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The Man Made Of Light


In 1998 I lived in Hawkins, Texas. My ex-husband and I had a little old house set into a grove of trees. The whole town was probably 900 people. Our nearest neighbors were on the other side of a huge line of scrub oak trees that had been there for probably 50 years. We were about 35 miles from Tyler, the closest town of any size and my husband worked there 4-1/2 days a week as a live-in guidance counselor to troubled boys. That meant that my little boy and I were on our own most of the time. He was three and I cherished the time with him. Even when he tried to feed our VCR a peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

We'd been there about a year and a half when one night we started hearing tornado watches pop up on the local TV broadcasts. I put him to bed and tried to stay up to make sure that nothing was coming close. We were really out in the middle of nowhere and I wasn't sure if any emergency personnel would give us any notice of damaging winds or tornados.

I had been getting an odd premonition the oak trees for about six months. Every time that I looked at those scrub oaks I would feel a shiver and a voice kept telling me to get them cut down. My chance finally came one day when the power company came out and started trimming dead limbs away from the transformer behind our house. I'm not a bit ashamed to say that I paid those nice guys under the table to take down those oaks. Unfortunately, our neighbor had a fit about the one that straddled our mutual property line. He was adamant that I leave that one alone. My husband thought I had lost the plot too. He couldn't figure out why I was on such a tear when those trees gave us privacy and shaded our small yard. I couldn't explain it. I took to watching them every time a storm came through.

Well, this one night the watch boxes were blinking red all over the area map. Except for our little county. I fell asleep about 5am when the maps started showing the storm line moving on to the northeast at about 35 miles per hour.

My son was up early and I fed him his little breakfast and put him in the corner of the living room in his playpen to watch Toy Story. He loved that film so much that I said a quiet "Thank you, God" when it broke on the 1000th play. This morning he was quiet and still sleepy so I got his favorite blanket and settled him to watch the movie while I did the few breakfast dishes.

I had a window right over the sink and as I looked out, the sky turned an ugly, sickly green. If you've ever seen the Wizard of Oz, you'll know that neon green glow that shot through the early morning light. My hair was standing up on my arms and I quickly threw down the dish towel and took two steps toward the living room. As I did, there was a rumble that shook the house and screaming wind that sounded like a freight train. You felt it as much as heard it. I could barely keep my feet and keep heading toward the living room.

There was a crack and the whole house shook. I stood there with my mouth open and looked out of the window. There was that one big oak tree. The wind grabbed it and twisted it right off at the base and I watched it lift into the air. The wind flipped it upside down and sent it like a pile driver through my living room ceiling. In the back of my mind I could hear someone screaming and screaming. I kept thinking "why don't they SHUT UP!" then I realized that it was me and my son was buried somewhere under that tree. I screamed so hard that my voice was only a whisper for days. The living room was gone except for the sky through the ceiling and giant broken branches dripping with rain. I really think that at that moment I lost my sanity and sank down onto the floor in shock. Something kicked in and I started clearing branches with my bare hands.

I was working with tears running down my face. The phone has been in the living room. It was gone. Then I heard a quiet little voice ask "why you crying, mommy?" My baby was behind me. Clean, dry, still sleepy. I asked him where he had been. Here's what he said word for word: "I was sleepy and a man who was made of light came and talked to me. He shined, Mom. He smiled and my heart was so happy! He said you need to go to your Mommy's bedroom. Put your arms around your knees and wait. I'll take care of Mommy". The man carried him into the farthest room, kissed him on the head and told him not to worry. When he heard the crash, he waited until he heard it get quiet then he came to check on me.

There are angels and one saved my boy. The house was destroyed but I didn't care. All that mattered was that he was safe. It turned out that a freak straight line wind had cut a narrow path between our house and the neighbor's. I don't want to think what might have happened if those other trees hadn't been cut down. We found a tiny house nearby and none of our furniture was salvageable. It didn't matter. We were loved and protected. That's enough.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, EmmalineTexas, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-26)
After reading your story, rjsmith, (the Light Man), I immediately thought of this past story by Emmeline. But, I didn't want to bump it up. But, since you did, I agree there are some similar elements. Neat, hunh? Wonder if they are the same man?

