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Black Magic Destroys Lives


I had many paranormal encounters in my life until the date and I will be sharing them with you in near future but today I'd like to share my personal story that changed my life forever. It changed me too. I apologize as it will be a long post.

To begin with I have been a kind of very shy, naive & god fearing boy from the childhood. I had very less friends and obviously never talked much with girls. May be because of that I was always single all those years when my friends either had GFs or wives.

As per coming from the family who had faith in the god and good deeds I always used to think that there was something good saved for me in the future. Along the line when I turned 28 I met this beautiful girl in one of our family's functions held on Feb 2014.

BOY!...I fell in love on the spot with her. It was the same feeling they say about the love at first site. I gathered all my courage and sent her FB request and she accepted too.

Fast forward 1 month chat became calls and calls upgraded to meetings. I proposed to her and she accepted overheartly... Those were best days of my life as I thought this is the girl I waited so long for! Thank you so much god!

BUT then it happened, one fine day in the month of Aug she called me and told me that she got a job in good IT company at Pune. At the beginning I was not ready to send her anywhere away from me but she was stubborn and told me that it's her dream job. Honestly I did not wanted to be a thorne in the way of her career. Only thing relieved me was she had her relatives in Pune such as her maternal uncle and her maternal aunt (who ran away from her family and married guy from another religion). After thinking for days I let her go.

Strange things started happening. I used to have bad dreams such as garbage, bones, abandoned house etc. Suddenly she stopped calling me, texts became rare, I tried to call her many times but either she didn't used to pickup the phone or she used to talk very rude as I am some stranger.

This got me very bad and I felt dead. I tried to call/text/meet her many times but she never responded. Finally I realized that she might got another one. My heart pounded as after all these she just left...

With that broken heart I decided to move on and concentrate on my career. I got a good job and saved myself some money. I started to live my life. I started going to long rides, flirting with random girls, buying gadgets etc etc.

Along the line she used to message me but just normal messages like updates in life etc. One day I got news that she got a opportunity to go work abroad (I was skeptical of this as she haven't even completed a year in her company and she got chance to go abroad). I didn't think much as I already moved on that time.

1.5 years passed and I was doing great, she was still in my contacts but one fine day she called me and told that she wants to come back and marry me. I was like what the hell is going on. We met again and all started again. Once again we fell in love and this time we talked to our parents.

Her parent are very good people and they agreed to our marriage and everything was smooth until the day I got to know terrible news from one of her aunts family friend.

She was already married! This time I nearly collapsed. I have never in my life felt so cheated and sick. Her marriage thing was surprise to her parents too. She married with the boy with her aunts family. And that ba***rd took her abroad with him. No offence but he was so ugly that there is no way she could have married with that kind of boy (as I know her liking's) also she was not that kind of girl who runs behind money or go against of her parents will.

I smelled something fishy in this situation. Her parents also sensed that and took help from local Hindu priest. He revealed that a boy in her aunts family loved her one sided and wanted her at any cost. Mother of that boy visited my girlfriends home in the month of March 14 and buried two dolls (enchanted and tied male and female dolls) in the backyard of her home. From that day itself my girlfriend got hypnotized and hence all that stuff happened. He was the one who offered her a job in first place and then married her and took her abroad.

But karma watches all. He lost all his money abroad. His father died and he nearly came to the road. Quarrel started between him and my girlfriend. She gained her consciousness and left him. Now I had two choices... Break this marriage and leave her or marry with her.

I decided not to leave her and I agreed to marry. We are now happily married. That guy and his mother again tried to use black magic against us but this time our bonding was so good it didn't affected us.

After all this I changed a lot, I don't trust people anymore and always get ready to punch in the face of anybody who gives me problems. Later my priest told me that he again sent 4 ghost just to break my marriage and abort our kid. This time I had enough and used the same tactics that he used and sent those back to him. Last I heard he was hospitalized.

Moral of the story please don't use black magic for selfish purposes. IT DESTROYS LIVES...

