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Upsetting Experience Before Yacht Party


As most of you know I live on Long Island. One of the contractors that my husband used invited us to attend a party on his yacht about 9 or 10 months after the 9/11/01. The problem for me was we had to walk right by where the Twin Towers once stood. I was disgusted by all the gawkers looking through any hole in the tarp that was put up over the fencing to prevent such behavior. I was getting a headache because of all the emotions I was picking up from spirits that felt lost, and upset. Several times I would side step someone or walk behind my husband to let someone pass or were just standing in our path. My husband asked what I was doing and I told him I was being polite and not walking into people. He looked at me quizzically and said what people, nobody was in your way. I couldn't believe it I must have looked like a kook. My headache was getting worse and I had to walk on the other side of my husband but kept my head down.

We walked to a private marina just past the rubble and found the right yacht. Our hosts welcomed us and joked that I already looked sea sick. I laughed and informed them I've never gotten sea sickness in my life and said I just had a bit of a headache. They offered me some aspirin or a drink. I said a drink would be nice and asked for a screw driver. After a few minutes the rest of the guests arrived and we had a very nice cruise up the Hudson and the party was great.

The next year we were invited again but chose to drive in and parked at the marina. We had a wonderful time because I wasn't so stressed. As we were returning to the marina the hosts told us that they had built an Arboretum that overlooked the site where the Towers had been.

After disembarking the boat we decided to visit the Arboretum. We weren't there that long because my husband is an exempt Volunteer Fireman and the loss of so many Firemen and women hit both of us hard. I was getting an oppressive feeling like we were in a crowd but there was hardly anyone there so I was glad to be out of there. As we drove out of the private marina I saw the spirit of the same woman I had walked around the year before. I wish I knew why she and the other spirits had not crossed over yet. I have been to Manhattan since then many times but never went to see the Victory Tower.



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Ann4shadow (1 stories) (36 posts)
7 years ago (2017-02-01)
hello Red,
I hope it is okay for me to call you that? Anyway, I've started to read some of your stories and I find them very interesting. They bring up so many questions but since I am new to the site I'm not sure if they are okay to ask or not. I've come to believe in reincarnation through the years and I have been told by my son who passed away Dec. 21st, 2017 that he was in transition and was excited and finally free. (This was messaged to my by my brother when he went to see his spiritualist, my brother channeled my son's spirit) My son went on to say that he was to make the decision what to do next... I was under the impression that each person had a certain amount of learning/teaching to do before going to the next life. Then they would get into heaven at some point when they reached a certain level...

So my next message from my son came to me by my nephew who is also gifted and often predicts things correctly and has dreams that usually come true. I should add that he is very autistic. So he told his mom that a red headed older lady came to him in his dream and told him that "Pat just got into heaven at the last minute" (Pat was my son who died.)

So now I am VERY confused and plan to see a medium Feb 10th.

This time I'm doing it over the phone... Which I do not know how that works... Please advise me about after death and talking with a loved one.

You are gifted and a medium Red. I would love to hear from you or anyone who has insight into after death experiences! Reincarnation, and if my son would be going to Heaven when he told us he was in transition... I seem to be confused and wondered if the seven levels several people mentioned could be the levels of learning/teaching that had to be done or not...
DandK (11 stories) (344 posts)
8 years ago (2016-09-29)

Great story! Did the ghosts seem aware to you? Did you get the impression they thought they were alive? Did they appear to be going about their business like it was a normal day, like perhaps a residual?

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-03-07)
I don't know why I saw the same spirit both times. Like I said to Mystic25 I think it is my appearance. I have been mistaken for other people. Once when I was working at the hospital I was mistaken for a niece by a patient and had to stay and "visit" for 10 minutes before I could leave the room.

Also I told Mystic25 that I saw her the second time as we were driving out of the marina and she was standing there and gave me a wave and had a sad smile. I suppose she wanted to speak to me but my husband had not seen her the first time so I had to bite my tongue and not tell him I saw her again. He believes in only 2 spirits, his father and my grandfather.

As far as going back there I really haven't really thought about it really. With the Freedom Tower (1 World Trade Center) built and occupied and the museum built and open if she is still around I wouldn't recognize her. Also I think going to the museum would be to much for me. There is a lot of things in there that was retrieved from the rubble even a Fire Truck. Having all of that in a building that isn't that big would be overwhelming for me because I know there are still spirits there.

spiritwaiting (42 stories) (843 posts)
8 years ago (2016-02-26)
I can't imagine trying to walk by the Twin Towers as you did. Being an empath myself, I would have found it extremely difficult. Picking up on the vibrations, and emotions. I often get migraines when spirits come around, I try taking Aleve but you know that really doesn't work 😊.I commend you on your strength in continuing on your visit.

