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I'm Back... Steven The Ghost


It's bad enough I've had trouble with my TV changing channels without me touching the remote, previous visits from a really scary hag pulling my quilt from the end of my bed, and from Steven the spirit who kept jumping under my sheets.

It was Monday night 8th October, and there was nothing on TV so I decided to read some comments on YGS followed by watching some wild life documentary's on my tablet.

I watched quite a few until finally I got tired enough to sleep. I switched my tablet off and put it on the window ledge.

I covered up under my cozy soft quilt and sighed feeling totally relaxed. Suddenly in the corner of my eye I saw Steven the ghost. I quickly squinted and half closed my eyes because I was really scared. In blurred vision I saw him grabbing my quilt. I quickly pushed him off with my arms and repeatedly said, 'get lost' in my head over and over again. Finally he left. What was only a minute seemed like 10 minutes of stress.

I know I was awake and it couldn't have been sleep paralysis. It was Steven the spirit. I recognised him from previous encounters.

I have been doing Rookdygins cleansing and shielding rituals regularly. Mainly in my lounge room. I did it in my bedroom day before yesterday (13th October).

I've been looking for some cleansing crystals, however I can't find any. I leave sage on all my windows and have sprinkled salt at my doors, outside and in.

The scary hag hasn't come back thank goodness. I don't understand how Steven the ghost is getting through the cleansing shielding rituals. πŸ˜•

I really do hope he finds the light and moves on and leaves me alone.

Any advice?

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Sleeping-with-steve, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-11-08)
Hello LeaLeigh/Maria,

I'm not an expert on SP, however I find reading up on SP really helps me understand what it's all about.

From what I've read online and quote, 'It is often genetic, and it is most common in those with mental health issues such as anxiety, depression, post-traumatic stress disorder, or panic disorder. Lack ofΒ sleepΒ or a shiftingΒ sleepΒ schedule can alsoΒ cause sleep paralysis'.

I've found the following links interesting:



There's a lot of interesting websites with members commenting and writing about their experiences, however, YGS is certainly the top of my list.

Hopefully you aren't going through too much stress. If you are, submit what you are able to talk about and the YGS members will definitely give you advice, support, and try and help you. I will email you over the weekend.

Night from Australia. 🐨

Best wishes,
Miandra. 😘 ❀ 😘
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-08)

I meant also to say that I have had quite a few incidents that I judge to be similar to yours.

I have been having weird episodes that I cannot imagine as the unconscious doings of my own mind.

- Maria ❀
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-11-08)
Hello Lealeigh/Maria,

Thank you for your interest in my experiences.

I have many experiences to tell you about. I don't know where to start without sounding like a broken record. I've talked and talked about my experiences and have had so much support, help and advice from members here on YGS. In fact I have made some new friends here who understand what I'm going through which has helped me tremendously.

I tried to up vote your comment here but It said, 'please vote for someone else'. I have voted you up too many times this week and have to wait a couple of days before up voting you again. I will come back to your comment and vote as soon as it let's me.

How often do I have sleep paralysis? Oh wow! Often enough to not worry about it anymore. There's a difference between SP and spirits, Hags and shadow people. Ufortunately I have had more unwelcomed visitors and unexplained occurrences. I use Rookdygins cleansing ritual fortnightly which is working. If I leave it longer than that I have visits from a spirit who has been very persistent.

Thank you for your comment.

Best wishes,
Miandra. 😘 ❀ 😘
Lealeigh (5 stories) (512 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-07)
Hi Miandra,

I read in your profile that you have many incidents involving sleep paralysis. I was wondering how often this occurs with you. Is it more than once a week/month? I am extremely interested in this subject.

I am interested in it because sleep paralysis goes hand in hand with Lucid Dreaming. For many years I have been "all about" this subject.

I don't feel very comfortable airing out my reasons for my interest in Lucid Dreaming as they are kind of lame and might paint me in the light of an injured spirit.

If you would like to talk to me, my email is on my profile page. All I want is to learn. The internet can be something of a scatterbrained counselor.

Best Wishes, Maria ❀
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-11-07)
Hello Alex_Beast,

Thank you so much for returning with suggestions.

