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One Last Cuddle


I was inspired to share my story by a few accounts I've read here on YGS regarding deceased pet visitations. So with that being said, here is the story of Scrappy.

I was 20 when I got Scrappy. I had been wanting a dog after moving out of my parents house about a year prior. I wasn't sure what breed, but knew a small dog was the way to go as I was in an apartment with my fiance at the time. One day, my mother called me and said "I found your dog. I already know you'll love him so I put a deposit down." That was so like my mom, taking charge as usual. Honestly, I didn't mind, I was excited. She gave me an address and told me the owner was expecting me. I asked "How will I know what he looks like?" Her reply was "Simple. He looks like Toto from the Wizard of Oz, you'll know."

So off I went, arriving at a house with Silky Terrier puppies. There were only 2 left, both males. They were on the "older side" for puppies at 6 months. I glanced down and this little shaggy, black (at the time) puppy came racing towards me, jumping to be picked up. He furiously licked my face and clawed at my shirt to get closer. I just knew this was him and the owner confirmed this. I brought him home and debated on a name. He jumped like a maniac from the couch to the floor, to the chair, back to the floor and so on. After awhile it hit me, he reminded me of Scrappy, the name of Scooby Doo's sidekick. It fit him to a T; Fearless and independent with that big dog attitude trapped inside a little dog.

After his first grooming, his coat was a combination of black, brown and silver. I'll never forget when I went to pick him up, I thought the groomer brought out the wrong dog! I couldn't believe the colors. But of course it was my little spazz.

To avoid being too lengthy, I will try to summarize a bit of my life with Scrappy. Hopefully, you'll understand why it's important to include the details. As I previously said, I was 20 at time. About 4 months after getting Scrappy, I found out I was pregnant with my daughter. I was just finishing college and working part time. At 6 months, I went into premature labor and was put on bed rest. Thankfully, my daughter stayed put and was born healthy only 2 weeks early. During this time, I had family stopping in to help and take Scrappy outside. He learned in no time where his potty spot was and would race outside, do his business and race back in. A year and 3 months later, my mother passed away very suddenly. It's too difficult to write about the details. About a year later, my fiance and I went our separate ways.

Myself, my daughter and Scrappy had to move back home with my Dad, due to my financial state. A year and a half later, I moved in with my boyfriend at the time and again, found out I was pregnant after about 6 months. While together we had custody of his daughter from a previous relationship, so I basically went from one child to three in a short amount of time.

Unfortunately (or fortunately), our relationship did not last long and I moved into my own apartment with my daughter, son and Scrappy. Shortly after, I met my now boyfriend. Yes, it took me some time to warm up to another relationship, but I'm a believer in "Everything happens for a reason". After a number of years of staying in a small apartment, we moved into our house about 6 years ago.

Leading up to the move, I noticed Scrappy acting lethargic and not quite himself. I brought him into the vet asap where he was diagnosed with cancer. To say I was heartbroken is putting it mildly. We were in our house only 2 months when I had to make the decision to say goodbye.

I cried for months, missing my little Scrappy Doo, I couldn't believe how much it hurt. I felt that he made it here, to our house, and then seeing we were ok, gave in and went downhill quickly. Chosen by my mother, he was my first dog out on my own, my first baby, my faithful and fearless little buddy. Everyone loved Scrappy, he even spent the night at grandpa's with my kids. He followed me everywhere, and experienced life with me; through relationships, the death of my mother, helping my father raise my two little brothers, the births of my children, multiple moves... So many life changes.

One night, a month after losing Scrappy, I was in bed watching TV with my boyfriend. I was sitting up with my back against some pillows, and turned to him to comment on the show when I saw a small dark silhouette in the hallway outside my door. It was exactly the shape and height of my little buddy. I could only see black, no colors, but there was no mistaking it. I could only gasp and say "Oh my God! I just saw Scrappy!" Unfortunately, my boyfriend didn't see him. A few weeks later, same scenario, in bed watching TV, but my boyfriend was asleep. I distinctly heard a "Marf" sound from the end of the bed. Scrappy sometimes had a lazy bark which sounded muffled, hence the "Marf". I literally sat straight up, called his name softly and checked the end of the bed and room. Nothing. I thanked him for stopping in.

