Some of you may have read my story about Fred and George, the two floaty, bleedy eyeballs that would watch me from the corner of my bedroom. While that story ended several years ago, I can only boast half a year to about eight months ago for this story, so it's fairly recent, I guess.
It all started when I tried to move into my sister's bedroom. She moved out a few years before and was running her own home when my mom brought up the possibility of switching rooms. It took a while for me to warm up to the idea (I had FINALLY gotten a good darkish, royal-looking paint for the walls of my room, and had only had the color for a few years... I wanted to keep it) but I finally decided that having a larger room would be a good thing.
I was in my senior year of high school I believe, so about three years ago. Before I actually begin the telling of the tale, let me take a little time to explain the layout of the room, and the position of the room in the house where I live: my big sister's old room is the corner of the corner of the house. There was an entertainment center across the room from the door in front of one of the windows, the closet when looking in from the doorway is to the right, and the bed was smack in the middle underneath the other window on the left. There is a fan that back then would have been centered almost directly above the bed, and glow-stars on the ceiling that my sister and I put up when we shared the room.
My first night in the bedroom was EXTREMELY uncomfortable. Now, I'm not saying that the bed was too soft (which it was) or that the room was too cold (It was actually too warm for me) - no. I felt like I was being watched; stalked, even. My second night, I figured since nothing happened on the first night, it was probably my imagination, I popped in a movie, and made my dog, Big, sleep in the room with me for my own peace of mind.
Then the third night rolled around. I thought I was just being silly, but even so I turned on a movie and brought my dog in, same as the night before. The movie ran out, so I let it rewind and I popped in another. About the middle of the video midnight rolled around, and the television suddenly turns off. I was so sleepy, I thought I imagined it; I figured I'd probably slept through the second half and the click it made when it stopped rewinding itself woke me out of a doze, so I thought nothing of it and turned onto my back. Then Big began to whine in his sleep, and I hear something like, "Lantern. Lantern now!" or "Get her. Get her now!" and something began to scratch on the floor.
I was freaked. I listened to the scratching and my dog whining, and I couldn't move, even as it got closer to my bed. The right side of my bed then squished so much that I was almost rolled to that side, and then something heavy but small settled on top of me until I panicked and began bucking until I could move again. I ran to the light switch by the door and flipped on the lights, and Big was already by the door whining to get out, and we both ran for it.
I let him into my parents' room and I spent maybe two hours downstairs in the living room threatening the thing. I told it if it ever came back, if it ever tried anything like that on my loved ones, I would make it pay, and I would make it worse than sorry. I admit, that wasn't the wisest choice, but to my defense I was only doing it to make myself feel better. I still felt like it was all in my head, because honestly, I was so damn tired that it could have been a dream when it happened.
When I was feeling braver I went back up to the room and it suddenly felt so heavy in there. I was scared to crawl back into that bed, but I did it anyways. That was when I noticed that the TV in that room actually was off, but I was still in denial, and I thought I'd probably turned it off when I was half asleep. I wanted anything that would logically explain away what happened.
As soon as I was in that bed again, though, it pounced on me. I can't even explain in words how scary that was. It was so heavy that I felt like I was being crushed to death. I couldn't hear anything except for it growling, I could feel its hot breath on my face, and I could see this big black mass above me. I couldn't see even one of the glow-stars I mentioned earlier through it, and I'd left the lights on for the entire time I was downstairs. It honestly felt like it was warning me not to piss it off again.
It was maybe five minutes before the growling and the pressure ceased, and I got up immediately and slept on the couch in the living room with the TV on.
After that, the sleep paralysis happened every night, sometimes more than once, and always when I was still wide awake. After a few weeks of this, my grades began to drop because I was losing sleep, and my Algebra teacher asked me what was up (My high school algebra teacher, that is. By this time I was in college, but I still kept in touch with her). I didn't want to tell her, it actually took me a week before I told her what had happened. The next day she brought me incense to burn when I slept and white sage to purify the room with and it worked for about a month. Whenever it came back, I would sage the room, but the sage would work for shorter and shorter amounts of time, so I gave up and decided to move back into my old room.
I was finally able to sleep peacefully for a few nights, but then it started up again, like it found me. A few months after the first event happened, I had made a doll with one of my friends (she said he was kind of creepy. I think he's kind of cute.), and I had slept with that and I was amazed to find out I didn't get the paralysis when I did. It was like that little doll was protecting me.
That was when I started to see the thing. My room was at that time situated thusly: looking in from the doorway, the closet is slightly behind and to the left, my bed is pushed almost to the wall and to the left (almost because I couldn't fit it flush against the wall with the two dressers I had) and three bookcases lining the right wall. It's a very narrow but long room, about three quarters the size of my sister's.
This thing was a black mass with black tentacles all over that were always wriggling. It would suddenly melt through the wall between my sister's room and mine and through the bookcase that was closest to my window and just stand there watching me. I hated it. I got even less sleep then.
It was about a year before the thing tried to - sit? - On me again, and I think it was because I had Omi (named after a magician a story I wanted to write, but never did), the doll I made with my friend.
When it did, it was very angry. I got this overwhelming sense of, "I'VE BEEN DUPED!" It sat on me for close to an hour that time. I know that because I was facing the clock when it happened.
Then the sleep paralysis began to occur regularly once again.
My Algebra teacher took me to a, I don't know, a psychic, I guess? I had already been out of school for two years by that time, and I would stay in touch with my old teacher for various reasons, and so she took me to a psychic to see what the hell this thing was that liked sitting on me so very much.
It turns out, it was a bear - a young bear that had been hit by a car or shot and killed, and was very angry about it, she said. I was skeptical, but at this point I was willing to listen to anything to get rid of this creepy thing. She asked if there were any animal mounts in my house, and I replied with a laugh.
Okay, I live in northern Wisconsin where jobs are scarce and hunting is a great way to get food. Yes. I do have mounts in my house. About thirteen, counting everything derived from things that had been hunted and killed (not including leather jackets, but), including hides, skulls found in the woods, antlers from my family's deer (I don't hunt), feather trophies from turkeys, and up to the head mounts and full body mounts.
I got to admit, it was a little funny to me when her face turned white and she looked a little sickish after I'd listed all of the mounts we have and where they were in the house. I had to keep myself from grinning at her so that she would still help me, and even so she was looking at me like, "well, little murderess, you deserve exactly what you're getting!" Let me remind you all though, my family hunts for food. The trophies are nice too, but we want the meat to keep up through the winter. Especially that year, because my mom had just been fired.
She still gave me a solution to my problem, though, nice soul that she was: I was to go around the house, apologizing to and thanking all of the dead animals, from the skulls dad keeps in his hunting house to the bear rug in moms office that we got from my uncle around the time I moved into my sister's room. Yup. BEAR RUG.
I thought it sounded a little kooky though, so I waited maybe a week (during which time I was sat on maybe three times a night, often times accompanied with a faint growling) before I actually did it.
I waited until everyone was out of the house and went around the property apologizing to and thanking everything dead-animal related thing (even the leather jackets) for their pain and their bounty, just like the psychic told me to.
I haven't been sat on since.
I don't know how I managed to get myself free and as quickly as he came he was gone. Te strange thing this time was I fell asleep totally exhausted