going crazy. The humming started again, but this time it was in some sort of rhythm. I listened intently to see if it was a song I knew or something else that was quite innocent. As I was doing this a door upstairs slammed and the dishwasher stared on it's own.

Thankfully my boyfriend came home at that exact point. He went upstairs and found no doors slammed and nothing out of place. He was very puzzled about the sandwich though. He had it for dinner, because I wouldn't touch it.

He doesn't believe in ghosts and I didn't either until a ghost made a bacon sandwich.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, sophiethunder, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

ChickenLittle (11 posts)
7 years ago (2018-02-01)
I'm late to the discussion, but you mentioned being home sick. Were you running a fever? It could explain the humming, and depending on how your body handles fevers, it could also explain the lack of remembering making the sandwich. Also, it might have made you confuse the order of events.

You mentioned also that up until this happened, you did not believe in ghosts. I would suggest that you don't have to come to a conclusion about this immediately. Don't look for more paranormal experiences, but be aware of your environment. Consider the suggestions made and try to come to a conclusion that makes you comfortable. You were the one who had the experience; you know what you saw and how you felt. These are just suggestions to help you process what you experienced. On the other hand, if you conclude that it was a paranormal event, it sounds benign.
sophiethunder (guest)
7 years ago (2018-01-31)
I don't think so. Maybe I did sleepwalk. Maybe there is no paranormal thing happening at all. It might be I was unwell and was scared by the humming and kind of got freaked out by practically nothing. Thanks guys, you put my mind at rest.
IrishGuy (30 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-30)
Sophiethunder in one of your comments you stated that your boyfriend has a private fridge due to his allergies. You also stated that there was bacon in your boyfriends private fridge so i'm just wondering is there the slight possibility that you did in fact sleepwalk and go to that fridge and take the bacon and put it on the frying pan and cooked it? But that still wouldn't explain how it ended up becoming a sandwich. Is it maybe possible you could have got the time line of events wrong and you maybe cooked the bacon and made the sandwich and then fell asleep?
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-30)
It could have happened but I think there is a logical explanation to this one. I tend to agree with those that say you were sleep walking and it was you that made it but you had a memory lapse.

The spirit world seems to abide by their own set of rules. They do certain things like turn lights on and off, play with buttons, breathe on you maybe, open doors possibly turn water on and off... But I don't think cooking a bacon sandwich is their typical realm. Plus did I read that right that you didn't even have bacon in the house? Spirits can't materialize bacon. They tend to hide things that do exist but create something from nothing is not typical of them.

Sorry to doubt the paranormal experience of this. I mean, it probably happened yes but I don't think a paranormal explanation is one for this story.

Unless I'm just a doubter and totally wrong here.
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2018-01-30)
Lady-glow, Hahaha:-D

Sophiethunder, Here another classical effect on "fear", just calm down.
Ever thought of having memory lost? It happens to my friend sometimes, she always forgets that she have made a cup of coffee and will make a second cup realizing that there is already cup of warm-ish coffee on her desk.

Well, I am not trying to make a joke out of it, I mean you know, sometimes you just need to calm down and think, let me write it to you too, do not let fear conquer your mind.

sophiethunder (guest)
7 years ago (2018-01-30)
I don't understand.
I don't know what it was. I mean there was no one else in the house other than me and I checked everywhere. There was nothing that could've made the sandwich apart from a ghost or me. Sure I could've walked in my sleep and fried the bacon, but I was awake when I checked for anyone else in the house and the bacon was in a sandwich when I got back. I don't know how it could've been anything else.
I checked with my boyfriend, and there was some bacon in his private fridge. He has allergies so he has a separate fridge.
I don't know. I'm confused as hell and slightly freaked out.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-30)
With some luck, one of these days some one will submit a story called 'Disappearing Food, please help, it's getting expensive'. 😜
roylynx (guest)
7 years ago (2018-01-30)
Well, well. Do I smell some donut out there? Wait, no. 🤔
Your experience here is understandable and believable, right until you last commented.😐

Well, I did read reports and cases about spirits hiding items but never a spirit cooking, this could have been an interesting one IF you are not making things, really, I was quite curious.

Symptoms and the atmosphere all sound familiar on some of "real" stories here, but if you are not taking advices and don't want to think logically just stop at the point of this story itself, don't add any additional information which will spoil and mislead us...

Look, not every stories need to involve spirits and spooky stuff, just face the fact sometime, it WILL release some of the stress you have, I promise.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-30)
sophie - You think it was paranormal or you would like it to be paranormal?

A bacon sandwich without the makings anywhere in sight? Sounds a bit porky to me.

