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Henry... Our Office Ghost 2


Hey guys! Not been on for a while but I thought I'd update you on Henry and what he's up to nowadays!

Henry has started coming over to me and sitting behind me and my mate at work that sees the orbs around the centre of the office. He still stares at my boss though but maybe this shows that he does know I can see him because I have been trying to speak to him a lot recently.

I've not had any luck with the paper technique that was suggested to me when I first posted my story but what did happen is the paper seemed to be moving. (Although this could just be if someone has come over to my desk).

I've been doing some recordings over night on this recorder thing I picked up from a charity shop. I haven't really heard anything on them apart from rustling but I keep trying.

Henry seems the same as usual... Me and my mate have like mobile carts that we can store folders in behind my desk and he seems to be sitting on them. He doesn't appear in the morning anymore or at any general time. It's just random times when I tend to see something out the corner of my eye and look up and he will be there.

I haven't mentioned Henry to anyone but my mate but recently a few people have made comments about it being spooky or eerie in the office at times and a few of the girls don't like being here on their own.

There was something that happened a few months back that freaked near enough everyone that was here out.

Above the Fire exit there is an old speaker... Like a telecom type speaker that you see in old schools. Now this speaker is disconnected. (I know this because we got someone in to check it and they showed me that the wire connects to nothing) Anyways! We were just all sitting here over lunch and then we heard a vey loud muffled male voice come out the speaker. What was really weird is that I seemed to recognise it. I think it could be Henry but I haven't totally made my mind up yet. What do you think?

Henry seems to be a lot more casual in his clothes nowadays too. He used to wear the full clobber of a suit, waist coat, top hat, yada yada yada... But now he mostly just wears his black pants and a untucked white shirt with his top button open. (I don't know if this could have anything to do with all the guys in the office dressing like this for work?)

He's is obviously a friendly ghost because I don't feel anxious around him and the only time I did is when he was angry at my boss but he doesn't seem to bothered about following him anymore. He just sits behind us and watches his way.

I think it would be worth mentioning that my mate hasn't seen anything recently or felt him around.

Any comments would be helpful!



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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, xXelliemayXx, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will participate in the discussion and I need help with what I have experienced.

otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
9 years ago (2015-09-29)
Again checking to see if anything new. Well, moving certainly is lol.
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
10 years ago (2014-12-19)
Hi everyone,
Sorry I haven't been on for so long... We have actually moved offices now and I don't see him anymore... BUT our new office is a listed building and we have a few strange things going on here! I will post a story about it all soon.

Good to be back!

xxelliemayxx ❤
mafiaseargent (1 posts)
12 years ago (2013-01-08)
very interesting after reading the 2 stories it seems he is fully aware of everything going on but the fact that he has changed his attire is somewhat unsettling to say the least since the clothing of most spirits rarely if ever has been reported to have changed I'm also curious as to how he appears physically meaning is he translucent or would you think he was just another guy in the office if you didn't know that he was a ghost my thoughts are he could have been the owner of a former company that owned the building or at least the property considering his initial attire was more 1800s early 1900s style and the fact you can't find info on the place prior to 1969 is more than warranting a raised eyebrow
otteer (8 stories) (398 posts)
12 years ago (2012-03-26)
cleaning out my bookmarks and saw your original story, clicked on it and saw there was an update! Very interesting goings on, see you have some great input. Dont have anything to add, can't think of a good question to ask Henry about your boss. Maybe he just dosnt like him. The intercom episode is interesting too, would have scared the crap out of me lol. Looking forward to more updates.
Morticia1 (6 stories) (162 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-18)

I also remember reading your last post on Henry and have just now read your update as well as the comments.

Interesting indeed! Javs idea is great and do please keep us posted on what happens. I for one will be interested to see how Henry reacts 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-13)
Sorry for not getting back to you sooner, I just now found your post. Have you asked him anything more? Maybe try asking if your boss is doing something illegal? Or if he has been stealing from the company?

xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-02-07)
Sorry I have not been on in a while I haven't had the time to get on at work!
I asked henry to undo his top button like you said but he didn't undo it.
I also asked him if he was angry a my boss for any reason and is so to undo his top button... And he did.

I don't know why he is and I don't really know how to word it without constanly asking questions.

Ive not seen henry in a few days.

Hope you are still interested!

