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Why Can't I Sense What This Evil Is?


Me and my friend Emily did something the other night. We did something that we know we shouldn't have done. And now were facing the consequences. Ok well to completely understand this I need to explain an experience that happened two weeks ago.

I was riding my bike down a sidewalk next to the woods. I saw a man standing in the woods. As I passed by the man said "Hi". The next day I was curious to see what was going on there, so I took my bike down the sidewalk again. When I got there I left my bike on the side walk. I walked into the woods where I saw the man standing. I noticed that there was a path in the woods. I followed it half way. Then I realized that I left my bike out on the sidewalk where someone could steal it. I ran from the woods then got on my bike. I started to ride home. I looked down on my arm. There was blood on it. It was not my blood. I searched everywhere for a scratch or something to see if the blood was mine. There was not a mark on me.

I confided in my friend Emily. I told her everything. I told her about all of my experiences, & about my gift. She believed every word That I told her. So one night when she slept over my house, we made the mistake. We took an Ouija board & went the the old parking lot at the front of my development. On the way there we saw an orb. I walked out of my house & saw a white ball quickly move along the line of house's before disappearing. On the way there Emily also saw one. While we walked to the parking lot we constantly heard dogs barking. When we got to the parking lot we walked to the other side of a white van. We layed the Ouija board out on the ground. Me & Emily, both put two fingers (lightly) on the glass. I asked the questions:

"Is there a spirit here who wishes to speak?"


"Is there a sprit here who wishes to speak?"

The glass slowly moved to 6

We moved it back to the center, It started to move back to 6 again. Emily was quickly frightened. (she knows that 666 is the devils number) She ended the session. By this time I was hyperventilating. She looked at the white van her face went pale. She quickly gathered up our things, helped me up then ran home. I was hyperventilating because I felt a strong presence. It was like nothing I had ever felt before.

Ever since that night, things have been off. Me & emily are seeing and hearing things that only we can.

Yesterday in history class, I heard a loud inhuman sounding moan. Me & Emily looked at each other. Frightened we looked around. My teacher continued his lecture while everyone was franticly taking notes. Nobody else have heard the sound except us. A half hour later we heard a cat hiss. Nobody except us noticed as usual.

Every time I pass the parking lot I get a feeling. Something is wrong with that place. I can't sense exactly what it is.

PLEASE HELP US! Me & Emily are horrified! We released something that night!

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, vicuttie8, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

Rhys (15 posts)
14 years ago (2010-07-11)
1.Not the devil
2.100% Evil
3.If you use one again but once the dude is in the glass then get it in some water right then and there that should send it back/kill it my mum used one 3 TIMES! (not all at the same time ofc) but only if its evil if good chat with it, if s/he wants to
4.don't ues one ever again
5 Blood hmm... Try looking in all the town/city files and that to find out just what happed
6. (For a safer life) NEVER EVER TAKE A BAD DREAM AS JUST THAT! Sorry but please don't as you see them. It could be one trying to talk with you
The more you find out the better you will understand hope it helps, am a bit of a noob right now
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-27)
Something happened to me like this last night...
I was around the same area where the blood incident happened. I found the same amount of blood on the same spot on my arm. Again the blood was not mine...

Tori ❤
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
14 years ago (2010-03-23)
If anyone has any questions Just click on the link below because I don't always check this.

Tori (vicuttie8) |

Thank you!

Tori ❤
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
14 years ago (2010-03-19)
The blood did have an oder it smellled like salt. I have expericenced many many other things lately. Not al evil but some actually comforting. Thank you

