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Demons, Ghosts, And Everything In Between


I have lived in my apartment for about five years now, and I'll admit that I'm not a stranger to seeing ghosts or experiencing forms of the paranormal but living here, I have gotten more experience than I could have ever asked for.

Five months after I moved into my apartment is when the activity began. I was sitting up in my bed watching Looney Toons on Youtube when, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that something was moving in the bathroom and, although I tried to get a decent look at it without turning my head, and the fact that my vision was a little fuzzy trying to see this thing from outside the frames of my glasses, I could make out a white blur on the ceiling of my bathroom. After which I turned my head just enough to get a clear image in the far edge of my frames, what I saw was a pale white creature. It had horns, it had wings, but no tail or glowing eyes. It was solid like you or me, it wasn't transparent but I didn't feel threatened by it. The feeling I got was more of curiosity than anything, like it was wondering what I was doing but after that I never saw it again. I have had several girlfriends and other friends tell me that they've seen him/it when they've c.me over though.

About a month later, I was actually on this site reading several stories (just before I went to bed) about new apartments and the new tenants that had just moved in hearing banging noises in the attic and other unsettling sounds. Well, I had just started to doze off when all of a sudden I heard a noise in the attic right above my bed that sounded like the beams and rafters were being snapped in half. I jumped up out of bed, my heart racing. I thought the roof was going to collapse, cave in or something. After that though, I learned never to read anything late at night before bed lol. But that doesn't mean the sounds have stopped!

After experiencing the creature (Mr. White as I call him) and the loud sounds in the attic, things got relatively calm. Granted, I would see a shadow move across the wall or see something dart past me from the corner of my eye, but nothing really disturbing until I watched a movie that fully "unleashed" the ghostly activity in this apartment.

I don't know how it happened, but after watching the first "Paranormal Activity" things just kind of exploded. After watching that movie at 4:00 in the afternoon, something sinister chased me out of my apartment, in which I had to go stay at my dad's house for the night to calm down. Then, after reassuring myself that it can't harm me and regaining my cocky and arrogant demeanor and personality, I went back to my normal routine of life. But since being chased out of my apartment, I have seen the shadowy figure of a little girl next to my toilet, while at the same time a white mist figure of a man casually leaning against my bathroom sink. I have seen the figure of an elderly man in my kitchen, I have heard "protective" growling come from behind my recliner (the same way a dog will growl at someone it sees looking out a window, and I don't own any pets), I have seen a spirit ball the size of a bowling ball on the top shelf in my closet, I have animal spirits of cats and dogs that will frequently visit me (when the cats are around, my general area will smell like kitty litter and when the dogs are around my entire apartment smells like wet dog), and I have learned that the ghost of a 7-year-old girl named Emma has attached herself to me and has been following me for the past 20 years (I am 26).

However, 2 years ago I had a former friend's mom, who is a licensed and registered Psychic/Medium, come check out my apartment. She told me something a little disturbing and unusual. Apparently I am "sharing" my apartment with 2 demons, one is male and the other is female. According to what my friend's mom said, the demons don't like me but they don't hate me either. They like my personality but they are afraid of me and they stick to my closets (which, for a studio apartment, I have A LOT of closet space.) I have never been attacked or harmed by either of them and if they come near me, they behave themselves.

Overall, my bathroom is where practically all of the spiritual energies come from. And I tell you what, it is a shock when you're taking a nice hot shower and all of a sudden there's a cold frozen spike right next to you. But as I said, for some unknown reason after watching Paranormal Activity, the ghost and spiritual activity in the place went from barely nothing to a constant occurring thing.

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The following comments are submitted by users of this site and are not official positions by yourghoststories.com. Please read our guidelines and the previous posts before posting. The author, Grimm-Reaper24, has the following expectation about your feedback: I will read the comments and participate in the discussion.