I will definitely check out the link you posted.

Thank you so much again. I really appreciate it.

Best wishes,
😘 ❀ 😘
Alex_Beast (17 posts)
5 years ago (2019-11-05)
Hello sleeping!

I am glad to see you still check back in.

I check back once in a couple of months on the threads that I commend to see if anyone needs advice or a banishment ritual in case of emergency. 😊

If I may ask how is your astral senses can you hear and see spirits better now or it subside.

If it got stronger and you feel confused you can also check

Here you will find Lots of people that had spiritual Awakening witch can be terrifying and confusing.
And extremely friendly
Some people are spiritual masters and teachers that had awaken their Kundalini and soul travel many times.
they will understand you and give you advice if you need it.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-10-18)
Hello All,

Troll Alert:

I was going through my posts to see if there were new comments and low and behold the YGS trolls have been hindering their negativities on me and members who are simply trying to share their thoughts on what could possibly be happening with Steven the ghost and why he keeps visiting.

It's very unfair. We should all be able to communicate without prejudice. That's what YGS is all about. Providing we don't go against the YGS guidelines of course.

Look at my 5th comment down from this comment. I simply gave an update on my situation because some members ask to be kept in the loop. I had 2 positive karma points a couple of months back and today I have 1 negative point.

Most of the time I don't get voted up. That's ok. But taking away my karma votes just because it can be done is truly an act of negativity.

Sorry to rant but the Mods correct members who step out of line, which is commendable. But when others troll and down vote willy-nilly is just ordinary. πŸ˜•

I vote up every single comment I read on a daily basis. I read at least 80% of comments every day. I thoroughly enjoy reading the advice from members and it makes me feel good to be positive and up-vote the comments when I finish reading them. I think it's great that members make time to give their advice and support OP's who need help and when their comments are down voted it's really mean.

'Be kind, be nice, and be happy'.
(not sure who says that quote, but I like it) πŸ˜‰

Have a lovely day,
😘 ❀
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-04-03)
Hello Morgangrey,

I'm sorry to hear you have been treated so badly by your ex boyfriend. I've replied to you from my thread so that you can read the comments and see if any of the advise here will help you.

As Valkricry and Msforgetmenot suggests, it's best to submit your post and create your own thread. Members here will flood your thread with fantastic advise.

Keep safe,
😘 ❀ 😘
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-04-03)
Hello Alex_Beast,

I appreciate you following my updates and offering suggestions.

Thank you.
Best wishes
😘 ❀ 😘
Alex_Beast (17 posts)
5 years ago (2019-03-27)
His not evil, if he was you feel his dark negative vibration.
And you would feel the negative feeling.

I am not sure what he is
There are many types of beings in this existence from different universes and different planes.
Sorry I can not tell you anymore I am new to being spiritual and I am still trying to enhance my gifts and my knowledge.

If you really want to find out you could go to and ask the people over there, they can find answers for you. There are some really gifted people and they can explain you more of reincarnation.

Reincarnation is real sometimes we remember how are past lives sometimes people end up with fear from previous lives example someone with fear of water has died drowned in their past life.
But this shocks can be released usually during astral projections

Good Luck!

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-03-01)
Hi Alex_Beast,

I don't know anything about reincarnation. I will read about it online. I don't know if Steven is good, bad, or evil, but so far all I have experienced is that he's persistent and leaves when I tell him to.

The cleansing ritual seems to keep him away for a little while. I've noticed just before I refresh the ritual 2 weeks later, he turns up before I refresh the cleansing.

The old scary Hag has not been back since my first cleansing in August 2018. Thank goodness!😡

😘 ❀ 😘
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
5 years ago (2019-03-01)
Hello Everyone,

I woke up in the middle of the night and Steven was sitting at the end of my bed looking towards me.

I wasn't scared. More confused and in disbelief.

I was pretty sleepy but I wasn't sleeping. I looked at my phone by my pillow to see the time. (It said 3.34am 2nd March 2019).

