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The House With A Million Eyes 3


The house had a constant feeling of being sinister and threatening, yet nothing had turned into such a feeling of plight until I moved downstairs into my brother's old bedroom. Until then, I had not fully experienced that insurmountable fear and dread. Upstairs in my old bedroom the most of what I had been subjected to was to witness odd shadows repeatedly walking up and down the stairs at night, hearing whispers and having my name being called, and random objects moving in my bedroom before my very eyes.

But downstairs was where my brother used to stay up all night, and also woke up to the sound of growling within his own room as I explained in previous accounts of this. In that room I was constantly plagued with nightmares of people screaming at me. I'd wake up very late at night and look over my shoulder to view the time on my bright red alarm clock. Yet I'd witness solid black shadows blocking the view of it. I'd also see multiple shadows standing over me as I lay in my bed, literally surrounding me. Although I was growing older into a teenager, I still slept with the blankets covering my head every night so as not to see them.

Night time was the worst. There was pounding on the walls and furniture of my room as if a million spinning fists roved about. I never experienced the growling like my brother had, yet on several occasions I'd hear low, heavy breathing within the corners of my room. If I also had left any water glasses on the furniture, I'd hear them slide across the wood and being repeatedly picked up and slammed back down. Terror held me gripped to my bed, yet steadily over time these things became such common occurrences that eventually I was able to sleep through them.

The daytime was better, but not by much. On the stairs I felt an incredible pressure or weight as something bore down on me, breathing on my neck. I never slowly went up or down them, I always ran so I could avoid the spirit on the stairs.

Then one day I heard my mother running down the stairs, in the same fashion that I did. She approached me where I was in the kitchen and told me how she felt as if something had been trying to push her at the top. She then asked me if I had ever felt that overwhelming feeling of sheer hatred in that part of the house, like something bearing down on us.

Finally! You have no idea how oddly happy this made me feel, because finally I wasn't the only one who noticed the strangeness about our house. I never confided this in her, but whenever I went up or down the stairs I'd get an image in my head of someone hanging themselves off of them. To this day I can still remember that image, like a flurry of dark shadows but one in particular dropping... And then the snap.

I'd feel hands gripped around my neck like someone choking me. My mother also began to confide in me that she felt this as well, and for once we were finally experiencing the same things.

One day while I was downstairs completing my chores while my mom blow-dried her hair upstairs, she suddenly stopped and came crashing down the stairs at the speed of lightning. Her eyes were wide as disks and within a few seconds she already had her car keys in her hand. She yelled for me to get in the car, we were going for a drive.

It wasn't until we were an hour away when she finally opened up. She told me that while she was in her bathroom doing her hair, she had felt as if something was right beside her and all the hairs on her neck and arms stood on end. She finally admitted that she believed me about the house. She proceeded to tell me about how my stepdad's name had been called out at night, and how something had grabbed his arm while he laid in bed.

She explained her theories to me that these were tests of our faith. She believed if we continued to ignore it and live our lives normally, then the problem would wash itself away. Yet if that were really true, then my mom would have been failing her own test. We had stopped going to church, she'd begun doubting what she believed in, and she had also began drinking whereas before she never drank. She began slipping into a deep pit of depression... And soon so would I.

Before we knew it, we both changed. The true nightmare hadn't begun yet. But before I make any dark allusions as to how things worsened for us, I must say that because of these experiences I believe I am better for it, not because we went through it, but from what I learned of it. Next of what I have to tell is very personal, and I only share these because someone else might be going through the same thing.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, 22aya, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-05)
Don't even think about it, I don't consider any of what you have said as whining. The things you have shared with us had us all on the edge of our seats. If you looked at some of the profiles of a lot of the regular posters here, you would see your stories on almost every one of their favorites lists. I know it was on mine. And it would still be if I kept my list public. There is a very good reason I no longer keep my lists up for public view (I'll tell you about that another time).
What you've had to endure, and apparently still do, would terrify the strongest of us. So you just keep talking hun, because we are listening, and we do care. And don't ever forget that. ❤

