My name is Effy and a while back I've had a few "Demonic" Encounters in my house, and I have done a bit research, but not much...
But one night it seemed calm for once, I went to bed as normal and tried to sleep, on my back of course, due to I have to because of my shoulder is a bit screwed up, but it didn't seem very long until suddenly I felt this shudder up my spine, like you know when you're cold or something? But anyway, Suddenly my chest started hurting, as if someone was sitting on it? Or weighing me down. And I noticed I could look around, but it seemed that I couldn't get up, I wasn't able to, as if I was forced down, held against my will kind of thing?
No matter how much I tried? It felt like an erie... Unwanted and uncomfortable feeling ran over me, I can't explain the feeling, In words, or speaking, but after a while, suddenly I felt this cold feeling against my leg, it took a while until finally I was able to actually lift myself up, I felt like the breath was just completely sucked out of me and hurt to breathe, I ended up going into the bathroom down the hallway, I had a long sort of scratch down my leg? Starting from my thigh down to my ankle at least, but it wasn't exactly completely straight. And of course I was bleeding. But I have no way of explaining this. Or of what happened or what it could of been other than a demon?