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Moony And Crookshanks Meet Brat-brat


We had a number of cats after Brat-Brat but I never bonded with any of them until I was 23 when I got Moony and Crookshanks. They were pure white twin brothers; the only difference being them was their eyes. Moony's were blue and Crookshanks were gold. They were only a week old when I first got them so they went every where with me and slept on the bed with me as well. When they were old enough to get down and explore they didn't go far however, as they got older they went farther.

One day I was lying on the couch reading when I noticed the two of them sitting in the middle of the floor staring at the recliner. I couldn't see anything but obviously they could. Suddenly both cats yowled in fright and raced to me and up into my lap. I calmed them down and after a bit they wandered off. I was feeling real blue because I had just gotten the news a friend of mine was killed in Iraq. As I lay on the couch trying not to cry I felt Brat-Brat climb up on me. Just as she curled up around my neck. Moony and Crookshanks came bouncing over the arm of the couch at my feet.

They stopped mid bounce and stared at me. I felt Brat-Brats purr change to a growl, felt her weight move and suddenly Moony toppled to the floor as if he'd been swatted of the couch. There was a loud growling hiss and both the cats tore off out of the room howling as if their tails were on fire.

My grandma heard the noise all the way upstairs. When she came down to see what was wrong I told her "it's just Brat-Brat letting the boys know she's in charge".

I lost Moony and Crookshanks about a month ago. They died a week apart. Crookshanks was hit by a car and Moony missed his brother so much he followed him. I believe they are still with me too but that's another story.

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miri_chan (6 stories) (69 posts)
15 years ago (2009-09-02)
Moony & Crookshanks... HARRY POTTER? 8D -is a spastic fan-
I'm very sorry about the two of them too;=;
I have a cat named Layla, and if anything ever happened to her I'd be devastated...
TammyMom (32 posts)
15 years ago (2009-02-03)
AmberMoonPriestess, When I was young my stepdad's kids needed for us to keep their 2 dogs "temporarily". They had been mates ever since they were puppies. They were both small dogs. I'm not sure what kind of dogs they were, but I think that Bear, the male, was part chihuahua. He had short brown hair. I think that Muttley, the female, was part terrier and part schnauzer. She had long black hair. Bear was very smart. He would sit at the side of the road and wait until there were no cars coming before he would cross. After we had them for quite some time, we had some people over, and the small children came in and said that Muttley was laying under the boat with flies on her eyes. My stepdad buried her in the backyard. Bear wouldn't eat or sleep. A few days later I saw him sitting by the side of the road. There was a car coming, so I just knew that he would wait until it had passed to cross the road. When the car got right up to him he jumped in front of the car and was killed instantly. He committed suicide. I know that he did it on purpose. My stepdad buried him next to Muttley in the backyard. I will never forget seeing that happen. TammyMom
AmberMoonPriestess (15 stories) (158 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-25)

Exactly I do wish he had stayed with me but I would not want them sepperated and have the feeling they are still here. I currently have 3 cats, 2 I am caring for are my moms, they are a huge calico aged 10 named dipsy and a gray tabby with white belly aged4 named nibs (cause of his missing tail) and then there's mine a black and white terror whos 1 named ghost because he crys all the time and likes to play ghost tricks like turning lights on and off, moving stuff around, stealing things, pushing things off shelves etc.

Ghost races through the house as if hes playing tag and once in awhile I can see two small white shapes running with him.
faerielike (15 stories) (268 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-25)
That is very true. I really don't see how it could be any of your fault. If a cat is going to do it, they will find a way to do it sooner or later! ❤
AmberMoonPriestess (15 stories) (158 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-25)

It was a twin thing. I don't understand it wither but I guess he decided to go quickly rather than linger and starve himself I don't know it used to bother me at first because I would wonder maybe if I had watched him better he wouldn't have gotten out then my Brotther pointed out that if Moony wanted to go that bad he would have found a way no matter how watchfull I was.
faerielike (15 stories) (268 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-25)
Whoa! That is so weird that a cat would do that! I have seen cats play chicken with cars, jetting out of the way at the last minute, but I have never seen a suicidal cat. I guess he really missed his sibling! Metallica and Gemini were the same way, and that was the same reason I took both of them as well. I guess there are just something about twins.
Maybe if we hadn't moved, Metallica might have done the same thing?
Happy hauntings to you! 😊
AmberMoonPriestess (15 stories) (158 posts)
15 years ago (2009-01-23)

You are welcome and I agree, I don't know why he had to even go but he believed it was "the right thing". I miss him terribly, there's still a hole in my life where he used to be.
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-01-23)
Thank you for your answer to my question. My condolences for your loss, I was in the Navy, and I still find THESE types of losses to be the hardest to cope with, as THEY are the hardest to understand.
AmberMoonPriestess (15 stories) (158 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-22)

I believe the same thing. From birth the two of them were inseperable that's why I took them both. I just wish Moony had gone more peacefully. When I said he followed his brother I meant it, he snuck out of the house and went and lay in the street in the exact spot his brother was hit. I saw him doing it once and grabbed him but the second time I didn't see him until too late.
faerielike (15 stories) (268 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-22)
Interesting! I had twin cats that were black. I lost Gemini when he was almost a year, and his brother Metalica made it to about two years old. It is so sad to lose our little friends!
I think that sometimes they are sent to us for when we really need them, and then they go, be it in death or just disappearing.
Good luck to you! 😁
AmberMoonPriestess (15 stories) (158 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-22)

Lol yes that's where the names came from.

Brats always been that way even when she was alive. It was worse when she was alive she wouldn't let me pet any other cat or even let one near me and if I came home smelling of other cat she would growl at me and attack my pants and shoes, once I took them off.
AmberMoonPriestess (15 stories) (158 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-22)
he was Airforce.

She was there as a comfort but shes always been very possesive of me and even when alive if any other animal came around she would chase them off.
DeviousAngel (11 stories) (1910 posts)
16 years ago (2009-01-22)
Someone's a Harry Potter fan.:P

Hmm...I don't know what to make of this one. It's weird that Brat-Brat would be so overprotective. Usually animals know when to let their masters and mistresses move on and have other pets. It didn't sound like the other two cats were doing anything wrong, so I don't really know why she'd attack them. That seems a bit cruel.

whitebuffalo (guest)
16 years ago (2009-01-22)
What ban of defense did your friend join, and which branch of service?
I was also effected by this mindless war (yes I know, Peanut gallery, but to ME, if there is a group of people out to kill another group of people, THAT is a WAR. NOT a battle, not a police action. A WAR. Off my soap box now) and I would LIKE to think that Brat-Brat had come as a COMFORT. And NOT to "show the boys who's boss".
You WROTE that you were thinking on this friend "lost". After that you felt the cat wrap it self around your neck.
Thank you.

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