Jav 😊
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-01)
I just realized I've actually shared this experience before... But during the past few months, for some reason this has been a matter of serious reflection for me. There have been times I couldn't even bare to think about it, nonetheless talk about it again. The last time I seriously considered posting it on this website as part 4, small occurrences started happening in our home. Back then, I didn't see the connection. Now I think I do.
Before if I thought about this, all I'd feel was 'dark.' Now, honestly, I just want it over with. I want it out there. Even if people think I'm crazy, or if I get labeled or stereotyped. Even if small things start happening again.
The story is, actually, already written up. That's how much of a scaredy cat I really am. I wrote it several days ago. I've been sick with a flu lately, so one night as usual I took my medicine and started getting ready for bed. The medicine usually knocks me out within forty minutes, but for some reason that night I felt unusually wide awake and alert. I was thinking about it again, and I felt really compelled to just get it off my chest. I wrote it all down and as I was writing it, I noticed a couple things. Granted, I DID have medicine in my system and it WAS in the wee hours of the morning... So yeah there are those factors. I noticed a dark flash in front of me going across the room. In the corner of my eye I swear I kept seeing someone pace back and forth inside the kitchen, but when I'd look- nothing. I didn't get any sleep that night and the next day I had such an unusual amount of energy, considering I'd never gotten any sleep and had had the medicine in my system.
I don't feel afraid as much as before, just extremely wary about it all.

I'm sorry that I kind of am just putting this all out there, dumping it in a way. I apologize for that. And how sudden this all must be.
THANK YOU so much for your comments! I really appreciate them! And I'm sorry that you've kind of had to 'listen' to me whine, but thank you. Selfishly I'm glad that I haven't been the only bottling things up, but thank you for having the sand to open up about it and share it with everyone. 😊

-aya 😁
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-12-01)
Hey aya!
I'm glad I saw these, that was so funny!
I know how hard it is to give up that experience. I really didn't want to either. I had that thing buried deep and I was afraid it was going to come off as something else. I feel I hit the mark though. And you're right, we don't truly know for sure, but that's when you just have to go with your gut. Everyone here knows what that means. They've all had it. It's one of the reasons we all stay here. Listen, when you survive the things you have, and you somehow manage to remain reasonably sane? People know it's the real deal. It shows hun. I can feel your reluctance from here. The decision is for you to make. If it honestly doesn't feel like the time to do this, then don't. It's as simple as that. You don't owe anyone a thing, we can wait. But don't let fear be a part of that decision. I nearly fell for that one myself. You will know if it's right, trust your gut. In the end it's all we've got. ❤

Jav 😊

Here's the link to my story, I hope you like it. 😉
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-12-01)
[at] Javelina,

LOL! I almost forgot these comments were here! I'm glad they made you laugh; they certainly made me laugh AGAIN! The comments by JimD were priceless! Love it! 😆 😁

And thank you Jav, glad to be back. I have to admit though I'm still a little hesitant. To finally finish this story would mean a lot. It'd be public, for one thing, for others to judge. And even I'm uncertain about it, and uncomfortable with the experience itself. What story did you submit recently, if you don't mind? Btw, thanks also for correcting me; I think I see the difference now. 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-30)
[at] aya22,
Holy crapoly! I came over to reread your experiences and refresh my memory. But as I get to the comments I find all the April fools day stuff! This has become a double treat now. And the comment by JimD! I had forgotten all about this stuff, this is just priceless! I still remember writing a comment and hitting "preview", looking at it for spelling, and seeing 'clown pants' instead. I thought WTF? And was even writing to Martin about it, but that came up 'big red nose' (or something like it) Oh man! I am so glad I found this here... I really needed that laugh. 😆 😆 😆

Welcome Back aya22! You have been sorely missed!

Chelseababeh (1 stories) (6 posts)
13 years ago (2011-11-27)
You deserve a medal for bravery. If that were me in that bedroom, After the first night, I would have insisted to sleep elsewhere. I'm glad things became better for you in the end. 😊
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-15)
Thank you Javelina, I always appreciate what you have to say.

