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I Need My Mommy 2


For those of you who are familiar with "I Need My Mommy," this is the rest of that story. It's not nearly as emotional or "scary." Although I have no proof some of the following things were done by the little girl, I'm pretty sure she had something to do with them.

During the 8 years that I lived in that house, there were things that happened that we "blamed" on the little girl; things that couldn't logically be explained.

My daughter's dad was diabetic and one evening, after picking up his insulin, we couldn't find it. We had just come home, went in the house and he couldn't find his insulin. We searched the living room, kitchen, laundry room, and the car. We even called the places we'd just been to see if maybe it had fallen out of the car or something while we were there; hoping someone had found it and turned it in. But it was nowhere to be found. Several hours later, I went into the spare bedroom and there it was, lying on top of the entertainment center. Funny thing was no one had been in there since we'd been home. Jerrica's dad was adamant he had put his insulin in the refrigerator, yet there it was - in the extra room.

There would be things moved from one place to another, just little things, nothing as important as the insulin, but a bit annoying. We would look for something that we knew we had just put down and it would be gone. A few minutes later we'd find it exactly where we had originally put it. A lot of times it was the remote, but I think we really misplaced the remote. Don't think it'd be fair to blame her for the "elusive" remote.

One day I was looking for the thermometer. I knew I had put it on the refrigerator the last time I had used it, because I remembered telling Jerrica and her dad that I was going to put it on the corner of the refrigerator, that way I would know where it was the next time I needed it. I told both of them to remind me where it was when I couldn't find it because every time I used it, it couldn't be found the next time I needed it. Well, I went to get it and it wasn't there. I asked both of them if they had moved it and neither had. I looked all over the top of the refrigerator, the medicine cabinet, my top dresser drawer, all the while knowing I had put it on the top of the refrigerator. A few days later, I looked up and there it was. On top of the refrigerator, exactly where it was supposed to be. She would do little things like that all the time. Most of them I can't remember, but they were harmless. Just things a child might think were funny.

One night after I'd come home from work (around 2:30 a.m. Or so), Jerrica came into the bedroom and said she was scared. I asked her why and she said she heard a noise. When I asked her what kind of noise, she said it was a noise in the kitchen. I told her it was probably one of the cats eating or something. She said no, it wasn't that kind of noise. I asked her what kind of noise it was (and prayed that she wasn't going to tell me what I just knew she was going to say). Jerrica said she heard a voice. A little kid's voice, and the kid said "hi" to her and it scared her, so she ran to my bedroom. I told her the kid probably just wanted to play with her and Jerrica said it scared her. I'm sure hearing the voice scared her because Jerrica wasn't expecting it. I don't believe the little girl intended to scare Jerrica, because she had been around for a while and, without Jerrica confirming this, I believe she was a playmate.

One afternoon after I got home from work, Jerrica's dad went to pick up some dinner for her. After he left, I took a shower. When I got out of the shower, I walked into my bedroom. Jerrica was playing in her bedroom. I started getting dressed and heard a little girl laughing. I heard her say "that really cracks me up." (whitebuffalo!) Knowing this wasn't Jerrica, I got aggravated, because neither Jerrica nor her dad had told me anyone else was there and I only ordered food for Jerrica. Anyway, I asked Jerrica who was in there with her and she said no one was. I asked her if she said "that really cracks me up" and she acted like I was stupid. Jerrica's dad had left the TV on in the living room, but it was on ESPN and they were discussing the previous day's football games, so I knew it couldn't have been the TV and Jerrica's TV wasn't on.

Jerrica's dad had a Sega Genesis game system and we would hear it playing all the time. Jerrica liked to play Sonic Hedgehog and we would hear the music from that game, even when Jerrica wasn't home. We would hear it while she was at school, at her best friend's house, asleep, wherever. Of course we would check and see if the system was on; sometimes it wasn't. Even if the system was on, Sonic wouldn't be in it. Eventually we just quit checking. At first I thought it was just one of those irritating sounds that you hear in your head even when it's not out loud. But when Jerrica's dad and I realized we both could hear it, we just figured the little girl liked the game and she was playing it, even without it being in the machine. I think there probably is a scientific explanation for this. I just don't know what it is.

