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A Choice To Be Made


This story is personal to me. I'll merely present what I experienced and leave any judgement up to the individual reader. I believe that both evil and good are very real forces in our universe. I'll be happy to chalk it up as something that is non-supportable as far as evidence but I thought it might interest a reader or two.

In 1980 I lived in San Jose, California. I'd recently started seeing someone my age whose family was from Texas and they were religious, without being the type who preached hellfire and adherence to church going. As I learned about their beliefs I found that more and more, I wanted to be someone of the same belief. One of the conditions was that I would be baptized. I'm sorry, but I don't want to go into any more detail on how this was done.

A date was set for this to happen and the night before when I went to bed a strange dream came to me. San Jose has lines of foothills on both sides of the valley, and a tall mountain to the southwest called Mount Unumhumm. In my dream a male voice called my name over and over and found myself walking into the foothills and following roads until they ran out and I was following gravel roads and old game trails. As I climbed, the voice became louder and more commanding. I was very tired and afraid but I couldn't deny that voice. I kept climbing.

When I got the to top of Mount Umunhumm at last I was standing in front of a cave. There was snow around on the ground but there was a dull orange glow coming from the cave entrance. As I debated going in, a man emerged from the entrance and smiled at me. He was the most beautiful being that I'd ever seen.

In my mind, he asked me to follow him inside the cave so I dutifully walked behind him. The glow inside the cave was a massive furnace or crucible and I could hear screams coming from it. He smiled in delight at the sounds and in his hands were masses of flowers. One by one he would take a blossom and throw it into the fire and horrible despairing cry came out. I suddenly understood (I don't know how, I'm sorry) that he was evil. He had such joy at destroying beautiful things. Then I understood that the flowers were a metaphor for people who were being consumed, along with all of their hopes and joys and sadness.

I said "you are the evil one" and he laughed as if I were a particularly stupid child. Then he held out a flower to me and told me to throw it in the flame. I would have a good life and money and no sadness if I did this. He told me that this was my choice and the only time I could make it. He was so beautiful and so majestic that part of me questioned if he was really evil or my mind was twisting what was happening. I prayed in my mind silently as suddenly he was changed. There had been a blonde man with blue eyes and a smile with all of the love in the world contained in it. It faded and in it's place was a tall being who seemed to be made of shadows. It had red eyes with the kind of ferocity that you would see in a caged tiger. It laughed at me and saliva dripped down over it's sharp teeth. I felt all of the sorrow of those people and my whole soul shouted NO NO NO. He laughed and told me I would find hell in my life and good riddance to me. In my dream, I ran from that cave and out into the brushy hillside. I ran all night, ran down the trails, then roads, then the streets until I reached home.

I remember nothing more until I woke up the next morning, very early. The whole memory was in my mind. The room was destroyed as if a great tornado had come through. Everything knocked off the walls, furniture upended, clothes thrown from the dresser all over the floor. The strangest thing was my hands were covered with scratches and cuts. My feet were bruised and dirt covered as if I had walked miles and I was still in the clothes that I had worn the day before, minus my shoes. I had gone to bed in pajamas, but my clothes had been on a clothes hamper next to my desk.

At this time I lived with my parents and my sister. They had been home all night. I asked but they noticed nothing unusual. The house alarm had been set all night. If I had been sleepwalking it probably would have been set off. Of course I didn't tell them the depth of what had happened. I asked if I had ever sleepwalked or if they had heard any noise. No one noticed anything at all. The bruises stayed for a week or two along with the cuts. I never had this type of dream again and no I'm not bipolar or schizophrenic. It simply happened one night and stopped when my choice was made. I leave any judgement up to you, the reader. The flip side of this is that not long after, I was given proof of good. A genuine manifestation of it that I saw with my own eyes if anyone is interested. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, EmmalineTexas, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

vulcan10 (5 stories) (332 posts)
5 years ago (2019-10-15)
forget metaphors, or talk of ufo's. There's no need to understand every part of your dream. I believe that there's a God, and every word of the bible. There are those who will twist this truth, outright deny it, or fain outrage at being called out from certain passages. That makes no difference. Everything will come to pass as it will. But on your dream, I believe that there was a battle for your soul going on, probably still is. You just caught a glimpse of it.
Violet-Tartan (8 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-03)
Something not the same at all, yet kind of similar as a child, happened with me.
Vague memories of UFOs the forest and then waking up with literal dirt and Pineneedles all over my feet. This was a very interesting read. Thank you for sharing
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-28)
Emma - It is possible that they were protectors. I had never seen them before and I haven't seen them since.