Hmm I also wonder, why you would see the same woman from the previous year.
Did she seem to acknowledge you seeing her? If so maybe she was trying to get your attention knoowing you could see her.
Are you planning on going back any time to maybe try it out?

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
8 years ago (2016-01-26)
The only thing I can think of is my appearance. Many times I have been confused for other people. I may look like someone near and dear to the woman and the first time I saw her I walked around her. The second time I saw her was as we were driving out of the marina and she just gave me a wave and a sad smile as we drove out of the marina. Just a theory though

Mystic25 (guest)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
Redwolf, What a touching/emotional turn of events. Sometimes being empathic can be very difficult and honestly you are stronger than most probably would have been walking by there... I can't begin to fathom what that felt like. It's both interesting and curious as to why you saw the same woman firstly walking by You and then again from the Arboretum. Though it is hard to say why you would see her twice. Thank you for sharing this with us.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-18)
Please read my story Outter Heaven. I think that you will enjoy the story. It's the only out of body experience I've had that I can recall.
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-17)
Red, I think the Cayce interpretation about the soul relates more to the ego or as Tweed pointed out, personality which in his view is a separate state of mind to the eternal spirit. In his interpretations, when we die, we find it very hard to detach ourselves from emotions and the material world especially if there's any trauma involved in the process of death "this apparently is the soul refusing to move on"? I'm not sure neither about the 7 regions and perhaps I should have refrained myself from mentioning them however interesting they are to me personally.

Hi Tweed, I wouldn't describe Cayce as a thinker who mixed up a combination of beliefs to draw on his own conclusions as most of his readings came from him when he was a sleep and he had no idea in his waking state of what he said. I find this really fascinating and does it lend a clue to two possible states of mind? Was Cayce talking from spirit when he was asleep which may explain why his soul. (sub conciousness) ego, personality didn't have a clue or remember anything he said and perhaps from spirit, he had a unique advantage of prophecy or vision? He was quite a remarkable man what ever one thinks of him, he never charged any money for his readings and only accepted donations of which he struggled with to raise a family. Probably the most famous clairvoyant of all time. I am a fan, but I continue through my own journey with an open mind and a willingness to still learn. BTW on reincarnation, he believes it's "optional" so you and I can still call it quits after this ride if we want.

Regards Daz
Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-13)
Not a problem Red, I saw your question a day or so after reading about it. They're not really my beliefs either, but interesting none the less. 😊
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-13)
Thank you so much for putting so much time into this. You made a lot of sense about this seven sphere theory, although I don't think that I believe this theory. I don't mean to insult anyone who does, but it isn't my belief.
Thanks again.

Tweed (35 stories) (2501 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-11)
Hi Red, because Daz (Hi Daz!) bangs on about Edgar Cayce so much I actually did a 3 hr marathon read about the dude a couple days ago. (I'm prone to doing big reads about a bunch of stuff I hear about on here, Cayce was the latest)

Well, it seems to me (opinion here), that like all great thinkers before him, he takes bits and bobs from other religions and beliefs and breathes new logic into them. The seven sphere's (I think there were seven anyway...), the origins possibly go back to ancient Egyptian beliefs about a compartmentalised version of spirit matter which (I think) goes every which way and into different realms after bodily death. (Are you confused? Good, so am I!)

Where as in Cayce's theory there was a soul realm and a spirit realm. (I'm guessing the origins here are traditional Mystic teachings of 'etheric body': spirit matter of the body, what ghosts use to manifest themselves, I surmise, and 'subtle body': our consciousness, personality, emotions all that we are.)

While I'm completely thumbs up about the concepts of 'etheric' and 'subtle' components to our spirit matter, as described by many traditional Indian trains of thought. I simply could not make head nor tail of Cayce's spirit and soul realms, and I read some sections over and over. One article had input from numerous people which made it unbearable to read. While another felt like a Yoga meditation manual, except it was addressing the great here after, not a moment of contemplation and balance on a fold out rug.

Cayce's actual quotes were very well spoken and forthright in manner. It's a darn shame the internet doesn't just quote the guy, instead of running him through a confusing new age filter. The seven spheres I suppose are a re-imagining of the ancient Egyptian concept of seven souls. However Cayce's spheres seem to be levels of heaven which prepare for reincarnation instead of eternity in the afterlife.
Gawd, reincarnation again. No thanks, not unless I can come back as Max Headroom.