Nightwish13 (2 stories) (19 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-13)
to be honest I have had activity in my house pick up when I watch paranormal shows and movies... So I believe that... And I like rooks possible explaination for it. That your heightened energy after watching affects the entities... As to explain some other things too... People with psychic/empathic gifts have increased unique energies... You could be unwittingly creating some of these energies around you. But also I believe as you do that there are different levels of demons. I also do believe that demons can maybe not fear us but not be able to have power over those that do not fear them. There will always be those that don't share our beliefs and that doesn't make us anymore wrong or right... Beliefs are beliefs and not fact nor fiction. Also one last thing... Your bathroom sounds like a portal... You may want to look into closing it. Something that can eventually wear you down and make you fear it could come through... Good luck in your life... Be safe and well...
GABSSoldier (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Sorry just delete it, Grimm- Interesting story post some more about what goes on in the Apartment I really enjoyed the story...
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Because this site seems to also attract kids and teenagers, to keep a certain level of maturity and civility on this site, moderators may delete comments that are deemed too juvenile, inappropriate or troublesome, to their discretion.

A portion of our comments guidelines. You may want to give them a read.
Miracles51031 (39 stories) (5000 posts) mod
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
GABS - apparently you are only interested in playing games. We have no patience for that and will delete your comments if you continue acting this way.
GABSSoldier (12 posts)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
It could have been a lie, its a GABS rule I can be anywhere right now places to be even places to see again. πŸ€”
BadJuuJuu (guest)
10 years ago (2014-11-12)
Gabssoldier, please don't give out your real name and location. Internet 101.
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)

What you are saying about Imps and the Hierarchy of Demons begins to toe the line concerning Religious Beliefs... Making it difficult to discuss here on site.

I will say this... Imps (for me... My opinion) while negative non-human entities are not 'DEMONS'...A Demon, a TRUE DEMON is one of the Host that was cast from Heaven for supporting Lucifer. I have a theory posted on YGS's sister site that may help you understand what I'm saying... And will allow a better discussion.


Anyone who is interested, please take the time to read it. My e-mail is on either profile or I'll look for questions/discussion over there.


rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)

Non-human spirits/entities are not easy to define and/or place a gender on...

Let us suppose that they are 'intelligent energy'...formless but having a certain amount of 'mass' that contains...well... Intelligence.

Enter 'Humans'... Intelligent beings (like them) with a physical body. Now some of these 'intelligent energies' thrive in a 'negative environment' and being able to pick images from our 'physical minds' they take the shape of things that help to 'create' the negative energy/environment they crave. Same goes for those non-human spirits/entities that enjoy a Positive Environment. The forms they take are taken by them so we react to them in a certain way... So if there is a non-human entity that thrives in an environment and energy created by 'sexual tension/release' then it stands to reason they will take the form of the individuals preferred partner. (I hope that makes sense and is not to graphic)

These are not Demons and Angels... Those are just a 'wee bit' different and for the sake of staying 'non-religious' I'm not going to mention them.


Grimm-Reaper24 (1 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
about the demons being afraid of me... There are many different types of demons, from imps to the demon hierarchy (satan, lucifer, lilith, leviathan, etc...) what many people forget or ignore is that demons feed and gain strength from fear, negative emotions and feelings. So how would anyone expect them to react when dealing with a person like me who isn't afraid of them and who shows no fear. "the only thing to fear, is fear itself" but if you don't feed and fuel that fear, then fear can't do anything but fear you.
Grimm-Reaper24 (1 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-21)
if demons have no gender, then how would anyone explain incubus and succubus demons? The basic description of the succubus that I have found in every demonology book and encyclopedia is a female sexual demon that preys on men. As for the creature, many people I have talked to think that it may be some sort of guardian keeping an eye on me and I wasn't expecting to see any defining characteristics about it but I did see small horns and medium sized wings, it looked almost like a gargoyle. As I said, I felt no feelings or vibes of any threatening manner come from it, granted it startled me a little when I first saw it but then after seeing that it wasn't making any advances towards me and stayed in its spot on the ceiling, the only feeling that I got from it was that it was curious about what I was doing.
adsouza (guest)
13 years ago (2012-03-19)
LOL Granny and JackalLantern!
You should see folks like these in India! I have a particularly good time getting them to react (And that's one thing I am really good at - P!ssing someone off!)
Not to digress from the OP - Rook's advice about demons being scared of only the Creator and his forms is very sound and deep. Think about it... It will help you understand a lot of stuff.
Good Luck!
zzsgranny (18 stories) (3329 posts) mod
13 years ago (2012-03-19)
πŸ˜†Believe it or not, there are a lot of web sites selling certificates, licenses, etc... For a small fee, of course! πŸ˜†...OHHH, and you can become a certified exorcist in less than a week! LMAO! πŸ˜†
JackalLantern (1 stories) (14 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-19)
If anyone could post a link for becoming a licensed and registered medium/psychic, that would be great. I'm not particularly gifted or anything, I just think the business cards would look awesome! πŸ˜†
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-19)
for the answers to your questions- see Chip Coffee, "Psychic at Large"
Pjod (3 stories) (978 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-19)
As mentioned, I question this psychic friend's credentials. Using the D word to describe what may be residing in the closets of your apartment- even going so far as to say "male and female" as if such creatures have an interest in playing house in your apartment... Just all seems a bit rediculous.
I was interested in this creature you and your friends all described- and I was curious why you expected to see a tail and glowing eyes. I would think the shock of actually seeing something like that would over take any curiousity as to why it's eyes aren't glowing... Sorry if I'm nitpicking at details, just thinking outloud.
snowhite (203 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-19)
You may have experienced some paranormal activities, I have no doubt about it. However I don't believe what your friend's mom said, I am not sure she is a psychic. Do demons have genders? A male and a female? Are demons afraid of human beings?
Moongrim (2 stories) (871 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-19)
A licensed and a registered, psychic/medium...