For a long time, I mean years, I could hear 2 men talking through my alarm clock. At first I thought maybe my radio/alarm clock was going crazy, so I bought a regular alarm clock, without radio. Jerrica's dad and I both continued hearing the men; we couldn't distinguish the words, but we could hear them talking. It sounded like a radio talk show from 20 or 30 years ago. Maybe like a black and white TV program, except on the radio. It never changed; it was always the same 2 men talking. A few years ago I realized it might be "white noise."

After I left in 2000, for a few months I would ask Jerrica's dad if he noticed anything after I was gone. He still heard the radio and the Sega. To my knowledge, he never heard the little girl again after I left. We didn't have a peaceful divorce, so I don't really know whether or not he continued hearing things until his death in 2006.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Miracles51031, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
7 years ago (2017-06-24)
Augusta - 😁sometimes lines have to be drawn, don't they? I guess in my mind if I refer to him as her dad, I really didn't marry him and spend those years in a horrible marriage πŸ˜‰ It's all about perception... And what helps us sleep at nightπŸ€”

I do admit, however, that those years in that house (I Need My Mommy 1 and 2) were some of the scariest, paranormally and normally, I have endured. I wish I had been as... Mmmm... Knowledgeable (?) about ghosts then as I have become since. Maybe I would have learned so much more about the little girl (s).

Thank you for reading them and finding humor 😁
AugustaM (7 stories) (996 posts)
7 years ago (2017-06-24)
Hi Miracles! I know this is an older story but somehow various comments led me around to the first and now I am working my way through all three - really a fascinating collection of experiences! My comment isn't on the paranormal aspect - its just that, while reading through, one of your phrasings tickled me because it reminded me so much of my own mom and a little squabble we have over and over lol! You say 'my daughter's father' - my mother does the same thing! And, given that they split when I was 11 and he disowned me when I was 21, I always tell her - no mom, I didn't pick that winner, it was all you so make that 'my ex' when you refer to him lol. Its never a 'real' argument just funny but seeing another mom doing the same thing made me giggle!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
vidya: What exactly could be misconstrued in my comment as "mean"?...Just for future reference, it's always best to read the previous comments before posting... And please take into consideration the date the story posted...She, and a lot of us, have learned more than a few things in the nearly two years since then... 😊
vidya_amani (2 stories) (78 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
Granny I don't know why you are so mean to me, I mean you no harm! I read miracles' first story and it asked: "could it be both a residual or intelligent haunting?" And since this is the second part of the story, I don't see any wrong in writing my opinion
On that question here.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
vidya: *sigh* Miracles knows the difference between a residual and intelligent haunt...Really, have you ever been to our sister site, the one for psychics?...I think you should check it out, you'd fit right in over there... And maybe you could enlighten some of those members with your insight...
vidya_amani (2 stories) (78 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
PS a residual ghost or haunting can't create new memories for itself like this spirit did being part of your family in such a way. Have you considered whether you or your daughter might have some karmic-past life connection with this little girl and if the crying you heard and had to deal with maybe was connected with such memories? I always want to believe in the Love as the only reason why some spirits decide and like to stay close to certain people.

Blessings to you and your family! 😊 ❀
vidya_amani (2 stories) (78 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-22)
Miracles, what I understand about residual hauntings is that they are just memories being replayed from a previous life by the ghost, it is really A GHOST if it is only residual energy, when only memories get replayed over and over again, and the ghost won't even bother seeing or noticing other people and things around it... It would be a stagnant, the same routine thing over and over again, lost in old memories of the past and only that memories would manifest itself in the ghost's actions.

That is why I believe what you experienced was an intelligent haunting by A SPIRIT, the actions were spontaneous, creative, fresh and new each time, almost planned... The spirit knew what it was doing all the time and not lost in sad memory lane all the time, this was a dynamic force fully aware of its surroundings and liking the reactions it got out of the people it attached itself to... Unlike residual hauntings by often depressed souls, lost in their own minds, not looking outside of themselves... Stuck in the same thing or memory, and mindset.