Regards, Melda

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lady-glow (16 stories) (3197 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-29)
Does your dishwasher have a delay start option? Could the humming be the sound of the furnace/heating system?

This is just my opinion, but it sounds like you assumed to have had a paranormal experience without first ruling out all possible mundane explanations.
Lilwolf (8 stories) (66 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-29)
Sophie, This is the first time that I have ever heard of a spirit cooking for someone. That's actually pretty awesome, as for the humming noise it could be a lot of things. I know my Mom has said that sometimes when a spirit is around that She hears a similar sound just not really loud, was this paranormal I'm honestly not sure.

Either way this was an interesting read thanks for sharing.

Feel better soon.
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-29)
Hi Sophie,

Wow a bacon sarnie LOL I knew this had to be from the UK as soon as I read the title! If this was a helpful ghost, I'd say it's someone caring for you while you're unwell, like Elizabeth says.

There's a sleep disorder where people eat and prepare food whilst sleep walking. Robbie Williams has it, I think he locks his cupboards and fridge. So that when it happens, he can't prepare food, so just goes back to bed. Maybe look into that disorder, just to cover all bases. But the slamming door suggests ghost. Or maybe a neighbour can get in through an adjoining door/wall? Something to DEFINITELY rule out! Did you have any bacon in the fridge to make the sandwich with? Just curious.

Thanks for sharing.
Elizabeth62 (14 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-29)
Maybe the ghost was trying to make you feel better. Most everyone I know loves a bacon sandwich and helping with the dishes when you are feeling bad? Now that's compassion. Motherly. 🙄 But if you prefer not to have it around just tell it you appreciate its help but that it needs to go to the light.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-27)
I'm with RC about the bidding war. A ghost that will cook AND clean? This is a spirit that I doubt you have to worry about. If however you find a correlation between your headaches and ghostly activity you may have to tell your "guest" that it has to leave. Be nice about it because it sounds like a benign spirit, and explain that it's energy gives you a headache.

Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-27)
Cuz Sophie,

Agree with Jubeele, rule out the mundane incidents and what do you have left?

I say this in all seriousness as I've read too many accounts where answers in this world are not considered before assuming it is a paranormal manifestation.

Sensitivity to EMF seems the likely culprit for your headaches and humming (tinnitus). Your dishwasher seems to be the most likely source of the EMF.

There are also written accounts from SAS Officers who have had to covertly break into occupied houses. In an 'air tight' house, opening the front door changes the air pressure in that house causing doors to slam shut. Covert turns into something 'noisy' very quickly. You mentioned that your boyfriend heard the upstairs door slam, as well as the house being secure. Is it possible that your boyfriend, entering the house, may have caused a pressure change in the house, causing the door to slam?

OK, that leaves the bacon sandwich. I'm not impressed with who or whatever made this. No BBQ or Spicy Tomato sauce - needs some lessons.

On the upside, a ghost or faery that not only makes brekkie but cleans up afterwards, I really want to believe this can happen and send one Australia's way as well.

Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-27)
Let's start with the mundane, logical possibilities. Having doctors on both sides of my family, they might suggest that the humming in your ears may be an early sign of hearing loss. Or you may simply be sensitive to EMF (Electric & Magnetic Fields) emissions. On the other hand, some being from another world could be trying to communicate with you...eek! 👽

About the bacon sandwich. Are you very sure you didn't sleepwalk and made the sandwich in your sleep, or have "zoned-out" and had some unexplained memory loss? Or maybe it was your boyfriend? If you're very certain that your memory is clear about the sandwich, then let's consider other possibilities. I've read of others who had coffee made for them. Why not a bacon sandwich?

My other thought is that being in the UK, could it be a brownie? Not the chocolatey kind, but the faery folk...? Have you looked into the history of the place? Were there any stories of strange happenings from your neighbours or previous owners/tenants?

Your ghost is welcome in my kitchen too if it can cook and put the dishwasher on! 😁
RCRuskin (9 stories) (849 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-27)
I'm almost tempted to get into a bidding war for this ghost that can cook. Hope I can teach it all my recipes.

Welcome to YGS, Sophie, and please forgive me if I find your experience a little hard to believe. But I've seen weird stuff.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-27)
sophiethunder - I've heard of people smelling fried bacon, bread baking plus other cooking smells when nobody was in the kitchen cooking anything at all. However this is the first time I've ever heard of a ghost actually preparing a meal, albeit a humble bacon sandwich 😆

If you don't want this ghost send it along to me. I'm going through a stage where I don't have the slightest inclination to cook. I'll leave a few recipe books on the kitchen counter and hopefully the ghost will oblige 😊

Well now I've had my giggles for the evening!

Regards, Melda

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