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, the_superior, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

the_superior (3 stories) (17 posts)
6 years ago (2019-01-03)
Recently I got to know that f***face wasn't the only one who is involved in this BM stuff. There was my wifes cousin also involved. It turned out to be she was jealous of my wife since childhood. Anyways things are getting pretty normal. They did try to harm us once again but it didn't work... I will keep updating.
Socracy5 (3 stories) (64 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-25)
Thanks for the reply the superior, I see, that's why he was capable of handling things that easily, I believe we need more of such priests who help us in such desperate times.
the_superior (3 stories) (17 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-24)
[at] Socracy5
Thanks so much for your kind words:),/.it's the life experience that can enrich or destroy us. Btw I would like to hear your experience too:)

[at] Socracy5
[at] sushantkar

Indeed that priest is no normal guy. He has ability to invoke and contact with two kinds of Hindu goddesses.
1) goddess amba
2) goddess meladi masani (absolutely fearsome Hindu goddess that destroys evil)

We we're lucky to have him on our side.
Socracy5 (3 stories) (64 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-24)
The superior, The title of your story is very influential and so is your experience. Its the sufferings and the hardships which teaches us the moral of life, I agree with your beliefs about removing the threat itself instead of getting it worse more importantly, if it interferes with the well being of your loved ones, I can even pretty much relate to your experience at some point. Curses are like digging two graves- one for the victim and the other for yourself cause your deeds never going to let you be in peace. Seriously, one-sided affection is alright but that is some insane level love he's got. I don't know why people do such things. But I'm glad none of the people are harmed. It is indeed surprising that the priest figured it out to the point, they got some FBI skills. Keep posting, looking forward to hear more from you. Regards
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-23)
(at superior), thanks for the reply and clearing my doubts.
It all about the perception of how you interpret an incident.
Still, it is very surprising that how in one month her mother came to know that the affair is going on between you and your girlfriend and she go on implanted enchanted dolls to make your girlfriend hypnotized.
Also the priests were pin point accurate on both two occasions 🤔.

Nevertheless, once again thanks for clearing it up.

the_superior (3 stories) (17 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-23)
[at] sushantkar

Thanks for the comment. I believe you haven't read my story properly.

I already mentioned that the priest told us about his mother and buried dolls (later we found out and burned them to ashes)
We got to know about these things once we asked help from the priest that too nearly 2 years after it all started.

Dreams can often tell you about the surrounding bad energy and upcoming events.

And finally if someone is hurting my family... I will not wait for god or karma to take over... Instead I will become karma and destroy whoever is hurting my family.

It all sums up about my experience and consequences of BM if used for selfish purposes.

sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-22)
Hello, I have few questions while reading your experience which are as follows:

1. How did it came to your notice and when that mother of that guy who married to your girlfriend had placed enchanted dolls in her background?

2. Dreams and nightmares often point towards events something that had already happened or about to happen. But one should not enterprate it that black magic had been done when I think at that time you even did not know that enchanted dolls were place at your girlfriend's house then how did you came to the point that Black Magic had been done on your girlfriend and she was hypnotized?

Even of your deep faith in God, how much reasonable it was for you to reply that person " in his own language". Regardless of this, you could have answer to the misdeeds of that family with your faith in God and believe in each other.

I don't want to offend or sound disrespectful to any individual but don't you think that since you also adopted the same tricks against those who were trying to harm you by saying "black magic ruins lives",a bit of double standards.

Nevertheless, all were safe and black magic did not harm you and your counterpart.
Be posted and be happy.

rynne (70 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-21)
harrypotter1-6: I agree with the sentiment but not with the vulgar (last line) language you have used, there is really no need to be offensive. There are a few on this forum who are across linguistic, spiritual, geographical backgrounds, and some of us do understand a few words even when written in English alphabets.
the_superior (3 stories) (17 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-21)
[at] harrypotter123456
I understand if it looks foolish to you but if you were in this situation you would have done the same thing.