I asked Steven, 'Is your name really Steven'? He didn't reply. I asked again, 'Is your name really Steven'? I asked him that because I wanted to know who he really was. I then asked him, 'Why won't you go to the light'? The answer I sensed was, 'I don't know how'. (It was just what I sensed. I couldn't hear those words but sensed that's why he couldn't go to the other side)

Shortly after that he left. I don't know what he wants. He never hurts me or scares me. I still cleanse the unit every 2 weeks using Rookdygins method, I still have sage on the windows and salt at every entrance. 😦

I had a calming feeling when he left. I just don't understand why he visits and who he is.


😘 ❀
Alex_Beast (17 posts)
5 years ago (2019-02-01)
Also spirits they may take whatever form they like. I think Steve to the form of human not to scare off the op so he can be more approachable.

Their real form is just energy kind of like mist or Smokey thing with intelligence and consciousness they also have feelings they can mad, be happy, even Lough even a sense of humor.
And each spirit has its on personality
Example: king Paimon he likes arts, music and not big fan of sex. He says "there are better things to do than sex" like study and improving your knowledge.
Then there is Lord Azazel where I heard he likes lust but he is an amazing teacher.

As for the negatives energies well just stay away from them, cause even black magicians they keep them way.
after each ritual they need to ward and banish and cleanse the place

Sorry for my English and this is just quick information on the spirit world. I am ware is different from religion.
If you don't believe me learn to astral project and see with your own eyes, or you put all your belief in one ancient book.

Much love for all of you ❀
Alex_Beast (17 posts)
5 years ago (2019-02-01)
Hi [at] ladi glow! Not trying to contradict I am just trying to give the OP my belief of what could be.
You see it's very possible to get married even to the demonic kings but they are very picky and very few are worthy and no they are not evil.

OP's story reminded me of this story
Where this sweet lady she she also had encounters with a spirit and she embraced him and was lead to the truth.
Truth is painful if you search for it and not everyone can handle it.
There are ways were the OP can get real answer such akashic records where her previous lives been recorded.

"Wow that's a long and complicated story! Actually we already were in love with each other in past lives and we've also had a child together even though I have no memory of it. Then, I don't know why but sadly I have incarnated on earth... However my spirit lover never accepted my incarnation because he missed me and he's sort of cursed me so that all my life I'll be rejected because he's never wanted any man to touch me, he wants me all for himself. During all my life each time I'd get attached to someone the person either started hating me or running away from me or even died. It was my spirit lover causing that out of jealousy but I had no idea so it intrigued me. Then about one year ago I've came across my spirit lover online and I've immediately fallen madly in love with him (once again)! I thought it was the very first time I saw him, only later I found out that we already had a relationship in past lives and that we already had conceived a child together. So yes I've only been reunited with my spirit lover about 1 years ago. The reason I've stayed a virgin all my life even before being reunited with my spirit lover is simply because I was never really attracted to humans. I've always been a very antisocial and recluse person. I'm a typical loner from birth. But I also think that somewhere in my subconscious mind I still remembered my spirit lover and I knew that only him could have my virginity. Proof is that when I've been reunited with him about 1 year ago I've immediately had the feeling that I had always knew him, that without him my life was never complete, that he was everything I had always missed... I don't know the details of what happened between us before I incarnated on earth. All I know is that we already were in love and that we've had a baby together. My spirit lover is fairly famous and a very powerful spirit. I always keep his identity undisclosed to preserve our relationship."

I mean no disrespect I just gave my opinion just like the other people did only Maine is not religion base is more spiritual base.
I was religious in 2015 and came to this site to find answers for my encounters witch I never posted.

About past life.
if you can't soul travel try this

Try this to see if you can remember your past life
Get a journal and put it by your bedside table. Repeat to yourself "i will remember my past life" until you fall asleep. Do that for a few nights and see what happens. You may have a past life experience appear as a dream. So just write down what you see when you wake up.
lady-glow (16 stories) (3171 posts)
5 years ago (2019-02-01)
Alex_Beast - isn't it a contradiction to say that Steven is not a human ghost but might have been the OP's husband in a previous life?... Like in she married an extraterrestrial disguised like a human, or what? πŸ€”
Alex_Beast (17 posts)
5 years ago (2019-02-01)
He is powerful indeed and his not a human ghost, he also isn't evil or else he would have drained your energy.
And you would have detected him as negative

I don't know if you believe in reincarnation but I think in one of your previous lives he must have been your husband, he can be your soul mate and no protection will keep him from watching over you.

