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Real Ghost Stories

Our Cat General


It happened one night when I was in Montana visiting my Aunt and my Cousin. My mom had called me to tell me that our cat General had just died. I was devastated. A week later, when I arrived back home in Colorado, I was sitting in my living room watching TV when I heard this familiar scratching noise. General used to make this noise all the time. So I was curious and I stood up and looked in the kitchen. There he was. It was like he was not even dead. He looked alive and actually there. Like you could go pet him. So as curious as I was, I got up and went over into my kitchen. Then he was gone. I never told anyone about it that night.

That was until my mom kept complaining of some weird scratching noise at her door at 3 o'clock every morning. At first, she thought it was either me or my Twin brother. That was until one weekend, we were up staying at our dad's house, like we did every other weekend, when she heard it again. At that moment, she new that something was in our house. At first she thought we might have mice. And then she thought twice about that, considering it was winter and they weren't out at that time.

The night I came back from my dad's house, my mom and I were sitting on the couch watching a movie when she suddenly jumped up and looked into the kitchen. I didn't think much of it until she starting yelling "BREE. IT'S...ITS... G...GENERAL... H...HE'S IN... IN THE K...KITCHEN", that's when I knew she had seen him to and that it just wasn't me.

After 3 years of seeing him on and off, he just suddenly stopped showing up. Like he had moved on or something. We just recently moved to California about 8 months ago and just bought a new house about a week ago. There is no sign of him yet... But my mom and I both have some crazy idea going threw our heads that he will show up here... He will.

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Brownie09 (6 stories) (293 posts)
16 years ago (2008-09-14)
Sounds like General was just wanting to show you and your mom that he was healthy and happy now, that he knew ya'll loved him. He has finally been able to pass after him letting you know that he loved ya'll, and that no matter what he will always be with ya'll.
Thanks for your story. 😊
Francois (220 posts)
17 years ago (2008-08-01)
Dear surf4life,

That was a great story, although I am sorry to hear the passing of your beloved pet. General, like in life, wanted to accompany you and your family. As what Kim said in the earlier comment, hopefully General has met his maker is at peace in the grand paradise of heaven.

Thank you for posting your experience and sharing it with the yourghoststories community. God bless you and take care.


Francois 😁
KimSouthO (27 stories) (1960 posts)
17 years ago (2007-09-17)
Sounds as if General wasn't quite ready to move on. Hopefully, he is at peace though.

God Bless!

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