I am against of using Black Magic but we have had enough. That guy is worst kind of human you'll ever encounter and was trying to hurt my wife and destroy her fertility. It also affected our financial situation and mental peace. He kept doing that even after we got information about his sick tricks.

He stopped totally when we reversed it.

[at] Kesnitt95

Absolutely right, enemy won't not stop unless and until you don't fight back,
Kesnitt95 (1 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-21)
Look, it is not always right to be mum without responding. At first he didn't respond because he had no idea what had happened. Now, after knowing what happened, it is not right to keep quiet especially when the other guy is attacking him. Definitely, a lesson is needed to be taught to the opponent. He did the same and it is the right thing to do.
The reason why I said this is even I had a confusing situation in my life and was stuck with doubt. I later came out of the problem using my intellect by responding to the problem.
the_superior (3 stories) (17 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-20)
[at] Kesnitt95
Thanks bro:)
Yes it was really a terrifying experience but i've learnt a lot from it.
Kesnitt95 (1 stories) (10 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-20)
You were seriously into dark stuff. I am glad that you and your girl are back together. I wish good for you.
the_superior (3 stories) (17 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-20)
Also her gaining consciousness thing didn't happen overnight. It was series of events. BTW while leaving that place she told him its over and that guy did not even stop her. I know there are many things that I will never know but I am pretty sure about her decision to go with him was forcefully induced.
the_superior (3 stories) (17 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-20)
Hi lady-glow,

Thanks for your comment and i'd like to answer all the question that might arise in your mind after reading this story. That is fine:) my story basically a summary of what really happened.

I posted my story just to warn fellow YGS readers about black magic and its dangers. I firmly believe that if you see repetitive dreams about garbage,bones, abandoned house, lighting, somebody choking your neck and other bad stuffs then you better be careful and ask for help.

Secondly I was also susceptible about her in the beginning and to the some extent I think she might have genuinely fell for him too.

When we dated for the first time we decided to get marry but she wanted to make her career. She was 23 years old that time. Another thing is she has very blurred memory of what happened with her while she was abroad. Sometimes she wakes up from the sleep at night and tells me fractions of it.

Also when her parents got to know about the marriage thing they called that guy and his family but that guy didn't show up. His family came to talk but he NEVER shown his face. He could have at least fight for her. Instead he told her parents that the marriage was fake and he has no problem to let her go. I think he was afraid because the things he did.

Yes all things have been sorted out now. Thanks:)
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-19)
And lastly, what kind of help do you expect from this forum if, after all, you got the girl, you got revenge/justice, you have learned to stand up for yourself, you are happily married and you even have some advice to offer to anyone who might be tempted to use black magic?
lady-glow (16 stories) (3189 posts)
6 years ago (2018-06-19)
Oh my... This story is unique!

The_superior - welcome to YGS.

Honestly and in my opinion, it's difficult to understand if your girlfriend's actions were induced by black magic or if they're her own volition.

There's no mention in your narrative about your girlfriend's age nor how long had it been since she finished college/university by the time she decided to go to Pune. As a woman, it is easy for me to understand if she wanted to try other things in life before getting married. Not meaning to offend you but, even interacting with different people from the opposite sex before choosing a partner is a positive experience.

I'm aware Indian society has set different expectations for women that those from western cultures but, at the core, people are the same and have dreams, and goals, and ambitions, etc.
Perhaps your girlfriend realized that she wasn't ready for marriage at that point of her life. (?)

I don't want to be nosy and you do not have to answer the following questions if you don't want to but, did she have any memory of her life abroad as a married woman? Does she have any memories from those 1.5 years? If she "gained her consciousness and left him", how come she didn't talk to you about her previous marriage? Did she got married in India and if so, wouldn't that mean that there're records of the wedding? Would it be possible to hide a previous marriage and re-marry without having legal consequences?

Anyway, I'm glad to know you are happy together.

Thanks for sharing.

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