Xxelliemayxx ❤
clever210 (3 stories) (189 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-30)

Just wanted to pop in and say that's a really neat idea you have there! 😊
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-30)
Well, you know it has to be something about your boss... But how to word it?
How about,
"If my boss (or Mr X) is up to something he shouldn't be, fhen button your top button."
How's that sound? It's not overly accusatory, but it carries a message.

xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-30)
I know isn't it! 😁
What else do you think I should ask him?
First day back in the office today.

xXelliemayXx ❤
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-28)
HOLY MOLY! It worked?! This is too cool for words! You have got to keep us posted. I want to know everything! Oh, I just love this!

JAV 😁 😊
Kryodrache (3 stories) (108 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-27)
That is so awesome, Ellie! I can't wait to hear what you might discover!
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-27)
Hey everyone!
I did the coin test thingy last night... I didn't know if I was doing it right but I drew round a sellotape roll and put 5, 5 pence coins inside the circle the the centre all touching in a flower pattern (if you understand what I mean) on my desk and as I was leaving I said henry if you are here I want you to move those coins for when I get back in the morning please.

This morning I got back in and they had all moved to the border of the circle... The coins were all half way across the line around the circle! 😁

I put a question on the paper but he didn't reply to that.

Jave, This WILL interest you! (yesterday afternoon when I could feel him around I asked him a question under my breath) I said "Henry, If you are ok with me trying to talk to you please can you do your top button up?" Never guess what... Jave your a genius btw... He did it! 😲

When I saw him I did say "I'm glad your ok with me Henry." and he gave me his usual smile. 😳

Any suggestions of other questions? Anyone?

Thanks all of you!
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-27)
Xellymay please keep us posted on what's happening!
So curious to know...
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-26)
Thanks for posting!
Im planning to set up something tonight before I leave and I will come on tomorrow and let you all know how it goes!

❤ x ❤
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-26)
Thanks for posting again!
I haven't got any idea what he was saying but it did sound English... It was really muffled and short.
I will try asking him questions like that if I see him later... Usually pops in around four some days!

❤ x ❤
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-26)
He's friendly... So I am going to try the coins... Nothing yet though!
That's what I'm trying to find out... Hopefully I'll succeed!

X ❤ x
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-26)

My grandmother talks to me like that aswell. I have posted stories on here about her if you would like to read them.
I have also tried talking to him this way but I don't think he's replied.
I was abit freaky I have to be honest lol!

❤x ❤
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-26)
Thanks for commenting!
I don't know if that's why he changed what he was wearing... That's all I can come up with but I like how you tied it in. I forgot I had mentioned that in my previous thread of comments. I didn't mention this to anyone in the office, only on my thread but I tend to say things in my head before I type them. I mostly come on this site whilst I am at work, so maybe he was influenced by my comments on here. I have tried putting a question down on paper but I've had no luck with that or the coins as of yet. I am going to set it out again tonight before I leave though. Also if I'm on my own I'm going to say out loud "if your there would you please answer my question I've left on my desk for you or move the coins for me?" and see what happens.

❤ x ❤
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-26)
Hey guys sorry I've not replied quicker... I come on here at work and I haven't had a minute to myself!

Pjod, Well... When you suggested that I did think omg I'm going to look crazy but I wrote down on a piece of paper "what is your name?" and I haven't got a reply from that... I did try the coin thing on Wednesday but I didn't get any results. The good thing is though on days when the cleaners aren't in I'm the last one to leave and the first one to come in. So I would know it wouldn't get tampered with.

xXelliemayXx ❤
taz890 (12 stories) (1380 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-25)
xXelliemayXx great update 😊
Have to agree with jav and some of the others here try the coins and paper, but will say set it up just before you leave work so no one can mess with it during the day, and see if anything has changed over night.
Plus jav has a point with henry and your boss it might work if you try asking him questions.
Who knows what you might find out! 😲
All the best
Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-25)
I had to return to this one because something just kept bothering me about the way he keeps focusing to intently on your boss. And his posture is very deliberate as well.
Hear me out on this one. Like I stated earlier, he changed his style of dress, with that I believe he wanted you to know that he hears you. Now it's your turn to listen to him. Just his body language says he is telling you something very important about your boss. Something urgent. I have another idea you might try. Ask him only leading type questions. And for his responses, have him change something very subtle about his clothing. If he does change it the way you ask, it means yes. For example, you might ask "if my boss is doing something bad, button up your top button on your shirt". If that works ask "Is he doing something to a person" "the company" Just go where ever it leads.
I would ask about the file cart as well. He did change his routine, that might mean something too. Do you have any idea what he was trying to say over the loudspeaker? Or what language he was speaking?