Daaaaaazzzzzz, you're a smart guy, I might not agree with a lot of Cayce's theories but I just KNOW he would have imparted them to the world FAR better than the lame tripe I read through. Much like Gerald Gardner who gave the world 'Wicca', his ideas have too become diluted with crap ideals, it's maddening I tells ya!
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-11)
Sorry, RandyM. Damn auto- correction!
I need more letters in this post, blah blah blah
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-11)
Random & aussiedaz; regarding time passing in spirit world. I agree with you; spirits are not bound by gravity, nor experience the passing of day and night and therefore "time" is completely different.
A good example that people may (possibly) relate to is when you drift off to sleep and have an epic dream that seems to take ages, then you awake to find only a few minutes have passed.
It's a whole other dimension that is separate from time and space as we understand it.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-11)
Yes I have heard of Edgar Cayce as the sleeping profit as well. Thanks.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-11)
Hi Mack,
Happy New Years to you too. Thank you for your reply,I've never heard of this but you have educated me about it very nicely.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-10)

I am afraid I am more familure with Edger Cayce's 'predictions'...He was called the Sleeping Prophet because of the trance he would enter prior to 'telling the future'. So its hard to say concerning these.


Garret McGee
Macknorton (5 stories) (646 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-10)
Hi Red
Happy New Year. My understanding of the spirit world is that it's a series of graduated "spheres". Apparently the closest aspect to us beings who are encased in matter as we are, is the astral world. This is a world that is almost identical to ours and exists for spirits that have no comprehension of the afterlife so therefore it's important that they have a smooth transition, otherwise the shock would be too much.
Apparently the spirit world is primarily a world of thought, so if you think you need bodily functions, you have them. If you think you need internal organs, you have them etc. Whatever your thought is, it creates your reality, which can be argued is exactly like earthly existence.
I don't know about 7 regions as such, but it would appear that as you evolve spiritually, each "sphere" drops away and you move forever onwards for eternity.
That's my understanding on it, and I'm forever learning more and more.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-10)
I need your expert opinion here. Aussiedaz I will quote "I was reading up on the Edgar Cayce's findings on life after death with no intent of offending anyone's else's belief system here but he believes that after death, there are 7 regions for the soul to move through and then 7 regions for the spirit, but apparently for the Soul to move on it needs to let go of all emotional thoughts tragic, negative or even positive pertained to the physical realm before it can... These Souls are either there with the knowledge of their fate, or by the refusal of accepting it? I'm not advocating Edgar Cayce's findings Red as being 100 percent fact, however, I do find them interesting and quite plausible."

Now my question because my belief is a soul and a spirit is one and the same, or at least that is the way I was brought up. Or rather once a person dies so does the soul and the soul becomes a spirit, and if a spirit wants to reincarnate it goes into a new soul and awakens it, if that makes any sense. How can a soul and spirit have to go through 7 different regions? How can anyone know this? I don't even know if what I was taught to believe would hold water.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-10)
I'm sorry it has taken so long to answer your question, but every time I tried on my new tablet at one point it went poof and I couldn't retrieve it. I'm using the P.C. Now because my son isn't home and that's the only time I get to use it. 😆

To answer your question you have to read aussiedaz and RANDYMS comments below my last comment. Their theories are that time does not move the same way as it does on this side. Which I have no idea if that is true or not, nobody really does, how could they? So I misspoke when I said that spirits can't tell time. A theory is just that until it can be proven.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
9 years ago (2016-01-08)
RedWolf - I didn't want to derail zinia's story with this question, so I chose your story to ask it. Just curiosity more than anything I guess but why do you believe spirits cannot tell time? 😕
aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-08)
You may be right Red, the question at hand I guess, is whether these souls are here by choice or are still trapped in the moment of 9/11 or even as parents of the victims and finding it difficult to move on? I was reading up on the Edgar Cayce's findings on life after death with no intent of offending anyone's else's belief system here but he believes that after death, there are 7 regions for the soul to move through and then 7 regions for the spirit, but apparently for the Soul to move on it needs to let go of all emotional thoughts tragic, negative or even positive pertained to the physical realm before it can... These Souls are either there with the knowledge of their fate, or by the refusal of accepting it? I'm not advocating Edgar Cayce's findings Red as being 100 percent fact, however, I do find them interesting and quite plausible. I can't even pretend to imagine how difficult 9/11 has been for the parents of the victims and local community of New York, it certainly was an event that change the world and not a part of any greater design it was pure evil!

