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Boy Made Of Light


The incident I'm about to share happened to my son about 5 years ago when he was 9 - 10 years old. It is not scary, but in my opinion, amazing nonetheless and dear to my heart.

A little bit of background first... My son (I'll call him Peter to protect his privacy) had a few experiences in regards to seeing 'figures' in his room when he was about 9 years old. From the way he described them, it sounded like he was seeing shadow figures. These figures didn't interact with him, he would just notice them in the corner of his room or standing across the room from his bed. The figures were seen maybe 4 - 5 times over the course of a year. Sometimes Peter came to me in the night and sometimes he told me in the morning.

I have always been open with my children when it comes to spirit, deceased loved ones, paranormal happenings, etc. However, I do check for non paranormal causes first if I can. No need to scare ourselves silly if the shadow figure was caused by a coat hanging on a peg or a toy that appears to be a man in the dark. So of course, I investigated Peter's room during the day and at night to see if there was anything that would mimic a figure. After listening to him describe a figure; it's height, whereabouts in his room, his perspective, any movement, etc. I came up empty handed. My son never felt frightened, more uneasy when they appeared. I didn't 'feel' anything in his room either (no creepy vibes, heaviness, etc).

So I talked to him about praying and imagining a white light of protection around him and his room. I also believe in spirit guides, and encouraged him to communicate with them, asking for their assistance. I also did the same on my end and just in case I was missing something, went in his room and spoke out loud to whatever was there (if there was) in a polite but firm way to not frighten my son. I also spoke of moving on to the light... You get the gist.

My son told me how much better he felt right away and he did not report seeing any figures for quite some time. Then, one morning about a year later, he told me about a figure that has intrigued me ever since. The night it occurred, Peter said he hadn't fallen asleep yet and was laying there thinking about a game he wanted. He was facing the wall, then turned over to face his room and saw a figure standing across his room. He described the figure as a boy, probably his height and that he was "all white light". He could see the outline of the boy's head, arms, legs and torso, but no details as far as features or clothing. Peter said the boy also had a bow and arrow on his back. I asked for details and how he knew this. He said it looked like the boy had a bow on his back, but that it was sideways (or horizontal) so that the bow sort of looked like a half circle behind his back (he could only see the ends of the bow because the boy's body partially obstructed it).

This 'boy' also kept appearing close to my son and then a second later, across the room when he closed his eyes. It sounded as if the boy was almost playing with my son or being silly. The boy did this 'near - far' game a few times before disappearing altogether. At the time, Peter said he felt a bit confused, but not frightened. Honestly, I was flabbergasted at first. I couldn't think of a way to try to debunk this or what on earth it could be. I thought about what he described to me for awhile and finally told my son that he must have been visited by his guardian angel or perhaps a spirit guide. The boy never appeared again, but my son has never forgotten the details, nor have I. Peter remains adamant on the details and insists he wasn't sleeping.

After the appearance of the 'boy made of light', my son never experienced a shadow figure or light figure again. I do believe my son had a special visit, and told him how lucky he is to have seen his guardian angel or guide. I still think about this and wonder if anyone else has had something similar happen?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, CuriousDee, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-23)
Hi there SWS,

I'm glad you enjoyed reading this. My son's experience still amazes me to this day. 😊

Dee ❤
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-23)
Hello Curious Dee,

What an amazing experience.

Your son is very privileged to have seen this little boy/angel. No doubt the little boy was there to keep evil away and look after your son.

Thank you for sharing your post. I really enjoyed reading this.

Best wishes,
😘 ❤ 😘
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-05)
Hi Lady-glow!

Thank you for your kind words. I truly appreciate it. ❤ I'm glad you enjoyed reading about my son's experience. 😊

All the best ❤
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-05)
Dee - it's hard to add anything that hasn't been said.

Fascinating experience and you are doing a great job teaching Peter to evaluate the 'normal' without rejecting the paranormal.

Thanks for sharing this interesting read.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-05)
Hi Cups!

Thank you, you just gave me the best compliment a mother can get. I'm not perfect, but perfect is boring anyway. 😜 Thank you for reading and your lovely words. ❤

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-05)
Hi there Rex-T!

Now that's an amazing thought... The boy 'caught' cleaning house so to speak. I also think the boy's appearance was related to our prayers for assistance. The shadow figures weren't seen again after this incident.