Jav 😊
anneke8 (10 stories) (274 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-25)
Hi Xelliemay,
Fabric buildings used to have a intercom speaker system (I'm sure they still do). It was usualy near the manager's office.
Still makes me wonder why he is staring at your boss like that, what goes on in his mind...? He must be confused or something. The coinds sounds like a okay idea, I just hope it doesn't angers him.
Petersspirit (4 stories) (144 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-24)
Hey xXelliemayXx,

I also remember reading your first posting about Henry. Its nice to know he still hangs around you guy's and even seems to have a fashion awareness over him. Maybe you could try talking to him in your thoughts when you see him next. My grandmother talks to me this way since she has passed. It gave me a scare when you noted how -his- voice came through the speaker! And everyone heard it!
Wonderful sharing which I most enjoyed sharing in!

Javelina (4 stories) (3749 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-24)
I remember this story too. I like the way he had changed his attire to match what they are wearing now around the office. For me it seems that act alone tells you he knows you can see him and he understands you. You had mentioned in your first story's comment thread that you wished he would change his attire. So that is very interesting. Had you mentioned that outloud to your mate at the office? Or was it merely a thought you had while you were there working? OR were you at work when you were answering questions on first part of this experience, or was that only from home? Because it shows that he got the message from you about changing his attire, and that shows communication. Hmm... This is so interesting, I wonder if you wrote a message down or if you put it here for him, if he would respond somehow? Like the way he changed his attire, maybe make some other suggestion here and see if he does something to show that he got it directly from you. That would be some excellent validation, don't you agree? I'd love to hear what happened from that if you do it. This is fun.

Jav 😊

~There is another experience here that the author tried the paper and coin idea and did get results.~
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-24)
I guess you would look a bit silly holding up big signs with questions- in the workplace. Wouldn't want your co-workers questioning your sanity. Problem with the coin thing- like anything else- you never know when such an experiment may be tampered with by a passerby in the workplace. I look forward to any updates with this Henry fellow.
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
12 years ago (2012-01-24)
Thanks! 😉
A few posters had asked me to update but I haven't been on for a while.
I put the change down to him seeing the guys in the office dressed this way... Like he wants to be part of what's going on.

I will try your suggestion... I've not seen him today but I have felt him around.

I was reading a story yesterday where the poster had seen something on most haunted (I personally think this show is a load of crap) where they took a piece of paper and put 5 coins on it then drew a circle round them to see if they moved out of the circle overnight. What do you think? I thought with henry being friendly this might be a way of starting to talk to him.

Thankyou for your comment,
xXelliemayXx ❤
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-24)
I remember your first story of Henry- and I like this update as well. Nothing embelished or made to be scary- but very curious. I also wonder about his change in attire. I wonder how he would react if you held up a big sign with a question for him- the next time he is just sitting there looking around.
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-24)
anneke8, First of all thank you for reading my other stories 😳

My building was built in 1969 and the buildings surrounding this one were built in the 1800's. I did read once that guy around that age fell to his death down the stairwell but I can't seem to find that site anymore, it's weird. That's all I know, I can't find anything else. I'm even struggling to find any pictures of the surrounding areas. I've done searches at libraries and the town hall I've even looked on heritage sites and Google. Nothing.
I have also found out that the buildings surrounding are grade 2 listed and were warehouses and shops... Some people died in them so maybe he could be from one of these and he decided to come into here when it was built.
BUT! Maybe the ground my building was built on was a type of graveyard or memorial garden for the people that lost their lives in the buildings surrounding, Just a thought!

The company I work for is family run and was founded by my boss's dad... He is still living so I don't think it could be that... I've looked into whether it could be a previous company but I can't find nada!

Thanks for commenting,
xXelliemayXx ❤
xXelliemayXx (10 stories) (164 posts)
13 years ago (2012-01-24)
Thanks zzsgranny, Its nice to know I'm noticed 😁
The speaker isn't near a vent no... It touches the ceiling above but to the left of the fire door ots quite old and "weathered" so to speak. I haven't seen one anywhere else in the bulding either.

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