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Real Ghost Stories

The Pink Rubber Ball


After a crazy experience last week that left me quite shaken up, I came home to some more ghostly stuff. As you have read in my last story Memories of a Murderer 2 you would know that I was back in Airdrie about a week ago. It wasn't the best trip, other than the fact that I got to meet my cousins new baby boy.

After I got home a few days ago I just wanted to relax. Kick my feet up, watch some TV, put my new Harley together, etc.

I wouldn't be so lucky. The minute I stepped in the door I was annoyed. Our little ghost girl was up to no good while we were away. All of the lights were turned on, the taps were running, and the TV was on. I wasn't worried about the ghost so much as to how retarded my bills for the month were going to be... An entire month of electricity and water bills all crammed into a week.

I went around and turned off the taps and all of the lights, and I was just about to sit down when my brother called me from his room upstairs. I went up to go see what was wrong. His walls were covered with marker. Colorful scribbles all over the walls. I couldn't help but laugh, Geri said it was just like having a child of our own. Chris just stood there, arms crossed. Which made me laugh even harder because he looked so pissed off.

After we finished making fun of Chris, and how the little girl made his room all pretty, we finally got to sit down and relax.

We ordered a few movies on PPV, had some snacks, and went to bed.

The next morning I got up early to get the engine mounted onto the frame of my Harley. When I came downstairs I noticed the little pink ball sitting right next to my shoes. I smiled and as I put on my shoes I said "Not today, sorry..."

I was working on my bike for a good 30 minutes or so, and I ran inside for a beer. I went inside, and Chris said he was going to come join me, he had to do some transmission repairs on his car. When we got back into the garage the pink ball was sitting on top of Chris' tool box. I chuckled and said "Go kick the ball into yard..." I knew all the little girl wanted was someone to play with.

Chris just looked at me.

"Seriously man, go kick it..." I said, and Chris went and took the ball to the yard, mumbling something under his breath.

We continued working, pretty much all morning and we decided to take a trip downtown for some shopping. We all got cleaned up and I realized I left my keys on my tool box, and sure enough when I went into the garage... The pink ball was right by my bike.

I sat down on my stool and told the little girl that she can't stay here anymore. I told her that Jesus doesn't want any of his children to be trapped here on Earth, and he wants them to live an eternal life in heaven. I also mentioned that if she asked for forgiveness for her sins, then she would be free. Before leaving I also told her that she would be loved and missed by our family, but never forgotten.

We haven't noticed any change that she has crossed over yet, however, the toilet did not flush spontaneously at 6 O'clock last night like it usually does every night.

And I'll admit, we were all a little sad.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, metalhed16, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

littlelaura33 (28 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-18)
So happ and sad to hear the girl is gone but I guess she is in a betteer place if she has crossed over. Thanks ❀ 😒
megankay (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-15)
aww... Dang it well thanks anyways! If I could buy you a camera and sent it to you so you could take pictures of it I would but I'm currently broke 😭
πŸ˜‰ ❀
metalhed16 (14 stories) (119 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-15)
Unfortunately everyone who wants pics of the wall... My camera got lost recently when I moved to California... Believe me, I didn't have very many nice things to say. It was all packed with my video camera, DVD player, and other stuff.

I do wish I had pictures... 😭

I'm sorry everyone

god bless!
megankay (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-14)
ooh I would like some pics of the wall scribbles too! That would be so awesome to have!
❀Megan ❀Kay ❀
Ohiowatha (11 stories) (415 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-14)
Do you think you could get some photos of the wall scribblings, please? Would be really cool.
metalhed16 (14 stories) (119 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-13)
In Response to KimSouthO:

I like that idea, but then I gotta fix the wall after lol.

plus I think chris is painting over it this weekend.

megankay (guest)
16 years ago (2008-05-13)
Oooh that story was soo sweet. =D I agree with KimSouthO it was a good thing you told her she should cross over. I would of died laughing at the colored on walls too! =D Shes the picasso of this age... Even though well shes not exactly the livelist artist.

πŸ˜‰ MeganKay πŸ˜‰
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-13)
What a truly touching and heart felt story!

I am glad you asked her to cross over and told her that she is loved and would be missed. That was a verly thoughtful thing to do.

Tell Chriss that some people may pay a lot for what was colored on his walls, I think it may be considered 'art'. Sorry, just a little attempt at humor.

God Bless!
ChrisB (6 stories) (1515 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-12)
Hi Marshal. Thank you for another entertaining story. Good thing its not as scary as your last one. I hope that the girl crossed over. Even thoe she was part of the family you guys did the right thing. You should be proud of yourselves honestly. I have one question. When the girl coloured chris' walls was the colour pink 😜? I to would be mad. Thanks for sharring this story with us. By the way I checked your prifile and indeed you have an amazing bike!WOW!I am thinking of doing my drivers licenes for bikes but I don't think IO will be able to this year. I don't know a l ot of bikers here in Poland but do you think a Yamaha Drag Star 1100 is a good bike? I know this isn't a question for this site but I wanted to know your opinion. I hope to hear from you soon and take care
metalhed16 (14 stories) (119 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-12)
In response to ominousnyxx:

You really get used to the different sounds in the house that involve ghosts or spiritual activity. If the sounds are familiar to the others the spirit has been making you know something ina paranormal sense is going on. If I heard the sound of something rummaging through my s**t I would probably arm myself first lol... Living in LA you can't be too careful.

Glad you liked the story though! 😁
ominousnyxx (10 stories) (136 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-11)
I don't know how you people can handle these supernatural things.

"I heard a weird noise in the basement and went to go check it out"

WHO DOES THAT? Seriously... What if "it" wasn't supernatural... What if someone was actually down in your basement and was going to kill you, and rob you?...

That's why when something weird happens with me, I don't respond to it. I just leave it be, and I never look behind...

But I like your story;]. It's got a nice feel to it, even though I'd still be freaked out.
RoseForEmily (34 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-11)
Thats sweet, I loved the other story you posted about her too. She sounds so cute.

Hope she did crossover. It's understandable that you'll miss her though.
Biemaster (7 stories) (192 posts)
16 years ago (2008-05-11)
Wow! I don't know why but the last part touched me! Nice story and very well written. I have been reading your previous stories and I liked them too! Keep informing us though!

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