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Witch Of Yazoo


The Witch of Yazoo's grave is located in Glenwood Cemetery in Yazoo Mississippi. The legend of the Witch of Yazoo became famous in Willie Morris' book, Good Old Boy published in 1971.

According to the legend, the witch lived on the Yazoo River and was caught killing fishermen who she lured in. The sheriff of the time is said to have chased her through the swamps where she was half drowned in quicksand by the time he caught up with her. As she was sinking, she swore her revenge on Yazoo City. "In 20 years, I will return and burn this town to the ground!" she said. On May 25, 1904, 20 years to the day she died, Yazoo City was destroyed by fire.

I, Gene Hamil, set out on an adventure to see if the Witch of Yazoo legend was true. Upon investigating the cemetery I can say something is definitely going on in Yazoo city. Another investigator that I was working with had a meeting with a historian for an episode of Mississippi Para Chasers that I was filming, two weeks later the historian died in a mysterious car accident. The question that came to mind was this caused by the witch? My team and I got with the Triangle Museum to learn more about the fire that broke out in 1904. Strange noises and EVPs were recorded there when asked questions specifically about the witch.

The first time I investigated the legend, it left me with more questions than answers. I went back months later to do another one. What I found was astonishing. So much so that it chilled me to the core!.

I have posted evidence of this on the Supernatural Research Society website.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, supernaturalresearchsociety, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

valkricry (49 stories) (3276 posts) mod
6 years ago (2018-08-10)
Alrighty, I went to the OP's profile and clicked his website link. This is the link to his 'proof':

I'll keep my opinion to myself about the video, but leave it to y'all to draw your own conclusions.
Amor (5 stories) (64 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-10)
This story reminds me of another recently posted here. I thought the story was interesting but he was talking about his vape and its brand. Lol. Why you do this. Well for both cases I Googled what they were advertising for. So yeah, seems to work. But SRS website hurt my eyes I couldn't get anything the author was talking about, no offense.

I hope folks would not post fake stories fo sell wares here. Thanks:)
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
WOW - Augusta! You're my hero! Much more ambitious than I. What interesting stuff you dug up - especially the marketing part! 😜
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
Yeah, I poked around on the internet looking for the story. Interestingly, the group represented by the OP did not pop up in the results. It seems as though the story was at least popularized by a novel but, at this point it seems difficult to separate the original lore from the book. The basic rundown of the legend provided by the OP is the most common version of the story - though many question the timing between the "witch's" death and the 1904 fire. Interestingly, there was also no name on the original gravestone (long since stolen) just the initials T.W. Dubiously said to stand for The Witch - doubtful.

Looking further into the story it seems even shadier... And less and less likely that the witch ever existed. I found a blog that seemed quite convinced of the veracity of the story but could offer no concrete evidence to back up their claims aside from alleged oral depositions from "reliable locals" none old enough (of course) to have witnessed even the 1904 event.


I searched the Library of Congress collection of newspapers for any evidence of a witch in Mississippi. I searched 1880-1890 for terms such as fishermen, torture, quick sand and witch - and turned up nothing. Then I searched the names provided by the blogger and every variation I could think of for the same time period - still nothing. I then searched for the Yazoo fire between 1904 and 1905 and 39 articles came up but none of them mentioned anything about a witch or any unusual circumstances. It seems unlikely that a witchy female serial killer with a penchant for slaying men in creative and unusual ways would have escaped the attentions of the press in any era.




(I had to break up the link to post it)

What I managed to glean from the dozens of newspapers I scanned was that during the mid-1880s, the region was experiencing a great deal of turmoil on several fronts:
*heavy rains causing flooding, damage and interruption of rail service
*racial friction to the extent of lynchings
*political upheaval as Democrats arguing for social equality and women's rights gaining strength against Republicans and their staunch racist platform

...just to name a few. I suppose it would be easy then to write such a story onto such a time. However, from what evidence I can find, it seems to be just that and nothing more.

Out of curiosity, I followed the provided link to see if the OP's group managed to come up with any additional research and from what I can tell, it doesn't seem as though they did any. However, I did find that the OP owns what seems to be a marketing company when the name is googled - so that may explain a lot.
Cups (7 stories) (159 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-09)
You know... I keep waiting for the original poster to defend himself, as ghost hunters are welcomed by this site. But, the way it was presented & the lack of involvement makes me sad. I am also skeptical of "witches", personally, and would like to know more of the background without a lot of effort via external sites.

Please do get back to us.
abbykay_luv (4 stories) (43 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-07)

The way the OP just ended the story, mentioned some site and disappeared is both annoying and funny at the same time.
CuriousDee (8 stories) (631 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-06)

I read your account last night and didn't get a chance to comment. Although, my comment would have been the same as the others. This felt like an 'ad' for your website. Details on what you experienced/encountered are needed for your account to be a 'ghost story'.

You stated that you set out to see if the legend of the witch is true and then left us hanging... Please consider replying to our questions with details.

All the best,
Aporetic (5 stories) (125 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-06)
Greetings Gene

No offense intended, but I did not enjoy reading your narration of what could otherwise have been an interesting read! Sure, you piqued my interest, but it left me feeling cheated on, in limbo, and as unsatisfied as a summer day is long.

I'm sorry, I won't be visiting the SRC website as I expect (as is the case with submissions to YGS) a complete account of your experience (s) here and appreciate the opportunity to ask questions and engage in discourse regarding it.

Best of luck with future pitches to drum up traffic to the SRC website.

lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-06)
Is the SRS website in Google or in Yazoo? - I mean, Yahoo. 😉

Melda (10 stories) (1363 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-06)
supernatural - I must agree with Augusta. I read your story this morning and was just left hanging. Why did you bother to post part of your experience here if the rest is on the Supernatural Research Society website?

Quite honestly, if you aren't prepared to provide the details on this site I honestly don't have the slightest inclination to go searching for them elsewhere. Not trying to be rude - but really?

Regards, Melda
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
6 years ago (2018-08-06)
Is this just a pitch for another website? I don't see much of a story here.

What happened at the cemetery to convince you something was going on?

Details about the historian and his mysterious car accident - I.e. What led you to believe the alleged witch was involved?

What precisely happened at the museum?

And before we even get into this alleged series of events, which seems like your second investigation - what happened during your first investigation?

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