Regards Daz!
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-08)
aussie & RANDYM,
I've been around enough spirits to understand what you are saying. But every year they televivse a memorial for those who have died and family
Members attend. It's been 14 years so if a parent has died since then there is a probability that they would go to the place they know their child died to see if s/he is still there and bring him or her to the other side. Now that the Freedom Tower is finished and has buinesses working in there I would hope that the spirits would leave unfamiliar surroundings and go to the other side but that is just a hope of mine.

That day was horrible for this nation but worse for N.Y. & D.C... I live about a half mile from a Federal Courthouse & State Courthouse and the put an anti-aircraft gun on the grounds of the Fereral Courthouse and military men on the roof of the Federal Courthouse with surface to air missiles. There were fighter jets flying over my house so low that my Oak Trees were bending at the tops like a tropical storm was blowing in. The time to have those jets off the ground is when the transponders and radios were turned off. Maybe they could have stopped the attacks. But there is no way of telling now.

RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-04)
Just to let you know for certain you are 100% correct.
Time is not a function on the other side of death. It is something we use
On this side to help us keep reference. So when someone says that someone
Has been trapped for decades or over 100 years it may seem a long time to us but it has NO meaning once we cross over to the other side.

aussiedaz (19 stories) (1565 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-03)
Red...Just to add a little more to what's already been covered here, when we die, time does not work the same no matter where we are like it does here in the physical realm, especially if we have unfinished business or what ever base of emotions keeping us from moving on. You may wonder why they haven't moved on yet after a year, unfortunately for these souls, that year or even the 15 years since 9/11 will always seem like yesterday or the morning of that tragic day... Until there ready to accept their fate and move on. I do surmise with such a large number of people losing their lives on 9/11 they would be feeding themselves with a physical reality as real as the one you and I are in, making that task to see clear very difficult. There would be angels of mercy and loved ones working around them, helping them to ease out of there situation and panic of mind. But again, time has no consequences, nor is it relevant to the process of freeing their spirit from that awfully sad event!

Regards Daz
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-03)
No she didn't seem to remember me or really think that I could see her. She was just standing there like a lost sole.

Miracles & val
There were pictures of people in the Newspaper but most of the time I would get upset looking at them so I had to stop.

This I have to explain.
A few days before the attacks I had a premonition that something was going to happen to the Twin Towers and told my husband. I asked him what could happen, Air Planes flying into them? He just shrugged me off.
I wanted to go into the city that day to an Native American Museum not too far away from the Towers. I knew that there were Planes missing but I thought nothing of it, until a voice in my head say don't go.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-02)
Of course you're right. I don't know why I didn't think of that myself.
My question now is why were they also in the Arboretum? When we walked in I could sense them. I used the word oppresive but I think that was the wrong word. It was more like a lot of sadness, mixed in with some anger. I did a few spirits but they did not have enough energy or did not know how to fully materialize. Two were by people but I did not want to read them because I was upset myself.
My husband and I knew someone who lost her life in one of the Towers. She was an O.R. Nurse at the Hospital we worked at. She had left around the same time I did. I left on Doctors orders because I was staying up half of the night with a colicky baby, and then working doing a lot of physical labor in Central Sterile Supply and it got to be too much on my body. She went to work for the Port Authority Police. By the time of the attacks she was a P.A.P. Captain. She was on the ground floor of the Tower she was in and shot out windows so more people could get out. Then rather then getting herself out of harms way she went to assist someone who was trying to get a woman in a wheel chair out but they didn't make it. They found her remains on my wedding anniversary.

RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-02)
To everyone,
I'm truly sorry that it has taken me so long to reply. I got a new tablet. With a key board and I'm not used to it yet. My replies thus far have disappeared from too long. So I will have to address each seperately.
sheetal (6 stories) (771 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-02)
Hello, Red... 9/11 was an tragic attack for the whole humanity... No wonders why you seen that poor soul. May that spirit get salvation soon. Thanks for sharing 😁
RANDYM (2 stories) (266 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-02)
Thank you for sharing Red, and thanks to your husband for his service.
May we never forget that horrible day and those taken from us.
RedWolf (31 stories) (1292 posts)
9 years ago (2016-01-01)
I made a mistake. It is the Freedom Tower NOT the Victory Tower. Sorry about that. Being a New Yorker I should be flogged.

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