Two months later, I was in bed, trying to get comfortable. Everyone was asleep. After becoming still, I was listening to my boyfriend snore and debating on tapping him on the shoulder to stop the snoring when I felt something walking up the bed between myself and my boyfriend. It was very slow and light; picture a small cat walking from the end of the bed towards your head. At first, I froze, wondering what the he** it was. My eyes were open, facing my boyfriend's back and yet I saw nothing (there is a dim nightlight in the hall). It stopped when it reached my waist. I remember laying there for quite awhile trying to rationalize what I just experienced. Blankets settling? Boyfriend moving? But what came to mind, was Scrappy. It was so distinct. Maybe he was coming for a cuddle?

This occurred twice more. The second and last time I actually giggled out loud, the energy felt light, loving and a bit playful. The walking always ceased by my waist. My boyfriend never did get to experience it, but he believes it was Scrappy too. It's important to note, at the time, we had no dogs, no cats, no animals period. When Scrappy was with us, he had a habit of making his rounds; checking the doors of my kids rooms, coming into our room, hopping into bed, hopping back out, and so on.

I still wonder if he checks in. The only clue I have is that the dog I have now, will suddenly watch something, following with her eyes, head cocked to the side. It's at just the right height for a small dog. I hope he does stop in to say hi and make his rounds. Maybe someday I'll get another cuddle.

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CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)

Aww your Cleo sounds like a sweetheart. I believe our fur buddies do visit us from time to time. They are like our kids after all. 😊 I look forward to reading your experience's too.

Thanks for stopping by 😊
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-11-12)
Dee - I remember reading this when it was published but see that I didn't comment. I honestly don't know why I didn't because I can relate to your experience. I'm pleased that you posted the link to DeliverDawn.

I do want to publish my experiences with some of my animals but I simply haven't got down to it yet.

In my comment to DeliverDawn I told her about two of my cats and now I can tell you about one of my dogs, a black and white Staffordshire Terrier named Cleo. She had cancer too and I had to have her euthanized when she was about 14 years old.

Most of us in the family used to hear her dragging her paws down the passage to my bedroom, as she used to do in life. She was overweight, hence the dragging of the paws. My daughter saw her lying on the mat in another shorter passage just outside my kitchen, which she also used to do in life.

My animals haven't visited me for a very long time but it was always such a good feeling to have some form of contact with them again.

Regards, Melda
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-23)

Thank you, you are very kind. I'm grateful my Scrappy stopped by to show me he's around. I do miss him and my mother very much. I think we go through things in life that give us the opportunity to become stronger and eventually be the person we are meant to be. As strange as it sounds, I wouldn't be who I am if I hadn't gone through the losses I've experienced. They made me stronger, more compassionate, empathetic and taught me patience (though patience is always a work in progress 😜). Your perception of life and the world around you usually changes for the better. 😊

Thanks for reading ❤
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-23)
OMG Curious Dee,

Tears were running down my face reading this post.🐩

Poor little Scrappy having to go through the pain of cancer, and poor you having to go through the loss of your buddy.

I'm so sorry you had such a hard time with your relationships and the loss of your mum. You've been through so much, you poor thing. Hopefully things are better for you now. I know you will never stop missing your mum and Scrappy, but hopefully life is a bit easier.

Thanks for sharing such a beautiful and yet sad post.

Best wishes,
😘 ❤ 😘
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
7 years ago (2018-07-31)
Marf CuriousDee, thank you for sharing your beautiful experience and for the eye cleansing. LOL. I'm so happy for you that you got that last cuddle and having experienced it myself, I wish the furkid mommies and daddies that have lost a furkid can experience it too.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-05-19)

Thank you for reading! I and many others do understand your grief. We love our pets so much and consider them our children. I'm so happy you've been visited by your furkids. It is truly priceless and can help with the grieving process, knowing they do check in with us. I'm sorry that you are still experiencing so much pain from their loss.

Do you have another dog now? Sometimes having another companion helps with the grief, not that your lost pet can be replaced.

