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Real Ghost Stories

Randfontein Mine House


It was around the time that my third daughter was born, 1970, that I started to see strange things. This all happened in Randfontein, South Africa.

I don't know if it was a case of 'raging hormones'. Or the house we were living in.

We had recently moved into a very old mine house; brick on the inside, (plastered and painted of course), corrugated iron on the outside! I cried bitter tears when we had to move in. It was old, (back to the '30s I think) very dirty and utterly depressing. As my husband had left his 'old' job, we had to move out of our beautiful, light and shiny police flat. The council did not have a house available for us at the moment, so we moved into a mine house which was sub-let to the council.

One day, as I was cooking in the kitchen, I saw a dog near my foot, sniffing the ground. It was quite a large dog, sort of reddish brown in colour and very mange looking, like it was half starved. My first reaction was to wonder how the dog got in, I was sure I had shut the screen door. As I turned to look at the dog properly - it was gone! Yes, many of you out there know exactly what I am talking about! I did not understand at the time, what the heck was happening. Of course I checked the screen door and all over the house, but no dog was to be found inside or out. This was my very first 'sighting' ever, but not to be my last!

A few months after, I was again in the kitchen cooking, when I noticed a black kitten dash across our living room floor. Now, our kitchen was divided from our living room by an enclosed stoep (veranda), (I mentioned that it was an old house, it had a lot of add-ons) I immediately ran across to the living room to see where the kitten was, because my baby was in her pram. I had been told a lot of stories about infants, and cats laying on them and suffocating them. We did not own a cat at that stage, and I didn't want one in my house. I looked to the left, as I entered the living room as that was the direction in which the kitten had run. No Kitten, only an empty fire-place. I virtually turned that house upside down looking for that darned kitten, but to no avail!

It was not long after these happenings that new neighbours moved in next door. My new 'friend' from next door told me that 'hauntings' don't only take place at night. I was surprised, but luckily forewarned. The next time it happened, I would not be left doubting my sanity!

Thanks for reading my story.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Fergie, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-06-11)
[at] SpiderZA, Welcome to YGS. Thank you for supporting my theory, that I have only seen Ouija boards on film. Till today, I have never seen one in real life. If I did, I wouldn't touch it with a barge-pole!
I have enough of my own experiences, without inviting more into my life.
Be well Spider, it's nice to see another South African on YGS.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-27)
Well Jav, We wish you & yours a wonderful long weekend! Enjoy the good food; good company and your ice cold beers! I hope you have pleasant weather too.
You most probably have trees in blossom, & all good things that go with spring. Here, the nights are pretty chilly, (down to 2C) but the days are still warmish, at the moment (21 C). We seldom have snow around these parts, but it does happen occasionally.
I will lift my glass in salute, to all those loved ones, lost in war. 😐
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)

I don't know about anyone else, but I call them delicious! All the foods that are open flame worthy, will rule the weekend, I assure you. I am making my family favorite potato salad. David is in charge of whatever goes on the grill (once it's there). He has been watching cooking shows for the last few years and has really stepped it up in that department. We no longer have to rely on the smoke alarm as a dinner bell! 😆 😆

Jav ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)
Hah! I have just thought of the name of those tasty bits...Kebabs! Have you ever tried them? They are popular here in SA. We call them 'sosaties' but that is an Afrikaans name!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)
That's the spirit Jav! Good idea! Can I pass some...Oh, oh, have forgotten what you guys call them... Pieces of marinated meat, alternating with onions, green peppers etc. On a stick. You grill them over the BBQ. Do you do that, over there?
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)
Thanks Jav, So, it is a looong weekend? Humm! Definitely slim pickin's at the moment! 🤔
You said "Ghost town"? Where? Where? Gee! Did I miss it? Dang! I must be getting slow! 😢
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)
We're getting the barbeque out and putting beer on ice. Good music, good friends, family... What more could you ask for?

Jav 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)

Monday is Memorial Day here in the states.
I don't know if it will be open for submissions or not. If not, maybe Tuesday?
My eyes are just fine, yippee! Thank you for asking.

This place looks like a ghost town this weekend, eh? 😆

Jav ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)
Ooh yes Jav, how are your eyes? I have been wondering how you were doing! I hope all is good with you. 🤔
I have been trying all week to submit a 'story', but everything is down. Will they really be up and running this next Monday? I hope so ~ my 'trigger finger' is itching to post!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)
Hi Jav, Good to 'see' you! We are having a lazy weekend at home. We decided to do a "Continental" theme this time. Spaghetti Bolognaise today, and Ray (hubby) is making Eisbein with potato, tomorrow. Would you like to join us? You would be most welcome! 😊
Is it 'Spring Break' by any chance?
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-26)
Just dropping in to say hello. I'm back! How are you? What's on the menu today? And how is your weekend going?