I don't know if there any more on here. I think I'll go back and look.

This story sticks in my mind a lot.
rjsmith33122 (1 stories) (11 posts)
5 years ago (2019-08-25)

I just read your story and if you're still keeping tabs, I wanted to thank you for sharing.

I accept your account of what happened. I just posted my own light man story which took place in the summer of 1960. I KNOW what I saw was real, that what my brother saw was real. Everyone is entitled to an opinion and if someone doesn't believe our story, that's fine. I was within 6 feet of our light man on a clear night 59 years ago. I wish I could say how comforting the encounter was as did your son, but I was one terrified 4 year old! I do believe, after all these years, that our light man was there as a protector, a guardian, although I don't understand why he was there that particular night and why we were allowed to see him.

Thanks again!
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-24)
Tace _ I didn't see your comment. I apologize. You are so sweet and I thank you so much. ❤

EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-24)
Hi ChickenLittle - I love your name! Thanks for your comment. Rex-T was nice enough to explain micro-bursts to me. Yay for that. If you're in Birmingham, wow you know weather. My family was originally from that area. Thanks for your concern and care that everything turned out okay. ❤ I think people on here try to examine everything with a logical eye and nothing is meant by it. If I were in their shoes I would agree that it sounds like something maybe a little melodramatic or soppy. No harm in that. The nice thing is everyone is free to give their opinion. P.S. Emmaline is my rescued Rhodesian Ridgeback. We found her in West Texas on a trip but had to go on to Mexico. I called and begged animal control to hold her for us for a week. She was a sad little girl at the time but is fat and happy now.

Thank you,
ChickenLittle (11 posts)
6 years ago (2018-01-24)
Emmaline (LOVE that name!):

I see the "weather geeks" are coming to your defense, and I'm glad to see that. I'm definitely not a weather expert, but I live in the southern part of the United States. I know how weird the weather can be here. As I read your account, I was reminded of experiencing the type of destruction you described. In Birmingham, Alabama Sometime between 1987 and 1995 (for the "debunkers" here), straight-line winds went through parts of Birmingham and particularly Mountain Brook, and the destruction was amazing. I saw house after house with huge trees dumped into their interior rooms. I'm glad you trusted your gut on the trees that you had cut, and I am doubly glad your child was safe.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-23)
Rex-T - Thanks so much for your comment and for the information on microbursts. I don't know if it's a Texas thing but it's very common for trees to be twisted or uprooted and thrown. I appreciate your help! ❤
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-23)
Mr. Riggs - Your wife was spared and that was divine intervention. I'm not surprised that she doesn't remember calling on the angels. There are some things that were are not to understand at this time but just accept. I'm so very glad that she defied what the doctors predicted and made a full recovery. You bring to mind the phrase "many are called, but few are chosen". You're one of the latter. Thank you so much for sharing your story with me. ❤

MrRiggs (7 stories) (102 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-23)
There are only two things that matter to me in this story. Your home was destroyed by a storm and Divine intervention saved your child.

You had to move to a new house and can't explain Divine intervention. That is because no one can.

From my perspective, not much else matters.

Now here is one for you.

In 1988 I was living with my family on the island of Java. My employer moved me to a country in the Middle East undergoing a violent civil war; my family was returned to Virginia.

My wife developed a stomach problem shortly after returning home. Doctors thought the condition to be a tropical ailment carried home from Jakarta. They had misdiagnosed an inflamed appendix. The appendix ruptured, she was hospitalized, and my location was contacted by my headquarters in Washington.

A senior official onsite briefed me. I was to be smuggled out of the country by sea and accompanied by bodyguards to the first stop. Then I was to fly home, where I could expect to find my wife dead. I was to bury her and make arrangements for my children, then return as quickly as possible. I was given a week to do this.

At the time of my briefing my wife was still alive. Doctors told my employer she would be dead by the time I arrived home. I believe her diagnosis was peritonitis.