Sorry for the delay in the last account guys, life has been hectic and we aren't going to be near a computer for the next week! I haven't forgotten it, though. 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-07)
You are so right about it making you the person you are today. What doesn't kill us just makes us stronger. But in your case it really was an either/or situation wasn't it? You are a vary brave person, to stand where so many others would have melted into a puddled of goo.
It is sad about your mother though, I tend to think that's a generational thing really. But at least you wom't let that happen with your own children, so good things do come from these experiences I guess.
I can hardly wait to read how this all worked itself around to who you are today. Thank you for sharing these experiences with us, that means alot.
😊 ❤ 😊
DerekBernard23 (5 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-04)
yeah great story, when I had ghost in my room I could not sleep and I'm 14 and I still can't sleep with the light off. Haw did you do it
troyarn (5 stories) (479 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-03)
Excellent story, aya22, and well written! This has to be one of the most frightening stories I've read on here in a long time and I'm eagerly awaiting your next installment.

I can relate somewhat to the things you went through and must say that I'm very happy to hear things worked out for you in the end.

Anyway, thanks very much for sharing this with us and I look forward to reading more.
hippiechick83 (5 stories) (112 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
Oh, how I love YGS more and more every day. I agree that JimD's comment was by far the best add libbed mess... I keep cracking up every time I go over the comments. Happy April Fool's Day! God bless you all! Bahahaha! 😆
Succubussed (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
zzgranny, the technical name for story phobia is coulrophobia. I have it. And it scared the story trousers off me the first time they did this on YGS
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
Succubussed: I was wondering how those among with clown phobia (there's gotta be a technical name for that) were going to react to this!... 😆
Succubussed (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
I was here last year when YGS pulled this story thing. So I knew better than to type any comments with the word story in them. And I knew to check my previews.

It freaked me out last year, but that's probably because I am afraid of stories.

Nice trick, Martin.
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
Honestly, it's just not right to call me and certain others here a "purple pants" - it's not fair to the purple pants! 😆
Thedreamer (1 stories) (34 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
What does "clown" mean? I keep seeing some of the comments 😕 oh that the story was really interesting.
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
Hey Martin;

I'm the union representative for the combined circus performers union and I really must ask for a pay increase and health benefits for my members if we're forced to endure this ridicule much longer! LOL
Lilady4 (7 stories) (427 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
Haha, so hilarious, I was like wtf?-then I realized this was a huge April Fools Day Prank! 😆 😆 😆 Loved it! And makes for a great Laugh!
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
That and tha clown probe just about put me on the floor laughing so hard!
Martin (602 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
JimD's post about being a cloownologist and cloownic infestation just cracks me up. 😆
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
I can't help it! I've read over many of the same comments, but I STILL keep bursting out in laughter! 😆 ❤
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
This has been such a fun day! Thanks Martin! And yes, it gives a great opportunity to laugh at ourselves. When I first looked at YGS this morning, I though WHY is everyone talking about clowns and purple pants on my story? THEN I got it, thanks guys! I love this... 😆 ❤ ❤
BadJuuJuu (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
LOL! Martin, I just had the same problem as Miracles, but I'm voting you up in spirit lol. This is brilliant, thanks for the laughs! 😁 ❤ 😁
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (4999 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
Martin - I tried to vote you "up" but because you've given us a daily limit, and I've exhausted it yet again, I can't give you a thumbs up, but I can say to your face "thank you!" This was awesome even though I completely pulled one of my best Dumb Blondes to date! 😆
Martin (602 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
Glad you guys are having fun too... I have to admit, I am laughing out loud reading some of the comments. I know it may appear a tad inappropriate in some places, but this is a day where we are allowed to mess around a bit 😆 All will be back to normal soon enough.
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
LOL JimD!...Too old or too sober!...I love clowns, purple pants, big red nose, shadow people, ghosties and most of all Martin for making my day!...Thanks for the sh*ts and giggles! 😆 ❤
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
The clown thing did annoy me a bit at first, but as an April fools joke, couldn't I laugh a little more often in my life? I say yes, so LOL. However, to those in need, they may not be as amused, but, truthfully, I was. You have to laugh, especially at yourself!
JimD (431 posts)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
LOL That's what I get, for typing half asleep. SERVES ME RIGHT! If you can't laugh at yourself every now and again, then you're too old. LOL! Glad you're ok, though. Stay well!
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
JimD, yes I am okay and thank you for your concern! I'm aware of your reputation on this as a demonologist. Fortunately, I no longer live in this house! 😁
aya22 (guest)
13 years ago (2011-04-01)
JimD, with all due respect, I have to say your post is the FUNNIEST ON THIS DAY, because clowns are taking over! 😉 😆

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