Tori ❤
number13 (31 posts)
14 years ago (2010-02-15)
You should have not do that vicuttie8. That things not just your average ghost. That number (which I do not want to type) means something bad, no not bad, Horrible WILL happen to you. I suggest you go to a priest or something cause it ain't going to leave you just yet. I hope you survive this nightmare.
jerryhend1 (3 stories) (136 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-04)
I really don't think you did anything, from what you say, you did not go far with the Bord, and that is good, I think you first ran into something in the woods and it followed you and in there is your problem, as far as the blood, if it didn't come from you, IE a wound don't worry, just go to your (Insert religion) and talk and say a prayer of protection and you should be fine
Sapper (7 stories) (19 posts)
15 years ago (2010-01-01)
I have read this and all its comments but a few things have possibly eluded me. The first is when you saw the man how close was this to the spot were you used the board? The blood did it have an odor? Was it thick of like water thin? The town this takes place in is it a larger city or a rural town? The face that was seen, was it on glass or paint and what was the background behind the observer? There's probley more but I will start with those questions. As for the number 666 I wouldn't put much "salt" in it being anyone or anything trying to intimidate would more than likely use this set of numbers. Also earlier manuscripts showed the number to be 616 not 666. Beside the fact that 666 is the mark of the beast this doesn't necessarly mean Lucifer himself.
Like in chess the pawns go first.
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2009-12-02)
I ahve told my friends not to use the Ouija bored but I don't think that they will listen to me anymore. I had to explain my gift & all of my other experiences & they dident believe me & used the bored anyway. I tryed to stop them but... Let's just say thing dident work out to well.
Tori ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-11-28)
Sometimes a smudging does take a few attempts to get the desired results. Just like in a spacial smudging, personal smudging may need a "touch up". With the reuse of the Ouija board, you MAY have rid yourself, and your friends of unwanted beings with the smudging, and may have called them back due to the use of the board.
It would be best not to confuse the situation or the ghosts by flipping that switch on and off (telling them to leave, inviting them back in). Every action has a reaction. If you WANT this to work, you have to be firm.
Thank you.
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-25)
Thank you all for your help & support. Maybe I can figure this all out. Thank you for the information.

Tori ❤
scrapmetalkitten (306 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-22)
hmm you are way too nice. I think sometimes people need to experience things for themselves before they learn. I remember someone telling me about binding the spirit (s) to the ouija board and burying it in consecrated ground. Not like burying it in a cemetery or church ground but saying some sort of prayers over it after you bury it. This was a loooong time ago so I can't remember the details of how you would do something like this. Maybe another member on this site would have some sort of an idea or it might be found by googling. I really do wish you the best of luck in getting rid of it.

-Sydney ❤ 😊 ❤
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-21)
I would do that but at least I know what I'm dealing with while they dont. I mean if I do I could be putting there lives in Danger.

Tori ❤
scrapmetalkitten (306 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-18)
They used the board again! Oh geez. They're just asking for trouble. Another thought came to mind, just tell them to keep the board and don't ever bring it back and maybe whatever it is that is attached to it will cling to them and not you anymore! Kind of evil I know but I'm sure you warned them so let them learn the hard way.

-Sydney ❤ 😊 ❤
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-17)
We tryed the smudgeing but it dident work much at all. On halloween my friends stole & used the Ouija bored again...

Tori ❤
scrapmetalkitten (306 posts)
15 years ago (2009-11-10)
I got some goosebumps while reading this and it got really cold. Heh alrighty that was weird this story did not even scare me. I hope the smudging worked if not you and your friend need to forcefully revoke your spirit invitation outloud and tell it to leave and never come back. Having a "hitchhiker" spirit is not fun especially one that is threatening and interferring with your life. Good luck to both of you. ❤
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-24)
I think we will give it a try. Thank you very much for all your help!

Tori ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-10-24)
In the articles section of this site...
No, just hang on a minute.
Http:// has the instructions on how to smudge a home. Shane did a wonderful job in writing it out.
When cleansing/smudging a person, you would start at one point (say your left hand) and go all the way around your entire self, ending back at your starting point.
Just a suggestion. But I would give it a try if this were me.
Thank you.
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-24)
How do we clense ourselves? We have no idea how to do any of that stuff!

Tori ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-10-24)
Say, Tori?
Have you and Emily tried cleansing yourselves? Not the board, not the area, not the parking lot, but your persons? I hear tell that if one cleanses ones self, the entities can not follow.
Thank you.
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-24)
We last night I was in the bathroom at the local skateing rink. I sensed something in there with me. I was compleatly alone. Something pushed me in2 the counter. I got a rele huge bruise & I couldent breath for a minuite. Emily felt something staulking her to...

Tori ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-10-24)
Hello again, vicuttie8.
You say that things are continuing to get worse. Could you elaborate on that a bit more for us?
Any way you can "go back" and REclose the session as it almost sounds as if someone "slipped through" and ignored the goodbye?
Thank you.
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-21)
I did not close the session but my friend emily did. I frogot to mention that part. Things continue to get worse.