I saw the dog first and then noticed the little boy. What I felt was a whole mix of emotions, all of which were positive. It was awe, amazement but mostly love. This is not the type of love you feel for your husband, children, parents, siblings but love on a totally different level which I have never experienced before. I can't even begin to explain it.

I didn't notice the dog again but when the child left for the second time I wanted to cry, I wanted to hang onto him for as long as possible. I wanted more.

Thanks for taking an interest, I appreciate it ❤

Regards, Melda
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-28)
Melda - I keep getting hit with a thought here. When you were little, how would a guardian spirit appear to you but as a little child? Or a dog that would protect you and be your companion? I wonder if these were your protectors when you were very small. Did it feel as if you knew them? Like a reunion?

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-27)
Emma - Thanks for your response. I don't know who or what the child was, or the dog for that matter. I only know that that was an experience I will never forget.

How do you move on if you can't forgive? If we can't forgive others how can we expect to be forgiven for our own transgressions? Sometimes that's easier said than done but I do believe that those who are abusive towards others, in any way, will eventually pay that debt. It isn't necessary for us to exact the payment.

The sword is a sturdy, useful tool indeed and it has to be forged from malleable, strong material 😊

Regards, Melda
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-27)
Mr. Riggs - Thank you for such a compliment but I don't see a lot of bravery there LOL. Friendship definitely! I look forward to hearing much more about your experiences. I've been on the receiving end a few times. One time it was described as being nuked. Not for the faint hearted.

Thank you ❤
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-27)
Hi Melda I loved your story, A Beautiful Warm Experience. I had read it before, and it's one of my favorites. Sometimes in life I really think that we're given a gift. I've always wondered if that child was someone in your family who passed early and if the dog might have been one that was from your early childhood that you might not remember. The joy that you describe sounds like a feeling of homecoming and welcome and recognition. Just a thought...

As for my situation. That was a very long time ago and I thank you for your care and concern. I was not broken even though maybe I was close. I thought long and hard about what to say to you and this keeps bubbling up. Forgive and you will be forgiven. (God knows I need to be forgiven for a lot) And I was once told that you can't play pitty pat making a sword. You heat it until it bends and you fold it over and over again, until you have made something sturdy and useful. That wouldn't be a bad thing. I kind of like the idea of being sturdy and useful 😊

Thank you ❤
MrRiggs (7 stories) (102 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-27)

We are birds of a feather and I think we are going to talk... A lot. We have trod on like ground. If you have ever felt alone I want you to know you are alone no longer.

I knew there was something you wanted to share. We can make that happen if you like. You see, it's not so much about reading the lines people write. It is being able to read what lies between the lines that often tells the tale. People often have a lot to say that isn't put to print. Somehow I pick up on those unspoken words.

You may be aware that spiritual experiences have been happening to people at an increasing rate. Many folks have been reluctant to share them for fear of being thought mad. I have chosen another approach, and that is to speak openly and freely about what happened to me.

The last portion of my NDE was a one-on-one with Divinity. There was nowhere to hide and the communication was quite straightforward. Among other things, I was told 3 times to write about my encounter. Each time I affirmed that I would. I was also told my ability to write was a gift given to me, apparently for that purpose.

So why would writing about my experience be important? For that matter, why would anybody's encounter with Divinity really matter? And why should anyone make themselves the bullseye for personal ridicule?

I think it is a matter of timing. The world has become a harsh place with an uncertain future. Perhaps it is time that these stories be told to those willing to listen. If nothing else, Divinity exists and knows who we are. Life does not end at the grave and death is not simply fading to black.

I'm going to settle in and give your last post the full attention it deserves. It took some backbone to tell your story. Though we have never met, I want you to know I am proud of you and your stout heart.

Watch for an email. I will be in touch.

