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Evp: The Dead Speak - 15 Great Captures


This story is not about any one particular event. This story is a composition of EVPs that I/We have captured at various investigations. If you would like more detail of any one particular EVP / Investigation, just comment and I will fill you in with the facts. I apologize if you have heard some of these from past stories that I have submitted. These are all real, no jokes and no hoaxes.

The main reason that I wanted to submit this story is also to get your opinion on a few things. People that submit stories have seen, heard, and felt spirits. (As I have seen one for sure.) I may never be able to solve the riddle of what goes on after we die, but I would like to hear others thoughts. During all of my investigations I always seem to look for the "oldest" spirit. An example of that is when we do a "Cemetery Investigation", I always gravitate to the oldest section of the cemetery first. What is the oldest (Time Period) Spirit anyone has seen or talked to? The reason that I ask this is that I am not getting any "Ancient" spirits talking. No Native Americans. Nobody speaking "Thee and Thou". Most of the really old ones are unfruitful in the EVP department. Does that mean that there are none, of course not. I am just asking what you have heard or seen.

Is it possible that the ones stuck here eventually make it to where they should be? Do we go to the after-life and fade away over time? Do we live our life in the next dimension, then die and move to the next one? (I know, heavy thoughts.) Just wondered what you guys think.

Enjoy the EVPs. I have many, many more. This is just a sample. If anyone would like to learn how to do this, shoot me an email and I will be glad to help. Thanks in advance for your opinions to my questions!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, EVPResearcher, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Scarlett_Athena (3 posts)
15 years ago (2010-06-22)
I think #10 was saying "Heaven Help me." Not Have'm help me...
Vikki (4 stories) (9 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-14)
Thank you very much for sharing this and all your other EVP's.

The one that really stood out to me was #13 "Am I dead?". I was overcome with sadness 😕. Sounds like a middle aged women.
scrapmetal (2 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-19)
These are good but There is one I don't think is evp. It sounds like a partner telling you to start recording. But other wise the rest were belivible.
maryzeppelinewinchester (1 stories) (8 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-22)
wow,these are Really great! I especially like the one where a woman is saying"are you trying to make me feel bad?" or something along those lines when you hear someone else say "Im still here". The voice is amazingly loud and clear and somehow it just... I dunno, sounds different. It sounds very...human,not like a spirit.i've heard that clip before, and for some reason, that clip (the one I mentioned) just sticks out from the rest, and now its stuck in my head.:) the voice doesn't even sound familiar or anything, it just sounds very... I'm sorry I'm not explaining my self very well. Anyways, these are some great recordings,you've done an amazing job!
Keep up!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-09)
Bob did you get the next two photos? I'm afraid Yahoo is wearing my patience thin these days. Let me know so I can resend them.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-05)
Thank you! I must say, very compelling recordings you captured!

Please continue to share with us!

God Bless!
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-05)
KimSouthO - You can go here to directly watch/download the video. This is my microsoft skydrive account. It is safe, no viruses.
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
I am not able to pull up the link to hear these clips. Is this available on anither location?

God Bless!
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
rhodes68--that is truly fascinating! I've always been interested in astral projection, but only once have I ever successfully done it, and my spirit was nowhere near the population of humanity. 😆 I started thinking about a place I'd like to go, and I remembered a particularly peaceful trip to the middle of the high desert in Lucerne Valley, southern California. The rock formations jut out of the ground as high as sixty feet! I felt myself soaring above those rocks and it was glorious. I wonder if anyone who is accomplished at astral projection might be able to successfully visit someone with a voice recorder and have them catch some EVP from their spirit? That would be an excellent method of explaining that!

Warmest blessings,

rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
DeviousAngel, I just noticed your comment... Very good observation! Yes, why not, Astral projecting would explain why certain people appear to others even though they are very much alive.

Who's to say their energy cannot be "picked up" during their journey and who's to say they know exactly what is happening to them?

