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The Power To Sense And Feel Before Something Occurs


It was about 10:00 last night when I was trying to fall asleep but, for some odd reason I was tossing and turning most of the night,, I thought I heard something, I told myself to stop that I have to go to sleep. I had to get up very early to get my husband off to work and I also watch my granddaughter so I knew I needed my sleep.

There I was unable to sleep, it felt like something touched my lower back. It felt like three fingers just gently touched my back and of course I was in complete denial saying to myself no this is not happening again to me, I won't let it. I was trying to think of other things, I heard this whispering like I did a while back so by, I was scared. I was laying with my back turned away from my husband.

A few minutes after I heard the whisper, I started hearing my husband in his sleep, he sounded scared, he was yelling a few times, by that time I was really scared, so I turned and looked at my husband, as soon as I turned his eyes were wide opened and he swung his arm down and I thought he was going to hit me. I asked him what happened and he said he didn't know. When he got home today from work I asked him if he remembered his nightmare last night and he said no, and he didn't recall me talking to him about it during the night.

I'm not sure the time when I finally managed to fall asleep. The next morning my daughter had to be at work at 9:00a.m. But she called me first and said mom, Aunt c is here sitting in my garage and I have to be at work soon. My sister has been gone for a few months and we haven't been able to find her and I was so relieved to hear she was there, I explained to my daughter that I had been unable to sleep during the night and I knew something was going on. The uneasy feelings that I get sometimes is very hard to describe because at times I do worry or I can't sleep and at the time I have no explanation why but the next day something always happens.

One night I was unable to sleep, but I had no unusual happenings, the next morning my daughter woke us up at 5:00a.m. to tell me my twin son had been calling me all night and we didn't answer, well our ringer on the phone was off so that's why I didn't get his call. He was in the hospital and they were getting ready to do surgery because his appendix were rupturing so of course I got ready and went to the hospital but I did tell my girl that I couldn't sleep during the night and I knew something had to be wrong with someone. I just didn't know who or why. Just like last light I couldn't sleep but for some unknown reason strange things also occurred. My sister left again today and I don't know when we will see her again hopefully soon.

I feel that maybe the whispers or the touch and the agitation when I was trying to sleep was someone trying to tell me that my sister was close by. Who knows for sure. I do know that since my brother's passing last year I'm not totally for sure how ever I do sense things more or maybe I did before I just never noticed until after he left. The other day I could of swore my daughter had pulled up in our drive-way it was like I felt her there so right away I opened the front door and I looked and her car was not there but she was turning the corner, she parked and got out and said, mom how did you know I was coming, and I said, I didn't, I thought you had already pulled in the drive-way, I saw you drive around the corner and I told her again I could of swore you were here already. We both were kind of freaked out about it.

I would like to share with you another incident that happened several months back. I had a dream about my father-in-law which he passed four years ago. In my dream he was telling me to take care of my mother-in-law and that something bad was going to happen to her. The next day I told my husband you need to call your mom and check on her, she was fine at the time. A few weeks later my mother-in-law called because her sister-in-law is trying to get her home since my father-in-law is gone and we had to get a lawyer and it still is going on it's an ugly mess so I do feel that he was warning me in my dream about what was going to take place.

As for my sister she has come to a very sad point in her life. She had stayed with us for a short time and I will be writing a story about strange things that occurred with her and while she was here with us. I will tell you this I do love her dearly but I can't be around her for very long because of the bad vibes I get when I'm near her and I try hard not to feel anything negative but it's impossible.

Thank You

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, csuegar, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

suecg (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-06)
Thank you for your advice it truly is appreciated. I will keep you posted on how everything goes with her.
God Bless
Mekio08 (1 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-03)
Great story. Mabeay you should gather up a bunch of friends and family and try to awaken this spirt and talk to it.
ghostreader1000 (34 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-03)
sorry it took me so long to get back to you. Well these feelings you have at times they will go away on their own but on other times they come back. I would suggest that you search a library on the senses you speak of and even look up the info on the net as far as your sister well I can suggest that maybe when she comes back over before she does confide in a preacher let him know about your sister and then call him when she comes back. But do not let her know this. If she has a hint on it she may leave for a long time. The other suggestion is that you can have her picked up by the local police and admit her to a rehab center but with caution she may be a little distraut twords you over it but if you can break her habbit and win her over then you and her wil be better off. I would try a preacher first and the second as a last resort but what ever you do do it now because tomorrow may be too late. I will keep you and your sister in my deepest prayers that all this works out and she becomes herself once more. The deal wit a preacher is that you maywant to have some more family come over when you decide to use the preacher cause it sounds like to me she may have demons controlling her life and trust me they will put up a fight. Another thing is that when and if you decide to do this do not allow any children to be present cause it can and will get frightening.