Arriving home, I entered the house and found her sitting in a borrowed lawn chair. She was pale, tired and somewhat weakened by her illness and emergency surgery.

She told me that during her hospitalization she repeatedly called out for me, wanting me to help her. This apparently went on for some time, along with a lot of prayer, as she drifted in and out of consciousness. Then 2 angels appeared to her and told her I couldn't help her, but that they would. Evidently they did, though I have no details.

With their intervention she quickly recovered enough to be sent home. After a week of helping get things in order at home, I returned to work.

Years later I reminded her of this experience. She had no recollection of angels being involved. I clearly recall otherwise.

Finding her alive at home was like seeing a ghost. I could not have been more surprised to see my "dead" wife arise from her chair and walk about. I have no explanation as to why she was helped, but I certainly saw the results of angelic intervention.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
Emma and Mack,

You may have guessed that I'm a closet 'weather geek' as well. From the information at hand, I came to two conclusions.

1. This may have been a 'Microburst', a more localized phenomenon but just as destructive. Dr 'Ted' Fugita first discovered and named these events while studying damage patterns from reported tornadoes. As per Emma's article spiral verses straight line damage. The link below will give you an idea of microburst winds and their power (particularly the fifth film clip).


2. The insurance company pays out less on straight line wind damage than tornado damage (my apologies, I just had a 'tongue in cheek' moment). I've now discounted this conclusion'

I'll have to catch up with you sometime Mack, the Auckland Tornado got me on the path of finding out more about Tornadoes and Waterspouts.

EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
Mack - This is an article from last year. This was in Tyler County, Texas which is the same county. It seems remarkably similar to what I experienced. It happened about the same time of day, too. That living room looks like mine did except that the tree was more upside down. Http:// Everything matches, from the rain, the sound like a freight train and a narrow band of damage.

Thank you,
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
Hi Mack - I'm confused by it too. My house wasn't the only one damaged. There were reports of several houses and mobile homes damaged. All were in a narrow band. I'm relying on my memory here so if any details are off I apologize. After your comment I decided to look up straight line winds. The end of this article caught my eye. It mentions trees being twisted off. Now I don't know if you would call it a tornado or straight line that would lift a tree. I hope that this helps. I have very little knowledge of how they determine which one it is. And would an insurance adjuster necessarily know the difference. I'm not trying to be deceitful or obtuse. Https://
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
Hi Emma

Thanks for that information. Forgive me but I am a bit confused as to what this weather event actually was. You see, as Rex-T stated, and from your comments regarding the insurance company, what you seemingly experienced was not a twister but the leading edge of a storm front of a very powerful, large storm.

These winds are caused by cold air meeting warm air and have a typical "down draft" of cold air (heavier and denser so it sinks rapidly) which the winds can be very strong, but short lived as these are merely extremely strong convection currents of the "wall". Once the storm front passes over then the winds eventually ease.

However, they are called "straight line winds" because they are usually along "front", or in a line which is the leading edge of the colder air mass and can stretch over a wide area.

They are not straight line as in a very narrow band of super strong wind that lifts up trees, that's a tornado as far as I'm aware.

For a storm front to rip an oak tree out of the ground and lift it up into the air, spin it around and send it into your roof, would take an immensely powerful down draft, from an immensely powerful storm. I suspect for a down draft to have the power to lift an oak tree like that, then your house probably would have blown over before any tree damage, or at least all your windows would have shattered. We are talking winds in excess of 150 - 200 kmph. You probably also would have also been pelted with heavy rain and even immense hail stones (if the updraft within the cloud tower was strong enough) for quite a period.

My point is this: I'm struggling with how this huge storm front was squeezed in to a 40 foot space, targeting your property but not your neighbors?

I apologize if I'm appearing picky about one aspect of your story, but the weather event was the KEY aspect in your boy being protected but it just doesn't seem to add up. My stupid logical brain struggles with things that I can't compute.

So if you are able to provide some more clarification, that would be awesome. For me, this submission is one of those that creates more questions than answers.


