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White Light Fairy Shape


This morning I woke up before sunrise, which isn't like me. I could hear the birds starting up, so I knew it was morning. I noticed a light in the space between the wall and the ceiling. Was about to roll over and go back to sleep then realised there shouldn't be a light there, so I looked back, it was still there. I looked over to the curtains on the other side of the room and searched for a gap where light could shine in, there were none. I've never seen a light there before, or anywhere on the walls with the curtains closed, even during daylight. So this was puzzling.

It was about six inches long and three or four inches wide at the largest point. It tapered down to about one inch at the smallest part. The smaller section was curved upwards. There was no detail, just light, the shape could've been a fairy with it's legs bent up slightly.

Found this on the internet, the shape was like this brooch with the way the chain curves:

Https:// Unisex-Chain-Tassel- Brooches-For-Women-Jewelry- Office-Fashion-Accessories-wing-chain-brooches-men.jpg

(Man that's a cool brooch.)

(YGS said the link was too long to post, so I've broken it with spaces. Remove spaces when you copy paste into browser.)

This light thing didn't move it stayed the same. It was there for a long time, felt like two or three minutes. My glasses were a mere reach away and I kept telling myself to slip them on, but I didn't. I kept watching this light and searching the room for a practical source. But there was nothing, and each time I searched I'd look back and the light shape was still there, unchanged. In the end I slowly reached for my glasses, this required sitting up, which I began to do very slowly. I didn't get very far off the pillow when it faded out. So I turned the lamp on and there was nothing on the wall. Put my glasses on, scanned the wall and the floor, nothing.

I forced myself up and went to the bathroom. I always sleep straight through the night with no bathroom visits, I did this more or less to confirm to myself that I was indeed awake. I mean I felt awake but this was the longest apparition I've ever encountered. It seemed a bit too long to be real, based on my usual experiences at least.

In a previous submission I wrote about my man and me seeing some warm coloured lights at our window. They were yellowish, very warm tones. This was white light, a cool tone. It didn't do a thing, just stayed in place. I guess it was watching us, I wonder if it knew I was watching it before I reached over? I mean I was looking around the room, discreetly, but it must have noticed. Maybe it was asleep haha.

Later, when it was daylight, I gave those curtains a good scan and there were definitely no slits or cracks for anything to shine through. There never is, but I had to check.

Wish I knew why it was there, maybe it hangs out every night and we've never known. My husband just said it must've been stuck in a spider web, what a noddy.

Thanks for reading.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Tweed, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-17)

I have read Manafon's account before; absolutely fascinating by the way. The lights that I see don't move or change, they are always stationary when I spot them. The size varies from about the diameter of a golf ball, to a marble. I've thought they may be caused by passed loved ones, guides, angels, etc. But who knows.

I like the idea of an angel too. You didn't feel threatened, just curious right? To me, that points to something friendly and/or loving. It does sound like you were purposely awakened to witness it too.

In my opinion, you are surrounded by light energy and beings with good intentions. ❤

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
Looks like the downvote demons have been at it. Sorry guys, ignore all that.

Sushantkar, thanks for the insight into the spiritual light. I love Indian spiritualism. It's very comforting to think that a light presence could bring so much positivity. 😊

Dee, I don't know if you've read one of Manafon's encounter's with a blue light, think you'll like it. Would love to know if you think it's the same kind of thing you encounter:
I love the idea of a fairy checking in too! But that may be wishful thinking. Whatever it was, it shouldn't have physically been there. I wonder if 'angel' is the an appropriate guess. It sort of looked like it could have wings. I've never really thought about angels, but I guess they're just as likely as any other entity. Or maybe not, haven't read much about them on here at least. Anywhoo that just occurred to me while typing!

Melda and Lady Glow, I'll lump yours into one, as you've both addressed the same question I had. Yeah, I thought it could be the blue man thing too, we've started calling him 'Blue' and 'Bluey' lol. Yeup, if he could change his size then maybe he could also appear as a white light shape. Val said some elves have wings, I didn't notice any wings on Bluey but, as Val said, if they were transparent I probably wouldn't have noticed. So yeah, I really wonder if it's the same individual. I think also that light shape woke me up, because I never wake up at that time. Either it willed me awake, or I sensed it's presence and woke up. Weird and wonderful stuff.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
Tweed - I was thinking in the same line as Melda, if your Brownie (Bluey?) is able to control his size, wouldn't he be able to control his appearance too? 😕

Thanks for sharing this interesting read. ❤
Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-17)
Tweed - Lights always intrigue me, as do orbs although I have more of an understanding of what orbs might be.

Any chance that this might be connected to your brownie/gnome/elf? Might be a stupid question but just something that crossed my mind.

Regards, Melda
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Hey Tweed,

This is very cool. I thought maybe the light coming through your window reflected off something, but you checked for gaps in the curtain, so that's out.