Well, how about them apples... And just out of curiosity... Whom is she registered with? And just asking out of sheer curiousity... How does one get a license for such, and with whom exactly?

Golly Goodness Gumdrops...
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-19)

I was born in 1967... Broke from the Church when I was 12 and became a practicing Witch for many, many years. I always Believed in the Trinity however. So 'for myself' Demons are and shall always be that 1/3 of the Heavenly Host that was cast out for supporting Lucifer.

I have noticed over the past 6 to 10 years... With the growing popularity of the Paranormal Reality shows that the term 'Demon' is being applied to ANY and ALL Negative Spirits/Entities. However Negative does not Equal 'Evil'...never has never will.

Negative Spirits run the 'gambit' from 'annoying tricksters' to 'scare you to death because it's fun' types. But True Evil... Real Demons... They are out to Ruin you... Corrupt your Soul (to 'get back' at the Trinity) and if possible wear down your physical, mental and spiritual resistances so that they may posses your body.

Just my opinion folks... But it's served me well all this time and, for me, it still applies after returning to an organized Christian Church...


dayala_819 (1 stories) (36 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-19)
[at] Rook - thanks for answering my question!:)
I asked because of what Grimm-Reaper said in the story... I quote,
"However, 2 years ago I had a former friend's mom, who is a licensed and registered Psychic/Medium, come check out my apartment. She told me something a little disturbing and unusual. Apparently I am "sharing" my apartment with 2 demons, one is male and the other is female. According to what my friend's mom said, the demons don't like me but they don't hate me either. They like my personality but they are afraid of me and they stick to my closets (which, for a studio apartment, I have A LOT of closet space.) I have never been attacked or harmed by either of them and if they come near me, they behave themselves."

It just confused me xD. See as I stated before I come from a very religious family so all my life I had never heard of a demon being afraid of us. I always thought that they weren't afraid of anything but God (as you said in your comment😊)... So, when I read that a medium told him (Grimm) that he was living with two demons that didn't mess with him because they were afraid of him, my immediate thought was "huh? πŸ˜•" Shouldn't a psychic/medium know the difference between a negative spirit and a true demon? I don't know, maybe I'm just over thinking it. Lol πŸ˜†

Ps: No disrespect to anyone out there... (:
rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-19)

What an interesting question you have asked. I'll quote it (so it's repeated) and try to answer it without waxing 'heavy' on the 'Religious side of things'.

"...is it possible for a demon to be afraid of us (humans)?"