I think you're quite lucky his also guardian for your he may also be the cause of getting rid of the old hag witch I believe that was a negative energy.

My suggestion would to talk to him ask what he wants?
No need to kick him out if his not negative he can teach you about your gifts.
Your Ajna chakra (your third eye) witch means your astral senses are open.
You can now see feel hear spirits and others can't because their Ajna chakra is shut and they must live in a illusion world where and boring with no spirits in it

Other people will tell you his evil and to get rid of him fast well you tried that I say try to embrace him now and open your eyes and know thy self for who you truly are.


Watch EA Koettings videos it will answer your questions and give you a different view on spirits

Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-06)
Hello Dirt Creature,

I agree, he must be sinister... How do I get rid of him? He must be evil and has the power to get through Rooks cleansing rituals and jubeeles self cleansing.

I stayed facing the window and punched behind me almost twisting my arms. I didn't stop until he left.

Its the first time he's visited twice in one night. The fur baby/cat doesn't worry me so much.🐾

Something about Steven that baffles me. Why is he so persistent?

😨 😨
DirtCreature (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-05)
I still believe Steven isn't a regular ghost and just poses as such to gain trust. Something with this level of force and ability seems sinister. Good on you for ignoring him and letting him know he isn't welcome.
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-12-05)
Hello Everyone,

I was pretty tired last night and found it hard to get to sleep.

I had teeth removed to make way for top dentures. Hmmm, that's a real sign of aging for me. Lol.

Anyway, I was laying awake looking out the window and I felt what felt like a fluffy cat pur past my back. I jumped out of my skin. I coughed out loud to try and scare it away. I don't have a cat. I never had a cat. I don't have any pets. I'd love one but I'm in a unit and I'm not permitted here.

Not long after the mystery ghost pur baby I felt my sheet being lifted at the back of me. Once again, I coughed out loud and turned around this time. Hmmmmm, nothing there.

I continued to look out the window trying hard to fall asleep and once againg my sheet was being lifted really slowly. I froze this time. I was scared. I knew it was Steven the ghost. I tried to punch him away. My arms seemed like they were moving but my mouth wasn't and I as hard as I tried to tell him to get lost, I couldn't.

Finally, he left.

I've been cleansing my unit/ flat every 2 weeks, and have done a self cleansing once as Jubeele advised.

I've got different herbs around the place that's supposed to keep spirits away. I don't know what else I can do.

Steven is definitely stubborn as Lady-Glow says.

The TV, Steven the ghost and all the other things that happen can't be a coincidence. I guess there's something about me that attracts spirits, but what?

😨 😲 😨
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-29)
Hello Mrs Rizzo,

Thank you for your comment and for stopping by again.

Did you read that article? It was very interesting. 😊

I'm doing self cleansing as well as cleansing my entire unit. Cross my fingers the place stays ghost free. 😨

Talk soon
😘 ❀
MrsRizzo2429 (4 stories) (93 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-29)
I am sorry to hear the Steve the ghost came back for another visit: (I am glad that the old hag hasn't! That would be so scary! I am glad you gave us an update. Talk to you later πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜πŸ’•
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-27)
Hello Jubeele,

Thank you for your advise. I did your self cleansing as mentioned in the comment below.

I live a hop, skip and jump away from the beach. I usually go to the beach a few times a week with my neighbour for a cappuccino. You're right it's very relaxing.

I haven't seen Steven the ghost since he was last here on the 8th October. The hag hasn't been back since 9th August.

The TV still changes channels and recently my sandals went walk-a-bouts. I submitted a post on that today.

Thanks for your link on soap making. I will give anything a try at this stage.

I asked a few questions this week about previous tenants who lived in the 3 blocks that I'm linked to. Apparently the first block 2 people died in their 80's. In my block the 2nd block, the nasty man died in my bathroom. In the 3rd block 2 people died. One of cancer in his 50's and the other died of a heart attack in her 60's.