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-26)
Emma - I am so pleased that you decided to share your positive experience with us. I was hoping that you would. How truly beautiful and awe-inspiring.

I believe that you were kept spiritually strong during your life because no child can cope with that sort of treatment and stay whole. Of course you were broken emotionally, and at times physically as well, but you did not deserve what was handed to you. Children do break and tend to believe that they deserve whatever is thrown at them. Being in the space you are now, you realise that that isn't the case at all.

All those who harmed you will pay for what they did. I don't believe in a specific place called hell but I do believe in a spiritual journey. That won't alter what you went through but perhaps it was part of your spiritual journey too? In my opinion we are regularly tested during our lives on earth, some more harshly than others. You were given the strength of character and the spiritual guidance to survive. I have picked up from some other accounts which you submitted that even as an adult life was not easy for you. You can be well pleased because you have passed with flying colours.

I have only once in my life had an experience which affected me so profoundly that whenever I think of it, it still makes me feel warm inside and uplifts me. If you are interested in reading it, it is on my profile page - A Beautiful Warm Experience.

Regards, Melda
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-26)
Mr. Riggs - My last reply to you was short and I apologize. I wanted to share my true response to you this time, no mater what comments are made. I do understand your experience in a limited way. I have been judged at times, too. You will know that I speak the truth in every word. This happened.

I originally wanted to post this as a follow up to the story 'A Choice To Be Made' on the YGS site. This was in late November of 1980. I lived in San Jose, California. I had recently had a terrible dream where I had been forced to choose between good and evil. The people around me were family in that I was marrying their son. They were very spiritually gifted and very intuitive. I was a mosquito in their midst. I would never be truly gifted. Instead I pestered them with questions and more questions. Anything to learn and to grow.

Things in my life were not good. I had dealt with severe corporal punishment, past sexual abuse and my mother's rapidly unravelling mental state. In a lot of ways I had grown up without guidance and there was an underlying sense of shame. The sexual abuse was swept under the rug and I was forced to apologize for 'lying' in order to spare the reputation of a minister's son. My father had PTSD after two tours of Viet Nam and punishment was choosing our own switches from the peach trees in the back yard and being switched from the base of our necks to the backs of our thighs. I still don't know if I was that horrible of a child or if I'd just been neglected and grown up without the slightest idea of how to exist in the world.

I tell you all this so that you will understand that I felt like nothing. But there was always an inner fire in me. Don't give up, don't lie down for anything. If someone hits you, spit in their eye. I trusted nothing and no one. All I had was an inner fight that I didn't understand.

Being a ball of defensiveness, I stood outside my boyfriend's house one night. Everyone was gone and I was hoping that if I waited that I could go in and belong when they got home. I had recently been baptized and I told myself that I would never be one of those people who saw visions or was loved especially by God. In my mind, I laughed and gave myself a kick. How melodramatic was that? I decided to be grateful and said 'thank you' for being loved at all.

I still remember that I was leaning against my little yellow Honda Civic and the metal was cold. I looked up into a second story window and noticed that the blinds were open and so were the curtains. Odd. Then there was a rush of energy that shot down through me like a spear. It was so extreme that if I hadn't been leaning on the car I would have fallen down. It was like grabbing an electric fence, but it didn't hurt.

As I watched the window a beautiful huge orb of light flashed into existence. It was bright white and it had shades of purples that roiled through it like moving gemstones. Rays began to emerge from it that were so golden that I wanted to cry at the beauty of them. The orb slowly began to spin and the rays reached out farther and farther until they filled the room.

My joy was so much that for some reason I got the giggles. In my head I asked "can you do blue?" I felt a laugh that surrounded me and then the orb became the most beautiful blue and white. It seemed to contain all of the world in it and the rays spun and danced. The outer rays were a white that should have blinded me, but instead they were warm and loving if that makes sense.

Then I noticed a shadow standing just inside the window. I couldn't see any features but I am not tall, only 5'4 and this shadow was not much taller than I am. It emanated such peace and love that I burst into tears and asked "are you Him?" and He nodded to me. At that point I dropped to my knees and the rays slowly retreated back into the orb. The shadow took two steps back into it and with a flash it was gone. I stayed on my knees until his family came home, gripping the cold grass on the strip next to the street. There had been no one human there. There was no electronic trick. Only an abiding sense of awe.