I am of the Opinion (I, I, I...Me, Me, Me... Cause it's mine...) that a True Demon is not afraid of any Living Human. Please note I stated 'True Demon'. There are Negative Spirits/Entities that manifest and 'say/act' like demons and part of their motivation could be that they fear humans and so to 'scare us' they say they are demoinic or they act demoinic but the really are not. But a 'True Demon' (in my Book a 'True Demon' is one of the 1/3 of the Host that Supported Lucifer and were 'Cast Out' of Heaven) they do NOT fear any Living Human... They instead Hate, Envy, Loath... (how many ways can you sat it...) us. They do so because a physical experience has been denied to them... They torment us... Wear us down and/or attack us in an attempt to posses us so that they may experience a physical existence, even though it's temporary. I feel I should explain my comment that they do not fear any living Human... (This is where it gets a bit religious...) Christ walked the Earth as a Human... He has 'the Power' to command them so 'Demons' do feel fear... They fear Heavenly Father, His Son Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit. Now we can call upon this Trinity to aid us in banishing a Demon should one be tormenting us... And it does happen... But not every single 'negative' experience with Ghosts/Spirits/Entities is Demonic in Nature.

Just my Opinion... Hope I didn't get to 'Preachy' with it and I hope it makes sense.


dayala_819 (1 stories) (36 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-19)
Very interesting story. I'm not really sure how watching a movie could increase activity in your home... Maybe your entities thought that you should make a movie so they can become famous xD hehe (just kidding) 😊

I do have a question though, is it possible for a demon to be afraid of us (humans)?πŸ˜• Just being curious...

I do wish you the best of lucks and thanks for posting! I really enjoyed your story 😊.

rookdygin (24 stories) (4458 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-19)

Being a 'beacon' can mean a few different things.

You could have 'abundant energy' that the spirits are attracted to as it 'gives them strength'.

You may be an 'innocent' who's energy 'shines brightly' for spirits and they are attracted to it looking for 'aid' in 'crossing over' because they passed suddenly.

You may be a medium... One who can communicate with spirits and 'somehow' the spirits 'see/sense' this fact.

Now having said all that... I agree... You can trace back any activity to a single event... Active haunting's or residuals all have a starting point. Traumatic Event... Violent Death... Sudden Unexpected Death... Are just a few starting points... As far as Haunting's 'picking up' I feel that is dependent on the energy the 'spirit' has to 'draw upon' in order to make itself noticed. If a Haunting is indeed Truly Increasing in Frequency, Violence, Oppression and things of this nature then it MAY be more than a 'ghost' involved...

If 'activity' increased after you watched a movie either it was your imagination because of the movie... Or perhaps your 'state of mind' gave the spirit more energy than 'normal' and it was able to 'do more'.

Just a couple of things to think about...


Grimm-Reaper24 (1 stories) (31 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-18)
[at] Fanny... Well, you see my friend's mom told me that I am a "beacon" to spirits. In their darkness, I am a light to guide them, guide them where I don't know but what I do know is that they are drawn to me. And though some of it may seem a bit far fetched, just remember that in the world of the supernatural you need just one event, one climax, one igniter to light the fires of any ghost activity... Kind of like how a ouija board can cause a lot of paranormal and ghostly activity and problems.

[at] RainLilly... It wasn't just the movie that caused all of this to happen, my apartment complex used to be a retirement community, so there have been many people to die in this place.
BlueBakemono (23 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-18)
Guess who is watching Paranormal Activity tonight? >:D
Great story, by the way... 😁
RainLilly (36 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-18)
Your experiences seem to intensify when you read ghost stories or watch movies about hauntings. Maybe you should start devoting more time and energy to your non-ghostly interests. In time, your paranormal activity will most likely fade away altogether.
Fanny (2 stories) (105 posts)
13 years ago (2012-03-18)
Hm, I don't know how I feel about this story. I would be the very last person to say that I don't believe you, but I think parts of your story may be slightly exaggerated.

Ss essentially what you are saying is that you have had experiences your whole life and they were relatively tame. Then all of a sudden you watch paranormal activity and your ghosts decide it's cool to let loose a little?... Ok then.

As for the little girl attached to you, that I believe. My parents resident ghost followed me when I moved out so that seems to be a common occurance for people, although I have no idea why they pick us.

If I had a ghost chase me from my house, I wouldn't even consider going back.

Good luck to you.

Fanny ❀

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