Elizabeth62 (14 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-22)
Wow! What a frightening but beautiful story! I believe you had an angel watching over you and your son. 😊
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Mack - I'm sorry you asked about the distance from the neighbors! Probably right at 40 feet. But that's me eyeballing it. I never measured. The lot was 50' wide and the tree was a couple of feet in diameter.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-21)
Hi Mack - Thank you for your comment. The tree was probably 20 feet from the window and it went directly sideways from where it was growing if that makes sense? It went up, flipped and came down.
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-20)
Hi Emma

Thanks for sharing. I'm a real weather geek and I'm fascinated by the power and destructive force of tornadoes. We occasionally get them in here in New Zealand but they are usually very small and don't last long.

Can you please elaborate on the distance between your house and your neighbours?


tace (37 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
your encounter brought goose bumbs. So glad your son was safe and sound. What a terrifying thing to go thru. 😘
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)

Hey, everyone is entitled to their own opinion and mine is keep the experiences coming, particularly if they involve time slips, ghost particles, tornado's and paranormal entities.

By the way, the insurance company was probably referring to a 'dericho' or 'down burst'. They are both as destructive as a tornado and can emanate from the same super cell (storm cell). Here is one of the links (if your interested).


EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Melda - Our neighbor didn't have much to say. He and I didn't get along very well. He was cruel and kept his dogs outside in snowstorms and I had called the local judge on him over animal cruelty.

Lady-Glow - Thanks for your comment. LOL Mother Nature can be a witch all right.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Rex-T - It might have been May 1. I'm sorry but I don't remember the exact date. I know there was a tornado outbreak and the night before and straight line winds had destroyed the roof of a grocery store in Tyler. I'm not sure if this was officially a tornado. It was at the tail end of all of it and the insurance adjuster called it straight line winds. That's a narrow band, not the big funnel like in Twister.

Jubeele - Thanks as always. I loved the link. ❤
LuciaJacinta (8 stories) (291 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
I have had similar experiences as a child. I don't think it was a ghost though in this story, more of an angel. But who knows. There are definitely spiritual beings that help us. Good story.
EmmalineTexas (10 stories) (163 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Tweed - I totally respect your opinion. This did happen and however you see it, that's fine. No one will ever convince me that something moved my boy out of the way. But thank you so much for commenting. If anyone else feels that way, I'll be happy to keep myself to commenting only.

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Am I the only person who doesn't believe this?

Maybe I've been away for too long, but this sounds like someone over compensating for having trees cut down, nothing more. 😐 Feel like I've seen this in a horror film, including the P&J in the VCR.
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Hi Emma,

I found a reference to the 1998 East Texas Tornado Outbreak, which generated 8 tornados from the afternoon of April 30 to the morning of May 1. Did your incredibly lucky escape happen on the morning of May 1?

A force that can twist a tree off at the stump and drive it head first into a house is 'hand of god' stuff.

That a power decided to save your boy makes me wonder whether he is destined to do something great in his life (or already has - making his mum very happy).

Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-19)
Em, trust your instincts! When I was reading this, I had this sudden feeling of deep wonder. I believe that an angel of light did come to you in your hour of need and protected your boy.

This is my personal belief, but I do feel that God or a divine presence does walk with us and talk to us. But only when we're quiet and not busy chasing after a myriad of distractions.

This song by Mark Knopflef from his "Golden Heart" album kept playing through my head as I was writing this. I'd like to share it with you:

Peace and joy to you. 😘
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-18)
Emma - What an amazing experience!

I've heard of a few experiences that people have had where they say they were carried out of harm's way by somebody or something. This just goes to show that you and your son were not meant to be harmed, which is why you also knew you had to cut down those trees.

Did your neighbour have anything to say about the tree that he insisted on keeping?

Regards, Melda
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
7 years ago (2018-01-18)
Fascinating and touching experience! I'm glad to know nothing bad happened to you and your son.
Thank goodness for angels!

Mother Nature can be a witch when PMS'ing!

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