I had an experience (Through The Eyes Of A Little Girl) that still puzzles me to this day but I can tell you one thing for certain. I was very aware of where I was but didn't know why I was there. I didn't know why my parents couldn't see me.

I bet had EVPResearcher was somewhere around I'd be crying for help.

Another strange experience I read somewhere on our site (or maybe it was in a comment-I can't recall) was about a family experiencing the haunting of a woman who was seen wandering their premises only to accidentally meet her after some years. Needless to say she was flesh and blood and admitted to have been obsessed about purchasing that house since she could remember. She claimed to have "let her memory take her on long walks around and inside that poperty" just to see what it would have felt like owning that place.

Strange to say the least!
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
Bob, thanks for responding, I will send you the photo although I don't have the one which was "processed"-you need to make some light adjustments there and let me know if you can see it. I'll send along another one but I won't say anything. I'm wondering if you will be drawn to the spot my friend and I were.

Talk later.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
You know EVPResearcher, now that I'm starting to think on it (see what you started, rhodes68!? 😆) I wonder if there are spirits out there who really AREN'T dead... Maybe they're astral projections or even a small form of time travel. It makes you wonder if perhaps some people get caught in a reincarnation cycle or something like that... Or perhaps if a small part of them lives on in whatever place they are held to for some reason? I guess we'll never know until we make the journey ourselves.
EVPResearcher (34 stories) (140 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
rhodes68 - As usual, we agree on things in the afterlife. I would LOVE to see the photo, if you would like to share. I am a HUGE HISTORY BUFF. I have a collection of Roman Coins and Roman Rings. The ancient Romans copied the ancient Greeks on a lot of things. If you want to share the pic.
EVPResearcher [at] Thanks for posting
rhodes68 (14 stories) (1596 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-04)
Hi Bob and thanks for a great submission!

You definitely ask the most dificult questions of all. Who's to tell with some degree of certainty what happens eventually although I personally "suspect" a few things concerning the "journey" to the Everlasting Land. I suspect it is not everyone's destination. There are those who are the chosen ones to inhabit it and enjoy the After Life but I'm pretty convinced there are those who simply cease to exist-I can't really picture Hell with the "flames effect".

I suspect there are those who refuse to cross for various reasons such as "unfinished business", "refusal" to accept their demise, others "put off" the journey until their loved ones accept their death or until they have helped. I suspect there are some but not all who are free to cross both sides of the "river bank" to pay visits but I have HEARD of a particular individual claiming, "I will not be allowed to visit again" whatever that means.

Interestingly enough, I have made the acquaintance of Old Ones, three to four generations back who probably refused to cross for fear of what lies on the other side or being "punished" which has led me to believe that it is up to us to cross once we die or else we will forever wander. The more we live in this life, the more we come to be self conscious and probably afraid or uncertain as to how we should proceed which may explain why there are so few reports of "infants" sticking around.

A few days ago, I sent some pictures of me with my dogs to a very close friend of mine. I said nothing about my "strange experience" during my walk in an Ancient Greek Stadium. The shot was taken a little further from the "spot".

I was completely shocked when her little boy not only described the whole experience I had that day as if he was there with me but even managed to explain a few things that had puzzled me. A woman was lamenting for a long forgotten loss... We suspect she came from that time due to her clothes and style of mourning... Kind of creepy! There's evidence of her figure in the photo but I will restrain from posting it.

Thank you

Flutterofwings (13 stories) (428 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-03)
Ya'll did a very good job, and many of the things said I could make out myself. With the ones "Am I dead" and "I'm not dead" goes to show that entities sometimes do know they are dead and others don't want to be. So no wonder they come to us it seems for help so they too can understand. Not all entities are evil.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
16 years ago (2008-12-03)
Thank you for sharing that with us EVPResearcher! You get some of the best communications. I still haven't had a chance to pick up the recorder to do my own yet. This definitely rekindles my curiosity though!

Warmest blessings,


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