Tori ❤
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-10-20)
Thank you, vicuttie8.
I do not see it in the storyline, so I will just ask. Did you happen to close the session? I see that you gathered up your things and headed home, but not that you closed it.
"Ouija: The Most Dangerous Game" by Stoker Hunt and Abigail Sturges (do not be threatened by the title, it really is not all that bad) is another good source of information as well as
Thank you.
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-19)
The van has been there since I lived here. There was nobody in it & I don't think it has been started in years.

Tori ❤
15 years ago (2009-10-18)
ouija boards are not to be used lightly for any strange reason or encounter theymost only be used as a last resort constant use caused my family much grief you have been warned
whitebuffalo (guest)
15 years ago (2009-10-18)
I have a question for you, and please do not take this the wrong way. I am only asking as I do not know what the answer is.
This white van that you sat behind while using the homemade board... Was there anyone in it, that you know of? Do you know who owned the van?
I do not usually explain anything out until the answers to my questions are answered, only because I might have a different feel after the answers are in, but as of late, my way of commenting seems to have caused great issues with other posters.
I am wondering here if something was protecting you from something in that lot. Maybe not in the van, per say, but the van seems to be a "wild card" in that you chose to mention it while writing this out.
PERHAPS (I am not all seeing, nor am I a psychic, just a thought process going on here) "it" was hitting the sixes simply to point out that there WAS danger. A warning of sorts.
And the other things that have been happening, though unnerving to live through, may simply be someone letting you know that they are still there to keep you safe.
IF this is the case, perhaps you should tell "it" that it is making you uncomfortable, and to please tone it down, or leave all together. It does not appear to be straight up bad, so maybe it could be stopped by a conversation of sorts.
Thank you.
vicuttie8 (7 stories) (92 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-16)
I frogot to mention in the story that when emily looked at the white van she saw a verly long pale greenish evil face staring back at her. (It took me a while to write the story so that's why I lack of deatails.)

Tori ❤
MrsO (4 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-16)
You asked if there was a spirit there that wanted to speak and it went to 6. Maybe it meant there are 6 spirits there. Maybe it wasn't trying to spell 666 at all. I mean, I agree with other comments that it probably would have done something more extreme if it was really demonic or satanic. But the only suggestion I have is, I burn sage to "cleanse" my house. Before we ever move anything in when we move, I go burn sage there. I couldn't tell you that it works for sure because if it is then I wouldn't know because there hasn't been any paranormal things happening at my home. But that could be it working or that could just mean that there was nothing there to begin with. Good luck, though!
Solomon (2 stories) (9 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-16)
Try telling a local expert (priest, or whatever) before you panic. I have come across somebody with a story just like this. She ignored it, spent time out with friends and never stayed alone for very long, and the spirit left, bored I think.

The spirit will try and scare you, but if you don't give in, it will leave. I doubt it was anything truly satanic, most people know the meaning of '666' and it is a symbol that people generally associate with evil and dread. It is trying to scare you, if it was satanic, it would have been a bit more extreme I think.

Sheer willpower can win this out, the human spirit is not a thing to be taken lightly. We underestimate the power within ourselves. That is what they prey upon.
Hopeful23 (12 stories) (93 posts)
15 years ago (2009-10-15)
It doesn't sound like much. Honestly I think that whatever it is should leave you alone pretty soon. You didn't get much of an answer from a spirit, just it trying to spell out 666. Perhaps this was because the spirit was weaker and was trying to scare you off as best as it could. Perhaps that because it was so weak, the best it could do to scare you off was spell out 666, or try.

Try to ignore for a day or two or seven. If it doesn't go away try to put up crosses around your house or wear a cross around your neck. Try telling it out loud (and say it with authority) "I do not want you around, please leave me and my friend alone." The spirit should get that you mean business and are not afraid of them and should leave.

If it worsens then bless your house, burn sage, put up crosses, sprinkle your home with holy water, and other things. You should be thankful though that this spirit is not harming you or your friend, just annoying you two with noises. What you absolutely must do, whether or not the activity increases or dies down, is cut the Ouija board up into seven pieces and bury it in either your back yard or your friends. I'm sure you now know that Ouija boards should never be used. Best of luck and thank you for sharing your story!


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