I'm not sure if my son assumed it was a bow by something he'd seen before that was similar in shape. When he described the shape, I thought wings could be a possibility. It was all a bit mindboggling at first. I wanted to make sure I understood my son's description first before making assumptions. It sounds a bit crazy, but I know my son told me exactly what he saw. I guess someone or something is always listening. 😉

Sherlock Holmes and Indiana Jones... I like that! 😁 I hope my kids remember their grand adventure's when they need it the most.

You nailed my favorite magic act from nature... Thunderstorms! I could watch and listen to them all day. We just had a show the other day. 😉

Thanks for reading and giving me more fuel for thought!

Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-05)
Dee, cool story! I echo the sentiments here within the comments. I too love that you are so forthcoming with your son...you're a good mother. ❤

Thanks for sharing!
Rex-T (5 stories) (288 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-04)

As a kid, growing up at your place sounds like a grand adventure, where everything is possible but do the detective work first. A bit like Sherlock Holmes and Indiana Jones all rolled into one.

I can't get this thought out of my head that your son has rolled over in bed and caught the spirit in some kind of embarrassing position. In other words, the spirit has just (quietly) finished removing the shadow figures and realizes that he/she has an audience. Yikes! What do I do? I know - I'll play a game; hence the I'm over here, now I'm over there and now it's goodbye.

Your son wasn't frightened, so it must have worked. As for the horizontal bow - was it a bow or possibly wings?

I still think that nature is the best magician - just look at a far off lightning storm at night. 😲

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-04)
Hi Jubeele,

I know the binoculars 'sight' sounds strange. I remember as a child, feeling as if I had shrunk or the room suddenly looked very far away. I never told my mother about that one because I couldn't find the words to describe it and then forgot about it for a number of years. I've had it happen as an adult a few times, and it still feels so strange. I wish I had more answers on this.

Thank you, I always want my kids to believe in magic. No matter how old they are. Magic can be spotting a rainbow, a butterfly flitting around you or seeing a shooting star. I still get excited seeing the magic in nature or knowing a passed loved one 'stopped by'. 😊

I wish I knew exactly who or what the boy was, but feel he was magical in a way too. ❤

Thank you for reading and as always, your lovely input ❤

Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-04)
Oh wow. Thanks Dee and Tweed for bringing up the subject of the "binoculars" phenomenon. It's always exciting to learn something new - that's a really fascinating theory.

Shining boy with bow and arrow? I was thinking of seraphims and cherubims too. But it's wonderful how you handled the situation and taught your son how to be open and honest, and to examine all the facts logically. At the same time, you've kept things in balance by preserving his sense of wonder and that special magical spark. ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-03)

Thank you, I really appreciate it! I agree, parents are tackling these issues more sensibly and seem more open minded now. Thank goodness.

Yes, I explain my debunking too. Example: "Sometimes, what appears to be a figure in the dark, is actually your sweatshirt hanging on the peg". Then I would show him by turning the light on/off. Also, we've discussed seeing 'strange' lights at night, but can be a case of light refracting, or a light on outside the bedroom and when someone walks by, it appears as though the light is moving or sometimes mistaken for a figure. I could go on, but you get the gist. I don't want it to sound like my son is constantly 'seeing' things, it's just a part of the process when we talk about this topic. I also give examples of experiences I've had, both good and... "What was that moments". 😉

You mentioned a thought I had too... Was the boy's appearance related to our discussion and prayers to our guides, angels, etc? It gives me goosebumps to think of it. How amazing would that be?

Thank you for reading ❤

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-03)
Hi Augusta,

I hadn't considered that my son had seen cupid, much less thought of it. I find it intriguing and will have to do some research. Please don't doubt your input and thoughts, I greatly appreciate them. No laughing here. 😊

I think my son encountered something good too. Whatever it was, it seemed sweet and playful. ❤ Thank you for reading 😊

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-03)

Thank you so much! I try my best to be open and honest with my kids. I remember overhearing the 'hushed' conversations my parents had regarding our 'active' house, yet to us kids it was "Oh your eyes are playing tricks on you. It was a dream." Etc. Then when my parents acknowledged George (our resident grumpy spirit), in front of us, it was "Oh it's just George". That's it. I didn't feel like I could go to my parents when I was scared and that really stunk.