I'm glad my experiences brightened your day. 😊 Thanks for reading and sharing your own experience. You should submit this as a story, I'm sure there are others who would benefit from it too. 😊

Nanuq1031 (2 posts)
7 years ago (2018-05-19)
I've read a few of your stories now but this one made me cry. I can relate entirely, as can my Mom. When I was younger my brother, who's 7 years younger than I, wanted a dog for his birthday that he found in a local paper. Our Mom agreed to take us out of curiosity of what a Miniature Dalmatian Dachshund looked like. Naturally my brother got his puppy but while there I too fell in-love with a Miniature Blue Bridle Dachshund. The thing was she was legally too young for me to purchase but after signing papers and knowing her puppy Mommy was no longer with us, we both went home with new family members. I named her Pebbles aka Babygirl while my brother named his, oddly enough, JingleBells; I don't know why. Lol Over time Jingles became our Mom's and as tends to happen, my Mom became Jingles; truthfully they were far better suited. A few years ago my Mom woke up to Jingles no longer being with us curled up beside her legs and two years ago I woke up to Babygirl curled up in front of me, head on our shared pillow also passed. I've never been able to accept her passing, I can't and I don't care what anyone else has to say. My Mom, for yrs, cried nightly missing her companion. Randomly throughout the years we feel them coming to check on us, they crawl across our beds, snuggle up to our legs, move bags around the house, get into the goodies etc.; everything they did in life. I'm lucky to still have my baby with me in spirit and I believe we'll be together again when my time comes. It's nice to hear others who have similar experiences and aren't afraid, ignoring them or chucking them up to what they're not. This was a beautiful story, thank you for sharing. ❤ 😁
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-19)

Thanks for reading, I'm glad you liked it. 😊 Little dogs always seem to have big personalities Lol ❤
moonshadowsmom (2 stories) (4 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-19)
Love this story! I have three little dogs right now, and one of them is black & gray (Shih-Poo) with a big personality like your Scrappy. Thanks for posting your experience.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-11)

Paws for thought... 😁 I love that. It's true about the walking/crawling up the bed. It sounds terrifying, but it may be the opposite. After the first time, I truly laughed out loud - the energy was so light and playful. Maybe pets are more indiscreet when visiting, they wouldn't want to frighten us. Marf... I miss that. ❤

Sorry for causing you tears. I hope you get your validation from your kitty soon. Thanks for reading! ❤
Serenflipppity (guest)
7 years ago (2018-04-11)
Marf! Marf! How dare you make me cry like this, Dee? You are truly blessed to have your 'furkid' pop in. Perhaps the next time I feel a movement on my bed, I shouldn't just assume it's one of my current 4 cats. It might be the very first male my mom allowed in my bed ^n^

Thanks for sharing. A lovely, heart-warming tale that makes one 'paws' for thought.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-11)

I like to think he still visits, maybe he's just quieter about it. Thank you for the comment and for reading my experience. ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-11)

Scrappy is the only pet I've been visited by. It definitely proved to me that our fur buddies are still here. I'm so grateful for his visits.

He's the only dog I've heard bark that way... Marf! It was very distinct. ❤

Thank you for reading and commenting, I appreciate it. ❤
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-11)

Scrappy definitely had a big personality. You just reminded me of how funny his face would be sometimes. Due to his coloring, it looked like he had eyebrows... Funny stuff 😊

Thank you for reading and commenting ❤
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-11)
Hello CuriousDee,

What a lovely experience... ❤
I'm sure your little fellow still checks in once in while to make sure everybody is okay. 😉

God bless. ❤
Jubeele (26 stories) (899 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-11)
Our darling furkids sometimes do come back, CuriousDee. Love knows no boundaries. I'm sure Scrappy is still checking in on you once in a while.

Just keep an ear pricked for that quiet "Marf". 😘
lady-glow (16 stories) (3203 posts)
7 years ago (2018-04-10)
CuriousDee - this is such a lovely experience.
Scrappy sounds like a dog with a great personality and a big heart full of love for his human family.
The bound you share with your dog is unbreakable. ❤

Thanks for sharing.

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