You only see a small yearning for the past and sense of sadness or recurring "memory" that stuck and that was the spirit crying for her mommy... Other than that, she was enjoying herself with you liking the love and attention she got, residual hauntings or ghosts aren't even aware nor care for love and attention, they are stuck in one memory that repeats itself over and over, and they can't help but to manifest, being so lost and stuck in their "own world or memories" that doing anything else is completely out of the question... A spirit has control over wanting to manifest or not, as in an intelligent haunting.

If the spirit was sad at all, maybe she hugged you because you helped her heal somewhat with all the love and care. Is she really gone or is she stuck to you and your daughter for a reason? I wonder if all the haunting you experienced through her kept your minds off the abuse and trauma your ex husband tried to inflict on you and your children... Keeping your minds so busy with the spirit world that it made your pain less, alleviating the negative energy with the Light she brought into your lives during that time.

I am just saying this because I grew up with an abusive Father as well, it was a constant negative atmosphere in our home... Now if me and my brother could have had ghosts entertaining us while my father and my mother tried to kill each other, or after we got screamed at by my father and dealt lashes of extreme verbal abuse, maybe the spirit (s) could have told us before we went to sleep: "Well you know your Father thinks you two are worthless, but we think you are awesome, you make us laugh, play with us and are actually worth something at least to us!" Maybe the scars would have been less, the damage less if we had a positive energy there with us...

The girl seemed to have been dressed in "royal clothing or attire"...the way you described it made me think of some temple princess or priestess clothing, egyptian, the green and gold... She sounds like a miracle to me being there when you and
Your children needed her the most.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-05-16)
guyinsane - thank you for reading and, please, do keep us updated. You're in my prayers.
guyinsane2008 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-05-16)
miracles - I've read both stories and they're interesting. I'll pray for her. The house is new. The land was previously a sugarcane field so nothing as far as records could go could support any entity being attached to the land. I'll keep you posted.
Anu_your_wellwisher (8 posts)
13 years ago (2011-05-14)
The first part of your story was scary. But not that much... Well narrated! Keep it up 😊
God bless you... Hope everything is going well now?
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-09)
Hope - Ever since we lived in that house, I've had a little girl spirit where we moved to (except where we are now). Sometimes it would take a few weeks before I would notice her and I would be so excited when I'd hear the little footsteps running across the floors. At first I wondered if perhaps it was the same child, but I know that's not the case. The little girl spirits just seem to be drawn to me, or else I'm drawn to them. Not sure. But I do enjoy the mischievousness that goes hand-in-hand with them.

As for the name Jessica, funny you should hit on that. I don't know what the little girl's name was. Our neighbor who gave me the little bit of information I had couldn't remember the names of any of the family members who'd lived there, other than Susan. But Susan grew up to be a school teacher and still lives somewhere in northern Ohio. But Jessica - Jess was Jerrica's best friend and her grandparents lived next door to us. They are 3 months apart and were completely inseparable from the time they were 2 years old to 9 when we moved. So I understand why you were given that name. Yes, Jessica and Jerrica. Very ironic. I'm not suggesting you aren't right about Jessica being the little girl's name, too. It very well could be. I don't have that gift and really wish I did. There are things that I just seem to know, for absolutely no reason and I've had dreams that have come true, but I don't pick up on names or anything useful like that. Guess I'll just stick with seeing and hearing our spirits 😊

You are completely right about the good reason for the marriage. I actually had 3. I have 2 stepdaughters from that marriage, which is where my grandsons came from. So, even though their dad and I divorced and he later died, they're still my family. You don't divorce kids. By the way, Jerrica is a typical 18 year old girl, but she truly has a heart of gold. Her compassion is so strong it sometimes overwhelms her.