Once in awhile I'll catch a small round white or blue light out of the corner of my eye, but if I look directly at it, it disappears. If I keep it in my peripheral vision, it doesn't disappear.

It's awesome that you were able to stare at it and that it hung around for bit. I love the idea of a fairy checking in on you. 😊

❤ Dee
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Hi Tweed! In my culture, spiritual light symbolizes gods, divinity, purity, supreme bliss, divine power, divine quality, any heavenly body such as a star or a planet.
While darkness invoked fear and anxiety, spiritual light offer hope and protection.
No, it is not like a spirit however in eastern culture, experiencing such incident are considered to be seraphic.
I would say you were very lucky to experience such rare spiritual experience.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Oh dear, RCRuskin, there has been a misunderstanding here. He was only teasing me and joking about the spider web! Totally not a serious suggestion on my hubby's part. I don't think a ghostly entity could get stuck in a spider web, that would be pretty astounding but highly unlikely lol.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Hi again, Tweed.:)

I find it hard to believe that a ghost could get stuck in a spider web. I suppose it is possible, just seems unlikely to me. I've never been to sure how big a fae/fairy actually is. In some Celtic lore, they seem about the size of a normal person, but in images, they look about the size of dragonflies. And you indicate there did not seem to be any exterior sources of light, plus the spot was on the wall opposite the window.

I have observed light streaking across my ceiling to make a spot on the wall opposite the window, but those streaks were evident and you report no such thing here.

So, for the moment, I have nothing.

P.S. Nice to know you think my comments are usually helpful. 😊
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Hi Sushantkar, nice to see you around here again. 😊

I had to look up what a spiritual light was, I'd not heard that term before. I found a few articles about meditation and using light to cleanse the chakras. But nothing about a spiritual light entity, is that something in your culture? Like a sprite perhaps? This thing did look like it was made of light and shining on the surface of the wall, pretty much doing nothing else lol.
sushantkar (16 stories) (533 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Hello Tweed, how are you doing. I hope everything is fine and well going.
Another new and unique experience for me in terms of reading. I guess what you experience was a spiritual light. Maybe it was trying to communicate with you.

Very informative and thanks for sharing the same with us

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
RCRuskin, I too am sorry, my distrust of another member has clouded my judgement.
Regarding spiders, we have some old webs behind the wardrobe, and possibly behind other furniture. But I've not found a spider in there for about two years, thankfully. Look forward to hearing your thoughts.

Zaruje, I'd be very interested, in fact I'd darn near demand that pen pal of yours cough up their proof if I were you. Must say it sounds quite shady. But it would be great if he really did have physical skeletons of wee folk!
There were some photos of what some believe are fairies in a TV show called Antiques Roadshow. Here's the link:
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Wow Tweed. That's really something. I mean it's really cool if you have actual fairies (if it is fairies) in your room. I've read many stories about it in google, about people saying that they've witnessed something out of a fairytale (you know little people with wings and all).

I even talk to this guy in the internet saying that he has a collection of small winged creatures (not birds) that has almost the same skeletal structure to that of a human. I'm still checking if he's legit. But anyways, I hope what you've witnessed doesn't bring you any negative feeling or force.

Somtimes, this things just amazed you and surprised you how huge and mysterious our world is. Thanks for sharing!
😁 😁
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Tweed, I have no idea how you came to the conclusion anyone besides myself had anything to do with my comment.

I evidently caused offense, and I am sorry for doing so. Please forgive me.

Also, please answer my question since I'm trying to get an understanding of the situation before I offer any advice.
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Hi Zaruje,

It's never happened before to my knowledge (usually asleep at that time so who really knows) but it's the first time I've seen a shape of light on the wall.

Maybe have an update to this:
Not sure if this is related or not but we have a vase of peacock feathers in the bedroom and this morning, at the usual time I get up, I saw two of these feathers move side to side as if they'd been brushed against. There was no draft, windows closed, we were both in bed, so no movement from either of us. The feathers are tall, they sit on a chest of drawers, the tops of the feathers are almost up to the ceiling. It was the top 'eyes' of the feathers which moved. Not had that happen before either. Been an active time lately.
Zaruje (15 stories) (182 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
Hello Tweed!

Ok that's really interesting. Does this event ever happened again?

This experience of yours is actually cool and I would love to hear more (If the thing appears in your room again).

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-16)
RCRuskin, not sure if you're being sarcastic or not. But your comment is at odds with your usual helpful style. Instinct tells me Jubelee is behind this. Perhaps a better approach would be to show the same courtesy I am, which is to avoid the members you don't trust/like. Instead of starting unnecessary friction on the forum.
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
6 years ago (2018-07-15)
The URL worked fine for me without any editing. Fancy piece of jewelry.

Any spiders in your bedroom?

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