Jav 😉
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-05-13)
Happy Mothers Day to all the mom's out there. Hope you all have a wonderful day!
Love and best wishes to you all,
Fergie ❤ 😊
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-31)
Thank you Jav, for your kind comment on my story.

It is hard to imagine how fast the years have flown by. When I look around for older members of my family, to validate my tales, I suddenly remember, but I AM the older generation now. It is kind of scary, sometimes. Being young, slim, and pretty is only a vague memory.

I look forward to more of your stories. Lol
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-30)
I don't know how I missed this story. I love these kind, they aren't as scary as some others, and that's what makes them interesting. Isn't it funny when you think back to your first sighting and finding out they can also happen during the day? When I read that, it brought that memory back for me too. It was so long ago too. Yikes! Were we ever really that young?
Great story, it really did take me back. Thanks for that. ❤

Jav 😊 ❤
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-30)
[at] Javelina, thank you so much for the huge compliment that you paid to anneke8 & myself. I feel that is high praise, coming from you. I have watched, in fascination, at some of the 'skirmishes' that you have had with others.
I find Anneke to be a truely delightful person. May be, her youth and my age, compliment each other. 😕
Her stories are soooo much more interesting than mine!
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-13)
Hi crecentblue, Thanks for your comment. I agree, just think, if you had ghost pets; no expence, no mess, no allergies. I wish I had thought of that lol, I wonder if I could order a ghost cat? Maybe it could get rid of some of these pesky mice that I have in the house, he he... 😊
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-13)
Hi Nordic, thanks for the info. You sound as if you could really have a few stories of your own to publish, why don't you? I, amongst other would surely love to hear them!
Yes, you are right about some souties not wanting to speak Afrikaans. My Gran, would never utter one word in that language, but then she was highly prejudiced! She had lived through the Boer War, and the Seige of Kimberley, where she and other children, along with their mothers, were let down, in a large leather bucket, to one of the horizontal shafts of the Big Hole. They took shelter, while Kimberley was bombarded by the Boers.
I was not allowed to play with the children from next door, as they were Afrikaans. Fortunately, I don't have that prejudice, my best friend Liz, is Afrikaans.
Thanks again, for your interesting posts and answers, it is most appreciated. 😁
crecentblue03 (151 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-12)
Wow ghost animals! Now that is great, my husband won't let my daughter have a cat being that he is alergic but this this sounds like the ideal answer!LOLLOL.But,you know I have never met anyone who has seen ghost animals I have only had the human kind of haunting very Interesting! Thanks for sharing.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-12)
Hi Teneki, That is an amusing (?) tale. I wish I could have seen your face! You obviously thought, as I did, that the cat was for real.
I love cats, & they seem to be drawn to me. I worked in a warehouse for a very long time. To get to the main office building, one had to cross a large paved court-yard. All the feral cats used to congregate there, hoping that someone would toss them scraps. Every time I crossed this court-yard, the cats would run to me (even though I never fed them). When I would go down on my haunches, they would climb all over me, purring & rubbing against me. The Natives, called me "Mama Katz" (cat woman). They could not explain how I did this.
Thank you for your post, I appreciate it & hope to hear more from you. 😉
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-11)
Hoe mail ek jou?
Do you think it was one of your friend's cats that died there? Shaim, the poor thing, still looks for attention.
teneki (10 stories) (140 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
I was house sitting for a friend before, and saw a cat in the kitchen. Thinking it was the friendliest of their two cats I called to it and it perked up and looked at me.

I figured I'd pick it up when it came so I walked to the kitchen doorway and coaxed it some more. It happily started running towards me, and seeing my hands ready to pick it up, started a leap into them which would have resulted in it landing in the living room if I'd missed.

Instead, it disappeared inside the doorway. Now, I kind of wish I'd gone to it instead of making it come to me. It seemed very friendly and happy to be going to have some attention paid to it.
Nordic (44 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
He sounds just as stubborn as my dad! In what feels like a previous lifetime, I used to teach in Goodwood, and one of the teachers who worked with me also lives in Fitzroy Street, but I have no idea where exactly.

Cook Street is notorious for its ghostly activity, hence "Spook Street". My dad loves to tell stories about that street, as a number of his friends lived there, as well as his brother and sister-in-law. Apparently his sister-in-law's mother went to visit them and they were having coffee or something on the stoep and she promptly got up and said: "Ek gaan nou. Hier loop hulle sommer so helder oordag."