Here is a prayer you can start using now:

My father in Heaven Be with the one that I love as help is needed to rid any unwanted evil that may lurk that confides within their very soul Help to cleanse their soul and release them from any turmoil that me be present in your most holy name

I hope I was of some help I will be around if you need advice

Love and prayers Ghostreader1000
Surya (39 stories) (867 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-03)
Great story, looks like you share a gift the same as mine. I have lived with this from as far back as I can remember. I never could accept it though even to this day, is a gift or curse? Once again great story, I look forward to your next submission.
scaryboy (2 stories) (117 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-03)
well since I did not have such like supernatural power I am confused by what are you saying jessica
Scary boy
suecg (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-02)
I want to thank the rest of you for your comments and advice. Every one's experiences and understanding helps a lot.

God Bless
suecg (3 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-02)

I had to change my user name it didn't let me log in with my old one for some reason so this is csuegar

Thank you for your comments and advice. You are right my sister is in a very bad situation and I have done everything to try to help her but she continues to run off and I have no control over her. She has been a long time drug user and her mind is completely messed up because of the drugs. She stayed with me for a month and it was a very difficult time when she was here. She talks almost all the time of ugly things and I have heard of her talking about witches and other horror stuff and she does scare me. She is a very fragile looking person but when I am around her for too long I can feel something really bad around her she even makes me shake at times and it's very hard to deal with. I love her dearly and I know she loves me but the drugs and the bad people she has chose to be with I feel has caused something evil to destroy her. I feel in my heart she has bad spirits around her and that's why I get so scared when I'm around her. I do pray for her and I still try to help her when I can but the people she is around are very bad and it's very hard for me to help. She does get nervous when I ask her questions and she is never truthful.

As far as me knowing things sometimes it's becoming more difficult for me. I don't like this feeling that I get at times. What I mean is two nights ago I had this dream about a few of my husbands family members then today I get a call from my mother-in-law telling me bad things concerning them. I also have been feeling like something bad is going wrong with my granddaughter's dad and I have had this feeling for almost two months now will my daughter and the dad aren't together but my daughter finally told me not too long ago that he's been doing really bad in his life and that his family during xmas told him he needed the Lord in his life now and they prayed for him. I told my daughter today that I can't stop worrying about him.
Honestly I don't like these feelings that I get because when I get them it truly scares me because then I worry about that person. If you have any advice on how I can stop or learn how to deal with this I truly would appreciate it?

God Bless
AngelGirl24 (8 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-02)
I have had things like that happen to me. But I dream it, a lot of my dreams happen in real life. And I can always sense when one of my friends is hurting or angry even when they are not around. You have a strong gift learn to use it
JessicaC (4 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-02)
sorry correction on my part "scaryboy true," ignore the not that is there.;]
JessicaC (4 stories) (5 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-02)
scaryboy not true, I have had dreams and things have happened after that reflect on my dreams, I have also had really bad feelings then either the same day, or the next I find out somthings gone wrong. I once had the worst feeling of dread and guilt, I kept thinking of this one friend, so I called him and found out his granddad had died and he really needed a friend... So was good timing I supose... I also experience bad vibes from people where I can't be around somebody...
Maybe you should try to write down the dreams or if you have a feeling write down the feeling and see what happens. I have started doing that it helps me slightly understand things a little more...
Hope I have helped in anyway 😁
Jess xx
scaryboy (2 stories) (117 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-02)
well you seem to have written the experience in ahurried manner and coming to your story its possible that nightmares do effect the consious mind never fear and consult to psychologist if things are going strange and coming to your daughter she plays pranks some time which suffers to happen without any real reason behind
Keep us posted
Scary boy
Tonith (1136 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-01)
Something to be said about a woman's intuition. Men don't seem to have it to the same degree as women and I would think it may have more to do with women being more emotional than man in general. I have a friend who will feel anxious for a week or two with no real reason only to have something fairly traumatic happen to someone in her family. It's happened too many times for her to ignore these "feelings".I believe there are people with natural psychic abilities even though they would never consider themselves psychic. Sounds like this could be the case for you. I wish you well with your sister. It's always hard when relations are strained between family members but the fact that you love her is your way of putting the baggage aside. I'm sure you would be there for her if needed. I think all of us have relatives we can only take in small doses. It's not easy to accept others for what they are and what they are not. If you can love them inspite of it all the better.
ghostreader1000 (34 posts)
16 years ago (2009-02-01)
Hi I am mike, I am a Medium and I experince paranormal incidents quite often. It sounds like to me that you are Phsycic. As for your sister and the bad vibes you get when she is around sounds like to me she could be in a bad situation I may be wrong and I pray that I am but I feel that she is and you may want to ease into a conversation with her and ask her if there is anything going on with her that you would like to know about. If there is she will get nervous about it. And if she volunteers to tell you that she is in fact invoved with bad things not saying she is do not get me wrong ok. Do not blow it up way out of proportion I am not saying you will ok please understand that. I mean no disrespect tword you or your sister. But if she needs help then just give her the shoulder to cry upon and tell her you want to help.

I hope I was helpful in some way possible and again Please do not take anything I said hurtful or disrespectful. Thank you for sharing your story. If you need advice post it here and I will try to help all I can

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