I will never forget or deserve our Lord's grace in being with me for a moment. It changed me forever. I hope that these words bring comfort to someone who may need it.

Thank you,
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-26)
Well for some reason alum rock is in the 10 top haunted trails of California. So there must be a bunch of us that get the heebie jeebies there. It seems a lot of urban legends though that I don't give much credit to. But I think the common theme there is that feeling of being watched. I always thought it was wild animals watching me lol. Like a bear or something. But there was this one late fall day that the park was pretty filled. Then it seemed everyone just picked up and left all at once. I just realised that I was the last one there (with my little kids). It took me a while to get everything together and night fell really fast. It was dark by the time I reached the entrance and I just had this feeling that something wasn't right. I felt that someone chasing you feeling of run for your life. To me it was like some one waiting to grab us feeling. Anyway... I survived.

In a practical sense a lot of these mountains have minerals in them. I wonder from a scientific standpoint if the magnetic pull of the elements and heavy metals are what people respond to as that weird feeling. To me that seems logical. I totally believe in the paranormal world but I also believe in logical explanations that we just don't understand.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-25)
LuciaJacinta - I mangled that comment, sorry. I meant to say everywhere you went on the trails it was like there was someone standing and watching you.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-25)
LuciaJacinta - If you don't mind me asking, what happened? Alum Rock Park actually gives me the heebee jeebies. Everywhere I went, there it like there were people standing there staring. You couldn't see them but they were there. The part with the old bridge was like 'nope'. I left.

LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-25)
Been to New Almaden as well twice. It wasn't my favorite place.

Alum Rock park was a place we spent a lot of time. I was there once at night fall. It gave me a panic moment.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-23)
Hi LuciaJacinta - Thanks so much for your comment. Mount Umunhum is a strange place isn't it? We were always told growing up that people disappeared there and of course there was the radar station. We couldn't have gotten very far up there before being stopped and being told to turn around. There were a couple of other places that had that feel. Did you ever feel that way about the hills by New Almaden? As kids, we would climb up to the aquaducts and then to the top of the Santa Teresa hills. I made very sure to be back on the Santa Teresa side of those foothills before nightfall.
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-23)
Wow. What a moving story. Thank you for sharing. I have known a few others that have experienced something similar. I used to live in San Jose as well and could picture this so clearly. Those mountains have stayed with me and have a very strong feeling to them. I don't think it odd at all that the entity was in those mountains. They are beautiful but there is a presence to them. I'm glad you shared this. Don't discount your experiences. Thank you for your words.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
I wanted to respond to a few comments. First of all thank you so much for your comments, despite this being an unusual account. Religion is deeply personal. I understand that completely. I feel that it doesn't even matter what faith you are here, in our existence. In the end, all of us are capable of great good.

Rex-T - It's funny that you should refuse to put a name to it. I knew exactly what his name was but I would not say it. I felt that if I gave it that power, my own would slip. That parting shot scared me to death and it was accurate in some ways. But I always remind myself of another title given to it - the father of lies.

Melda - Thank you so much for your comment. You are much too kind. Waking up to that was so overwhelming that I put it out of my mind for a long time. Mr. Riggs got me thinking about it. You know, when I first joined YGS I thought, well I certainly don't have much to add. Maybe just the story of the man at the Golden Gate Bridge. Then I read something on here and I think wait a sec, that's close to something that's happened. I will tell you about the second thing if no one objects.

Mr. Riggs - Oh my, you do understand in a very exact way. You were given a great gift but you also understand that there is very great power massed against each other. Let me just say that those flowers are more than that. Were you also shown what the colors mean? And did you also notice that the colors there are not possible here? Here, every hue is tinged by the blue refracted by our atmosphere. There, there are colors which can't be imagined, because we only have this frame of reference. If you ever post more about your experience I would be very, very happy to read it.

Radish - I am so very glad that you didn't listen to that lying voice. I hope that your life is much happier now. Don't forget that though that voice can be very strong, there is a stronger force in good.