Apparently she had seen a couple of figures on the stoep of the neighbours across the street and decided that's it; she was leaving. Anyway, if you want to know some more, you can mail me. It should be in my profile. 😁
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
O ja, what happened in Cook street, Nordic?
I would love to know more...
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Hi Nordic and Fergi
Nice to meet people from SA on this site. Mia, I am also a Capetonian from birth (born in Bellville, then
J S Marais Hospital). I worked at the Louis Leipoldt Hospital for couple of years, that's why I stayed in Parow, Ryan's Place. I grew up in Brackenfell, my parents still stays where I grew up and I also live in Brackenfell now, close to my parents (close to the Hypermarket and the schools). Fergie, I only put on 3 stories yet (My freaky life 1,2 and 3) but I intend to put on one about this house in Goodwood. Mia, the house in Goodwood is in Fitzroy street (103).
It is the oldest house in Goodwood, the state wanted to make it a muzeum, but my fiance's dad refuse to give up his house 😊 saying he was born in the house, and he will die there aswell.
Nordic (44 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Aaaaah, I love Afrikaans with a soutie accent, especially because many souties would rather die than speak the language.

To answer your question, I am a born and bred Capetonian, born to an Afrikaans (Vd Merwe) mother and a second generation Welsh father... I think my dad started speaking Afrikaans out of self defense -- think really Afrikaans Dutch Reformed Church meets really English Catholic! I don't think he had much of a choice. I grew up in the Northern Suburbs of Cape Town, and I have been lucky enough to read stories by DianeS, Ladymoondust, and Anneke8 about the neighbourhoods -- nevermind towns; it is really close proximity -- which I frequented. In fact, Anneke's last story was about a housing complex that is probably 200 metres from my parents' home where I grew up, so that's great and I really look out for stories which are close to "home." I've also found a few for Franschhoek and Somerset West, which are quite close to where I now live.

I think for where you're from, you might enjoy Staaldak's stories, which are really well written and very detailed, as well as this one by SuperHBK, which is about Kroonstad, if you haven't read it before:


I'll definitely stay in touch and look forward to reading more of your stories. 😁
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Hi Nordic, I was actually raised VERY English! I was thrown in the 'deep end' when I was 21, I took a job in Kroonstad. My school-girl Afrikaans had to go into over-drive.hehe... When I speak Afrikaans, you can still tell that I am a 'soutie'. I was born in Kimberley & lived there until I was 19. Then moved to Jo'burg to study, & work for a while. Then on to Kroonstad for only a few months. I have been living in Randfontein ever since.
By the way, where did you grow up?
I have read almost all of the stories from SA, a lot of them ring true. But, reading so much, sometimes, I get mixed up with who wrote what.
Yes, with all the mining activities over the years, all the accidents etc. It is small wonder that there are so many paranormal activities in this region.
Thank you so much for your post. Please keep in touch.
Soentjies vir jou ook! 😆 😉
Nordic (44 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Fergie, I also came here about four years ago trying to find answers to the things I have experienced -- and I've been lurking (with the best possible intentions) ever since. 😆

I especially look forward stories from South Africa, as there is such a small contigent of us on this forum, and even fewer Afrikaans speaking people. I would encourage you to take a look at the other stories from South Africa, as there are quite a few from the Gauteng and Vaal Triangle region. I have been fortunate enough to find three posters who shared stories of what they experienced in probably a 5km radius from where I grew up, thus validating my view that the area in which I was raised is particularly rife with activity.

Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Hi Nordic, thanks for your comment. I hope to post a story soon, about what happened with my youngest daughter, on a visit to Kimberley. I had no idea that I would even get a reply to my story. It sounded so mundane to me. I am also very new to this sort of thing. (Being able to tell my little stories without anyone thinking I was 'strange' or ready to be taken away in a straight jacket.)
Thanks again, I really appreciate it.
Fergie (40 stories) (1159 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
Hi Anneke, Hoe het jy geweet? Were you looking over my shoulder? You are correct, only the 'klein huisie' was still in the back yard. The bath was a huge one, still with the 'lions' feet, & almost black inside from being used so much. I used to put my 3 girls all in together, somewhere I still have a photo of that.
Have you written about your strange experiences in that old house? I would love to hear them! Soentjies! 😊
Nordic (44 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-10)
I can certainly attest to hauntings not just happening at night. 😉 Have to agree with Nysa that my preference would also be for the four-legged kind of visitors. Anneke, it sounds like your fiance's father might live in Cook Street, affectionately known as Spook Street in Goodwood. It gives me the creeps just driving in that area -- even in broad daylight. Fergie, I look forward to more stories!

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