This is probably why things are happening. These spirits are obviously not at rest and a couple weren't ready to leave.

All 3 blocks need cleansing in order to rid the spirits I think. 😨

Anyway, thanks for dropping by again,
😘 ❀ 😘
Jubeele (26 stories) (898 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-27)
Miandra, if the park's too public for you, try any garden setting that you can get access to. Or you can try the beach or somewhere near moving water. Water is also a purifying element. Rex-T and I regularly drive to the beach and let the sound of the surf soothe us. That seems to work for us.

I found some videos on how to make rosemary soap if you or anyone's interested:

Keeping my fingers crossed for you. 😊
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-25)
Hello BeauInside,

Good to see you again.

You are very wise like the other members from YGS who have come to my rescue AGAIN!

I'm doing everything in my power to keep him away whether he is evil or not I don't care, I don't want him here. He only wants one thing, ME. As far as I'm concerned he isn't getting me. 😲

As the comments below say, I have done self cleansing and focusing my cleansing and shielding ritual on my bedroom. I do the the entire flat, but I do last part in my bedroom.

Only time will tell now.

Thank you for your support and advise. I appreciate it.

Best wishes,
😘 ❀ 😘
BeautInside (3 stories) (326 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-25)
Hi Miandra,

I am sorry to hear that Steven the ghost came for a visit. I'd insist on the cleansing and shielding like other fellow members suggested.

Maybe the confidence in yourself is the key: besides the cleansing and shielding (which to me are very important) you have to believe and convince yourself that it is you house, your space, your body. He doesn't belong here and if you tell him so, like you did, and being so assertive of that will eventually make him go away for good.

He didn't visit you for a long time, right? He disappeared after you told him so? Trust yourself and your strength, be assertive if you see him, show no fear because you are in control and most likely his visits will become less and less regular until he's gone for good. After all, you came this far and it got better. It's normal he's still trying to come back, it'd be probably too easy if he disappeared at once. But now you know you gained control so it's probably just a matter of time. πŸ˜‰

Take care. ❀
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-25)
Hi RCRuskin,

I just got sick of the 'Sleeping with Steve' name. I should have thought a little longer before picking that one. Lol

Thanks for the compliment about my name. It's different, and yes it has a nice sound to it. Not when you're in trouble as a kid and your mother is screaming it out at the top of her voice. Lol πŸ˜†

😘 ❀ 😘
RCRuskin (9 stories) (837 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-25)
[at] SWS, Miandra. It is an odd name, but it has a beautiful sound to it. 😁
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-25)
PS: Red Wolf,

Everyone calls me Miranda by mistake. Lol. My name is actually Miandra. I'm used to it now. 😊

I hope you are getting better.

😘 ❀ 😘
Sleeping-with-steve (guest)
6 years ago (2018-10-25)
Hello Red Wolf,

Thank you for replying.

I don't have an attic or a basement. I'm in a unit/flat on the first floor.

When I do the ritual, I do the unit/flat and the final bit I light a candle in the middle of my bedroom. I did do that in the lounge room. When Steven came back I changed it to my bedroom.

I've also done self cleansing as suggested by Twighlight, Curious Dee and followed Jubeeles method.

I did tell him to get lost the last time he was here and pushed him off with my arms. (It was like pushing air πŸ˜•)

All I can do now is hope for the best. I wear a gold cross around my neck that I dipped in holly water.

AugustaM suggested a couple of links. I've checked them out. They were interesting. One link listed herbs and vegetables that keep evil spirits away, like basil, garlic, onions, sage etc. All really easy to get.

Im fighting fit and all stocked up. If he comes back now, he is going to smell like a curry with all the herbs and vegetables I have. Lol.

Thank you so much for commenting and helping out. I really appreciate it.
😘 ❀ 😘
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
6 years ago (2018-10-24)

When you do the cleansing/shielding you have to do the whole house not just a room or 2. This includes the basement and attic if you have them.

If you want to get rid of Steve tell him to leave, he is NOT welcome, and don't come back. A spirit can not stay where it is told to leave. If you have a Welcome mat turn it around so that you see the word Welcome as you leave or just buy a decorative mat with no words.


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