IrishGuy - You're pretty close on the looks by the way. Even closer would be James Spader.
Thank you so much for your comments

radish54 (1 stories) (51 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
I have heard the dark voice before, but I was in no condition to be assured it was paranormal. What it was advocating was self-harm, but it was a heard thing, not an internal voice. I'm so glad I reached out for help and did not listen.
It made me have faith that there was a stronger, higher power out there at the opposite pole - the good side, and the light. I try and cleave to that way now.
I would be interested in hearing the rest of your story. ❤
MrRiggs (7 stories) (102 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)

Your story struck a real chord with me and I want to tell you why.

In December 1989 I had a near death (like) experience (NDE) that lasted 40 minutes. It was the pivotable point of my life and I have often mentioned it on YGS. Like your encounter, these things impress the experiencer in a major way. Your life is now changed.

My NDE contained multiple segments, all impressive. One thing that stands out is a garden I was taken to. It was flower filled and impeccably kept. The flowers were in very neat rows running straight away from where I stood to a mountain range perhaps 20 to 50 miles distant. The flower rows ran to the left and to the right as far as they eye could see.

I was taken through a gate and immediately turned right onto a pathway. Perhaps 15 to 20 yards down the pathway we stopped and looked out over the garden. About 150 yards to the front a Gardner was working diligently on a flower that had a number of blossoms. He was working in earnest, and was diligent in his care as he did his task with haste.

After a bit I was escorted to the plant being cared for. The Gardner was Christ, who invited me to look at a particular flower. I did, and saw my own face in the center of the blossom. At the same time I looked up and out of the flower and saw myself looking down. It was a shocking and emotional experience.

The flowers, arrayed in great varieties and multitudes of colors represented the various peoples of the earth, by race, nationality, tribe, ethnicity, etc. In short, everyone was there. No one group was greater or more loved than the other.

There is more to this, but for the sake of your post, the meaning is clear. Just as you understood, and I clearly know, those flowers were people being cast into the furnace.

My NDE didn't go well and was quite unpleasant. I was scared then and stayed scared. You refreshed those memories and I thank you for that.

You did the right thing by writing about your experience. I believe you have shown strength, courage and wisdom. I hope your story is read around the world. There are people who may benefit by reading your words.
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Emma - I believe you were being tested and given an ultimatum.

You are an inherently good person anyway, so even if you had not chosen to be baptised and follow a religious path, you would never have chosen evil.

This entity certainly took its revenge on you. It must have been horrifying to wake up with bruises and scratches and your bedroom in a mess.

I'm sure many of us would like to share your experience of the positive manifestation.

Regards, Melda
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)

I'm glad that you are still posting.

I can't shake the feeling that your dream had strong parallels to your situation at that time but could have been interpreted either way - to not go ahead or go ahead with the baptism.

As for what IT said to you (I will not name it) I would remember that it deceived you once with it's form and I'm sure tried a second time with it's parting shot - but guess what... It didn't work.

EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Everyone I realize that this isn't your typical paranormal story and if anyone is upset by it I apologize. As a matter of fact I did try to contact YGS and ask that it not be published. I did go through with the baptism and I have had a hard life but it's had periods of joy and always gratefulness. Thanks for your positive comments.

Kerry -I understand, I was terrified when I woke up and realized who I had been talking to.
RC - Thank you for understanding and being kind.
Jubeele -Thanks for your always kind and insightful comments ❤
IrishGuy (30 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
That's a very interesting account Emmaline. Just before you described the mans appearance and stated that he was blonde with blue eyes, for some unknown reason an image of a young Elvis Presley with blonde hair came into my mind, well anyway did you go through with the baptism after that?
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Emma, thanks for sharing this intensely personal experience. This was a crucial junction in your life where you needed to make a personal stand and hold fast to your faith. It involved hard choices and the willingness to make sacrifices for the sake of your belief. I do respect the courage you showed in making your decision.

Perhaps this may in turn help others to take heart after reading your message.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Emmaline, your story is consistent with similar tales I've heard from friends about to be baptized or ordained into church orders. And an experience I had, so you can understand why I don't want to share it.
Kerry0501 (guest)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Wow this would of scared me, if this happened to me. It gave me chills reading it.

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