I grew up in a house where certain things weren't discussed, so I wanted to make sure I was open with my kids and that they knew they could come to me with anything. So far, so good. 😊

I am pondering cupid now too. I will have to do my homework. 😉 Thank you for reading and the lovely compliment ❤

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-03)

Ok, you are the second person I've encountered who described experiencing the 'binoculars' phenomenon as a child. I experienced it as a child too (and a handful of times as an adult). A few years ago, I was talking to a family friend about kids and night terrors and for some reason, I brought up the topic of the binoculars thing. I described it as "seeing the bedroom as it was, but as though I was looking at it through binoculars held backwards. Everything appeared far away." My friend's jaw dropped and she told me she experienced the same thing as a child, asking "What the heck was that?" So, of course I started researching and came across 'Alice In Wonderland' syndrome. Please forgive the Wikipedia link, but it has a short blurb about this happening to kids who then outgrow it:


It mentions that some medical conditions can cause it, but also the bit about children experiencing it for no reason (I do not have any of the conditions listed). I remember doing it at will too, it was trippy to say the least.😉

In my opinion, when this 'syndrome' is experienced by children, it seems to have to do with kids being more open to energy, spirit, etc. Maybe a side effect of feeling energy? I'm not sure, but I find it fascinating.

As for my son, he hasn't experienced the binoculars feeling. The boy was across his room, then when my son blinked, the boy was a foot away from his bed, right near him. Another blink, the boy is back across the room, and so on. There is a bunk bed in his room too. My son said the top of the boy's head didn't go past the top bunk railing. I'm 5'2" and can see just over the railing if that helps.

Now that I see I've rambled on a bit, I'll wrap this up. 😜 I was surprised to see you write about the binoculars experience and got excited. Thanks for reading! 😊

babygoatpuller (4 stories) (432 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-03)
Your honesty and the way you handle these things with your son are commendable Dee. Is he aware of when you go about trying to debunk the matter? I'm sure the way you explain things to him has a huge influence on how he handles these things and for the most part is why he doesn't have the fear that is instilled by so many parents.

Melda is right in that it does seem parents are using more common sense when it comes to explaining these things to their children. Common sense is so rare these days so kudos to you!

The boy with the bow and arrow is intriguing. I'm wondering if it wasn't giving him some insight about his guardian/guide.

Good read Dee. Thanks for sharing! ❤
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-03)
I am so glad you said Cupid, Tweed because my pagan leaning mind was urging me in that direction but I was trying my darnedest to keep my gob shut for fear of being laughed right off the page! But that really is what the apparition sounded like to me!

Whatever the true nature of your son's little glowing visitor was - I definitely believe it was a good little entity ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-03)
Hi Beaut,

You're fine, I understood you perfectly. 😊 I agree, because my son wasn't frightened, I felt that this boy/figure meant no harm and seemed to be 'acting' silly for him. It sounds bizarre but kind of funny at the same time if that makes sense.

I like to think my son saw an angel, or perhaps a playful spirit guide, or... Who knows. It was definitely something I'll never forget. My son still says "Remember when I saw that angel in my room?" 😊

Thanks for reading ❤

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-03)
Dee - It seems that in recent years parents have become more open with their children regarding the supernatural and that makes me happy. Very unlike the days when I was growing up!

Your honesty and openness with your son regarding what he was seeing more than likely prevented him from being overly fearful. Let's face it, ghosts don't need to be nasty to scare people, especially children. Once the existence of these beings are openly discussed it goes a long way towards making the supernatural more natural, if that makes sense. You did well with the way you handled him and your whole treatment of his ability to see spirits.

The boy of white light with the bow and arrow appearing near and then further away? Perhaps Tweed has the solution. I honestly don't know. I have never heard of or experienced anything similar.

Regards, Melda
Tweed (36 stories) (2529 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-03)
Hi Dee,

Far out, that's a fascinating one! When he said the boy appeared nearer then further did the boy appear at a different angle in the room? Or was it as if he'd taken a few steps back, in a straight line from where he was standing before? Reason I ask is when I was a kid I used to see things further away than they really were, it was like looking through binoculars the opposite way. I have no idea why I did this and I don't do it anymore. But I used to be able to do it at will. I wonder if Peter did this as part of the confusion of the moment, his mind trying to make sense of this unexpectedness. That might account for the flitting nearer and further. But that would depend on the angle remaining the same.

I saw a figure, like a large stick figure, made of whitish/greyish luminous fog when I was a kid, wrote about that in Chalk Man. But it sounds like Peter saw something completely different. Dare I say angel. Or even bloomin Cupid.
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-03)
Hi Dee,

I believe that what your son saw was an apparition, and I also believe that we can figure out its nature by the feeling we get when we see it. What I am trying to say (I am sorry if I'm being confusing but English is not my first language), is that if your son didn't feel any fear during its presence then, most likely, it was good in nature.

Even though I didn't have any similar experience, I think you are right about it being Peter's guardian angel or guide. 😊 And a playful one, it seems!

Thank you for sharing! ❤

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