Since you have a little child spirit, I'm going to submit a couple more stories about our little girl Emily (if you're interested, check out my story "Peter Pan and the Pantry"). She was a treasure. My little boy wants to move back there when he grows up. He said he misses her.

Thank you for your kind comments. They are truly appreciated.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-09)
Granny - thank you and you're welcome. By the way, I feel really funny shortening your name to Granny, considering I don't think you are much older than I am! So, please, don't be offended. I'm called Mimi by my grandsons (short for Mamaw Marjie!). Anyway, I'm glad you liked the story.

I think you could be onto something there about the little girl and Jerrica's dad (I hate using the "h" word when referring to him, can you tell?). He was mentally, emotionally, and verbally abusive to me and I think there was a history of abuse in that house, which of course would breed negative entities. I don't mean the little girl though. There was another presence in that house that wasn't nice at all. I was the only one who heard him and he scared me, really, really scared me. And I do believe she was the same little girl the entire time we lived there.

Thanks for the compliment on Jerrica's name. I got it from a cartoon (Gem and the Holograms) years before I ever thought I'd have a child.

Again, thanks.

hope4ever (4 stories) (75 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-09)
I know how starling it can be having a playful child spirit in the house. I too have one in mine, but as you can probably tell, they mean no harm. I don't know if you have a name for the little girl, but try asking her if her name is Jessica. I don't know why but I get a feeling that that is her name. And yes, I do get the feeling that she is around 4-5 years old. As far as Jarrica remembering more than she'll tell, just keep working with her. Once she realizes that talking to you isn't a bad thing, she should start to open up.

I have had those moments too, but you realize end the end that there was a reason you did it at the time, and usually you can find at least one good reason for it. I think the good reason in that situation was Jarrica, she sounds like a very smart and kind person.

Again thank you for sharing the memory. 😁
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-08)
Miracles: Another great story!...Thank you for posting it...

I think your little friend did not like your husband... Maybe she was sending you a message! πŸ˜†...So this was the same little girl that bugged Jerrica to begin with?... (Beautiful name, by the way!)...There were other ones there as well though... My clock radio sometimes starts to go static-y also... I don't ever use the radio, it's a waste really... But the knob is broken, and when the static starts, I say, "Hi guys", and it stops! πŸ˜†...And also, like you, I hear voices from it occasionally... Could just be the station it's stuck on though... Who knows?...But now that I think of it, it's not on any station in particular...Hmmmmmm

Well, anyway, good for you for getting your life on a better path...

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-08)
Darkness - thank you. She kind of startled me a couple of times, but she wasn't bad. She got my heart, you know?
Not to dwell on bad relationships but when I finally decided I couldn't take anymore and took off my wedding rings, I literally felt the weight lift. Wow, I guess that's for a different kind of forum, huh?
Anyway, I do appreciate you commenting on my stories.
DARKNESS (3 stories) (2022 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-08)
Miracles51031 thank you for the second part of your story I have heard a lot about ghosts mimicking sounds and voices, I think this little girl may have been doing just that. I am glad you have moved on from your past to better and happier things.

Thank you for sharing.

Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
14 years ago (2010-04-08)
hope - I think the little girl was attached to Jerrica because they were, I believe, about the same age. To me she looked like she was 4-5 years old.
I tried to talk to Jerrica today about the little girl and Jerrica just walked away and said "I'm listening." I really think she remembers a lot more than she's willing to admit.
The divorce, yeah, it was for the best. It was something I should have done years before. Actually, it was something I shouldn't have done in the first place. It was just a very bad marriage.
Thank you for your kind remarks. Sometimes I think I'm pretty intelligent; other times I'm like "what the heck was I thinking?" That marriage was one of those "what the heck" times.
Thank you.
hope4ever (4 stories) (75 posts)
14 years ago (2010-04-08)
Sounds to me like she's attached herself to Jarrica and she follows her. I'm sorry about the unpleasent divorce, they are never really pleasent anyway. But I'm sure it was for the best, you seem like a very intellegent person who does your best to make the right choices. I hope all goes well and thanks for sharing the memory.

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